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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/17 in all areas

  1. [TRANSLATOR] @Kargho </pl> joins to Translation Team as Translator [TRANSLATOR] @[F-T M] FreZyFaiL joins to Translation Team as Translator [TRANSLATOR] @aluizio' joins to Translation Team as Translator [TRANSLATOR] @Berk Koc [TR] joins to Translation Team as Translator [TRANSLATOR] @[BA] Wiciu [PL/NL] joins to Translation Team as Translator
    14 points
  2. Grudzień 2017 Zwycięzcy Konkursu Zdjęcie Miesiąca Grudzień 2017: 1 Miejsce Wykonane przez: @bonaa[PL] 2 Miejsce Wykonane przez: @WarrioR. 3 Miejsce Wykonane przez: @[BTS] SajmonEU Chcielibyśmy podziękować wszystkim uczestnikom za udział w konkursie na zdjęcie miesiąca Grudzień. Do zobaczenia w przyszłym miesiącu z waszymi fotkami! TruckersMP Media Team
    6 points
  3. Me whenever I see news or articles about "a new and original operating system": Seriously... ReactOS is so far the only actual "new and original" OS I've come to know. All others I ever heard/hear about are nothing but more Linux distros. Very disappointing. :\
    6 points
  4. Greetings, Turkish truckers. First of all, I would like to say that I respect your culture and your people who have done a lot for your country. But you must understand that there are rules for multiplayer, which I must follow. There is such a rule: "Impersonating other users, political figures, Moderators or acting like someone who is more superior to another. This can be through the way you speak, your avatar, your license/interior plates, username and/or your game tag." This rule says that you can not use images your leaders as avatars such as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and others. All these people are political figures so their image you can not use as your avatar, because this prohibits the rules. I can not ignore these rules and have to ban those who use such images. I think that you do not want your bans history on TruckersMP to be spoiled for this little thing. For some, this ban can be 4th, 5th or even 6th and I again have to expand the ban because of the history. It's not pleasant for me to do this, because it's really not a gross violation in comparison with a ramming or insults but this is still a violation. I hope for your understanding and you will not break this rule. Similarly, if you see that someone is using such an avatar, then report a violation of the rule and that it can be banned. I thank you for your attention and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sincerely, ResTed ______________________ Selamlar Türk Tırcılar Öncelikle sizin kültürünüze ve sizin ülkenize emek harcamış kişilere saygım olduğunu söylemeliyim . Ama multiplayerin(çok oyunculu modun) uymaniz gereken kuralları vardır . Şu kural ; Bu kural sizin Mustafa Kemal Atatürk , Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gibi liderlerinizin resimlerini kullanamayacagınızı belirtiyor . Kurallar gereği tüm bu siyasi figürlerin resimlerini avatarınızda kullanamazsınız . Ben kuralları gözardı edemem ve bu tarz resimleri kullananları banlamak zorundayım . Sizin , truckersmp de bu küçük inat yüzünden ban geçmişı istemeyeceğinizi düşünüyorum. Bazilariniz icin bu 4. 5. Yada 6. oluyor ve ben bunu ban gecmislerinden dolayi tekrar belirtmek zorundayım . Bunu yapmak hoşuma gitmiyor . Çünkü bu ; Çarpmak , hakaret gibi kural ihlalleri ilé kiyaslandıginda büyük çapta bir ihlal degil . Fakat sonucta bir ihlaldir . Anladiginizi ve bu kuralı ihlal etmeyeceğinizi umuyorum . Aynı şekilde buna benzer avatar kullananları görürseniz kural ihlali olarak raporlayın . Ve bu kişi banlanabilir Dikkatiniz için teşekkür ederim. Mutlu noeller ve iyi seneler Saygılarımla ResTed Thanks for the translation @[SK] - TeR*NOYAN28
    5 points
  5. 5 points
  6. Many drivers might found that shifting occupied a part of speed up process and lower the acceleration. But there're several ways that can reduce or avoid that, Using the Auto/Manual shifting function of ETS2/ATS. Now I First define Auto/Manual shifting switch as '1'. define Force auto shift up as '2'. define Force auto shift down as '3'. And I'll provide 3 ways quick shifting... 1. Short latency shifting skill First set "Adaptive automatic transmission" to "High power mode", you can find it at Options/Controls. When engine rpm comes up "OVER" 2000, Double click '1' as fast as you can, than you can get a shorter shifting latency. When shift down, rpm should lower than 1000 to do it. 2. No latency shifting skill First set "Adaptive automatic transmission" to "High power mode". Switch to auto mode. When rpm comes "CLOSE TO" 2000, click '1' and '2' at the same time, (If over, it might jump gear and you'll get full latency) you'll shift up with no latency. When shift down, first switch to auto mode, and click '1' '3'. 3. No latency shifting skill with macros. Shifting up Shifting down You should mind that shifting up at full throttle on three ways. That's all, I've made a sample video. Hope it helps you getting a quicker shifting speed.
