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Co mnie drażni w Multiplayerze? Może nie w samej grze czy modyfikacji, ale w jej środowisku. To te cholerne nabijanie postów przez ludzi chcących zareklamować swoje (pseudo) Firmy. W ostatnim czasie jest to jakaś plaga i trzeba na prawdę mieć stalowe nerwy, żeby się z każdym użerać. Niestety przepisy mamy jakie mamy i nie możemy (tu: moderatorzy) zbanować takich ludzi od razu tylko bawić się w jakieś śmieszne słowne ostrzeżenia, a potem w zwykłe, które dopiero od 3-ciego nabierają mocy banowania.6 points
I too would like to do this.. However the problem with these is people complain that we don't give dates. The reality for the most part is, when we have time to (and can) we work on the mod; Some weeks are more inspired than others, some weeks we need to rest from coding or whatnot because we too have lives outside the game/mod. Anytime we release information about something we would like to do, people take it literally that we are working on that next. See: Double Trailers.3 points
3 points
Konwój z World Express i Dakar Logistic 12.03.2016 Jeszcze raz podziękowania od strony Polskich Ułanów za świetnie prowadzony konwój, jak i również mile towarzyszącą atmosferę w trakcie konwoju.3 points
3 points
@ohwinchester Use a beginners profile so you can get a truck. For ETS2MP: ETS2MP Beginner Save File For ATSMP: American Truck Simulator - Starters Profile The economy reset trick should work though, so..?2 points
Nie sądzę żeby Francja była robiona na odczepnego przypomnę Ci kolego że scs podzieli swoich ludzi na dwa zespoły jedni pracują przy ets2 a drudzy pracują do ATS2 points
Meh, We don't care about your feelings, we care about your knowledge and abilities to help *throws tissues at Smalley*2 points
Hello, i believe that renault doesnt have a built in GPS in real life which is why it doesnt have on in the game. The only way to have a GPS is but purchasing the Cabin dlc from steam. This is also something to suggest to SCS if you have an issues with renalt not having a built in GPS.2 points
^^ My feelings was truly hurt by the way he said it, I literally kept eating Ice Cream for a few days because of the comment. I'm still eating ice cream2 points
Sam osobiście pofatygowałem się i okazuje się, że użytkownik albo jest głuchy albo to są jakieś czary i dźwięk przez pulpit dzielony działa, a jemu w głośnikach podobno nie działa. I tylko akurat ten dźwięk z multiplayera nie działa. Samo dążenie do uzyskania dzielonego pulpitu to była makabra, i specjalnie próbował wydłużyć czas. Nie wiem czy to trolling, czy jakie czary, ale za całokształt i oszukiwanie dostał zasłużonego banika. Zamykam.2 points
Interested in developing something? Here are some resources you can use to learn, improve and run it! Frameworks Elixir: Phoenix (phoenixframework.org) NodeJS: Express (expressjs.com) PHP: CakePHP (cakephp.org) PHP: CodeIgniter (codeigniter.com) PHP: Laravel (laravel.com) Python: Django (djangoproject.com) Ruby: Ruby on Rails (rubyonrails.org) Libraries JS: Angular 1 (angularjs.org) JS: Angular 2.0 (angular.io) JS/jQuery plugin: FullCalendar (fullcalendar.io) JS: HighCharts (highcharts.com) JS: jQuery (jquery.com) JS: React (facebook.github.io) Languages & documentation DevDocs (devdocs.io) Elixir (hexdocs.pm) Mozilla Developer Network (developer.mozilla.org) NodeJS (nodejs.org) PHP (php.net) Python (python.org) Learning (also see the documentation above) Code School (codeschool.com) CodeCademy (codecademy.com) Katacoda (katacoda.com) Security Hacksplaining (hacksplaining.com) Information Security Stack Exchange (security.stackexchange.com) Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt.org) (Free SSL Certificates) Report-uri (report-uri.io) Create CSP/HPKP and recieve reports on failures APIs Steam Web API (steamcommunity.com) TruckersMP API (stats.truckersmp.com) Hosting DigitalOcean (digitalocean.com) Heroku (heroku.com) InterServer (interserver.net) Namecheap (namecheap.com) Online.net (online.net) OVH (ovh.com) Scaleway (scaleway.com) Vultr (vultr.com) Code Hosting BitBucket (bitbucket.com) GitHub (github.com) GitLab (gitlab.com) Data Storage & Databases MariaDB (mariadb.org) MongoDB (mongodb.com) MySQL (mysql.com) PostgreSQL (postgresql.org) Redis (redis.io) Analytics Google Alerts (google.com) Google Analytics (google.com) Snippets Bootsnipp (bootsnipp.com) Codepad (codepad.co) Codepen (codepen.io) JSFiddle (jsfiddle.net) Unheap (unheap.com) Templates & Wireframes Bootstrap (getbootstrap.com) Bootswatch (bootswatch.com) Foundation (foundation.zurb.com) HTML5 Boilerplate (html5boilerplate.com) Stock Images & Icons Icons8 (icons8.com) StockSnap (stocksnap.io) Unsplash (unsplash.com) Error handling and reporting Bugsnag (bugsnag.com) Sentry (getsentry.com) Misc Bootply (bootply.com) CloudFlare (cloudflare.com) - Content Delivery Network and DDOS protection. Docker (docker.com) - Containerization of your applications. FileZilla (filezilla-project.org) - FTP Client and Server. Font Awesome (fortawesome.github.io) - CSS font and toolkit. jq (stedolan.github.io/jq) - awk/sed/grep for JSON Google (google.com) - The resource above all others. Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com) - Developer forum. Valve Developer Community (developer.valvesoftware.com) - Community with information about Valve's APIs. Web Developer Checklist (webdevchecklist.com) - Have you done everything you need to go live? If all you got to say is thanks, don't reply to this topic, keep it neat and tidy for others to suggest and find things.1 point
