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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/20 in Posts

  1. [Report Moderator] @Space Night has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @aluizio' rejoins the Game Moderation team as Report Moderator.
    21 points
  2. [GAME MODERATOR] @meLadyBear has been suspended due to violations of internal set of rules, as well as TruckersMP Official Rules.
    8 points
  3. W związku iż zrezygnowałem z prowadzenia Firmy , to konwój się nie odbędzie, Ale spokojnie , Firma nadal istnieje , zmienia się tylko właściciel
    2 points
  4. Przecież to nie pierwszy raz gdy ATS przoduje w wersjach gry.
    2 points
  5. Type of event: Official Racing Championship Server name: Racing Championship Spring 2020 URL to the thread: https://truckersmp.com/blog/197 Organiser: TruckersMP Date and hour of the event: 14 March 2020 15:30 - 19:00 UTC / 15 March 2020 15:30 - 20:00 UTC Participants: 100+ Event rules: The dedicated event server will be classed as a 'freeroam' server, player collisions disabled, no speed limit. Racing participants and spectators will be exempt from the following clause: §2.5 - Reckless Driving (Racing other players, driving considered unsafe, being outside of map boundaries) Participants connected to the server must remain at the designated event locations. Free-roaming elsewhere will result in removal from the server. An exception applies for fuel/service trips. Participants must follow all instructions given by staff. Failure to comply/respond will result in disqualification from the event. If you are Away From Keyboard (AFK) for your designated race, you will be disqualified. Sufficient notice for the upcoming race will be given. Spectators must not enter the designated event racetrack, or otherwise interrupt the race. This will result in a ban from the network for the duration of the event. All additional TruckersMP rules will apply (https://truckersmp.com/rules). Notably: §2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing - Will result in a permanent ban from the network. Any of the above-outlined rules violated will also result in a ban from future official racing championships.
    2 points
  6. [PLAYER] @KOZIK rejoins the TruckersMP Team as Report Moderator.
    2 points
  7. Bonjour chers gérants de VTC, Aujourd’hui nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer qu’il y aura quelque changements à notre système de VTC. Nous allons ajouter du nouveau contenu et nous allons mettre à jour le contenu existant dans notre système en écoutant vos commentaires. Introduction du système de validation: Nous introduisons un nouveau rôle dans notre système qui aide à reconnaître des VTC aspirants qui ne répondent pas aux exigences de vérification à ce moment ou pareil. En plus, cela est pour essayer d’assurer qu’il n’y ait pas au temps de VTC qui sont limités par notre système. Que fait ce rôle pour mon VTC? Il incluera quelques caractéristiques similaires de ce qui existe déjà dans notre système, mais qui existera de manière plus confinée pour qu’il ne soit pas confondu avec le statut "Vérifié". La validation devrait être un statut plus petit qui peut quand même être un bénéfice pour les VTC parce qu’ils puissent se démarquer plus dans la communauté, parce que nous reconnaissons que pas toutes les VTC peuvent obtenir le statut vérifié et il n y a pas de reconnaissance dans notre système qui est un compromis pour ces VTC. Quels sont les exigences afin d’être validé? Afin d’être validé vous devez répondre aux critères suivants sur votre page de VTC: Au minimum 10 membres Au minimum 5 posts de nouvelles, dont 1 ne doit pas dater plus de 1 mois. Un site de VTC qui apparaît professionnel complété avec des informations appropriés dans toutes les sections. (les règles, les exigences, les informations, le logo et le slogan.) Un site web professionnel et fonctionnant qui dit de quoi cette VTC s’agit et qu’est-ce qu’elle fait et un site de contact qui contient un lien vers un serveur Discord, TeamSpeak ou Slack. