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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/19 in Posts

  1. [PLAYER] @-AOD- joins the team as Trial Game Mod Observer.
    10 points
  2. Witajcie truckerzy! Nadeszła ponowna pora na zapoznanie się w nowymi zasadami gry i z akceptacją ich, będziesz mógł dalej w pełni korzystać z naszej platformy! Pierwszą zmianą jest dodanie nowego podpunktu w sekcji §1 - Zasady obowiązujące na TruckersMP. Dodaliśmy wzmiankę o dwuznaczności zasad. Nowa zasada wygląda następująco: §1.9 Dwuznaczność Jeżeli z jakichkolwiek powodów w zasadach istnieją niejednoznaczne określenia lub określenia, które mogą być „otwarte na interpretację” dalej zwane dwuznacznością, kary mogą zostać wydane zgodnie z interpretacją i uzgodnieniami członków TruckersMP. Każda niejednoznaczność jest po stronie TruckersMP, a nie graczy. Jeżeli zostanie nam zgłoszona dwuznaczność, będziemy próbowali pracować nad usunięciem tej niejasności. Luki są traktowane w ten sam sposób jak wykorzystywanie luk i będzie karane tak samo jak zasada, którą wykorzystujesz. Luki powinny zostać zgłoszone, a nie być wykorzystywane. Większość zasad została niezmieniona o ile… jest duża różnica w sekcji §3 - Zasady edycji zapisu i dodaliśmy kilka nowych zasad, aby umożliwić wam modyfikację ciężarówek oraz przyczep. Co zostało zmienione? Poniżej przedstawiamy wam listę największych zmian: Ciężarówki: Hitbox nie jest już czynnikiem który decyduje o tym, czy ciężarówka jest dozwolona czy nie Światła LEDowe mogą zostać umieszczone na każdym slocie, oznacza to, że metody „V” LED są dozwolone Reflektory i lalki Michelin mogą zostać umieszczone na każdym slocie (z wyjątkiem reflektorów na tylnym zderzaku) Przyczepy: Koła różnych rozmiarów są dozwolone Używania nie-standardowych kombinacji przyczep. (przyczepy muszą mieć pomiędzy sobą odstęp, aby nie nachodziły na siebie) Hitbox nie ma znaczenia, jeżeli jest niewidzialny Samochód: Brak zmian Czy zastrzeżenie odnoszące się do modyfikacji zostało zaktualizowane? Tak, zaktualizowaliśmy nasze zastrzeżenia, aby ułatwić wam zrozumienie tej zasady. Zostało to ubrane w słowa bardziej „ludzkie” aby ułatwić wam zrozumienie tej zasady. §3.5 Zastrzeżenie Upewnij się, że każda modyfikacja ciężarówki, przyczepy lub samochodu jest zgodna z powyższymi zasadami. Jesteś odpowiedzialny za wszystkie dokonane zmiany. Jeżeli jednak Twoje modyfikacje nie są zgodne z regulaminem, możesz ponieść karę. Jeżeli nie jesteś pewny czy Twoja modyfikacja jest zgodna z zasadami gry, zapytaj się członka teamu zanim zalogujesz się do gry. Jeżeli dana modyfikacja, której używasz (nie zależnie od pochodzenia) jest skutkiem utracenia kontroli nad pojazdem, lub Twój pojazd koliduję z innym graczem, możesz zostać ukarany za lekkomyślną jazdę. Z poważaniem, Zespół TruckersMP.  Źródło: Źródło pisane przez: @Wheezy
    5 points
  3. X konwój przyjaźni Obecnie zatrudnionych jest 29/35 kierowców Rekrutacja jest Otwarta Strona:http://bluetransspedition.eu Forum:http://bluetransspedition.eu/forum Fanpage:https://facebook.com/bluetransspedition
    3 points
  4. [GAME MODERATOR] @wpx_ additionally joins the Translation team. [SUPPORT] @Soul Knight leaves the Event Team and joins the Translation team while remaining Support.
