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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/21 in Posts

  1. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Ruffian has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator. [REPORT MODERATOR] @[MCG] Kien Giang has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator.
    45 points
  2. [GAME MODERATOR] @KhaosHammer leaves the team due to personal reasons. We will remember you with warm thoughts and memories. Thank you for the support and goodwill you’ve shown over the years. Farewell!
    42 points
  3. [COMMUNITY MODERATION TRAINEE] @Strad has been promoted to the position of Community Moderator (Discord).
    35 points
  4. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @Lily. rejoins the team as a Game Moderator and Discord Moderator.
    10 points
  5. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Bitte_mit_Sahne transfers back to the position of Game Moderator.
    7 points
  6. [GAME MODERATOR] @[C-S] Adrian22-PL has been removed from the team due to internal reasons.
    6 points
  7. [TRIAL SUPPORT] @TheBear1 has been promoted to Full Support.
    4 points
  8. Name: "Disable lights at southern ramp of Calais intersection" Description: The traffic lights at Calais intersection (North:Calais, South:Paris, East:Lille,West:Channel Tunnel) were recently added, and their purpose is to allow drivers from highway to turn on the carriageway, while there are lots of drivers coming out of Calais (whom they normally have to give right of way). The same treatment was applied for the southern part of intersection - however, the traffic coming from this direction is rather small, making the traffic lights rather useless, while also blocking drivers going north -> east (see images), which also turn negatively impacts the traffic from Calais to the first lights. In short, while the northern traffic lights help with the east -> north, direction, the southern ones complicate north -> east direction. The suggestion is therefore to fully disable the traffic lights (blinking amber, or turned off) on the southern intersection and letting only the signs lead the traffic flow. Images: See files Why should this be added: This is rather a revert of change, which has had a negative impact of the traffic - so the reasoning is "in order to improve traffic flow" (while also removing the likelihood of drivers breaking the law, namely blocking intersections).
    2 points
  9. [GAME MODERATOR] @Azuly joins the Event Team. They will also remain in the Game Moderation Team.
    2 points
  10. [GAME MODERATOR] @Samito_BG has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator Trainer.
    2 points
  11. Hey there! The way this game works is pretty easy: We count from 1 to 75 in single steps (First post: 1, Second post: 2, Third post: 3,...) The goal is to reach number 75. Number 50 has been reached on 25th December 2021! Important: Every player is just able to comment once per 5 numbers (you can for example be the first one commenting, then you have to stop posting until 6 or it won't count). If a staff member of TruckersMP posts something (it doesn't matter what), you have to start at 1 again => every staff member is just able to stop the game again after at least 3 other staff members have interrupted in between. If we reach number 75, we'll go up to the next level Let the game begin! Kind regards, NeonLeon
    1 point
  12. Hello Trucker, The name of my proposal is: The new construction of the Calais Intersection For example:We all know how crowded the intersection is and how many accidents have occurred there. In the picture I will attach below, you will see my suggestion. The red arrows indicate the direction of traffic and the black lines represent a kind of wall. Suggestion Name: Rebuild Calais Intersection Suggestion Description: Remove the old intersection and replace it with the new one as shown in the picture below Any example images: Why should it be added?: Why you should definitely add it is easy to explain with pictures. You could minimise the congestion you currently create with the traffic lights, and there would be fewer accidents. And then there wouldn't have to be so many admins at the crossroads to moderate the game, but instead take care of other things. Here the Problems that i mean: If they like my proposal, let me know. I wish you a pleasant day
    1 point
  13. Suggestion Name: Shorter in-game chat commands Suggestion Description: Shortening in-game chat commands Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: By shortening in-game chat commands, it's much quicker and less riskier to type whilst driving, thus making the roads just that little bit safer. Sometimes, people are caught off-guard when they are typing in chat, and can cause an accident. By shortening the commands, this helps to reduce that chance, and ensure safety whilst trucking. An example - 'tfm-current-song' to 'tfm-cs'. This is much quicker to type and doesn't take as long, and much more helpful to those that may not be particularly fast at typing. Thank you for reading, and have a great day! ?