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser des autre systèmes de communication, mais votre site doit contenir au moins un des programmes mentionnés ci-dessus. Quels sont les avantages une fois que mon VTC est validé? Présentation vers le haut/début de la page de recherche, quand quelqu’un entre des critères qui correspondent à votre VTC. Nom de VTC en couleur dorée sur la page de recherche des VTC et sur la page elle-même. Rôle “Chef de VTC” sur notre serveur Discord officiel. Comment puis-je appliquer afin d’avoir mon VTC validé? Ce processus est identique à celui pour la vérification. Vous devez vous diriger vers notre système de contact (Feedback System) ici et créer un ticket dans la catégorie “VTC”. Une fois que vous avez fait cela, un de nos gestionnaires de la communauté (Community Managers) s’occupera de votre ticket, le révisera et ensuite il vous présentera le résultat. Pour en savoir plus en ce qui concerne la validation et comment obtenir le statut "Validé", dirigez vous vers notre article KB (Knowledge Base) ici, qui explique tout ce qui a été mentionné ci-dessus plus en détail. Mises à jour des exigences de vérification: Après d’avoir révisé les commentaires de la communauté concernant les exigences de vérification, nous avons modifié certaines exigences. Vous pouvez trouver les règles modifiés ci-dessous: Votre VTC DOIT avoir au moins 20 posts de nouveautés sur le système de VTC et 3 d’entre eux doivent dater de moins d’un mois. Ces posts ne peuvent pas contenir la même information, par exemple, vous ne pouvez pas uniquement soumettre votre information des événements hebdomadaires, vous devez aussi soumettre des autres actualités. Votre VTC DOIT organiser au moins un événement privé, un événement publique et assister à un événement officiel de TruckersMP chaque mois. Nous avons maintenant réduit le nombre des posts de nouvelles (qui ne doivent pas dater plus de 1 mois) de 5 à 3 posts. Nous comprenons que quelques VTC n’avaient pas de contenu qui était assez digne et quelques VTC soumettaient du contenu similaire/inutile afin de répondre à cette exigence. Cela est la raison pour laquelle nous avons modifiée cette règle pour inclure le fait que vous devez avoir une variété de nouvelles sur votre page de VTC. En plus, nous avons aussi modifiée la règle concernant les événements. Auparavant, l’exigence indiquait que vous devez organiser et diriger un événement privée et organiser ou assister à un événement public (soit un événement officiel de TruckersMP, soit un événement organisé par la communauté). Nous avons maintenant étendu cette règle pour inclure les deux choses: Assister à un événement officiel de TruckersMP ET organiser un événement publique par mois. Que pensez vous? Aimeriez-vous nous donner un commentaire sur ces changements? Alors s’il vous plaît dirigez vous vers notre système de contact (Feedback System) ici et créez un ticket sous la catégorie de la gestion de la communauté (Community Management) pour nous donner vos pensées sur les changements qui ont été fait. Nous essayons toujours d’améliorer notre services, donc nous aimerions savoir ce que vous pensez. Meilleures salutations, La gestion de la communauté de TruckersMP -> Voir le post original en Anglais sur le site web.
    1 point
  8. Merhaba, kamyoncular! Kışı artık atlatmışken, resmi Racing Championship’in (Yarış Şampiyonası’nın) geri dönüşüyle yolları ısıtmanın vakti geldi! Maalesef, bu seriyi kış döneminde gerçekleştiremedik, fakat rekabeti en bol TruckersMP etkinliğimiz birkaç gün içerisinde geri dönecek! Racing Championship serisi, yüzlerce deneyimli kamyoncuların prestijli ve altın olan Racing Champion unvanına ulaşabilmek için direksiyon deneyimlerini gösterdiği yarışlardır. Bir sürü yüksek hızlı aksiyonun yanı sıra, pistlerimizde çok fazla patinajlar, kazalar, atlamalar ve araç kaydırmaları (drift) görüyoruz. İlgi çekici mi? Okumaya devam et… 2020 Bahar etkinliği için, hafta sonu süresince Avusturya, Fransa, İtalya ve Hollanda’yı içeren çeşitli Avrupa ülkelerini ziyaret edeceğiz! Not: Yarışlar hem 14 Mart Cumartesi hem de 15 Mart Pazar günlerinde gerçekleştirilecektir. Katılabilmeniz için İKİ tarihte de müsait olmasınız! 