    4 points
  7. TSMP Crashes Compilation 34 is about finished. All it needs in order to be rendered and uploaded is for it to become day time on MP so I can record one specific clip to include with my Christmas message and it will be all set! And yes, it's a long one. But I hope you'll like it.
    4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. Merry Christmas for the truckersmp community. Wesołych pogodnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia spędzonych w ciepłej miłej rodzinnej atmosferze
    4 points
  10. Merry Christmas everyone Hope everyone has a great Christmas
    3 points
  11. Arkadaşlar, muhtemelen bir çoğunuz benimle ters düşecektir ancak bir "Member" olarak şunu söylemek istiyorum sizlere ki, durumu objektif bir şekilde anlayabilesiniz. First of all, I would like to say that I respect your culture and your people who have done a lot for your country. But you must understand that there are rules for multiplayer, which I must follow. Burada, yazısına başlamadan önce zaten bizim kültürümüze ve geçmişten günümüze Türk insanının ülkemiz için yaptıklarına saygı duyduğunu belirtmiş. Ancak, bizlere şunu anlamamız gerektiğini açıkça belirtiyor; bu platformda kuralların olduğunu ve onun da bu kurallara göre hareket etmesi gerektiği. "Impersonating other users, political figures, Moderators or acting like someone who is more superior to another. This can be through the way you speak, your avatar, your license/interior plates, username and/or your game tag." Bu kısımda, hem truckersmp platformuna, hem de foruma kayıt olurken zaten okumuş ve tam anlamıyla anlamış, saygı duyuyor olmanız gereken kurallardan birisini, daha doğrusu şuan içerisinde bulunduğumuz durumla ilgili olan kuralı belirtiyor. Yukarıdaki kuralda da anlayacağımız üzre, herhangi bir politika liderinin resmini platform üzerinde kullanamaz, platform üzerinde kullandığınız isminiz içerisinde içeremez, oyun içerisinde bulunan tag sisteminde kullanamaz ve forum/diğer bağlı platformlar üzerinde sözlü olarak hakkında konuşmalar yapamaz, isimlerini kullanamazsınız. This rule says that you can not use images your leaders as avatars such as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and others. All these people are political figures so their image you can not use as your avatar, because this prohibits the rules. I can not ignore these rules and have to ban those who use such images. Burada, belirtmek istediği durum ve bizim gördüğümüz şey arasında fark var. Ki yorumları okuduğum ve anladığım kadarıyla da biz Türkler olarak, deyim yerindeyse "şalterlerin attığı, filmin koptuğu" kısım burası. Bütün yazıyı zaten Noyan Türkçe'ye çevirmiş ve alt kısımda da mevcut, ancak detaylı anlatmak için tekrar belirtmek istiyorum. Burada, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'e ya da Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'a karşı herhangi bir karşıt tutum mevcut değil. Burada anlatmak istediği, hangi lider olursa olsun, politika ile bağlantılı olduğu için yukarıda belirttiği şekilde herhangi bir iletişim aracı yardımıyla truckersmp forumuna dahil edilmemesi gerektiği. Yani bu Donald Trump da olabilir, Vladimir Putin de olabilir, Osama Bin Laden de olabilir vs. vs. Bu ihlali yapan kim olursa olsun hakkında işlem yapması gerektiğini ve yapacağını da açıkça belirtmiş. Burada kaçırdığınız bir başka nokta da şu, bunu sadece ResTed uygulamıyor, tüm Game Moderatör takımı bunu uygulamak zorunda kurallar gereği. I hope for your understanding and you will not break this rule. Similarly, if you see that someone is using such an avatar, then report a violation of the rule and that it can be banned. Son olarak, gördüğünüz gibi sizlere açıklama yapma gereksinimini, saygısını ve kibar tutumunu halen devam ettirip durum hakkında detaylı bilgi veriyor. Kısaca, size bu ihlali gerçekleştirdiğinizde ceza vermek zorunda olduğunu, ceza alabileceğinizi belirtiyor. Arkadaşlar, uzun lafın kısası şu; biz Türk oyunculara ve liderlerimize karşı herhangi bir şekilde "bilinçli" tutum söz konusu değil, yani bizdeki anlamıyla "Türklere takık bu, Türkleri sevmiyor, Türklere düşman" tarzı düşüncelere girmeyin, girdiyseniz de vazgeçin. Yapması gerekeni, yapılması gerekeni yaptı, yapıyor, yapacak da. Umarım yukarıdaki yazı biraz daha detaylı anlamanızı, büyük resmi görmenizi sağlamıştır. İyi geceler!