    3 points
  5. 大家好, 你们中的许多人可能对我们社区的人员结构感兴趣,每个人需要负责什么,以及在荧幕之后具体需要做什么等等。 因此我们将会在此帖向您解释TruckersMP每个职位的职责。 我们想强调的是,您应该记住,TruckersMP所有的工作人员都是一名志愿者,并没有薪水。 从这个意义上讲,我们将自己的业余时间投入到这个项目中,这意味着某些事情可能需要一些时间才能解决,以确保正确和质量。 首先,这是关于员工团队的职位结构图: 这是一张通讯图表,而不是促销图表 正如你所看到的,我们有一个相当复杂的人员系统。 这就是为什么是时候作出详细解释了! 领导层 Developer 他们是开发联机插件的人,即编写多人游戏代码(客户端/服务器/其他)或开发网页。他们处理服务器和/或数据库。 这个职位实际上是最重要的一个,但这并不意味着这些人控制着所有的事情。 开发人员不会注意到所有的事情,这是团队其余部分的工作。 对禁令提出上诉,申请TruckersMP团队职位甚至写下团队其他工作的任何其他内容,不值得向开发人员写信。 但是,如果你在游戏中或在网站上发现了一些奇怪的错误,这会导致崩溃或奇怪的情况,并且它还没有被任何人注意到,那么这是我们觉得值得去联系他们的事情。 此外,这些人还负责在游戏中实施附加组的内容。 Project Manager 项目经理负责整个员工和整个项目。 与开发人员一起规划整个项目的未来走向。 此人直接负责所有团队的经理以及社区和游戏经理。 此外,拥有此级别的人员会听取我们员工的反馈,例如网站的新功能或新规则,以及我们社区对项目本身的反馈。 他需要确保所有团队都运转正常,以及项目的前景光明。 该人员可能会得到项目协调员的支持,项目协调员是具有类似的职责,但决策权较小。 Human Resources 人力资源是一个负责我们的员工配备和内部员工管理相关的团队。 他们负责解决团队中与团队有矛盾点的成员的事情,以及处理纪律规程。 他们还负责入职和离职,包括招聘,人才搜寻和一般招聘阶段,如审核申请。 Service & Data Analyst 服务和数据分析师负责分析TruckersMP的流程和程序,并寻找服务中的差距和改进点。 他/她将致力于改进提案,以改善玩家和团队成员的体验。 除此之外,服务和数据分析师还致力于提供团队内部和公开面板,可以通过这些面板查阅团队和社区的工作情况。 Community Manager 这些人负责社区和员工团队之间的良好关系。他们回答了网站上许多与社区相关的反馈票,以确保玩家玩得开心。最重要的是,他们在Twitter或Facebook等社交媒体平台上与人们互动。他们与媒体和活动经理携手合作,计划推广某项活动或项目,以使该模式对公众更具吸引力。 如果您有任何问题或疑问,可以随时联系社区经理,他会尽力为您提供帮助。这些经理将通过撰写博客文章或在上述平台上发布内容来通知您有关新活动,和其他新闻的信息。 社区管理层也对良好的氛围负责,如果您遇到某些惩罚或一般反馈问题,您应该联系他们。但请注意,与禁令相关的查询正由以下工作人员处理-游戏经理。 Game Manager 无论是学员,试用还是全职管理员还是其领导者,他们都只对团队中的每个人负责。 此角色还负责有关制定游戏方面,特殊活动和临时活动的官方规则。 如果游戏管理员滥用职权或者您有关于他们的反馈,您应该联系游戏经理。 游戏管理层还负责将其他团队的员工提拔到游戏管理团队。 如果您想抱怨您被踢下线或被封号,举报被拒绝或其他任何有关游戏方面的内容,那么在询问游戏经理时,您肯定会联系到正确的人! Community Moderation Manager 拥有此职位的人负责处理所有论坛,Discord,社交媒体(即Facebook)和社区相关的管理疑问。 社区管理员团队受这些经理的控制,从这个意义上说,招聘将由他们管理。 他们确保雇用合适的人来帮助管理论坛,Discord和官方公开的Facebook组。 如果有任何问题,可以提交相应的反馈票。 Support Manager 此部门负责https://truckersmp.com/support - 此经理通过查看此论坛的帮助部分或上述支持面板确保人们得到相应的帮助。 作为经理,这个人负责招聘,雇用新的试用支持和提拔为全职支持。 任何与TruckersMP支持团队有关的问题都应由他们处理。 关于支持的反馈票也在进行中。 如果您有任何问题或疑问,请务必联系他们。 Media Manager 该角色通过确保制作和发布新内容来管理媒体团队的员工员。 例如,制作视频,截图或类似文章。 此外,媒体小组的招聘工作也由他负责。 在官方联运或活动期间,媒体经理需确保他的团队在现场记录,拍摄精彩的活动镜头,或者之后庆祝成功的活动。 Translation Manager 该角色管理翻译团队。 确保发布到社区的所有内容都有不同的语言版本! 文章,帖子和博客将以不同语言提供,因此社区中的每个人都知道TruckersMP的用意。 这个人有使用不同语言的经验。 有关已翻译资源的任何疑问都应转发给此角色的持有者。 Event Manager 这个人负责公共联运活动和员工内部联运活动的创建和组织。 关于某项活动的一切都由他处理。 他确保活动小组确处理联运疏导任务。 最后,他与媒体经理协调团队的任务,以确保一切都在携手合作。 Add-On Developer 显然,该经理负责附加团队。 审查制图和制作mod是他的主要职责。 现有事物的改进也是其主要任务之一。 如果您有任何建议觉得必须是联机的一部分,您可以联系此人。 和其他团队的经理一样,他也负责附加组的招聘,以确保新人拥有足够的品质来帮助TruckersMP变得更好。 员工 Game Mod Leader 这群人通过负责一小部分(试用)游戏管理员(学员)来帮助游戏经理。 管理员组长负责将检查他们的活跃度,指导和培训新的(试用)游戏管理员(学员)并向需要他们的任何游戏管理员提供帮助或建议。 