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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/17 in Posts

  1. Hello! New version has been released. Changelog: New report system * Added encountered players in scoreboard (last 1 minute) * New report system implements demo system. This means that every players movements are recorded for 2 minutes in back (even if player leaves, the movements are still saved). While creating a report the game server creates a demo using stored movements (also other data is processed) and saves them in the report for certain time. From this moment consider using report system in game rather than web reports.
    2 points
  2. Try to sleep, travel by ferry/train, travel to any owned garage, or F7 enter. All those thing will try to fast forward time to get MP and your profile synced. If the game looks frozen once trying to do one of these tasks, just wait it out. Meaning don't click or tab out. The game will load it will just take a while to catch up time.
    2 points
  3. These are the 2 best from me in my opinion
    2 points
  4. Core requirements Familiarity with TruckersMP and its rules Must have a website account that is at least 12 months old Must have a forum and Discord account for internal communication Must be at least 16 years old No bans or forum/Discord punishments within the last 12 months Must have no more than 3 bans in the last 24 months Good behaviour across our communication channels Must be sufficiently proficient in English (written) Good communication skills Resilient, active and flexible Ability to work within a team and on your own at times Eager to learn and progress your knowledge Organised and adaptive Be able to accept constructive criticism Team-specific requirements/skills Problem solver Knowledge of at least one of the following: 3D Modelling using Blender Texture Creation Animations using Blender Map editing (using the map editor built into Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator) Units (also known as definition files used by Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator) Knowledge about player trends in TruckersMP that would help when planning content Examples of your previous modifications (for Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator) or proof of your ability in one of the above fields, for example 3D modelling Familiarity with Git or similar is a bonus Discord Good activity on the Discord. Our expectation is to often participate in conversations. Keep in mind that posting "Hello" every day for a month does not count as community interaction No major punishments applied on your Discord account (Heavy warnings, Mutes, Bans) Forum There is no minimum post count requirement, however, we strongly encourage you to interact with the community No major punishments applied on your Forum account (Warning points) Stream Excellent activity and interaction on the forum OR flawless Discord activity, so we can see how you interact with people Excellent activity on the Twitch chats No major punishments applied on your Twitch account (Long timeouts/Bans) Be creative and able to launch new ideas and concepts. Good problem solver Being able to fluently communicate in multiple languages is an advantage (and sometimes required) Having past experience in this area is highly suggested but not mandatory A working microphone and the ability to speak fluent English (To be able to communicate with the team). Have both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. Having all map DLC’s is an advantage, but not a necessity. Be available on weekends (in particular afternoons/evenings (UTC). A good understanding of English. You need to be able to understand others and others to understand you. Keen interest to learn and develop. You are responsible, professional and are resilient to critique. Ability to make authoritative and impacting decisions quickly. You are knowledgeable about the game and can provide tips to other players about the game and help with questions or issues. Have a deep knowledge and understanding of TruckersMP and its rules including European and American road laws. Familiar with the game's mechanics. Ability to translate English to your language and the other way round correctly and flawlessly You will be part of the TruckersMP team as a volunteer, this means you do not get paid for any of your work. You do enjoy certain benefits as a staff member such as being invited to staff closed convoys and getting sneak peaks of upcoming features, however, leaking such information to other people will lead to a removal from the team. Prior to submitting an application, we suggest you to read the following Knowledge Base Article with a lot of information about the way our recruitment works: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/1019
    1 point
