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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/17 in all areas

  1. ETS1 company trailers in ETS2. I think some of the old company paintjobs look better than the new ones. Also added the Reefer and Tanker skins from Extreme Trucker because why not. the models have changed slightly since ETS1's release, 9 years ago. The updated version of these trailer are all in the base game (therefore MP usable), but these old versions are not. I may try to colour match these old company paints onto MP painted trailer mods.
    9 points
  2. Hi Dear Member Please fallow these method 1. Click ESC when you are online in game mp 2.Click you wait job from the left corner 3.Then Cacel your later job World of Trucks or Normal Job You can see my Secreen : not : İf you have a problem again . please make a comment I will rec video to this topic Thanks BaldemarDeutsch...
    5 points
  3. Dear member Ping is related to your location and internet link. The further you are from the server, the higher ping will be. Also, if your internet provider doesn't have good upstream links, it can affect for worse. You should check that while playing, your internet connection is not being used for anything else (if there is something downloading, for instance, your ping will be higher also, as it's the least priority traffic). Anyway, there are lots of people from Turkey (to say the closest), Russia, even Australia, playing in EU servers with high ping, but not being kicked so often, so I believe there must be something wrong with your internet connection. Thanks BaldemarDeutsch
    5 points
  4. Suggestion Name: Add time stamps in chat Suggestion Description: Have the feature of enabling time stamps in chat which will refer to the real server time (the same as what the /time command displays). Any example images: Example of time stamps in Steam Chat Why should it be added?: Would be practical and easier in regards of reporting messages or any information shown in the chat (especially spam). It would also be quicker than having to type the /time command frequently when creating evidence for a person spamming or blocking for example. And of course be a neat feature I think many would appreciate having, also including that it would be toggleable.
    4 points
  5. I think it's time for the Staff to change the rules and tighten the penalties for violators. And don't be afraid that the number of users will decrease, the fewer fools - the better for everyone. Just my opinion.
    4 points
  6. this is what Germany plays when @scarface0359 sleeps
    3 points
  7. So woke up this morning to find out my mum has gone out and bought a 2014 Honda Civic I-VTEC Es-T 1.8. Looking forward to seeing it for the first time! so excited
    2 points
  8. Hello Everyone! I have completely redesigned Kravaty's Wall Of Shame so it is much better and we have a new site address! http://kravatys-wall-of-shame.tk Enjoy!
    2 points
  9. Have a good weekend all!
    2 points
  10. Slonick wymiata , coś dla fanów cięższego brzmienia TSA - Heavy Metal Świat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ewPCJYRGQE
    2 points
  11. Hello truckers, It's that time of year when we are looking for new supporters! If you have applied in the past and weren't selected, you can apply again. If you have more than 3 bans or warnings on the forum, please do not bother to apply. For more information, check out the requirements below and send in your applications. Vacant seats: 8. Languages that we are interested in are: Dutch French German Italian Polish Portuguese Romanian Spanish Turkish You can apply even if you know other languages than those listed above, we strive to support new languages. Requirements: - You must be 17 years old or older. Why this limit? We require mature people who know when to be serious and when to joke - You must have a good knowledge of English - You should have about 50 useful posts - A good forum and in game behavior - Dedication and devotion to help other people Send in your applications here: http://goo.gl/forms/aAza6C5evH End date: 15/04/2017 Good luck! fyzz08
    2 points
  12. You can find all the TruckersMP Team's staff changes in this topic, which is constantly updated by the respective management.