由于这是包含内部工作的排名,因此您不应该向这些人发送消息,除非您有关于规则的问题,并且当时没有其他游戏或项目经理有空。 Game Mod Trainer 该小组负责向我们的游戏管理团队的新学员提供培训计划。 他们根据游戏管理员的职责提供培训,与新学员进行测试和举例说明,并教他们如何处理工作中可能遇到的实际情况。 他们会在受训人员完成培训后向他们提供支持,建议和反馈,并监督他们的日常工作以确保质量和专业水平。 与管理员组长的职位类似,该职位主要是内部人员。 Game Moderator 他们有责任在游戏中将玩家移出或封禁玩家。 这个职位可以处理网站和(可能更令人兴奋的)游戏中的事情。 如果举报得到审核,他们可以保护我们的服务器免受捣乱玩家的侵害。 除了游戏中的举报系统,我们还有一个网站举报系统http://truckersmp.com/reports/create,您可以在里面发送玩家违反规则的证据,例如故意冲撞玩家或堵住高速公路出入口。 但请确保您有足够有效的视频证据。 处理网站举报是游戏管理员工作的一个主要方面,因为每一个都将被审核。 但是,由于工作量很大,可能需要一段时间,这意味着您应该保持耐心。 Report Moderator 此职位处理网站上的举报以及与禁令相关的申诉。 具有此职位的人在游戏中没有权限,仅处理网站举报工作,以了解游戏管理员的工作将会是什么以及游戏中可能发生的情况。 在这方面,获得培训和经验,以便在授予游戏内权限后更快地面对决策。 Trainee 这是管理员团队的每个新成员现在必须经历的职位。 几天的基本训练和常识测试是这个级别的主要思想。 负责学员的管理员领导者将他所有的知识传授给这个人。 每个问题都将得到回答,以便学员准备好在获得权限后开始处理网站举报和申诉。 Community Moderator 如今,这是一个在论坛,Discord和公共TruckersMP Facebook的拥有共同管理权限的职位。 根据需要,他们可以管理其中一个主要平台,以确保每个人都遵守规则。 违反规则时他们会采取适当的惩罚措施。 无论他们关注哪个主要方面,如果您有不适当的内容想要举报,您可以随时联系其中一个,这样做时请确保您有足够的证据。 由于他们没有任何特殊权限,因此向他们询问任何禁令或与申诉相关的内容毫无意义。 Support 支持是团队中非常重要的角色,因为这些人员给急需要帮助的玩家提供技术支持。 以试用支持加入团队,需要在论坛和https://truckersmp.com/support下和支持面板上为人们提供帮助。 如果您无法登录游戏,遇到连接错误或只是遇到其他技术问题,您可以提交一张支持票,他们会尽快为您提供帮助。 (Support) Trainee 每个新的支持者都必须从此职位开始,才能获得有关如何保持专业水平以及如何以试用和正式支持团队成员的身份来合理的完成未来的任务。 他们的培训课程将由支持管理层进行观察和领导。 Translator 翻译负责翻译社区的文章和帖子。 确保社区了解TruckersMP目前的情况。 他们是所掌握的语言的专家。 他们在翻译经理的监督下工作, 你可能不会直接看到他们的工作,但他们总是忙于翻译文章。 Trial Translator 这是翻译团队每位新成员在培训期间提高其技能所拥有的职位。 翻译经理会监督他们的整个工作,以确保每次翻译的质量,直到将其分享给社区。 Event Team 它由许多记录活动过程的人组成,例如社交媒体上的新内容(Twitter,Facebook,Youtube和Twitch)。 在官方联运或活动期间,他们确保采取适当的镜头,然后将其呈现给公众。 如果您是剪辑视频,Photoshop或具有任何其他媒体相关技能方面的专家,您可以向他们发送您的作品以支持他们的工作。 Media Team 该团队通过为参与我们官方活动的玩家提供指导,确保我们的活动顺利有效地进行。 他们还帮助初步规划这些活动,加载存档和联运控制,有时涉及驾驶警车的特权,是该团队的另一项任务。他们 需要拥有活动规划的能力,从这个意义上说,这些人知道很多并且可以在需要的地方提供帮助。 Add-On Team 他们和团队经理本人一样。 地图编辑和mod制作是该团队工作的一个主要方面,从这个意义上讲,他们为社区提供了优秀的创作,以增强TruckersMP的游戏体验。 Player 玩家只是一个使用我们服务并在登录时必须同意规则的人。简而言之,那就是你! 如果您对我们的团队结构如何运作有疑问,请随时在下面询问。 但请注意,我们将删除此帖中不必要的评论,因为它们对此概述没有任何价值。 谢谢。 社区管理层 原文链接: @Anriandor
    2 points
  6. Hello there, Did you get the answer you were looking for with the answers given above? Your confirmation of the status of your issue/question helps us keep the forum always organized! Kind Regards, BL4CK$K1LL TruckersMP Support
    2 points
  7. Dear [GER]enzo, I am glad to hear that you got an answer to your question. Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating a topic or a support ticket. Have a nice day //Locked & Moved to Solved
    2 points
