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Veteran Driver VII
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About Titanic4

  • Birthday 06/14/1994

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  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
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    Poland: Olsztyn
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    Polish(native), English

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  1. The total report amount depends on report rating of any active website report. If rating is positive AND the total amount of reports you can make doesn't exceed 10, the total report amount is increased, otherwise the count won't change. If rating is neutral, the total amount doesn't change. If rating is negative, the total report count will decrease. Decline of the website report doesn't mean that the relative report will be negatively rated.
  2. This issue can occur if game is on mechanical HDD while trying to spawn in congested areas. Try to move the game to SSD, if possible. Solid State Drives will have much shorter access times than mechanical hard drives. If SSD is used as boot drive, the whole OS will be much more responsive.
  3. The default homedir is in Documents folder, this can be overridden with -homedir launch parameter. If you are using that, the homedir will be located somewhere else, refer to launch parameter's value to locate it. From that position, head to ETS2's name, then open "mod" folder. ProMods Europe and Middle East addon files go in that folder. According to your screenshot, these files are located in OneDrive folder. TruckersMP can't find the files in this directory. As ProMods Europe mod and Middle East addon are large, you will get bottleneck caused by your Internet connection. There are plenty of tutorials to turn off OneDrive.
  4. You have to validate game content. To do that: 1. Right click on ETS2, then press "Properties" 2. Head to "Installed files" tab, then press "Verify game files" The whole process may take a while and will replace damaged files with fresh ones. Corrupted game files may cause issues ranging from bad textures, sound, or missing accessories, to game crashes.
  5. @Welshy. That used local time to display it in corner of the scoreboard window. That is easily seen if there is similar overlay already active on the same screen, or you have different device showing the current local time next to main screen, such as smartphone, or similar.
  6. The date/time functionality removal might cause issue, though. The date/time can be recorded on the video, which gets used later.
  7. The permanent ban is given temporarily when user is given ban for license, or interior plates, or for inappropriate save edits - there is no other way to handle this. The actual permanent ban may be given due to rule 2.9, or if there is second hacking/bug abusing offence on same account. The report system ban is mostly separate from game ban, The former one can be given separately, all though they both come together when needed. There are hundreds of in-game reports per day. They expire after 10 minutes of placing one if unclaimed due to technical limitation, the reports on the website shouldn't expire in the same way.
  8. This assumes the default homedir path. If -homedir launch parameter is used, use its value as the path instead of your Documents folder.
  9. Here's quote of rule §2.8: The bolded section seems to fit your case. You had 2 history bans already at the time the newest ban was issued. The highlighted section applies for any possible combination of 2 last history given bans (two 1 month history bans, one 1 month history ban and one 3 month history ban in either order, or two 3 month history bans). The new ban was issued for 90 days(3 months) due to the ban history, which matches the last mentioned history ban combination. If you don't want to get banned in the future for so long, you should improve your driving behavior.
  10. @Madanakin01 Any accessory, which is unavailable will be hidden from the customization menu. Check if you have any Patron exclusive accessory installed in your Scout car. When customizing the car, go through each category and look for category with nothing selected. If you find that category, select anything. Doing that will replace existing accessory with what you've selected. Once you're done, you'll need to apply these changes.
  11. The player in front of you, or the server could be lagging. There's high chance that's the latter of the two. When such lag occurs while someone has articulated trailer set, you have to be very careful, as the rearmost trailer in the set may slap you. All what happens is the trailer getting the default angles for a split second before using the actual ones.
  12. @Vitaa97_ You'll need to have Master Trucker tier to use exclusive content in TruckersMP.
  13. You have to make sure that you have the highest tier(Master Trucker).
  14. Where's the game installed? Mechanical hard drives aren't as fast as SSD's. ETS2's recommended requirements lists SSD as the medium, on which the game should be installed.
  15. You're missing West Balkans DLC. That DLC is required as for ProMods Europe 2.70
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