    1 point
  13. EDIT: There is now a video tutorial at the bottom of the thread. (2019-05-02) Do you want to get started with save editing? If your answer is yes, then you came to the right place. Before you remind me, I am fully aware there's already a topic on this: I wanted to create an in-depth tutorial for those who wants to learn save editing. It contains pretty advanced technical information. And It's easy to make mistakes, I do it quite often too. Please note I will only support Windows OS (64 bit) users. Step 0: Obtaining game def (definition) files Before we start, you can create a folder where you'll copy and extract the def files from ETS2 (and ATS, depending which game you play). It's not mandatory, but it's highly recommended in order to see the path and where each def files are located. You can use this tool provided by SCS Software, and place it in the folder you created. Then you'll have to copy the def file (def.scs) in that folder too. The file is located in the game installation directory: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/MY TRUCK GAME/" (Please note that when you're in the file explorer, it uses the back slash '\'). If it's a non-steam version, it would be in the Program Files. When you have both files in the folder, just drag the scs file into the extractor. Then wait until the black window disappears. You should be able to see some files and folders. You can explore the files in that def folder to get familiar with it. For example, if I want the chassis from the cement mixer trailer, it would go like: "def/vehicle/trailer/cement_mixer/chassis.sii" Step 1: Downloading required files -Text editor You can try the vanilla Notepad from Windows, but I personally recommend using Notepad++. Any other text editors should do. Another reason I love Notepad++ is because I can search for all occurance of a certain value and replace it with another value. Notepad++ Website -Sii file decrypter for ATS & ETS2 You'll need it to decrypt the save files. You can try to find or compile a different one if you want. Download Non Java based decrypter (404 not found) Sii_Decrypt for format 2 Sii_Decrypt for any format There's a new version with a GUI. Thanks to @Ali365Dash for mentioning it. Step 2: Applying necessary changes You'll need to make sure your save games will save in the appropriate format. Open your File Explorer and go to your Documents. For ATS and ETS2, the folders should be respectively American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Once you found the folder, open config.cfg with your text editor. Then search (Ctrl+F keys on keyboard) for g_save_format, and change the number value to '2'. Then save the file (Ctrl+S keys on keyboard). If you want to do it on both games, you need to change it for each one. You'll also need to start the game in single-player, load the save game you want to modify later, save it, and quit the game. This will update your profile in the new save format. You only need to do it once for each profile you want to edit. Step 3: Save editing (now the fun part begins!) Very important! Always create a backup before each modifications! I simply make a copy before editing each time. I do not take responsibility for broken save files, game crashes or unexpected game behaviors. In the truck game folder (Documents->Your Truck Game), go in profiles folder (don't touch the ones that has ".bak"). At this point, I would recommend to sort the folders by modified date if you have a lot of them. Go in the folder that has been modified the most recently. Then go in save->autosave, and you should see a file called game.sii where all the magic is going to happen. Why autosave folder? Because that's the last modified folder when you quit the game. Another personal recommendation: copy the decryptor here for quick use. Make sure you are not running the game while doing this. Drag the game.sii (hold left click) into SII_Decrypt.exe. When you release your mouse button, a black screen should popup with some text in it. When the black screen disappears, open game.sii with your text editor. Bad result: Good result: Those _nameless.xxx.xxxx.xxxx are just addresses to differentiate each block. From here, I'll separate the different sections of save editing you can mess with. I also recommend to copy the address of each block you plan to modify, so you can refer to it quickly. You'll have to do it each time you save the game and decrypt the profile. -Bank -Player -Vehicle (truck) -Player Job -Trailer -License Plate -Paintjob/Skin -Color -Accessories Videos I might add more to this tutorial, or share knowledge from users with expertise in save editing.