14 Mart Cumartesi | Elemeler İlk günde drag yarışları gerçekleştirilecek ve her yarışta sekiz oyuncu yarışacaktır. Cumartesi gününde, Bahar 2020 şampiyonasına katılmaya hak kazananlar belirlenecektir. Nasıl girileceğine ilişkin gereksinim ve talimatlar şunlardır: 15:30 UTC (18:30 TSİ) saatinden itibaren müsait olmak - Diğer zaman dilimlerini görmek için tıklayınız. (İlk drag yarışı 16:00 UTC (19:00 TSİ) saatinde başlayacak, Etkinliğin 2-3 saat sürmesi beklenmektedir.) İngilizce anlayabilmek (Etkinlik talimatlarını okuyabilmek için). Racing Championship Spring 2020 sunucusuna bağlanmak. Kamyonunuzun deposunu tamamıyla doldurduğunuza, bakımını yaptığınıza ve kamyonunuzun yarışa hazır olduğuna emin olmak, Karşılanacağınız ve daha fazla talimat alacağınız Amsterdam şehir merkezinde buluşmak. Lütfen katılmadan önce etkinlik kurallarını bildiğinizden emin olunuz! Bir drag yarışında, sekiz oyuncu rastgele bir sıralamaya göre seçilecektir. Kaç oyuncunun turu geçeceği, katılan oyuncu sayısına bağlıdır. Örneğin, 96 oyuncu yarışırsa, yalnızca yarısı hak kazanır, yani her yarışta 8 kişi içerisinden sadece en hızlı 4 kişi turu geçecektir. Tüm yarışlar tamamlandıktan sonra, en hızlı 48 oyuncu ertesi gün gerçekleştirilecek olan Championship’e katılmaya hak kazanacaktır. Sunucu tüm hafta sonu boyunca çevrim içi olarak kalacaktır, bu sürede, hak kazanan oyuncuların Pazar günü yapılacak olan Racing Championship’e hazırlanmaları için pistlerde pratik yapmaya davet ediyoruz. Turu geçemediyseniz, yine de fırsatınız olabilir! Eğer turu geçen bir oyuncu Pazar günü gelmezse, Cumartesi günü katılan oyunlar arasından rastgele bir katılımcı seçeceğiz. Çevrim içi olmalısınız. 15 Mart Pazar | Championship Championship’e katılan herkes için büyük bir gün olacak! Katılmaya hak kazanan 48 kişi için yarış becerilerini test edecek birçok benzersiz ve zorlu parkurlar hazırlandı. Katılmaya hak kazandıysanız, lütfen 15:30 UTC (18:30 TSİ) saatinden itibaren çevrim içi olduğunuza emin olunuz. (İlk yarış 16:00 UTC (19:00 TSİ) saatinde başlayacak ve etkinliğin dört saate kadar sürmesi beklenmektedir.). İşte ne olacağına dair hızlı bir bakış! Hazırlık Ana buluşma daha önce de olduğu gibi Amsterdam Şehir merkezinde olacaktır. İlk yarış başlamadan kısa süre önce hak kazanan oyuncular ve izleyiciler ilk piste ışınlanacaktır. Buradaki pistler üzerinde pratik yapma şansı olmayacaktır. 1.Tur Paris’in dar sokaklarında, turnuvaya katılmaya hak kazanan 48 yarışmacı zorlu kavşaklarda gezinirken (veya içinden geçerken!) teste tabi tutulacaktır. 2.Tur - Çeyrek Final Sadece 24 kişi çeyrek finale gelecektir. Stres yüklü tırların altında şehri terk edecek ve bazı yüksek hızda virajlara maruz kalacaklardır. 3.Tur - Yarı Final Umarız 12 yarı finalistimiz, dikkat dağıtıcı manzara yüzünden kaza yapmadan pisti geçmeyi başarabilir! İşleri daha da beter hale getirebilmek için birkaç sürpriz ekledik… 4.Tur - Final Sonunda Racing Champion’umuzun kim olacağı 6 finalistin arasından belirlenecektir. Dağlarda yapılan yanlış bir hamle bu tacı alma şansınızı ortadan kaldıracaktır. Ödüller Qualifer Championship’e katılanlar elleri boş dönmeyecektir, katıldığınız için eşsiz profil ödülünü alacaksınız! Finalistler Finale çıkın, ve size ayrıca bir ödül daha vereceğiz! 2.lik ödülü: £25 değerinde Steam hediye kartı 3.lük ödülü: £20 değerinde Steam hediye kartı 4.lük ödülü: £14 değerinde Steam hediye kartı 5.lik ödülü: £10 değerinde Steam hediye kartı 6.lık ödülü: £4 değerinde Steam hediye kartı Racing Champion (Yarış Şampiyonu) 2020’nin ilk Racing Champion’u olarak tacı aldığınız zaman size aşağıdaki ödüller de verilecektir: Hak ettiğiniz bütün övgüler için profilinize konacak özel Champion ödülü. £50 değerinde Steam hediye kartı Hediye kartları Steam tarafından otomatik olarak yerel para biriminize çevrilecektir. Soru sormak veya heyecanınızı paylaşmak için forum konumuza gönderi paylaşmaktan çekinmeyin! -TruckersMP Takımı --> Konuyu ana sayfada görüntülemek için tıklayın.