    1 point
  14. Suggestion Name: Calais intersection. Add more seconds Suggestion Description: The green light on the traffic light is too short. Any example images: https://prnt.sc/1iqjxn8 Why should it be added?: Because, players move, sometimes only three vehicles hit the green, which slows down the whole traffic. A large traffic jam is forming in the area, so the person moves, and stands a few meters again because it is red. I think these 10 seconds whose current settings are should be changed to at least 30 seconds. Those who have been in the area in recent days will understand why I suggest adding more seconds to traffic lights.
    1 point
  15. Organizatorzy SzachMat oraz BezPlanu mają zaszczyt zapowiedzieć drugą edycję eventu charytatywnego: "Pomocna Łapka", który odbędzie się 23 października 2021 ! Informacje dotyczące konwoju: Data: 23.10.2021 (sobota) Zbiórka: 17:30 Wyjazd: 18:15 Miasto początkowe: Katowice Miasto końcowe: Calais Serwer: Pomocna Lapka - Edycja II Komunikacja: DISCORD - SzachMat Charytatywnie Trasa: Ustawienie: Kopalnia - Katowice 1. SzachMat 2. DARKOM POLSKA 3. AS-SPED 4. MTD-Logistics 5. GTW Logistic 6. AGK Spedition 7. PL Husaria 8. Trans-BED 9. King Of The Road 10. LaidBack Truckers 11. Quality-Logistics 12. HDL 13. KFK Logistics 14. H&K 15. AGROMEX Garaż - Katowice 16. Panda-Spedition 17. The BOSS Spedition 18. Montana Trans 19. RODER-International Spedition Hotel- Katowice 20. MMS 21. MiTrak STOKES- Katowice 22. Coffee-Spedition 23. Magic-Trans POSPED- Katowice 24. Energy Transport 25. PŁ-Trans Spedition 26. M Logistics 27. Nor-Vit Transport i Spedycja PKS - Katowice 28. Zamotani-Logistic 29. EMOYENI 30. Roszada-Trans TREE-ET - Katowice 31. ONEness 32. Dream-Team 33. Black Wolf - Wirtualna Spedycja 34. PolishExpeditionVS 35. GTE 36. BBA VS 37. Transsped-Polska 38. NOVA Spedition 39. Poland-Export 40. Amber-POL Logistic 41. Euro Speed PL GRANICA POLSKO-CZESKA 42. EUROPEAN TRANSPORT COMPANY 43. W-LOG 44. HalkoTrans Logistics 45. Flying Pigs 46. Fol-Trans Group 47. VS P.P. 48. SNG Transport & Logistics 49. DPT 50. Pluto Logistics Dopuszczalne warianty naczep (kolor dowolny): Warianty kolorystyczne dostępne w grze: ? REGULAMIN KONWOJU ? 1. Poniższy regulamin jest własnością VS SzachMat 2. Każdy uczestnik konwoju zobowiązany jest, do przestrzegania niniejszego regulaminu oraz regulaminu platformy TruckersMP. 3. Organizator ma prawo wykluczyć uczestnika z konwoju, jeśli ten dopuści się rażącego naruszenia zasad określonych w niniejszym regulaminie oraz/lub jeśli świadomie narusza regulamin TruckersMP. 4. Na platformach głosowych, takich jak Discord, TeamSpeak, CB radio w grze obowiązuje kultura wypowiedzi oraz zakaz spamowania. 5. Na czacie tekstowym w grze obowiązuje kultura wypowiedzi oraz zakaz spamowania. 6. Każdy uczestnik konwoju na miejsce zbiórki, powinien przybyć zestawem (ciągnik + naczepa) zatankowanym i naprawionym. 7. W konwoju nie wolno korzystać z naczep podwójnych/potrójnych, itd. (tzw. double/triple) - jedynie pojedyczna naczepa jest dopuszczalna. 8. Zabrania się uczestnictwa w konwoju w innym pojeździe niż pojazd ciężarowy (nie dotyczy organizatorów oraz pilotów). 9. Podczas konwoju zabrania się wyprzedzania innych uczestników wydarzenia. Wyprzedzanie jest dopuszczalne tylko i wyłącznie po uprzednim uzyskaniu zgody od pilota prowadzącego daną grupę.. 10. Każdy uczestnik konwoju, zobowiązany jest do zachowania odstępu przed poprzedzającym pojazdem. Odstęp nie może być mniejszy niż 75 metrów (zalecany odstęp: 75 metrów do 125 metrów). 11. W przypadku kolizji, wypadku, uczestnik powinien jak najszybciej usunąć się z miejsca zdarzenia (np. przenieść się do najbliższego serwisu). 12. Prędkość na konwoju ustalana jest przez pilota/pilotów (nie więcej jak 90km/h) 13. Wszelkie kolizje, sytuacje losowe na drodze niezwłocznie i w pierwszej kolejności muszą być zgłaszane pilotom grupy. 