    1 point
  14. HAKKIMIZDA ; BAKU | LOGISTICS 12.09.2016 tarihinde resmi olarak kurulmuştur Profesyonel lojistik kariyerine kaldığı yerden devam edebilmek adına geçmişte uygulanan kurallar yeniden yapılandırılarak şirketimizin yeni yüzüne entegre edilmiştir. KURALLAR ; Başvuracakların 18 yaş ve üzeri olması gerekmektedir. Başvuracakların ban geçmişinde en fazla 3 ban bulunması ve alınan cezaların ağır cezalar olmaması (hakaret vb.) gerekmektedir. Hiyerarşik sisteme saygı duyulması zorunludur. Konvoylarımızı sesli bir şekilde idare etmekteyiz. Bu sebeple sesli kanalımızda olmalı ve mikrofonunuzu aktif olarak kullanabilmelisiniz. Emir ve Direktifler yerine, rica ve minnet ile hareket edilmesi temel prensibimizdir. Yalnızca konvoylarda değil, her zaman diğer şoförlere karşı saygılı, centilmen ve olgun tavırlı olunması tercihlerimiz arasındadır. Başvurular, belirlenen tarihlerde değerlendirilir ve uygun olan başvuru sahipleri sesli kanalımızda görüşmek için çağrılır. Her başvuru üç aşamadan geçtikten sonra netlik kazanır; Yapılan başvurunun şirketimizin değerlendirme prensibine uygun olup olmadığı değerlendirilir. Başvurunun sahibi ile sesli kanalımızda görüşme yapılarak şirketimiz için uygun olup olmadığına karar verilir. İlk iki maddeyi başarı ile tamamlamış başvuru sahipleri, uygulamalı olarak ufak bir teste tabi tutulur. Konvoy sırasında zorunlu olmadıkça konuşmamalı ve "Resmi" konvoy adı altında yapılan aktivitelere katılmalısınız. Katılım sağlanamayacağında en az bir gün önceden yetkililere haber vermelisiniz. Şirket bünyesine girecek olan şoförlerin -her ne kadar hiyerarşik sistemde de olsak- belli bir samimiyet ve profesyonellik düzeyine sahip olması gerekecek, bu sebeple konvoylarda sollama yapmak serbesttir. Her toplumda olduğu gibi,BAKU |Lojistik adı altında küfür etmek, gereksiz tartışma yapmak, başka şirketlerin reklamını yapmak ve oyun yönetiminin yasakladığı hileleri uygulamak kesinlikle yasaktır. Yaptırımlara uymayanlar nezaketen bir kaç kez uyarılır, tekrarında şirketle ilişiği kesilir. İLETİŞİM ; STEAM ADRESI(KURUCU) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198299861818/ Youtube Kanalımız:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfPxFliJiSrRGLTMU8c6ZWg Teamspeak³: Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/groups/221875744914370/ KONVOY FOTOGRAFLARI ;
    1 point
  15. ¡Hola de nuevo a todos/as los usuarios/as de TrucketMP! En esta ocasión me dedique hacer esta guía que no la he visto en el idioma español y creo que es necesaria para ayudar a los nuevos jugadores que no saben o no logran entender como utilizar su propio tag. Paso 1: Accedemos al multiplayer del Euro Truck Simulator o American Truck Simulator, una vez dentro debemos presionar la tecla TAB. ¿Cual es la tecla?: Paso 2: Nos va aparecer el tabulador con nuestro nombre Local y mas los de la ciudad en donde te encuentres, debes fijarte en la parte de abajo donde esta la ''Rosquilla amarilla''. Debes hacer clic sobre la ''rosquilla'' de la siguiente forma: 2.1: Debemos hacer clic derecho sobre la pantalla del juego al abrir el tabulador para que nos aparezca nuestro puntero del mouse. (Ya que si no, no podemos movernos por el tabulador por que no aparece el puntero). 2.2: Una vez que nos aparece nuestro puntero del raton ya podemos desplazarnos libremente por el tabulador, debemos llevar el puntero del mouse sobre la '''Rosquilla de color Amarilla'' y hacer clic izquierdo sobre ella. Paso 3: 3.1 Se nos va abrir una pestaña General donde si nos fijamos en la parte donde dice Player Tag es donde debemos introducir nuestro tag deseado. ¿Como lo ponemos de colores? 3.2 Fácilmente debemos desplazarnos hasta el cuadro de color que tenemos alado de donde insertamos el texto del tag anteriormente. Debemos hacer clic sobre el cuadro de color y elegir el color deseado de la siguiente forma: 3.3 Nos va aparecer un cuadro así. Debemos elegir el color a nuestro gusto en la parte que vemos en la imagen pintada de Rojo puedes elegir el tono de claro o oscuro del color, mientras tanto en la parte coloreada de Verde puedes modificar el color a tu color favorito, Verde, Rojo, Azul, Amarillo... ¡El que mas te guste! Paso 4: ¡Debemos guardar los cambios! Le damos clic donde dice Apply y a continuación le damos clic al botón de OK. ¡Listo nuestro Tag sera visible para todos los jugadores de TrucketMP disfrútalo! PRECAUCION A LA HORA DE USAR EL TAG: Recuerden que pueden ser sancionados por utilizar el tag de forma inadecuada con palabras ofensivas como: insultos, racismo, politico.. También se puede ser sancionado en caso de utilizar las palabras: Admin | Support | Developer | O cualquier otra palabra reservada para el: >> Staff << Para evitar que sean sancionados por mal uso de tag les invito que lean las reglas del juego en la sección donde dice: Nombre de usuario/Tag. >> Game Rules << ¡¡Espero que les sirva de ayuda!!