    1 point
  9. Black Tigers Spedition Jubiläumskonvoi Name / Anlass : Black Tigers Spedition Jubiläumskonvoi Spiel (ATS/ETS) : ETS2 Datum: 17.04.2020 Beginn: 19:00 Uhr Ende (ca.) : 23 Uhr Strecke / Länge: ca. 2000 km Start: Split - Cemex Leitung bzw. Durchführender: Dark150479 Ort des Konvois: Event Server: Konvoi der BlackTiger-Spedition TeamSpeak: ts.convoy-security.de Ich möchte anmerken, dass bereits eine Absicherung den Konvoi absichert: ConSec - Convoy Security (https://www.convoy-security.de) Das BTS Team freut sich auf eure Teilnahme. (Chris | Camox ist NICHT der Veranstalter des Konvois! - Lediglich die Anlegung hier in diesem Forum beruht auf meine Hilfe)
    1 point
  10. Saudações, camionistas! Com o Inverno agora atrás de nós, é hora de aquecer as estradas com o regresso do nosso Campeonato Oficial de Corridas! Infelizmente, não fomos capazes de receber a série durante o período de Inverno, no entanto, o nosso evento mais competitivo TruckersMP vai ter retorno dentro de poucos dias! A série de campeonatos de corridas conta com a presença de centenas de camionistas, cada um trazendo a sua experiência ao volante para alcançar o prestigiado título de ouro - Campeão de Corrida. Além de muita ação em alta velocidade, vemos muitos giros, quedas, saltos e desvios ao longo dos nossos trilhos. Parece emocionante? Continua a ler... Para a Primavera de 2020, iremos visitar vários países europeus ao longo do fim-de-semana, incluindo Áustria, França, Itália e Holanda! Note: As corridas terão lugar em ambos Sábado, 14 de Março e Domingo, 15 de Março. Você deve estar disponível para entrar em AMBAS as datas para entrar! Sábado 14 de Março | Qualificadores O primeiro dia consistirá em corridas de arrasto, com oito jogadores competindo em cada corrida. O dia será dedicado à qualificação para o campeonato da Primavera de 2020. Aqui estão os requisitos e instruções sobre como participar: Esteja disponível em 15:30 UTC - Clique aqui para mais fusos horários. (A primeira corrida de arrasto começa às 16:00 UTC. Espera-se que o evento decorra durante duas ou três horas.). Capaz de compreender o inglês (para ler as instruções do evento). Conecte-se ao servidor Racing Championship Spring 2020. Assegure-se de que o seu camião está totalmente abastecido, com manutenção e preparado para as corridas. Encontre-se em Amsterdão centro da cidade, onde será saudado e receberá mais instruções. Por favor, certifique-se de que está familiarizado com as regras do evento antes de participar! Oito jogadores serão selecionados em ordem aleatória para competir em uma corrida de arrasto. Quantos jogadores se qualificam depende de quantos jogadores participam. Por exemplo, se 96 jogadores competirem, apenas metade se qualificará, o que significa que o mais rápido 4 de 8 de cada corrida se qualificará. Após todas as corridas estarem concluídas, os 48 jogadores mais rápidos irão qualificar-se para o Campeonato que se realiza no dia seguinte. O servidor permanecerá online durante todo o fim-de-semana, e damos as boas-vindas aos jogadores qualificados para praticarem nas pistas prontas para o Campeonato de Corridas de domingo. Se você não se qualificou, ainda pode haver uma oportunidade! Se um jogador qualificado não aparecer no domingo, selecionaremos aleatoriamente um participante do sábado, caso você esteja online. Domingo 15 de Março | Campeonato Para todos os que se qualificaram para o campeonato, este será o seu grande dia! Há muitas pistas únicas e desafiantes preparadas, prontas para as nossas 48 qualificatórias para porem à prova as suas capacidades de corrida. Se você se qualificou, por favor certifique-se de estar online a partir das 15:30 UTC (a primeira corrida começa às 16:00 UTC, e espera-se que o evento corra por até quatro horas). Aqui está uma visão rápida do que esperar! Preparação O encontro principal será em Amsterdão centro da cidade, como anteriormente. Pouco antes do início da primeira corrida os jogadores e espectadores qualificados serão teleportados para a primeira pista. Não haverá não oportunidade de praticar nas pistas a partir daqui. 1º Rodada Local nas ruas estreitas de Paris, os nossos 48 qualificados serão postos à prova enquanto navegam por (ou através de!) rotundas complicadas. 2º Rodada - Trimestre-Final Só 24 chegarão às quartas-de-final, cada um deles colocado sob uma carga de stress quando saem da cidade e fazem algumas curvas de alta velocidade! 3ª Rodada - Semi-Final Esperemos que os nossos 12 semi-finalistas consigam não cair da fantástica vista que os distrai! Para piorar as coisas, acrescentamos algumas surpresas... 4º Rodada - Final Finalmente, a decisão para o nosso Campeão de Corrida será tomada pelos 6 finalistas. Um movimento errado através das montanhas e a sua chance de conquistar a coroa desaparecerá. Recompensas Qualificador Cada qualificador do Campeonato não deixará as mãos vazias, pois todos vocês receberão um prêmio de perfil único! Finalistas Chegue à final, e nós também lhe daremos um prêmio adicional! 2° lugar: £25 Cartão presente Steam 3º lugar: £20 Cartão presente Steam 4º lugar: £14 Cartão presente Steam 5º lugar: £10 Cartão presente Steam 6º lugar: £4 Cartão presente Steam Campeão de Corrida Ser coroado o primeiro Campeão de Corrida de 2020 também lhe dará as seguintes recompensas: Prêmio Campeão Exclusivo no seu Perfil, por todos os seus merecidos direitos de gabarolice. Um grande cartão presente Steam de £50 Os cartões-presente serão automaticamente convertidos para a sua moeda local via Steam. Sinta-se à vontade para postar em nosso tópico do fórum para fazer perguntas, ou partilhar a sua excitação! -TruckersMP Team --> Ver post na página inicial