  8. Selam @Harun37 TR, Birkaç arkadaşım Euro Truck Simulator 2'ye gelen son güncellemeyi yapmadığı için dorseleri göremiyor, etkinliği yapamıyordu. Lütfen oyunun son sürüm olduğuna emin olun. Saygılarımla [TR] SkortiL
    2 points
  9. 亲爱的玩家,你们好 翻译团队下线已近一年。 随着团队内部的任务不断增加,迫切需要提高效率和利用率。 考虑到这一点,我们决定重新启用翻译团队,新的任务,新的团队管理和新的资源。 我们相信这将有助于了解TruckersMP团队如何处理事情,同时我们也希望这一团队将有益于社区。 我们希望所有未来的公告,博客和知识文章翻译成各种语言,以确保社区中的每个人都了解TruckersMP正在发生什么。 随着翻译团队的重新启用,你将有机会加入此团队,更多信息敬请等待。 真挚的祝福, TruckersMP 团队 原文链接: @Kap
    2 points
  10. Отвечу сам себе. Чтобы появились трейлеры надо просто обновить игру до последней версии ...0.34. "только один такой груз", "поспать" ...
    2 points
  11. W dniu 23.03.2019 braliśmy udział w X edycji Konwoju Przyjaźni organizowanym przez firmę RISA Dziękujemy organizatorom za zaproszenie i czekamy na kolejną edycję! Fotorelacja:
    2 points
  12. Hallo iedereen, Bijna een jaar geleden werd het translation team afgesloten. Naar aanleiding dat iedereen meer en meer taken krijgt binnen het team, willen we dat alles soepel en efficiënter gaat gebeuren. We hebben ervoor gekozen om bij deze, het team opnieuw op te starten met allerlei nieuwe ideeën en taken. We geloven er diep in dat het team ervoor gaat zorgen dat nu alles nog vlotter zou gaan binnen het TruckersMP team dan ervoor, maar bovenop dat het ook wat opbrengt voor de community zelf. We hopen dat we in het vervolg ook alle informatie, nieuws en blogs in verschillende talen zouden kunnen zetten waardoor iedereen kan begrijpen wat er gebeurt binnen TruckersMP. Het nieuwe team gaat ervoor zorgen dat als iemand geïnteresseerd zou zijn om een steentje bij te dragen, gaat er een mogelijk komen om een applicatie in te dienen om bij het team te komen. Meer informatie omtrent deze, volgt binnenkort. Met vriendelijke groet, TruckersMP Team Origineel topic geschreven door @Kap
    2 points
  13. [GAME MODERATOR TRAINER/LEADER] @BlocKing leaves the training team due to personal reasons, but will remain as a Team Leader. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @KOZIK promoted to the role of Trial Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Martin. promoted to the role of Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @KasperE promoted to the role of Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @King^ promoted to the role of Game Moderator.
    2 points
  14. [GAME MANAGER] @Aurora-TMP additionally joins the Translation team. [SUPPORTER] @CrackPrewier additionally joins the Translation team. [GAME MODERATOR] @flybel additionally joins the Translation team.