    1 point
  16. ¡Buenas, conductores! ¿Tu ban ha expirado pero todavía no puedes jugar? ¿Te sigue diciendo que estás baneado pero en la página ya ha expirado hace una hora? Aquí os va una explicación sobre por qué pasa esto: La primera cosa de deberíais de saber es que los bans se suben siguiendo la franja horaria de UTC/GMT+0 Por ejemplo: Significa que el ban expirará hoy a las 08:42 UTC/GMT+0 ¿Cómo convertir tu franja horaria en UTC/GMT? Entra en la siguiente página: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/convert_time_in_UTC.aspx Como podíamos ver en la imagen de arriba, el ban de @Cooper's Freightmaster expirará a las 08:42 AM UTC Así que añadiré 08:45 aquí: Luego te reenviará a la siguiente página una vez le hayas dado a 'submit'. Es hora de añadir tu país / ciudad, y te lo convertirá a tu franja horaria. Esto significa que cuando sea las 8:45AM UTC, serán las 10:45AM en Bélgica, o las 07:45AM en España (CEST +2 o -1) Así que el ban expirará sobre las 10:45AM. Espero que os haya sido de utilidad. Otros posts útiles: Si tienes cualquier otra duda o pregunta que no he mencionado aquí, siéntete libre de mandarme un mensaje. P.D: muchas gracias a mi compañero @Julien78 por permitirme postear su post en Spanish Discussion!
    1 point
  17. So about 4 hours ago there was some server problems i couldn't connect to world of trucks when i was on my way to deliver something. Then the only option was to quit the job. Now when the servers are up and i try to pick a new job it says "Finish your delivery first". But i don't have any delivery, plz help!
    1 point
  18. Focia z konwoju urodzinowego "Polscy Patrioci" 08.04.2017
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. ¡Happy Birthday! @PaulDesigns
    1 point
  21. Czy osoby randomowe, mogą uczestniczyć w konwoju?
    1 point
  22. Twitch on the warpath for spam bot https://thenextweb.com/gaming/2017/04/07/twitch-takes-paypal-others-court-ambitious-spambot/#.tnw_TcYSuiO1
    1 point
  23. Google Translate.....just don't do it.
    1 point
  24. Jeżeli AC/DC to dziwne że jeszcze tu nie ma: Z takich brzmień to warto dodać Nirvane bo to klasyk Nie zapominajmy o: I dodam jeszcze Let's twist again: W tym zestawieniu tyle ode mnie Fajnie się powraca do tych klasyków
    1 point
  25. Calling all VTC Members and Management! We at Flagship Gaming are looking for feedback and suggestions for our Truckers Central project. We want to know what you want in your VTC Platform, so whether your a manager or driver in a VTC, your feedback is valuable to us, and hopefully in future, to your VTC! Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey here: https://surveyplanet.com/58e2a896176c1868be8e5b29 Happy Trucking! Flagship Gaming
    1 point
  26. I like ur new name Krav :3
    1 point
  27. Puedes usar mensaje privado al administrador que le dio ban, dependiendo de si habla ingles o español, generalmente los reportes que son enviados por el idioma español son atendidos por administradores con conocimientos en español.
    1 point
  28. To jest po prostu oznaczenie, że ban został nadany przez pomyłkę. Tak oznaczony ban nie liczy się w historii banów nawet jak czas od jego nadania nie przekracza jednego roku.