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. It's not possible to reconnect without restarting the game at this moment due to how authorization works. Going to move this to help and solved since it's a question.
    3 points
  14. [TR] 3. Yıl [EN] 3. Yıllar [FR] 3.année
    3 points
  15. Why do people reply to topics when they've clearly been answered already. Grinds my gears.
    3 points
  16. look at yall spending money on Italia DLC Boi ETS1 had it from the start! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198124525539/screenshot/924793102804042644
    3 points
  17. Очевидно же, что осуществляется поворот. Очень много тупит народу с круговым движением, хотя в нём нет ничего сложного. Представляйте его просто обычным перекрёстком и будет счастье.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Türkler Euro Truck Simulator 2 & TruckersMP'de En büyük oyuncu kitlesi buna bütün herkes onay veriyor lakin, bu olay konusunda sadece Türklerin ele alınmış olması işleri değiştiriyor. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ile Rusya Federasyonu arasında çeşitli ülkeler arası çatışmalar yaşandı ve hepsi çözüldü/çözülmeye çalışılıyor. Rusya'ya ve Kişisel kendisine hakaret ediliyorsa da o zaman kendisine hak veririm. Bu konu şu anda Türkleri hedef göstermek amaçlı yazılmış gibi gözüküyor, düzeltilmesini arz ediyorum.
    2 points
  21. @Meto @TUNANKA Sadece türklerin icin degil herkes icin gecerli kural ResTedin yazmasindaki amac şu , artık insanlar bunu sadece ResTed e bağlamaya başladı , yani türk düsmani vs kelimeler kullanılmaya baslandi onun icin . Tahminimce bu yüzden açmistir böyle bir konu , çunkü ceviriye baktığinızda " bu yuzden banlamaktan mutlu değilim " diyor " . yada en çok biz bu hatayı yapıyoruz diye .
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. There are two things that are rather particular to me when it comes to our Truck Simulator games, particularly ETS2... 1) I change my main truck every time one reaches 50,000 KM of total driven distance 2) Every year, when Winter Mod is active and only during the month of December, I drive the same Iveco Stralis. Underpowered, doesn't look, doesn't sound the greatest, the interior is ugly and the engine is loud, but every year I drive the thing and I like it, enough to become upset when someone makes fun of it. I call it, "Christmas Iveco". Uncreative, I know. But that's what I call it and period. Now I decided I should add a third particularity: 3) Change the Christmas truck every 30,000 KM of total driven distance. Since I change trucks at every 50K and I only drive that Iveco once every year and the thing just today has finally reached 30,000 KM, I decided that I should change the truck I drive during Christmas time at a lower distance and shift from the usual 50K to 30K. After all... since I only drive it once a year, it will take forever to change it if I apply the 50,000 KM rule to my Christmas truck as well. Took me three years to get the Iveco to 30K! So today my Christmas Iveco has completed its final Christmas delivery and with it, Tier 1 of SCS's event for ETS2 has been completed! Time to say good-bye to my old boxy winter truck. And say hello to the new Christmas truck, my Christmas Renault! Onward to Tier 2 on ETS2 and soon as possible, get started on both tiers for ATS! Draco Pete is eager to deliver gifts! Maybe I'll give him a Christmas paintjob like I wanted to do last year but couldn't because the Christmas Paintjobs DLC wasn't supported.
    2 points
  25. Caro @MOTORISTA_BR, Se você fizer isso, você estaria evitando a proibição com sua outra conta.. E você será banido da mesma maneira com a nova conta.. A melhor coisa que você pode fazer é esperar até que você não tenha uma proibição ativa.
    1 point
  26. Dear @SebasletoswsKy, Can you remember the email of that account? You can request a new password here: https://truckersmp.com/auth/password/reset If you want to change your current TruckersMP email, create a ticket here: https://support.truckersmp.com/ I hope that helps! Greetings & Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  27. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    1 point
  28. To all GTA Online Players Here is a Crew for TMP Users Feel free to join Link: https://de.socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/mp_truckers
    1 point
  29. Ну смысл для начала в том, что есть пункт ПДД "8.1. Перед началом движения, перестроением, поворотом (разворотом) и остановкой водитель обязан подавать сигналы световыми указателями поворота соответствующего направления..." Ну, а если пофлудить, то думаю кольцо это в первую очередь что? - перекресток, не изгиб дороги, а именно перекресток, где пересекаются несколько полос движения, по этому и нужно включать.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. there arent enough days in the weekend xd
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. the numbers is how loud the tires are at highway speed in decibels
    1 point
  34. That's pretty quick acceleration right there! // Moved to Guides.
    1 point
  35. В РФ например надо и перед и после включать поворотник.