    2 points
  15. Calais to Duisburg Road: Information and Alternative Routes Hi! I’ve decided to write this thread as some advice for people who want to avoid the Calais to Duisburg road in ETS2, whether because you have a serious load you want to do, or if you just don’t like the chaos, or don’t have the time to sit and stare at a queue of traffic for ages- in this case, this is the thread for you! I want to note something before you continue reading: No, I’m not forcing you or others to take the following routes, these are here purely for your reference and you can still take the Calais>Duisburg road should you wish to. Of course, these won’t guarantee you won’t find trolls, but it should hopefully minimise the number of trolls you find on your way. If all you’re here for is to say “Oh, people will still take the Calais>Duisburg road anyway”, you’ve found the wrong thread to reply to. It’s also important to note that as of the latest ETS2 update, the GPS may take a longer but quicker route, so your job may not use the Calais>Duisburg road anyway. This means other alternative routes could end up busier due to GPS routing, so it’s often a good idea to check the traffic conditions here: ets2map.com (Live map of the servers) and https://traffic.krashnz.com/ (Traffic information) Also remember that the alternative routes are mostly motorways which have easier overtaking with 3 lanes, a hard shoulder to stop at, and frequent fuel stops and cities for truck repairs. "Excessive traffic" rules also don't normally apply here, as the motorways are mostly free flowing. First, I think it’s important for those who don’t know what I’m talking about to establish what is the Calais>Duisburg road and what are it’s characteristics? I’ve attached a screenshot of the map here: The Calais>Duisburg road is a country road, starting in France just outside Calais, through Belgium and into Germany, ending just outside Duisburg. It’s single carriageway all the way (One lane in each direction) and contains many bends and hills that can cause easily dangerous driving by those who are inexperienced. There are two small fuel stops, 2 junctions with motorways along the way and a train level crossing, which often causes crashes and queues. The main accident hit points are at these areas. Another important note: If you have an accident or get severe damage, it’s important to get moving as soon as possible. If you just need to repair, use the /fix command, or use F7 + Enter to teleport to the nearest service station. If you’ve tipped, flipped or landed on a roadside barrier, use F7 + Enter to teleport away, to make sure you’re out of the way and the road is made safe again. There are also some "Excessive Traffic" rules specifically made to deal with busy areas such as the Calais>Duisburg road, so take note of these: (Last updated: April 8th, 2018) This road attracts many players, often hundreds at a time. Therefore there’re lots of queues along the way. So therefore, alternative routes are good things to know about in case you need to take a serious load for World of Trucks, or for your VTC, etc. If you’re headed towards Duisburg from the north, you can use this route pictured: Continue on the motorway, past Brussels, towards Liege and Koln, past Dusseldorf and you’re into Duisburg. There’s also another way to Duisburg by going via Amsterdam, pictured here: If you’re going to Calais from the North, you can go via the Brussels>Lille country road, pictured here: Where you’ll rejoin the motorway towards Calais as if you were on the C>D road. If you have time, you could also go from Rotterdam to Calais via the UK, pictured here: Although do remember that the UK drives on the left side of the road, don't get caught making a small mistake! Hopefully, these helped you in some way and you’ve avoided the crowds of the Calais>Duisburg road. Have a safe trip!
    1 point
  16. Suggestion Name: Make double trailer jobs. Suggestion Description: Double trailers are now allowed in Europe outside an area, but to use one in France for exemple, you must buy it in Scandinavia(so you must own the DLC) and then drive towards France... where there are no jobs available. I suggest you to add "parts" of this mod (link) or to make one similar, it allows you to buy a double trailer in Europe, and it add cargoes for it. It also adds double trailers in freight market, but I think that it is not a good idea because everyone would use it... Any example images: --my images are bigger than 500kb-- IMG1 IMG2 Why should it be added?: If it is added, it would help to integrate double trailers in the game! I am French so sorry if my english is bad
    1 point
  17. > OUTDATED < You can find the latest version of this guide here: https://truckersmp.com/kb/27 Hello truckers! "How to become game moderator?", this is a question you might have been thinking about. This topic will contain an answer to that question and some general information that might interest you. First of all, being a game moderator isn't just about driving a police car. A few of you might be reading this topic solely to find out how to drive a police car. This version of the car is only reserved for staff members with game moderator permissions such as our game moderators, managers and developers. Driving a police car is not the main purpose of a game moderator (will be using "GM" as an abbreviation in this topic). It's only an additional perk of the rank. The duties of a GM are not just flying over the map and randomly kicking or banning users. The rank of a GM comes with a great responsibility. A GM deals with various duties on our website and in-game, including website reports, in-game reports and ban appeals, judging what is right and wrong. Every GM is chosen with great care to ensure maximum quality. As of January 2018, there is open GM recruitment, however there is no plan to open it very often. As you may have noticed, GM's are mostly selected from within our current team. To be specific, you need to join our team as another rank in order to get selected for a promotion to GM. Not everyone gets the promotion, there are various of reasons why they are not selected. If you join the team with the aim of being a GM, you are most likely to fail that. We want people to join our team with a big interest in their section of which they applied for. If you are doing well, a Game Manager might notice you and offer you a promotion if they are needing more GM's. It's your choice to accept or decline that if you prefer to remain in your current sub-team. Here is a summarary for the two different paths you