    1 point
  29. Hola, que usar la llave @, sólo tiene que escribir "en un documento de Word o en Internet" la tecla @. Y luego sólo tienes que copiar (CTRL + C) y pegar (CTRL + V) su @. Cordialmente, Yoyo_ManSg
    1 point
  30. Intenta copiar tu email antes y a la hora de login haz ctrl + v para escribirlo
    1 point
  31. Fácil... Abre el bloc de notas, escribes allí tu dirección de correo, seleccionas y haces Ctrl+C, luego vas a la pantalla de login del juego y en la ventanita donde va el username, haces Ctrl+V. Si en tu contraseña tienes caracteres "extraños", haz lo mismo para evitar posibles problemas. Asegúrate de marcar la casilla "Save", así la próxima vez los datos estarán allí y no tendrás que volver a ponerlos.
    1 point
  32. ^^ Imagino que iba más hacia los nombres "comunes". Un usuario podría llamarse perfectamente Felipe González, que es también el nombre de un ex-presidente del gobierno de España. O Pedro López, que es el actual líder del partido de la oposición. En una ocasión, recuerdo que un usuario fue baneado porque su nombre de Steam era Jesus. Le pusieron el ban por "connotaciones religiosas". Pero es que Jesús era el nombre de ese usuario en la vida real. Un caso extremo, imagino, pero sucedió. Supongo que bastaría con apelar, explicando que ese es tu nombre en la vida real y que no consideras justo tener que cambiarlo porque alguien no comprende que es un nombre común en nuestra cultura, pero el ban ya te lo has llevado...
    1 point
  33. @cebp75 Un nombre esta permitido, pero nombre y apellido no. Por ejemplo: Adolf (permitido), Adolf Hitler (no permitido)
    1 point
  34. Reinstall MP,I am on creators and MP works fine Hope this helps
    1 point
  35. Happy weekend to everyone!
    1 point
  36. 4:28am uk here time to get a few hours sleep just enjoyed about 5 deliveries without issue but it was amusing watching other truckers tho
    1 point
  37. Да, без вариантов - причины бана нет. Почему? 1. Звук изменён, поэтому можно думать что он просто заглох и заводил свой двигатель 2. Вы можете его объехать, значит это не совсем блокировка - скорее afk on road, но на видео видно, что он начал движение, что склоняет мысли к первому варианту 3. Остановился посмотреть маршрут, 10 секунд - это ещё не блокинг. Тема немного переходит не в то русло. По существу топикстартеру ответ дан. Закрыто.
    1 point
  38. Je viens de tester tous se que vous m'avez dit de faire et tout fonctionne a merveille Merci beaucoup
    1 point
  39. Happy Birthday! @HumaneWolf
    1 point
  40. Anadolu Trans Ailesi Olarak Başarılarınızın Devamını Dileriz! [ŞATT]
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. AI Vehicles in the upgrade shop? no problem: Test of a quick mod using the AI vehicles as player ones. the driver model is often through the roof, but its stilling interesting to see them like this. its also worth noting that the AI truck models have not been updated with the player ones, meaning the scania's still have the plastic window trim which is now gone; as well as the trains from Vive La France which are actually trucks with multiple trailers.
    1 point
  43. Merci à ceux qui ont participé et également à ceux qui ont voté, et surtout ceux qui m'ont donnés la 1ère place Je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de participants et plus de votants, mais ce n'était que le premier ^^ Pour le prochain thème, je proposerais bien "A la montagne" si ça vous tente ? @+ Francky Ps : et merci à Versi_Sneaky pour avoir organisé ce concours :-)
    1 point
  44. This is the greatest post that I have seen in my entire life! Edit: And thanks for updating your thread
    1 point
  45. Denerwuje mnie fakt że wielu graczy już by chciała coś mieć, ale tak naprawdę Nikt nie zdaje sobie sprawy że jest to czasochłonne dajcie SCS- owi spokojnie popracować kiedy będzie to będzie,ale ważne że będzie
    1 point
  46. I have another setup WIP but has nothing to do with trucks..
    1 point
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