14. W razie wypadku/wywrócenia się zestawu, uczestnik winien natychmiast przenieść się do serwisu (F7 + 4 + Enter). 15. Każdy uczestnik konwoju zobowiązany jest do wykonywania poleceń pilota grupy/prowadzącego. 16. W konwoju, mogą wziąć udział tylko firmy, które zostały zaproszone przez organizatora i potwierdziły swój udział. 16. Uczestnictwo w konwoju oznacza zapoznanie się oraz akceptację powyższego regulaminu. 17. Każda firma, która nie jest zapisana na konwój, a chciałaby uczestniczyć, powinna skontaktować się z Xx Chris xX (Discord ID: Xx CHRIS xX#8913) lub Lewutki PL/NL (Discord ID: [SzM]Lewutki PL/NL (Paweł)#7147) z ekipy SzachMat. ? REGULAMIN SERWERA DLA UCZESTNIKÓW: ? 1. Światła ostrzegawcze (koguty) są zakazane, 2. Wyprzedzanie bez zgody pilota/pilotów grupy jest zakazane, 3. Swobodna jazda (tzw. freeroam) na serwerze jest zakazany, 4. Reklama jest zakazane bez pozwolenia, 5. Uczestnicy muszą postępować zgodnie z instrukcjami wydawanymi przez pilotów, 6. Uczestnicy powinni parkować w wyznaczonych miejscach, 7. Podczas imprezy uczestnicy muszą mieć przyczepę podkontenerową, 8. Samochody osobowe są zabronione, z wyjątkiem personelu imprezy (odpowiednio otagowanego), 9. Uczestnicy muszą przyjechać na konwój tzw. zestawami (ciężarówka + naczepa), 10. Dozwolone są tylko pojedyncze przyczepy (tzw. double, triple są zabronione), 12. Uczestnicy z tzw. lagami powinni poinformować pilota o tym fakcie oraz pozostawać z tyłu konwoju/grupy, 13. Obowiązują wszystkie pozostałe zasady TruckersMP. Firmy biorące udział: Relacja z konwoju odbędzie na kanale: GOŚCIE SPECJALNI: Bartek Czukiewski PARTNERZY AKCJI: KONWÓJ TYLKO I WYŁĄCZNIE DLA ZAPROSZONYCH FIRM Do zobaczenia !
    1 point
  16. Hello, The Game Moderation Team has up to three days to answer your appeal. Seeing that this is only the second day, they still have one day left. You will therefore need to be patient until the respective Game Moderator responded. I hope this could help you answer your question! Kind regards, LetiFreshi TruckersMP Game Moderator
    1 point
  17. OMG who let it get all the way to 21 ? to the start peeps ?
    1 point
  18. [PLAYER] @Strad joins the team as a Community Moderation Trainee (Discord).
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. [PLAYER] @[C-S] Spet joins the team as a Community Moderation Trainee (Forum).
    1 point
  21. [FULL SUPPORT + COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @Polyxena leaves the TruckersMP Team due to personal reasons.
    1 point
  22. El problema es que esos semáforos los puso SCS para el juego en "solo", ni saben ni les importa que haya un montón de gente en esa zona en TruckersMP, así que no hay posibilidad de pruebas - estadísticas - mejora de los tiempos. La única opción sería que TruckersMP quitara los semáforos o modificara la zona. Ya lo han hecho con anterioridad en otros sitios, pero dudo que lo hagan en este caso, es una buena manera de "convencer" a la gente de que es una bobada estar todo el día en el mismo sitio, atascados como tontos en un semáforo, cuando hay miles de Km que recorrer en el resto del mapa.
    1 point
  23. esta bien los semáforos pero el intervalo de las luces debe mejorar y mas en esa zona que mas cogestión tiene para realizar eso debe tomar una muestra para que luego haga una estadística y ver la probabilidad
    1 point
  24. Los de la entrada de calais creo que sí deberían hacerlo porque se crean muchos trancones por los semáforos
    1 point
  25. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Sophy* has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Stefan22 has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [PLAYER] @[MCG] Kien Giang joins the Game Moderation team as a Trainee. [PLAYER] @Der Joey joins the Game Moderation team as a Trainee. [PLAYER] @[OBL] - ZachTheCanadian joins the Game Moderation team as a Trainee.
