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Veteran Driver IX
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About bierfles

  • Birthday 12/30/1993

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  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Amsterdam
  • Known languages
    Dutch, English, German, French

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  1. Suggestion Name: Improvement for fuel station layout CD Suggestion Description: The layout of the one from Calais to Duisburg is great and you can split between tanking and parking, however if i need to stop from Duisburg to Calais i am forced to drive through the fuel station for parking. I sometimes drive with the Legal double trailer combinations found ingame and the roundabout of the station from Duisburg to Calais is really tricky and almost garuanteed to get stuck on if not angled perfectly. I seen it happen quite a few times with others players aswell. Even if coming from the patron parking area the angle is quite sharp for double trailers. Why it should be added To give access for gamelegal trailers longer than 1 piece. Suggestion: 1)Remove roundabout for an intersection or make it 2 lanes for more turning radius 2)make it possible to directly access parking like the other side. No issues on there.
  2. Thanks! It worked for me
  3. nice desktop!
  4. When trolls are not there people start complaining its boring.. Just part of the game and honestly every drive is a different one thanks to them
  5. Well the ordered screens arent yet arrived Well its a big passion of myself. so together with some friends its a nice project I own a flying license for the small airplanes but its awesome to be able to have a 1:1 sim in your house
  6. I have another setup WIP but has nothing to do with trucks..
  7. Yes sometimes you think i can drive through and then BAM. its a solid trailer ..
  8. Agreed. Parking in MP is not a waiting line like one for the vending machine or coffee machine haha. I agree that it is very difficult to park your trailer in busy areas and with other people constantly moving around your parking place. On the bigger pickup/delivery areas you can choose the option to auto park of course. As already said its difficult to come up with a solution. I do not know what can be changed by code.. For example in the area of where you need to park you trailer +- 2 m around its best place to ghost but to include the whole NCZ i foresee isues with the entry and leaving caused by sudden appearance.
  9. I know that ofcourse. I been playing for a longer period But for 45 min with everyone reporting and complaining in chat i would expect a quicker response as its a known problem area.
  10. Waiting Over 45 mins now on Calais- duisburg road EU2. Everyone being reported. We are being blocked by the same guy for over 30 minutes. No admins in game spotted. So either there is a huge shortage of admins or there needs to be another solution for Calais-duisburg at least. With now over 3500 places .. Not suggesting this is the best solution for it but i can understand the meaning behind it.. Its already happening by people in cars now directing the crossing at Calais duisburg. Also tolerated by admins. Or at least accepted..
  11. I know I have the same problem. It freezes every 5 min for 2-5 seconds. I dont know how to disable autosave either
  12. I will put in a ticket
  13. I have tried the solution described on https://steamcommunity.com/app/227300/discussions/0/648814213882445193/ What do i have to do with the edited editor_data.sii file?
  14. Hello guys, Since recently i am suffering from a problem that can get quite annoying. My game freezes 2-5 seconds every 5 minutes. Its a timed freeze. I disable log writing in MP settings, i have 0 drivers so i suspect it has something to do with autosave or something else that is done every 5 minutes. I just cant find how to change or disable the autosave frequency or option Thanks!
  15. Happy birthday !
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