  5. > OUTDATED < You can find the latest version of this guide here: https://truckersmp.com/kb/27 Hello truckers! "How to become game moderator?", this is a question you might have been thinking about. This topic will contain an answer to that question and some general information that might interest you. First of all, being a game moderator isn't just about driving a police car. A few of you might be reading this topic solely to find out how to drive a police car. This version of the car is only reserved for staff members with game moderator permissions such as our game moderators, managers and developers. Driving a police car is not the main purpose of a game moderator (will be using "GM" as an abbreviation in this topic). It's only an additional perk of the rank. The duties of a GM are not just flying over the map and randomly kicking or banning users. The rank of a GM comes with a great responsibility. A GM deals with various duties on our website and in-game, including website reports, in-game reports and ban appeals, judging what is right and wrong. Every GM is chosen with great care to ensure maximum quality. As of January 2018, there is open GM recruitment, however there is no plan to open it very often. As you may have noticed, GM's are mostly selected from within our current team. To be specific, you need to join our team as another rank in order to get selected for a promotion to GM. Not everyone gets the promotion, there are various of reasons why they are not selected. If you join the team with the aim of being a GM, you are most likely to fail that. We want people to join our team with a big interest in their section of which they applied for. If you are doing well, a Game Manager might notice you and offer you a promotion if they are needing more GM's. It's your choice to accept or decline that if you prefer to remain in your current sub-team. Here is a summarary for the two different paths you could walk to become a GM, see below: Step 1 - Join the team as another rank (Support, Moderator, Media). Step 2 - Work hard, do your duties as you are supposed to and be nice. Step 3 - Offer by GMM to join GM on a trial period. The second option is the following: Step 1 - Make sure you have no bans, good forum activity and good behaviour Step 2 - Once GM recruitment opens, apply to join and make sure you fill your application out with good detail. Step 3 - Invite to an interview, chat with GMMs Step 4 - Training period with both GMMs and GMTLs. Step 5 - Trial Period of 2 months. Some tips and advice we can give you: - Never ask to become a GM, this decreases your chances to become one. - Don't contact anyone about your candidacy for a position as GM. - Don't join the team with the sole aim of being a GM, you will most likely fail to achieve this then. - Don't ask when other recruitments will open. + Do your best if you are selected for another role in the team, do your duties and get noticed in a good way. + Practise your skills of the English language, this will be your main language as GM. + Obey all rules on the forums and in-game, having a ban or warning point decreases your chances. + Be active on our forums, get known in our community and give others a positive impression about yourself. Some related questions Q: Do I need to have both ETS2 and ATS if I would be a GM? A: No, we recommend you do but this is not a requirement. Q: Is being friends with other staff members giving me an advantage? A: No, we select new GM's based on their activity, behaviour and skills. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected. Q: I'm not really interested in the forums, can I skip being a moderator first? A: No, we require you to participate in discussions and the community. It is important to know how our community works if you want to be on the TruckersMP team. Q: I'm never chosen in a recruitment, what can I do? A: Not much, free spots on our team are limited and many are interested in it. Try to improve and try again during another recruitment session. Q: I speak {language}, there are no other GM's who speak this language. Can I become GM right away? A: No, you still need to follow all steps involved. We are not giving someone the GM rank for the language only. Q: I have a question that is not mentioned here, who should I contact? A: Send your question to the feedback, we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
    1 point
  6. Boyanın henüz tamamen kurutulmadığı anlaşılıyor ne yazık ki, bizim için nakliye konteynerını yenileyen şirket - lüks bir demo treyler haline getirmek için - bu hafta sonu boyunca ihtiyaçlarımız için her şeyi bitirmeyi başaramadı. Fakat biz vazgeçmedik ve neredeyse iyi bir çözüm doğaçlıyamadık. Hareket koltukları olay yerine nakledildi. Ekibimiz, bu hafta sonu ETRC yarışının ziyaretçileri için hazır. Umarız yakınlarda yaşayan hayranlarımızın bazıları da uğrayabilir; hediye ve indirim amaçlı kupon dağıtmak için bazı ürünlerimiz vardır. Nürburgring'ten yeni bilgi ve fotoğraflar almak için bizi Instagram, Twitter veya Facebook'ta takip edin ! Orijinal Konu
    1 point
  7. Moved to Help As said before. When you teleport, cancel a job, sleep etc wait for at least 5-20 minutes until the game unfreezes without pressing anything.