could walk to become a GM, see below: Step 1 - Join the team as another rank (Support, Moderator, Media). Step 2 - Work hard, do your duties as you are supposed to and be nice. Step 3 - Offer by GMM to join GM on a trial period. The second option is the following: Step 1 - Make sure you have no bans, good forum activity and good behaviour Step 2 - Once GM recruitment opens, apply to join and make sure you fill your application out with good detail. Step 3 - Invite to an interview, chat with GMMs Step 4 - Training period with both GMMs and GMTLs. Step 5 - Trial Period of 2 months. Some tips and advice we can give you: - Never ask to become a GM, this decreases your chances to become one. - Don't contact anyone about your candidacy for a position as GM. - Don't join the team with the sole aim of being a GM, you will most likely fail to achieve this then. - Don't ask when other recruitments will open. + Do your best if you are selected for another role in the team, do your duties and get noticed in a good way. + Practise your skills of the English language, this will be your main language as GM. + Obey all rules on the forums and in-game, having a ban or warning point decreases your chances. + Be active on our forums, get known in our community and give others a positive impression about yourself. Some related questions Q: Do I need to have both ETS2 and ATS if I would be a GM? A: No, we recommend you do but this is not a requirement. Q: Is being friends with other staff members giving me an advantage? A: No, we select new GM's based on their activity, behaviour and skills. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected. Q: I'm not really interested in the forums, can I skip being a moderator first? A: No, we require you to participate in discussions and the community. It is important to know how our community works if you want to be on the TruckersMP team. Q: I'm never chosen in a recruitment, what can I do? A: Not much, free spots on our team are limited and many are interested in it. Try to improve and try again during another recruitment session. Q: I speak {language}, there are no other GM's who speak this language. Can I become GM right away? A: No, you still need to follow all steps involved. We are not giving someone the GM rank for the language only. Q: I have a question that is not mentioned here, who should I contact? A: Send your question to the feedback, we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
    1 point
  18. Suggestion Name: Travel Conditions Signs Suggestion Description: The travel conditions signs would be signs that would inform players about the traffic in different cities. Any example images: Why should it be added?: If I am going to Brussels and I am traveling the CD road, I am going to want to know what the traffic is going to be like in Brussels i.e: Mild, Congested, Heavy, etc. Instead of stopping on the side of the road, causing more problems for other drivers, and check my phone for a traffic update, it would be right in front of my face in game! I think this addition will help reduce traffic hazards on the roads making the game more enjoyable for everyone.
    1 point
  19. Hello community, Today marks a special day, the first anniversary of our Event Team. During the past year, they have created a bunch of events, which look to be very successful in terms of interest from you guys. During the past years, we have seen a lot of improvement in the Real Ops event, and more improvements to come in the future. Also, we had quite a bit of convoys for the public. All of this wouldn't have been possible without the event team. Apart from the event team, this wouldn't have been possible with the planning and organization skills of @Digital. He has done a lot of work and spent a lot of time dedicated to events. We want to thank him for his efforts in all this, and hope to continue like this for a long time in the future. I suggest to keep your eyes opened for a new feature that will be released soon, which would be a benefit for the events hosted by the community. Speculation about this is welcome in the comment section Last but not least, "somewhere" in the next month, there will be an additional anniversary. Would there be special things coming? Check back regularly as there may be new information. Original post about the creation of the event team: Regards, Smoky_TMP
    1 point
  20. Hi, with the rule change, I realized it's allowed. Right?
    1 point
  21. Coffee-Spedition zaprasza na drugą edycję konwoju "Pędzimy po Kolumbijską kawę" Informacje Data 06.04.2019 Godzina zbiórki 18:30 Start konwoju 19:00 Miejsce startu: Drezno/Praga Miejsce docelowe: Calais Długość trasy 1532 km (100% autostrady) Serwer: EU3 Komunikacja głosowa: teamspeak MadTrans Mapa przejazdu: Regulamin konwoju 1) Nie zatrzymujemy się na światłach 2) Przestrzegamy pozostałych zasad ruchu drogowego 3) Nie używamy dodatkowych świateł ostrzegawczych (tzw. kogutów) 4) Korzystamy z ustalonego pasa ruchu podczas jazdy autostradą 5) Zachowujemy odległość minimum 100 m za zestawem z przodu 6) Nie wyprzedzamy innych uczestników 7) Ustalona prędkość na autostradzie to 80 km/h, w miastach i w innych trudniejszych miejscach 40-70 km/h 8) Wszystkie pozostałe przepisy porządkowe obowiązujące na serwerach pozostają w mocy. Podział firm na grupy Grupa I Drezno odjazd 19:00, pilot Pawcio eAcres: Hard Group Transport Coffee-Spedition TruckersPL Pol - Trans Jamajka-Trans Grupa II Drezno odjazd 19:05, pilot Reksio Sell-Plan: Orzeł - Trans Promil - Trans Hotel: MadTrans Warsztat: Agromex Grupa III droga Praga->Drezno odjazd 19:03, pilot Mefisto Parking: TransBED RISA Pol - Express Granica czesko-niemiecka: Potwory i Spółka Grupa IV Praga odjazd 19:03, pilot karol_domag Warsztat: Magic - Trans MTD Logistic Tradeaux: GTW - Logistic Hotel: OL-Trans Garaż: Maximus Maximus Visrtual Spedition Grupa V Praga-Scout odjazd 19:05, pilot spat91 Parking przy Scout: Alko - Trans Dream - Team Quality - Logistic Speedy - Trans Widok spedycji startowych: Drezno eAcres: Drezno Sell-Plan: Drezno Hotel: Drezno Warsztat: Droga Praga -> Drezno, parking: Droga Praga -> Drezno, granica czesko-niemiecka: Praga Warsztat: Praga Tradeaux: Praga Hotel: Praga Garaż: Praga, parking przy Scout: Lista zaproszonych firm: Agromex Alko - Trans Dream - Team GTW - Logistic Hard Group Transport Jamajka - Trans MadTrans Magic - Trans Maximus Maximus Visrtual Spedition MTD Logistic OL-Trans Orzeł - Trans Pol - Express Pol - Trans Potwory i Spółka Promil - Trans Quality - Logistic RISA Speedy - Trans TransBED TruckersPL Loga zaproszonych firm:
    1 point
  22. Dlaczego SCS ma zmieniać coś pod MP ?
    1 point
  23. Hello there, Driving through a red light in a busy area, causing a crash, is considered Reckless Driving and people will be banned enforcing that rule: §2.5 - Reckless Driving* Driving in such a way that is considered unsafe and that puts other people in danger, driving backwards, failing to yield, racing other users (except for the Arizona race track), ignoring other players and rules. Being outside of the map boundaries. This includes spots inaccessible by normal driving. Attempting to use desync lag or quick saves in order to cause damage to another user's vehicle is forbidden. Adding a specific rule to disallow driving through red lights is therefore not really needed. Plus, when someone is driving somewhere with no other traffic at all, he would be breaking a rule by driving through a red light with no other traffic around him. Rejected.
    1 point
  24. Hello There! Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply. Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics. If you still have any questions about this, feel free to DM me or our support team members, we will open this again. Thanks to all for participation! //Locked and Moved to Inactive
    1 point
  25. Benvenuto nella ciurma
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. You can find TMP ID of perperator in your SpawnLog. This document you can find in Documents/ETS2MP/logs . Just check document from this date when you make your video/screenshot.
    1 point
  28. A better way of saying this is: If only they followed the rules as they were back then, some players would not have been banned for violating the rules.
    1 point
  29. Hola buenas soy de la empresa TACAFSA y te invito a unirte a nuestro discord y así explicarte las normas y condiciones que son muy pocas. Sin limite de kilómetros solo ser activo y buena actitud https://discord.gg/3uyBjz te dejo el discord por si quieres unirte, cuando entres avisa por el chat general para que te den poderes, estaríamos encantados de tenerte en nuestra empresa. Un saludo. Nos vemos pronto
    1 point
  30. To wydarzenie w Paryżu to tragedia, administracja nie potrafi tego ogarnąć... Szkoda czasu by robić event na multi, wiele ludzi są nie słusznie wyrzucani z serwera. Np. jechałem przez ten korek 30 min i na zjeździe jedno pasmowym ktoś mnie próbował wyprzedzić przez awaryjny, ale po napisaniu prośby na czatcie do admina by to zobaczył, co ? zostałem wyrzucony z serwera. Dziękuje za takie ogarnięcie...
    1 point
  31. Hello Then can you try these: Solution 1: Open Documents ETS2 Profiles Which profıle you use is that proceeding profıt Open confıg Chance (g_save_format "0'') to (g_save_format "2") Solution 2: Step 1. Right click your 'Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer' / 'American Truck Simulators Multiplayer' .exe file, whether it be the shortcut on the desktop or actual file and then click properties. Step 2. If you right clicked it's shortcut, make sure you clicked the shortcut tab. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you clicked the .exe file, make sure you are on the general tab. You should see a section say: ( Target: "C:\Program Files\TruckersMP\launcher_ets2mp.exe" ) OR it's custom install path. (Minus the brackets) What you need to do is on the end of it, add: ( -homedir C:\Users\Michael\Documents\ETS2MP ) It should look something like: ( Target: "C:\Program Files\TruckersMP\launcher_ets2mp.exe" -homedir C:\Users\Michael\Documents\ETS2MP ) If you understand what the -homedir fuction does, feel welcome to change it, if you are worried or don't know what to do, just leave it as it is Solution 3: 1. Going into the 'Set Launch Options' in the ETS2 and putting in this command: -homedir g:\' ' being the name of the folder being created (you can change ' to whatever folder name you want) 2. Set g to whatever drive you have the game installed on. Launch the game. Shut it off. go to Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2 and copy everything. Now go to g drive, or whatever you set it as, open the folder ' 3. There will be a Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder in there, paste everything from the documents folder in there. 4. Now run the game, your save should be there, and hopefully it will run better. The reason for this seems to be, if the game and the save file locations are on different hard drives, like mine were. Saves were in Documents/ folder on my C Drive and my game was installed on my G drive. If the saves are located on the same hard drive, things just run smoother. There are a lot of files being written to that folder in Documents it seems besides saves, so it's best if everything is on the same hard drive
    1 point
  32. Selam @EmreTezgel06, @ismail [TR]'nin çözüm yolu büyük olasılıkla problemini çözecektir. Eğer çözüm yolunu uygularken zorluk çekersen aşağıdaki videoyu izleyerekte deneyebilirsin. İlgili Video:
    1 point
  33. [ENG] Hello, in this case just restart Steam and try again. It should work. Best Regards //ASIR [CZ] Ahoj, v tomhle případě postačí restartovat Steam a zkusit to znovu. Mělo by to fungovat. S pozdravem //ASIR
    1 point
  34. W dniu dzisiejszym tj. 23 marca odbył się X Konwój Przyjaźni organizowany przez z firmę RISA, który startował z Szczecina aż do Segedynu. Dziękujemy za zaproszenie i do następnego