    1 point
  26. [GAME MODERATOR TRAINER] @DerAmpelmann leaves the team due to personal reasons. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Chief_Sean_Official leaves the team due to a lack of time. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @POW&R leaves the team due to a lack of time.
    1 point
  27. [GAME MODERATOR + EVENT TEAM] @Picky99 leaves the Event Team due to lack of time whilst remaining as a Game Moderator.
    1 point
  28. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Adyox has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [REPORT MODERATOR + EVENT TEAM] @JoxyS has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator.
    1 point
  29. [EVENT TEAM] @CookieTho leaves the team due to personal reasons.
    1 point
  30. [GAME MODERATOR] @El Reja has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator Leader.
    1 point
  31. [TRIAL SUPPORT] @Flindix has been promoted to Full Support.
    1 point
  32. [GAME MODERATOR] @[C-S] Adrian22-PL left the team due to lack of time.
    1 point
  33. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @NightSword^ has been removed from the Forum Moderation Team due to inactivity.
    1 point
  34. [SUPPORT] @Skazochniсk joins the Translation Team as Trial Translator while remaining in the Support Team.
    1 point
  35. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @quality_prods has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Velo. has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @NaTY0u345 [FR] has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.
    1 point
  36. [EVENT TEAM][TRIAL TRANSLATOR] @Error_ has been promoted to Translator while remaining in the Event Team.
    1 point
  37. [PLAYER] @Gianlu_A350 joins the TruckersMP Team as Trial Translator.
    1 point
  38. [TRANSLATOR] @AxeRider has left the TruckersMP Team due to lack of time. We want to thank him for his incredible work for the Translation Team.
    1 point
  39. [SUPPORT TRAINEE + TRANSLATOR] @Colored_Greens has been promoted to Trial Support.
    1 point
  40. ESTE GUIA ESTÁ DESATUALIZADO. CONSULTE ESTE GUIA PARA INFORMAÇÕES ATUALIZADAS Muitas pessoas se perguntam o que é essa "coisinha" abaixo do nome do fórum e como ela pode ser alterada. Hoje, quero revelar informações sobre isso já que o número de pessoas que escreveram tópicos perguntando exatamente isso é muito alto! Em primeiro lugar, quero que todos entendam a diferença entre a reputação no fórum e o Cargo que um indivíduo pode ter. A reputação do fórum aumenta quanto mais postagens você envia, enquanto o cargo é algo que você obtém por meio de recrutamentos. Um cargo pode ser desde Player a Supporter ou até mesmo Community Manager. A reputação no fórum, entretanto, não pode ser alterada tão simplesmente quanto o cargo. Isso requer muito trabalho e paciência. Enviar tópicos, criar conteúdo útil e responder a discussões é uma ótima maneira de melhorar a classificação. Depois de atingir 500 postagens no fórum, a classificação pode ser alterada e personalizada. Até então, você receberá automaticamente uma classificação atribuída. Abaixo, há uma divisão dos nomes, números e imagens que vêm com a respectiva reputação: 0 a 14 posts No Cargo 15 a 29 posts 1t Caravan 30 a 49 posts 3t Helicopter 50 a 74 posts 3t Young Seedlings 75 a 99 posts 4t Ventilation Shaft 100 a 149 posts 6t Braco Vans 150 a 299 posts 6t Yacht 300 a 449 posts 7t Cars 450 a 599 posts 8t Electronics 600 a 749 posts 8t Digger 500 750 a 949 posts 8t Roller DYNA 950 a 1149 posts 8t Driller D-50 1150 a 1349 posts 9t Roadroller 1350 a 1499 posts 11t Forklifts 1500 a 1699 posts 11t Tractors 1700 a 1899 posts 12t Fuel Tanker 1900 a 1999 posts 14t Live Cattle 2000 a 2199 posts 15t Digger 1000 2200 a 2399 posts 19t Pressure Tank 2400 a 2599 posts 20t Bulldozer 2600 a 2799 posts 21t Glass Panels 2800 a 2999 posts 22t Wall Panels 3000 a 3499 posts 23t Floor Panels 3500 a 3999 posts 25t Crawler Tractor 4000 a 4499 posts 28t Metal Centering 4500 a 4999 posts 34t Industrial Cable Reel 5000 a 5499 posts 35t All Terrain Crane 5500 a 5999 posts 39t Dozer Crawl 6000 a 6400 posts 40t Scraper 6500 a 6999 posts 43t Milling Machine 7000 a 7499 posts 44t Asphalt Miller 7500 a 7999 posts 47t Transformer 8000 a 8499 posts 51t Concrete Beams 8500 a 8999 posts 53t Lift Truck 9000 a 9999 posts 61t Vossloh G6 Locomotive Pelo menos 10.000 posts King of all Cargo! 500 postagens = capacidade de definir reputação personalizada Esperançosamente, isso vai esclarecer as coisas! Se você foi uma daquelas pessoas que sempre se perguntou o que é isso e pode ser mudado, estou muito feliz por ter publicado isso. Se houver alguma dúvida sobre coisas que não estão totalmente claras, responda a este tópico e eu responderei de acordo o mais rápido possível. The Community Management