    1 point
  8. ^^ Había entendido mal la situación, mis disculpas. En cualquier caso, si en algún otro momento te encuentras en una situación similar, manda primero un report del jugador por Blocking (si la luz está verde y no se mueve, está bloqueando la vía), haz entonces la maniobra y graba todo en vídeo, si puedes. Es la mejor manera, en caso de baneo, de demostrar en la apelación que lo que hiciste fue correcto. Buen fin de semana y una vez más, perdón por mi equivocación.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Hello @Gasoline_Boy Please, read this topic
    1 point
  11. Its very easy to find out TruckersMP ID if you know the Player id & Server. Here is the PHP code: <?php $give_pid = $_POST['p_id'];// Input this from html form. $give_server = $_POST['server']; // There can be multiple people with same pid on different servers. so we take server as input also $url = "http://tracker.ets2map.com/v2/fullmap"; $response = file_get_contents($url); $trucks = json_decode($response); foreach($trucks->Trucks AS $truck){ if($truck->p_id == $give_pid && $truck->server == $give_server){ $find_mp_id = $truck->mp_id; $flag=0; break; }else{ $flag=1; } if($flag != 1){ echo $find_mp_id; }else{ echo "Not Found"; } //SERVER ID can be found here https://api.truckersmp.com/v2/servers ?> WARNING: The API that is returning server info shows wrong server id. For all those who are saying its not possible.. please do some research. Then come to a conclusion.
    1 point
  12. Polish Hard Truckers dziękują za zaproszenie. Przybędziemy
    1 point
  13. Quality-Logistics Potwierdza przybycie dziękujemy za zaproszenie.
    1 point
  14. Удачи в рейсах! Пропажа грузов - это известный баг МП. Да это особо не напрягает. Сон не использую. Просто, как писал выше, перемещаюсь в гараж. Даже взял за правило, если долго не играл, то захожу в игру, открываю карту и перемещаюсь в другой гараж. Всё, грузы есть. Ссылка не доступна(видимо регистрация нужна). Но про ZDSimulator знаю. На ЮТубе стримы видел и на ависме тоже темка есть. Тоже думаю заглянуть, но про ЖД правила, семафоры и знаки вообще ничего не знаю. Но это уже оффтоп. Ещё раз удачи в рейсах.
    1 point
  15. Ich stimme @Driftport hier vollkommen zu. Der einzige Punkt, wo ich ein entfernen dieser Zitate als gerechtfertigt ansehe, ist, wenn jemand einen wirklich seeehr langen Post (50+ Zeilen oder so) zitiert und dazu nur einen Satz schreibt. Und dass Handy Nutzer dadurch einen Nachteil haben ist meiner Meinung nach Quatsch. Die mobile Version vom Forum hat ganz andere Probleme, die die Nutzung beeinträchtigen, ob ich da jetzt nen Zentimeter mehr oder weniger meinen Daumen bewege beim scrollen interessiert mich hier nicht sonderlich. btw: ich bin Recht viel am Handy im Forum, und schreibe sogar diesen Post am Handy.
    1 point
  16. Lütfen destek talebi oluşturun. https://support.truckersmp.com/
    1 point
  17. voller support von mir driftport
    1 point
  18. Bon courage pour votre convoi! ^-^ Je verrai si je peux me libérer pour venir mais ça risque d'être (très) tendu.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Solo una aclaración... En Europa no es como en los USA, donde se puede girar a la derecha aunque la luz esté roja. En Europa, una luz roja significa STOP siempre. Si hay un camión parado ante un semáforo en rojo y te vas al otro carril (que por cierto, normalmente es exclusivamente para seguir recto y no permite girar) para rebasar y poder girar, te arriesgas a que mientras estás haciéndolo la luz cambie a verde, el otro conductor empiece a moverse y choquéis. En ese caso, lo que has hecho es baneable, ignorar una luz roja provocando un accidente. Has tenido suerte de que te quitaran el ban. Por lo demás, es como @Gonzalox explica, los banbymistake desaparecen tras algún tiempo (no estoy seguro de si se hace automáticamente o requieren de la intervención de algún admin).
    1 point
  22. Hello @Ziggymeister The only fix we at the moment is wait. It can take up to 40 minutes to update the server and client time. Having no workers and being on a new profile is absolutely a must in order to speed up times.
    1 point
  23. It is dependent upon how long your username is. Although you will be able to fit in characters, the tag will cut off if your username is too big, or your tag is too big together with your username. Get a friend / another user to tell you what your tag says, that is the only way you can know.
    1 point
  24. Hi Dear @[G.D.A] Ariel i can put in "player tag" about 16 characters .İf you wwant you can check this King Regards BaldemarDeutsch...