    1 point
  35. Excelente para para toda a comunidade MP! Obrigado !
    1 point
  36. Welkom terug @[S.PLH]Warrior in het team als [Game Moderator] - Veel succes! Welkom @Averazon in het team als [Community Moderator] - Ook jou wensen we veel succes!
    1 point
  37. [PLAYER] @KOZIK rejoins the team as Trial Game Mod Observer. [PLAYER] @Averazon joins the Community Moderation Team as Forum Moderator. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @[S.PLH]Warrior rejoins the team as Game Moderator [PLAYER] @DJ Jefferz rejoins the team as Event Team Member.
    1 point
  38. [GAME MODERATOR] @[AHL] Aek177 has been promoted to Game Moderator Leader.
    1 point
  39. Mal ein paar Teaser, für die, die es noch nicht mitbekommen haben https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&amp;t=263337&amp;start=2440#p1105503 Die Bildtechnisch aufgeabreitete Variante https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&amp;t=263337&amp;start=2450#p1105517
    1 point
  40. Wir suchen weiterhin Verstärkung für unser Team!! Alle weiteren Informationen findet Ihr bereits oben erklärt, alles andere wird via Privat Nachricht geregelt. Kleine Beispiele zu unseren Ausflügen in Ets2 mit DHT & Friends.
    1 point
  41. [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] @JeffSFC has been promoted to Game Manager
    1 point
  42. Dziękujemy firmię VS-Nescar oraz xKamil123 za udział w konwoju .
    1 point
  43. Use of our brand assets We are very proud of our logo and other assets, and we require that you follow these guidelines to ensure they always looks their best. Our logo White version Colored version Our small logo (badge) Our mascot (Haulie) Space and size When you’re using the logo or other assets with other graphic elements, make sure you give them some room to breathe. The empty space around asset used should be at least 150% of the width of the asset. Example of our badge The asset must be placed at least 15px away from each border. Example of our badge Colors: The TruckersMP logo is always either colored or white. It must be legible and maintain the integrity of its form. When placing the logo on an image, always use the white logo version. For images with a light background, we suggest applying a 10-20% black tint to the entire image to maintain legibility of the white logo. Red: #B92025 Black: #040608 White: #FEFEFE Misuse of our brand assets You are allowed to use our provided assets but you can not: Cut or crop Apply outlines Add special effects Add gradients Fill with multiple colors, paterns or images Skew, rotate or stretch Change orientation Add elements Multiply Contain in a shape Use our old logo No brand pairing without permission Disclaimer By using the TruckersMP trademarks in these Brand Guidelines, you agree to follow these TruckersMP Trademark Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) as well as our Terms of Service and all other TruckersMP rules and policies. TruckersMP reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change this policy at any time at its sole discretion without notice. These Guidelines apply to your use of the TruckersMP trademarks. You may use the TruckersMP trademarks solely for the purposes expressly authorized by TruckersMP. Strict compliance with these Guidelines is required at all times, and any use of the TruckersMP trademarks in violation of these Guidelines will automatically terminate any license related to your use of the TruckersMP trademarks. TruckersMP reserves the rights, exercisable at its sole discretion, to modify these Guidelines, and/or the TruckersMP trademarks at any time and to take appropriate action against any unauthorized or non conforming use of the TruckersMP trademarks. If you have any questions about these Guidelines, please contact feedback at https://truckersmp.com/feedback.
    1 point
  44. Hai, entfern mal bitte die 3 Sachen hier: Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/config.cfg Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles/DeinProfil/config.cfg Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles/DeinProfil/controls.sii Und versuch es erneut. Liebe Grüße
    1 point
  45. iReacheR вернулся в команду в качестве игрового администратора.
    1 point
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