> OUTDATED < You can find the latest version of this guide here: https://truckersmp.com/kb/27 Hello truckers! "How to become game moderator?", this is a question you might have been thinking about. This topic will contain an answer to that question and some general information that might interest you. First of all, being a game moderator isn't just about driving a police car. A few of you might be reading this topic solely to find out how to drive a police car. This version of the car is only reserved for staff members with game moderator permissions such as our game moderators, managers and developers. Driving a police car is not the main purpose of a game moderator (will be using "GM" as an abbreviation in this topic). It's only an additional perk of the rank. The duties of a GM are not just flying over the map and randomly kicking or banning users. The rank of a GM comes with a great responsibility. A GM deals with various duties on our website and in-game, including website reports, in-game reports and ban appeals, judging what is right and wrong. Every GM is chosen with great care to ensure maximum quality. As of January 2018, there is open GM recruitment, however there is no plan to open it very often. As you may have noticed, GM's are mostly selected from within our current team. To be specific, you need to join our team as another rank in order to get selected for a promotion to GM. Not everyone gets the promotion, there are various of reasons why they are not selected. If you join the team with the aim of being a GM, you are most likely to fail that. We want people to join our team with a big interest in their section of which they applied for. If you are doing well, a Game Manager might notice you and offer you a promotion if they are needing more GM's. It's your choice to accept or decline that if you prefer to remain in your current sub-team. Here is a summarary for the two different paths you could walk to become a GM, see below: Step 1 - Join the team as another rank (Support, Moderator, Media). Step 2 - Work hard, do your duties as you are supposed to and be nice. Step 3 - Offer by GMM to join GM on a trial period. The second option is the following: Step 1 - Make sure you have no bans, good forum activity and good behaviour Step 2 - Once GM recruitment opens, apply to join and make sure you fill your application out with good detail. Step 3 - Invite to an interview, chat with GMMs Step 4 - Training period with both GMMs and GMTLs. Step 5 - Trial Period of 2 months. Some tips and advice we can give you: - Never ask to become a GM, this decreases your chances to become one. - Don't contact anyone about your candidacy for a position as GM. - Don't join the team with the sole aim of being a GM, you will most likely fail to achieve this then. - Don't ask when other recruitments will open. + Do your best if you are selected for another role in the team, do your duties and get noticed in a good way. + Practise your skills of the English language, this will be your main language as GM. + Obey all rules on the forums and in-game, having a ban or warning point decreases your chances. + Be active on our forums, get known in our community and give others a positive impression about yourself. Some related questions Q: Do I need to have both ETS2 and ATS if I would be a GM? A: No, we recommend you do but this is not a requirement. Q: Is being friends with other staff members giving me an advantage? A: No, we select new GM's based on their activity, behaviour and skills. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected. Q: I'm not really interested in the forums, can I skip being a moderator first? A: No, we require you to participate in discussions and the community. It is important to know how our community works if you want to be on the TruckersMP team. Q: I'm never chosen in a recruitment, what can I do? A: Not much, free spots on our team are limited and many are interested in it. Try to improve and try again during another recruitment session. Q: I speak {language}, there are no other GM's who speak this language. Can I become GM right away? A: No, you still need to follow all steps involved. We are not giving someone the GM rank for the language only. Q: I have a question that is not mentioned here, who should I contact? A: Send your question to the feedback, we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.1 point