    1 point
  41. Hello there, Sometimes, when you launch TruckersMP, you get an error message from Steam. This can be quite annoying, because if you press 'OK' it launches to singleplayer instead of multiplayer. Here are the steps you can follow in order to stop getting this message. 1. First of all, when you receive this message, do not press 'OK'. Instead, press the 'Cancel' button. This will prevent Steam from launching the game to singleplayer and it will save you some time. 2. Close Steam entirely. Pressing the X on the top right does not fully close Steam. In order to fully close Steam, you'll need to press the tiny arrow which is located on the buttom right side of your screen. After you pressed it, right click on the Steam icon and press 'Exit'. 3. Now that Steam is closed, you will need to open it again, but this time open it as administrator. You can do this by finding the Steam icon on your desktop. When you found the icon, right click on it and press 'Run as administrator'. 4. Now, you will need to open TruckersMP as administrator. You can do this by finding the TruckersMP icon on your desktop. When you found the icon, right click on it and press 'Run as administrator'. 5. Now you can play online again by pressing the 'Launch ATS' button or the 'Launch ETS2' button. I hope this guide has helped you fix this error. Have a nice day!
    1 point
  42. All official rules are in place during an official TruckersMP event. Although, there are some that are different from the public servers. Be sure to follow these rules when attending an official TruckersMP event. Last updated: 03 Nov 2023 Overtaking - It is not permitted to overtake during a convoy. If you are overtaking, you will be kicked from the server on your first offence. The second offence will be a ban depending on the situation. Cars - Use of cars are prohibited during any convoys organised by TruckersMP as they are reserved for staff. The only cars you will see during a convoy will be either Game Moderators or the Event Team. If you are caught using a car during an event, you will be kicked from the server. Repeated offences may result in a ban for the duration of the event. Reckless Driving - Please ensure that you are keeping a safe distance from the player in front of you, to ensure you can stop safely. There will be Game Moderators watching over the event, making sure that participants are acting appropriately. Free-roam - Roaming throughout the server and not following the event is not allowed. You must be participating with the convoy, or in the surrounding areas. Failure to comply will result in removal from the event server. Convoy Control - You must follow convoy control instructions given by the TruckersMP team. They are there to ensure that everyone is driving in the correct direction and alert you of upcoming hazards. You can identify them by their coloured usernames and in-game tag! They will be driving a police car. Their instructions must be followed at all times, otherwise, you will be removed from the event server. Signs and barriers - You must adhere to any overhead signs (Including the "Red X"), directional arrows, barriers and any other object placed down on the road. You must not drive around them and/or ignore them as they are placed to ensure your smooth passage at our events. Trailers - Unless explicitly stated otherwise, a trailer is required to participate in our convoy's. For Euro Truck Simulator 2; you should not exceed two (2) trailers. For American Truck Simulator; you should not exceed two (2) trailers with the exemption of the base triple. Heavy Haul cargo is not permitted for either game (empty trailers are permitted so long as you are not causing a gap). If your trailer is causing gaps in the convoy, you may have to pull over or teleport to the Services. Traffic Signals - The convoy will have priority over traffic signals. It is not required for convoy participants to stop at red traffic signals, or yield at junctions unless directed otherwise. The event servers are only online for the duration of the event, they are not available 24/7.
    1 point
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