    1 point
  11. Hi, I have a problem with steering. After I start turning it, it'll do lagging or jumping I don't know how to call it. Is the wheel broken? Video: https://youtu.be/zwBmpdSStDc
    1 point
  12. Hola, buenas tardes @JakeMcNeil Creo que el usuario del video es este: https://truckersmp.com/user/2832003 Asegúrese (En caso de reportar al usuario) que sea el correcto, ya que si bien tiene el mismo nombre o similar, puede ser otro usuario. Si usted lo recuerda por su foto (Recuerde que la foto que usted ve mientras juega, es la de STEAM, no la del foro/sitio web de TruckersMP) y tiene aun las evidencias, puede intentar reportarlo y esperar la respuesta de algún Game o Report Moderator. NOTA: Recuerde para la proxima, que puede usar el comando anteriormente mencionado por el compañero @NightSword^ para sacar la ID y así reportarlo. (/pinfo ID) Espero haberlo ayudado, desde ya, que tenga buenas tardes. Saludos Cordiales, [L-LATAM](30) El Reja TruckersMP - Translator
    1 point
  13. Dominik Luska is a 3D graphic artist working at the SCS Software for more than 4 years and has worked on almost all currently released map expansions. His job description consists of recording animations in motion capture, modelling, retopology of a high-resolution model, texturing and importing the model into the game. He works alongside Animator and Map Designers to create pedestrians, workers and other living characters that can be seen in our truck simulator games. If you are interested in how are we create people and animal animations that can be found within Euro / American Truck Simulator, you've come to the right place. First and foremost, I need to emphasize that pedestrians and other characters don't play an important role as trucks and depots, not even close. However, they still play a role in our games, so we need to make sure they receive the appropriate care. At this moment, we have over 30 character models in our trucking titles. They are all characters you can see around our world. For example, you can see, security workers, police and customs officers, people taking photos of oversized cargo on their phones and more. To create a world full of life, we need to differentiate them from each other by their actions, their animations and by their looks. Some of them are universal, of course, so we use them between projects to save work and time. Besides those universal, we have specific characters for a more specific project, country or city. For each character, there are four textures, two for clothing and two for the body. There are also additional items (or as we call them "props“) which our characters can hold or use, these items are included in final animation files. The amount of data for these models and animations are not insignificant, and to help us not to become confused between textures and models, we're using an absolute classic - Total Commander. Every file has a naming convention in English language to make it accessible and understandable to everyone. When we're importing finished data into the game, we need to save exported model or animation and also a source file for these animations od models; just in case we need to make some adjustment or change in the future. We have a whole folder structure specifically for animations, models, textures, and a skeleton. Data organization doesn't end by files, folders and their naming convention though. We can't forget about the flawless management of each model in definition files that is nearly as important as previously mentioned folder structure. To give you some basic introduction to definition files, every single model has to have the correct unique designation number and a brief name for Map Designers. At the very beginning, we create a model according to a reference file. These references are sourced from our Researchers - a special department in our company who are responsible for searching up data, pictures and information; simply anything the rest of the company needs, saving a lot of time to Modellers, Animators and Map Designers. This first model is called "LOD 0". This abbreviation means „Level of Detail“ and this system serves to toggle between lower and higher resolution models according to the range from the point of view. We have 4 LODs in our game for characters; in which the last of them serves for 100+ meters distances. LOD has to be thoroughly checked too for drastic changes, for example, we don't want to have legs or head disappearing within 10 meters of its viewpoint. Some animated models also have a "collision model", which stops players going through a character. Such a collision model are found on non-animated and static models too. And why don't we allow people to go through buildings and characters? Because our games have received an age rating of 3, which we'd like to keep. Thanks to it, anyone can play our games, even kids. When we're satisfied with the model and its LODs, we will move to the UV mapping, or rather unwrapping of a 3D model on a 2D plane, so the texture can be created. This process also takes some time mainly because of the more important parts of the model get a bigger space on the texture. That means UV unwrapping must be created as effectively as possible. For example, we mirror small