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Veteran Driver VI
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About Harii

  • Birthday July 1

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
  • Interests
    Parkour, Videogames & School
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam
  • Known languages
    Italian, English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    FINESSO - International Logistics

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Harii's Achievements

  1. Happy Birthday !  ❤️

  2. I wish you a very Happy Birthday ! 

    Have a nice day ! 🙂

  3. Mod Version: Version Updater Version: Controllers Used: Driving Force Pro Description of Issue: It's impossible to correctly change the TAG color. Trying to imput something in the RGB selection makes the color go crazy. How to reproduce: Just trying to change your TAG color. Screenshots / Videos: Link to video No solution to this bug was found in this topic I already opened in the Help section.
  4. As suggested, I made a quick video that shows and explains the issue. Hope this helps to better understand this strange thing that's happening. Link to the video
  5. Hello, I'm having this issue lately with trying to change the TAG Color. RGB colors won't work at all, they're just going crazy whenever I try to input something. I'll fill a bug report if necessary, but I'd like to know how to surpass the problem and if it's an already recognized issue, or maybe I'm missing something on how the colors actually work. Sorry for bothering.
  6. I think it's a nice addition to the website, but the language selection? I guess it's for giving the best answer to people who speak different languages, but will other languages be implemented in the future? Also, wouldn't be helpful adding a selection of the topics you specified in the "User Feedback & Contacting Upper Staff" post? It would be useful to better understand the drivers requests. Just a small suggestion. Great work, in any case.
  7. +1 This idea would be quite beneficial and helpful. Maybe it could be implemented like the Screenshot Steam screen? Like an end screen with the report you made and want to save and the ones to delete and such.
  8. Harii

    A realism server

    Adding a realism server would surely be beneficial for a lot of trucking enthusiasts. However, we all know that the mother of trolls is always pregnant, if you know what I mean. With slight modifications on EU1 Server like previously suggested, this "Realism" server may be a thing.
  9. Harii

    Warning Symbols

    +1 Could be useful, but maybe instead of tags this would regard the color of the name of the player. Like red for Oversize, Green for Double Trailers and such.
  10. +1 I really like this idea. Being able to take a longer break would be beneficial, without the fear of having to restart the game again just for logging in. Having a bad computer means I have to spend 5 minutes waiting for everything to load. So that would save some time, at least for me.
  11. Harii


    -1 It would surely be a nice thing, however you can easily meet up at any garage in the game, so there's not really a point in making this a thing.
  12. -1 There's not really any benefit in implementing a "Veteran" server. Better go in a server where there isn't a lot of players, so it's more difficult to meet possible trolls or just play Singleplayer so you won't have this problem at all.
  13. +1 Definitely a good and helpful idea. However it's unlikely that this is going to be implemented soon. VTC Leaders have their own methods to do the same exact thing and it's not an issue for now.
  14. +1 That could be really helpful both for new and experienced players. Also, listening to an Euro Truck inspired Radio may help with the traffic.
  15. +1 There's not a really big downside in making non collision zones bigger. However, waiting is an alternative to solve this problem.
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