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El Reja

Game Moderation Leader
 TruckersMP Profile
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About El Reja

  • Birthday 07/08/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    electromechanical engineering
  • Preferred Trucks
    Freightliner Cascadia®
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    Spanish (Native), English and Portuguese.

TruckersMP Information

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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88453 profile views

El Reja's Achievements


Explorer (5/13)

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  1. I don't even know what it is but looks good tbh
  2. I'm sorry, 0 sounds better than 7.
  3. Hello, Our GMs have to provide a response to dozens of appeals per day, so, 78 hours seem fine for them to have enough time considering the amount of work behind the scenes that we currently have. GMs have to record, edit and upload evidences while playing and reviewing reports and ALSO respond to all the appeals they may receive. If we reduce the time they have to deal with them, we'll just add more workload to our staff members for a task that they are voluntarily doing. Regarding the amount of appeals you can create, yes. 2 appeals is more than enough for players to provide a counter-evidence and explain why they think they are innocent. If your appeals have been declined and you still disagree with the staff member, there's no need to create a 3rd appeal that will most likely be declined too. In that case you can directly make a feedback ticket under the Game Moderation Management category and a Game Moderator Leader/Trainer/Manager will take a look into it again to give you a final decision on the punishment. Kind regards, El Reja TruckersMP Game Moderator Leader
  4. Feliz cumpleaños, disfruta tu día. 😍 🎂

  5. Thank you so much to everyone who congratulated me on my birthday! It's indeed a special day for me, 22 years old already... Time flies lads, that's why I always try to live my best life and It's exactly what y'all should do to ❤️ . 


    I've had a wonderful day with my family and IRL friends, so, It's time to spend some time with some virtual fellas over here as well :HaulieLove:.


    Love you all, thanks for your wonderful messages 😄 🎂

  6. Happy Birthday 🥳🎂

  7. Guest

    Happy Birthday 🥳

  8. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  9. Feliz cumpleaños hermano! Por muchos más! 💖🥞

    1. El Reja

      El Reja

      Muchas gracias amigo ❤️ 

  10. Happy Birthday 

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