parts of the model like caps, helmets and other props, which spares a precious space on the following texture for this model. After this, we create a texture for this model according to the references we have received. Every character gets a normal map. A normal map is a picture, which simulates a soft geometric structure, which is used to create an illusion of higher detail on a low-resolution model. Normal maps are used for folds, buttons, embroidery, pockets and similar details. After we're done with the textures and model, a more interesting and yet also a little bit frustrating process begins, recording character animations. To save time and energy on NOT doing it the most time and energy demanding way, we're using an improvised motion capture (MoCap), which we use to record rough animation foundations. I'm saying "rough" because amongst the disadvantages of this type of mocap is its accuracy on important bones, such as collarbones or wrists. We're not using full-fledged mocap, but a cheaper variant built on two Kinect sensors (2nd generation). These sensors use a depth camera, and since they're standing against each other, they "see" how a man or woman moves on the scene with some accuracy. This animation method has one advantage, you don't need any special clothes or markers, so anyone can get on scene and start recording. Thanks to this technology we can take anyone in the company and put him in front of the cameras to bring the character models to life. Before we start recording an animation, our mocap has to be prepared and calibrated. It is necessary to do a short test & calibration recording. This takes up to two hours because there may be problems on different levels, for example, the stations may encounter problems communicating with each other, operating system might be updating just in the right moment when we would like to use it and many other issues can appear. After successful calibration and recording session, we need to adjust these recorded animations "manually" in different programs. In this case, we commonly adjust noise and tremors, movements of bones in the wrong axes, or movements of the wrists that our mocap did not pick up. To understand the recording process fully in detail, we would need to create a separate article, so let's go to the final stage, importing data into our game. So our finished model with animation is now ready to be put into the game. To make the editor "see" our model, we need to define it correctly in a text file (definition file). In this file, both animated and unanimated models have a link to the model, to its LODs and potentially animation and collision. When we successfully define the model, we can finally see it in the editor. The editor is our own tool, in which Map Designers build the whole map and in which our Graphic designers are checking on their own models. If there's something wrong, we'll adjust the model or animation in 3D programs like Maya or Blender and re-export it. Since the definition is already there, we can just refresh the model in Editor to see changes right away. It's similar to refreshing a website on the web browser. Models and animations are created in Autodesk Maya, and textures in Adobe Photoshop. To create a normal map, we have to import the model to Marmoset Toolbag software, which serves for "baking" details from the high-resolution model to the low-resolution model. The whole process is more complicated than what I have written here, but then this blog would be twice as long (and maybe even more). I do hope that I've explained it well enough for you to have some insight into our work. And if you liked the article and you'd like to want more, let us know in comments - and don't be shy to say what exactly interests you.View the full article
    1 point
  14. Dear @[HUN] MajestyXD, I don't know for sure what causes your problem, but if the suggestion above didn't solved your problem, I would recommend to create a new profile in-game. Years ago I had an another problem with my steering wheel and I also contacted ETS2 support and they didn't found a working solution, however, I found it Kind Regards, LogRol
    1 point
  15. Hello there! Has your problem been solved with the above solution suggestion? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum always organized! I await your return! Kind Regards Sabbi [GER] TruckersMP Support
    1 point
  16. روزبخیر تراکرها در حالی که زمستان را پشت سر می گذاریم؛ موقع آن است که جاده ها را با برگشت مسابقات قهرمانی رسمی خود گرم کنیم متاسفانه ما نتوانستیم تا در این زمستان میزبان این دوره مسابقات باشیم، اگرچه رقابتی ترین رویداد تراکرز ام پی در مدت چند روز دیگر باز خواهد گشت سری مسابقات رالی قهرمانی تراکرز ام پی تا کنون شاهد حضور صدها کامیون بوده است؛ که هر کدام از آنها تجربیات خود پشت فرمان کامیون های خود را به همراه خود آورده تا در نهایت به نشان با اعتبار این رقابت ها تحت عنوان زیر دست یابند Racing Champion علاوه بر بسیاری اتفاقات سرعتی، ما همچنین شاهد چرخش ها، پرش ها، تصادفات، و همچنین دریفت های گوناگونی در طول مسیرهای مسابقات خواهیم بود. به نظر هیجان انگیز می آید؟ پس به خواندن ادامه دهید... برای بهار 2020، ما در طول آخر هفته به بازدید از بسیاری از کشورهای اروپایی از جمله اتریش، فرانسه، ایتالیا، و هلند خواهیم پرداخت نکته: مسابقات در دو روز شنبه 14 مارس و یکشنبه 15 مارس برگذار خواهند شد شما می بایستی برای شرکت در مسابقات در هر دو روز در دسترس باشید شنبه 14 مارس | انتخابی اولین روز مسابقه شامل مسابقات از نوع درگ خواهد بود که در آن 8 بازیکن با همدیگر به رقابت خواهند پرداخت. این روز برای انتخاب واجد شرایط ها برای مسابقات قهرمانی بهار 2020 اختصاص خواهد یافت. در زیر الزامات و اقدامات چگونگی وارد شدن در این مسابقات را مشاهده خواهید کرد الف) در ساعت 15:30 دقیقه به وقت یو تی سی در محل حضور داشته باشید (ساعت جایگزین در محل جغرافیایی شما) اولین مسابقه درگ در ساعت 16:00 به وقت یو تی سی برگذار خواهد شد و مدت زمان این مسابقات 2 الی 3 ساعت در نظر گرفته شده است ب) فرد شرکت کننده باید قادر به درک زبان انگلیسی باشد ( به منظور متوجه شدن دستورالعمل های مسابقه)ء ج) وصل شدن به سرور مسابقه تحت عنوان Racing Championship Spring 2020 د) از اینکه کامیون شما دارای باک پر باشد، به طور کامل تعمیر شده و آماده مسابقه است اطمینان حاصل کنید ی) در مرکز شهر آمستردام همدیگر را ملاقات می کنیم؛ جایی که در آن از شما استقبال به عمل می آید و همچنین سایر دستورالعمل ها داده خواهد شد لطفاً قبل از مشارکت، از اینکه با قوانین مربوط به رویدادها آشناییت کامل دارید اطمینان حاصل کنید هشت نفر بصورت تصادفی انتخاب خواهند شد تا در مسابقه درگ با هم رقابت کنند. اینکه چه تعداد واجد شرایط خواهند بود بسته به تعداد شرکت کننده در آن روز دارد. برای مثال اگر 96 نفر در مسابقات شرکت کنند؛ نیمی از انها واجد شرایط خواهند بود. این به این معنا است که 4 نفر اول از 8 نفر واجد شرایط خواهند بود زمانی که تمام مسابقات به پایان رسید؛ سریعترین 48 نفر شرکت کننده در مسابقه برای رفتن به مرحله بعد در روز بعدی انتخاب خواهند شد سرور در تمام مدت زمان آخر هفته آنلاین خواهد بود؛ از این رو بازیکنان راه یافته به مرحله بعد می توانند آزادانه در مسیرهای آماده برای مسابقه قهرمانی روز یکشنبه به تمرین بپردازند در صورتی که انتخاب نشدید، همچنان شانسی وجود دارد! در صورتی که یکی از بازیکنان انتخاب شده برای روز بعد، در روز یکشنبه حضور به عمل نیاورد، ما به صورت تصادفی به انتخاب شرکت کنندگانی از روز شنبه خواهیم پرداخت. پس آنلاین باشید یکشنبه 15 مارس | قهرمانی به همه اشخاصی که برای مسابقه قهرمانی انتخاب شدند؛ این روز، یک روز بزرگ برای شما خواهد بود! مسیرهای منحصر به فرد و چالش بر انگیزی برای آن 48 نفر برگزیده در نظر گرفته شده است تا مهارت رانندگی خود را بسنجند در صورتی که شما انتخاب شدید؛ اطمینان حاصل کنید که از ساعت 15:30 دقیقه به وقت یو تی سی آنلاین باشید (اولین مسابقه در ساعت 14:00 به وقت یو تی سی برگذار خواهد شد) و برگذاری رویداد به مدت 4 ساعت در نظر گرفته شده است در زیر یک مرور کلی در رابطه با چیزی که در نظر داریم مشاهده خواهید کرد آماده سازی همانند قبل، گردهمایی اصلی در مرکز شهر آمستردام خواهد بود؛ اندکی پیش از شروع مسابقه اول، افراد انتخاب شده و همچنین تماشاچیان به محل اولین مسیر مسابقه تلپورت خواهند شد از این پس فرصتی برای تمرین در مسیرها وجود نخواهد داشت مرحله 1 این زمین در جاده های باریک شهر پاریس قرار دارد. 48 بازیکن انتخابی ما به صورت فریبانه ای در تقاطع های گمراه کننده ما مورد آزمایش قرار می گیرند مرحله 2 - یک چهارم نهایی تنها 24 نفر به مرحله یک چهارم نهایی راه پیدا می کنند. هر کدام از آنها با باری پر از استرس با سرعت شهر را ترک و به مسیری پر از پیچ و خم می رسند مرحله 3 - نیمه نهایی امیدواریم 12 شرکت کننده نیمه نهایی ما بگونه ای به مدیریت در این مسابقه بپردازند تا مانع از تصادف آنها در مقابل چشم اندازهای زیبای این مسیر شود. به منظور سخت تر کردن، ما چیزهایی را به عنوان سورپرایز در این مسیر افزوده ایم مرحله 4 - فینال در نهایت، تصمیم گیری نهایی مسابقه رالی قهرمانی ما از بین 6 فینالیست گرفته خواهد شد. با یک حرکت اشتباه در طول این مسیر کوهستانی، شانس شما برای گرفتن تاج قهرمانی این مسابقات از بین خواهد رفت جوایز انتخابی هر کدام از بازیکنان انتخاب شده این مسابقات دست خالی مسابقات را ترک نخواهند کرد؛ از آنجایی که تمام شما یک نشان منحصر به فردی در پروفایل خود به عنوان جایزه دریافت خواهید کرد فینالیست ها به فینال برسید؛ و ما به شما یک جایزه اضافی خواهیم داد جایگاه دوم - گیفت کارد 25 پوند استیم جایگاه سوم - گیفت کارد 20 پوند استیم جایگاه چهارم - گیفت کارد 14 پوند استیم جایگاه پنجم - گیفت کارد 10 پوند استیم جایگاه ششم - گیفت کارد 4 پوند استیم قهرمان مسابقات قهرمان اولین مسابقات رالی قهرمانی سال 2020 بودن؛ برای شما جوایز زیر را به ارمغان می آورد جایزه منحصر به فرد قهرمان مسابقات در پروفایل شما؛ به منظور تمامی تلاش ها و شجاعتی که از خود جلوه دادید گیفت کارد 50 پوند استیم گیفت کارد به صورت خودکار توسط استیم به واحد پولی شما تبدیل خواهد شد لطفاً تمامی سئوالات و همچنین هیجان خود را در انجمن با ما در میان بگذارید TruckersMP Team مشاهده این خبر در وبسایت تراکرز ام پی
    1 point
  17. Hello @[HUN] MajestyXD, I've had the same problem before. I can list several solutions that you could try: 1st possibility: You must reconfigure your steering wheel with the Logitech Profiler software and, if necessary, also reset it. You should pay particular attention to the so-called "force feedback", because this is very important for the stiffness and steering ability of the steering wheel. If you have done this and it still does not work, you should continue with option 2. 2nd possibility: As mentioned above, you should also adjust your "Force Feedback Settings" in Euro Truck Simulator 2. You can do this under the main menu under Settings -> Controller or Steering Wheels and then under "Force Feedback". There you should personally decide how your steering wheel should react to certain game influences. If this still didn't help, you should choose option 3. 3rd possibility: Disassemble your steering wheel and clean it thoroughly from the inside. This will help identify Logitech software and your steering wheel will run smoother. Kind regards Blacko
    1 point
  18. Hola, @Sr.Jhon! Nos complace saber que pudo obtener una respuesta a su pregunta. ¡Gracias @FernandoCR [ESP] por su participación! Si necesita más ayuda en el futuro, no dude en crear otro tema soporte o un ticket de soporte. Cordialmente, SarahMaddy TruckersMP - Support //cerrado y movido a resuelto