Suggestion Name: ATSMP Map Suggestion Description: I don't know if you are already working on it, but it would be very nice to have this website for ATSMP. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: It is very convenient : - When I want to drive in ETS2MP, I like to watch where are the players before run the game. So I go to this website and I look where are the truckers (I don't really like to go to a city where it has a ton of truckers, so I always check the map). I would like to see this for ATSMP, so I can watch where are the truckers in each server. - With the website, you can see all the roads, companies, etc. of the map. You can zoom, and if you are searching something on the map, you can go to the website instead of run the game (and with the website, there is a "Search" tab, which is very convenient too). Thank you, David040700.1 point
Suggestion Name: Default CB radio channel Suggestion Description: There should be an option in the settings to set your default CB radio channel. Any example images:I know it's a little bit too big :S And yes i made a small mistake.. Somehow wrote volume not channel xD Why should it be added?: It's practical if you would be in the channel you selected in the settings when you join the game1 point
Salut, Vreau sa spun ca pe statie canalul 20 o sa fie numai pentru romani deci mai multi romani sa fie pe canalul 20 daca vreti sa vorbiti cu alti romani. Deci Terog sa puneti statia pe canlul 20. Ne vedem pe strada1 point
1 point
Siema! Postanowiłem reaktywować swój udział na tym forum więc zakładam ten temat :E Jeszcze dodatkowo ostani projekt do mojej VS-ki1 point
Hello, new update is here. Changelog: Added voice chat ( it works like CB-Radio, you can hear people around * ); Fixed crashes; * To speak press V key, to change channels or disable / enable CB-Radio just enable scoreboard (tab button), activate cursor (RBM), and click on the buttons in the radio placed in each truck in interior. [Video] Happy trucking! mwl41 point
Comunitatea .:RoCargo:. doreşte să organizeze ediţia a patra a convoyului naţional. Eu am participat doar la 2 ediţii din 3. Pentru o buna organizarea vreau să se respecte urmatoarele etape : 1.Invitarea companiilor la convoy Poate eu nu voi reuşi să învit toate companiile din România dar dacă este vreo companie pe care nu am anunţat-o şi doreşte să participe la convoy este primită dar trebuie să mă anunţe (pe mail : [email protected]<script data-cfhash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script>; pe steam .:RoCargo:.raducu123) . Îmi cer scuze pentru companiile pe care nu le-am anunţat dar sunt foarte multe în România . Nu am nimic cu nimeni . 2.Stabilirea datei si a orei Eu propun pe data de 18.03.2016 (Vineri) sau pe 19.03.2016 (Sambata) pe la orele 19:00. Dacă aveţi alte propuneri, le vom discuta într-o şedinţă pe care o vom organiza pe data de 5 Martie (sâmbătă) cu toţi participanţii la convoy ! 3.Stabilirea traseului Eu mă gândeam să plecăm din carieră Hannover şi ne oprim în cariera de la Salzburg. Sunt 870 de km şi aproximativ 100 de km de naţional şi restul autostradă ! 4.Stabilirea camionului, remorcii şi a culorii Mă gândeam la un volvo sau scania (au motoare mari) şi ca paintjob, steagul României. Remorcă, vom decide . 5.Organizarea propriu-zisă a convoyului Nu vreau să fiu răutăcios, dar doresc ca fiecare manager de companie să-şi aleagă nişte membri care conduc frumos, respectă regulile de circulaţie şi deţin un calculator cât de cât decent (dacă vom fi mulţi va fi lag foarte mare). Nu impun un anumit număr de persoane care să vină de la fiecare firmă. Fiecare firmă vine cu ce nume vrea la tag/pe steam sau cu ce avatar doresc. Fiecare firmă va pleca grupată, nu doresc să fim amestecaţi. Fiecare membru la firma lui. Fiecare companie va trebui să-şi desemneze un reprezentat care să se prezinte la şedinţă şi să comunice cu noi în timpul convoyului . Pentru o bună desfăşurare a convoyului voi contacta 2 admini care să ne însoţească pentru a nu avea incidente neplăcute pe parcurs ! Cu stimă, Conducerea .:RoCargo:.1 point
Suggestion Name: Development Roadmap Suggestion Description: I keep seeing posts saying that something is a planned feature. For instance I keep seeing people talking about the "Economy Update" except I can't find anything related to it besides people mentioning it. It would be nice if there was somewhere where we could all these planned features. Any example images: n/a Why should it be added?: It allows people to get excited about future updates, avoids people posting suggestions for already planned features, lets people get an idea of where the development is heading, etc etc.1 point