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Salut les amis ! C'est aujourd'hui qu'a lieu notre première étape tu #TdF. Pour rappel, voici le tracé de cette étape: Paris > Reims > Metz > Strasbourg. Cette étape est accessible à tous, aucun besoins de DLC, ces villes étant présentes sur la carte de base. Pour les retardataires, il est toujours temps de vous inscrire, si vous ne pouvez pas accédez au site de l'inscription http://ets2c.com/view/65850/willy-fr-paris-truck-dealer vous pouvez toujours me faire part de votre présence au convois par mp sur ce forum. Les inscriptions, pour une organisation plus simple, ferment à 18h, début du convois à 21h, sur le serveur EU1, au réparateur de Paris (concessionnaire Renault) Merci à ceux qui ce sont inscrit, j’espère que ce convois réunira du monde .
    1 point
  27. The best way to test it is by going in game and check yourself how many letters it will fit.
    1 point
  28. Ich finde auch das es insgesamt viel geordneter aussieht mit den Zitaten, zugegeben... was intressiern mich die Handy User? ganz im ernst... wenn es die stört... sollen se am PC ins Forum kommen, nen PC werden sie haben, sonst hätten sich auch kein TruckersMP.. dann bleiben uns vlt auch diese ganzen Hyroglyphen-Threads mal erspart. Versteht mich bitte bei einem weiteren Punkt nicht falsch... ihr als Admins könnt da sicherlich recht wenig fuer.... aber (vorsicht Zitat ) Ich muss sagen ich kann eine Regel... die ja so gesehen so ziemlich Semi non existent ist, ziemlich schlecht ernst nehmen.... Ich unterschreib doch auch kein Leasing Vertrag fuern Auto wenn mir der Verkäufer keine Zahlen vorlegt^^ Daher muss ich fuer mich noch folgenden Satz in die Runde werfen (just my 2 Cents): Anständig ins Regelwerk aufnehmen, damit es jeder nachschlagen kann oder drauf verwiesen werden kann.. ODER.... ganz ehrlich.. weg mit der Regel ich habe sowas noch nie in irgendeinem Forum gesehen, halte sie fuer komplett nutzlos...und am Rande auch einfach doof, das hat irgendwie die Lächerlichkeit wie nen Nachbarschaftsstreit weil ein Nachbar im Garten des anderen Gartenzwerge anguckt^^.............. Sop schönes WE
    1 point
  29. I am not implying you said it but I am saying using the excuse "it's just a game" to not bother adding a tutorial is a weak one. It seems to me the problem here is that people are too focused on troll prevention that they missed the point of the OP. Whether it will lessen the trolls or not isn't the point but about helping legitimate newbies trying to learn how to drive properly in a truck simulator and improving their game experience instead of a frustrating trial and error and getting flamed and reported by other players online.
    1 point
  30. (just to confirm the posts above) Using money cheat is allowed, because currently we don't have server-sided economy.
    1 point
  31. Выглядит вот так: В момент подачи репорта на сервер сохраняется демо-запись(это не видео) предшествующих, перед отправкой репорта, 2 минут. По истечении 10 минут, если админ не просмотрел репорт(сами понимаете репортов приходит много и физически невозможно просмотреть все), запись удаляется, а вам в чат пишется чтобы вы отправили репорт через сайт. У новой системы есть плюсы(админ может реально увидеть то, что произошло) и минусы(репортов опять же очень много). Исходя из минусов, не забывайте про сайт, где так же можно подать репорт на обидчика.
    1 point
  32. Nie będą robić tego na bramie, to będą na ulicy. Póki gracze sami nie nauczą się kultury wyjazdu i wjazdu to czy to będzie na bramie, czy na ulicy nie ma żadnego znaczenia.
    1 point
  33. If you want to see what it takes to make a plugin, checkout my youtube channel. I do a lot of development and gaming stuff. Currently working on new platform for job logging that will hopefully simplify everything for everyone's platforms.
    1 point
  34. Da ich ATSMP Monate länger als ETS2 spiele bin ich an Fahrten auf leeren Servern schon etwas gewöhnt... hat was, hat was. Als ich dann das erste Mal in Calais war, hat mir dass so'n bissl den Atem geraubt, weil ich halt mehr als 10 Trucks auf einem Fleck nicht gewöhnt war
    1 point
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