    1 point
  19. I put all routes on the game map if anyone needed: https://imgur.com/a/wilgy8F Happy Trucking ?
    1 point
  20. Они любезно предоставили вам подсказку: вы можете найти засушливую пустыню, речные каньоны и потрясающие национальные парки в пределах одного этого штата. Есть идеи? Дайте нам знать, где вы думаете, это может быть... SCS Blog
    1 point
  21. [PLAYER] @KOZIK wrócił do teamu jako Report Moderator
    1 point
  22. Hello truckers and VTC owners! After a busy and successful release of the new VTC system we have now finished reviewing everything and finished up the updates to the rules and the requirements to qualify for a verified status. What changes? In short: requirements for a verified VTC status will now focus more on community involvement of the VTC which will make it harder to be able to meet the requirements making the status more significant. The requirements for a verified status can be found here. A new rule for VTCs has also been added regarding advertising on the VTC page. The VTC rules can be found here. How does this impact VTCs that are already verified? VTCs that are already verified will in time be re-evaluated and can lose the verified status if they no longer meet the requirements. The re-evaluation will start 1 month after this update (1 October 2019). Update to VTC knowledge base With this update we're also adding a new article to the knowledge base articles of the VTC system: a style guide to help you making your VTC page look awesome. This article can be found here. See you out there! TruckersMP team
    1 point
  23. If players follow the rules, the problem is eliminated
    1 point
  24. I disagree. A system like this can be easily abused, especially if you consider some of the larger VTCs all giving "points" to each other. Additionally, other than showing that someone is "friendly", this doesn't really serve any purpose other than cluttering the tab list.
    1 point
  25. +1 Very good idea. Especially it would give other players a reason to behave as the should, because to be honest every one like to collect points I think there shouldn't be any indicator for bad driving tho' - Some people could use it inappropriate way like: "I don't like you, I'll give you bad mark" or just to troll. So just keep the good marks Edit: Wow, the thread is from two years ago
    1 point
  26. A solid idea. It would give other players a reason to behave as they should though I do have a question. For negative driving would it be in a bold colour such as red to indicate at a glance that they are a bad driver?
    1 point
  27. Suggestion Name: Not allow public to use pilot cars. Suggestion Description: Restrict pilot cars to only registered VTC owners, and stop anyone who isn’t registered using them. Any example images: no Why should it be added?: Because when random people use the pilot cars they think that they have authority, and annoy everyone by blocking off roads and overtaking people.
    0 points
  28. Suggestion Name: Rest Area Safe-Zones Suggestion Description: Basically, rest areas, and gas stations should be made into non-collision zones Why should it be added?: Why should they be made that way? Well, sometimes when its 11pm; and I'm hella hungry, or have to use the bathroom, I'm gonna stop at a rest stop for a few minutes to do what I need to do. Quite a few times, I have returned to my computer only to find that some other driver YEETED my truck across the world, and set me to 100% damage. Even while at gas stations, I've seen in countless youtube videos that people are carelessly speeding down the road, and decide at the very last second to stop for gas, and slam into someone filling their truck. Obviously, making rest areas and gas stations non-collision zones would fix that. Not sure if it's possible, not sure if it's been suggested already, but I CANNOT be the only person who thinks this should be done
    0 points
  29. Suggestion Name: LGBT Emojis Suggestion Description:I have looked on discord, and the site and would like to see more flexibility in regards to LGBT emoji's. Any example images: https://pixabay.com/images/search/lgbt/ Why should it be added?: For equalization between LGBT community and Others
    0 points
  30. W ogóle coś beta do ETS2 się opóźnia. Już prawie mija 2 tygodnie od bety ATS a tu nadal cisza.
    0 points
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