    1 point
  36. This is the sound produced by the tires, lower means quieter. I don't know if it is 100% accurate in ETS2 but IRL some tires make less noise on the road
    1 point
  37. This Christmas, make it a point to bring a smile to every face you see. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    1 point
  38. Beacons on the bull bar or otherwise on the front of the truck is not allowed. topic : C'est en anglais mais concretement, en français, aucun gyro sur le devant du camion, et pas plus de gyro (en nombre) que le nombre possible sans modding sur le toit
    1 point
  39. Of course it is. But sometimes it's also funny to see someone with NCZ hack making others fly, should we allow that just because it's funny and a game? No. And to you it was funny, if I were one of the trucks below, taking a lot of damage because you spawned and got flying, landing on top of my trailer, I guarantee that I wouldn't find it funny, I do WoT jobs, once damaged, you can continue and get nothing or cancel the job, no way to "repair" by loading autosaves. Nothing funny about driving flawlessly for more than one hour to be destroyed by someone who couldn't do things right.
    1 point
  40. Happy Birthday Feliz aniversário
    1 point
  41. I'm sorry this didn't solve the freezing issue for you, but I am glad to hear that it did indeed improve your overall game performance. I've personally never had much of an issue with freezes such as this in this game. It has never frozen for more that the splittiest of split seconds (Is that a real term? Meh. It is now. lol). Kid Fabi's suggestion looks very promising. Though, it kind of seems of a bit of a "sledgehammer for a nail" type of approach, but it should well and truly fix your problem. I'd try Harley's suggestion first. Just mho.
    1 point
  42. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2018 and Happy holidays!
    1 point
  43. Hi There, These LEDs come with DLC. Multiplayer is also used. As the friend said, dlc can not see who is not the owner ... Good Drive...
    1 point
  44. Oh i was thinking about that. But if this dlc is not support in multiplayer it still can work? for example when i gonna by this light on single Player and the move to mp i will still have it? And i guess that other players can't See that :((((. Mery christmas Tommie.
    1 point
  45. Życzę Wszystkim:Zdrowych, Pogodnych i Pełnych RadościŚwiąt Bożego Narodzeniaa także wielu wspaniałych chwil spędzonych w gronie najbliższych.
    1 point
  46. Попытка наезда не удалась
    1 point
  47. [PROJECT MANAGER] @Clarkinator has left the team due to a lack of time. He has been given the Retired Legend for his dedication of time and effort to TruckersMP and the team in his time as manager. We wish him luck in his future endeavors.
    1 point
  48. Note that I do not take credit for any of the solutions posted in this thread. They were collected from all around the forums and merged into a single thread to help users resolve most common problems or answer the most common questions. If your issue is not listed or resolved using this thread, either create a new thread in the 'Help' section (https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/55-help/) or contact the Support team (http://truckersmp.com/support/) for further assistance. Languages: German Abbreviations used: ETS2 - Euro Truck Simulator 2 ATS - American Truck Simulator WoT - World of Trucks Common Problems How do I find the correct and valid game directory? I launched multiplayer, but singleplayer starts I keep getting 'Unsupported Version detected' message No jobs available for me 'Your Client protocol version does not match with server' message When I try to download multiplayer, it says that my profile is private or that I don't own the game I get 'Incorrect login' message when I try to log in 'Incorrect version of mod' message My hired drivers are not working any more after playing Multiplayer 'Game changed detected!' message every time I launch the game 'Invalid email or password' when I try to sign in Trying to install Multiplayer for ETS2, but the installer asks for ATS directory path (or vice versa) Unable to go faster than 90km/h or 110km/h I have tried to reset my password but the email did not arrive My game crashes (FATAL ERROR) My game freezes 'Steam ID is already associated with an account' when I try to create a new TruckersMP account Common Questions How do I change my in-game name? How do I change my in-game picture? Is it possible for me to obtain MP Server Files? I try to join Multiplayer but it says that I'm banned Can I be an admin for Multiplayer? Does Multiplayer support Mac? Does Multiplayer support 32-bit systems? How do I talk via voice chat? Can I use police lights or skin for my car? Which DLCs are supported? Can I use mods in Multiplayer?
    1 point
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