Don't send me a complain of getting ban when we can clearly see you breaking the rule for the love of god!1 point
Live stream of the job logger: https://www.twitch.tv/jammerxd1 point
@ohwinchester Ok, lets get this fixed for you. Or maybe explain why you're having this issue. When you enter MP, time is controlled by the server (10 secs IRL = 1 min game time). Therefore there's a difference between your game time and server time. This causes erratic time controlled behaviour (e.g. Lots of money, late jobs and no jobs). To fix this, all you need to do is do a time controlled thing (e.g. F7 + Enter, sleeping, teleporting to another garage). You could also reset your economy in the config file and keep it on the 1 setting. There's no permanent fix for this by the way, so you'll always have to do one of the above steps. Hope this helps you get on your way!1 point
^FYI in case it's needed, It also works in ETS Moving to help>solved (+ marked Zirox's reply as best answer)1 point
How to reset game economy using the in game console: 1. Go to My Documents\Eurotruck Simulator 2\profiles or My Documents\American Truck Simulator\profiles and find your profile 2. Open the config.cfg in the profile folder and open with Notepad/wordpad 3. Look for uset g_developer "0" 4. Look for uset g_console "0" 5. Change the "0" to a "1" 6. Save the file (NOT save as) 7. Load your game and profile 8. Press ` key 9. Type in "uset g_force_economy_reset "1" 10. Save your game and exit 11. Reload the game and your recent saved profile 12. Open the console by pressing the ` key and pressing the up arrow 13. Repeat step 9 but change the "1" to a "0" 14. Repeat Step 11, 12 & 13 15. You should now get the "Game change detected" message 16. Your economy should now be reset Please notice that all these fixes are temporary. (This is if the other two methods do not work)1 point
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http://imgur.com/a/cVfwz some artwork for American Truck Simulator.1 point
4500 postcount hype ! but not as much as kravatycreeper nub1 point
you can still try to apply nobody can do anything about that you tried it at least is all about how you introduce yourself and giving the right answers to the questions eventuality the age is not that important, it is more important that you have willing, the time, the inspiration and the dedication on why you wanna be a part of the TRUCKERSMP team1 point
1 point
'- You must be 17 years old or older. Why this limit? We require mature people who know when to be serious and when to joke.' Basically saying: There is not one person on this planet that is under 17 and mature. There is also not one person under the age of 17 that knows when to be serious and when to joke. Therefore no under 17's. Well thank you, i'll take it as a compliment... Jk, I understand why you want 17+ people but the way it was worded could be taken in offence by some.1 point
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^ рассинхрон. Вряд ли можно что-то предъявить.1 point
Butoanele apar doar cand apasati pe un jucator. De default apare doar butonul de Optiuni. Acum exista si un nou buton - mute.1 point
Well it hasn't helped with my problem But it has helped me understand why I can't activate my account. And it's made me realize I'm not an idiot in this case. Thanks again.1 point
Am mai intrebat si pe la altii, si ,i-au spus ca si lor le apare la fel, doar iconita de settings, fara "report player". Este posibil sa nu fie o greseala, ci, sa se fi scos optiunea de a raporta jucatori direct din joc , pentru a se folosi sistemul de raportare de pe site. Gasiti la rubrica "Ghiduri" cum sa raportezi pe cineva de pe site-ul TruckersMP .1 point
I have the same problem, also only in ATS, not ETS2, the biggest problem is that although you see everyone freezed, the others see you moving normally, and you can crash other people without realizing it, I tried disabling firewall and antivirus but this always happens, some days more frequently than others.1 point
Решил поделиться своей доработкой шифтера G27. Вначале хотел сделать отдельную коробку, но что делать в таком случае с родным шифтером - положить на полку или продать? В итоге вот что получилось... Ворк не фоткал, поэтому многабукаф, фоток мало. В гоночные симы почти не играю, поэтому руль используется для ЕТС2/АТС. При необходимости можно все вернуть в первоначальный вид минут за 10. В качестве донора использовал штепсельную розетку из каучука - материал податливый и упругий, работать легче чем с деревом. Также клавишный переключатель и тумблер, оба с фиксацией. Переключатели дублируют 2 красные кнопки. Провода протянуты под кожухом и припаяны к плате. Переключатели никак не прикреплены в рукоятке - каучук держит их намертво, без люфта. Для тех, кто будет делать нечто подобное, обращаю внимание на пару моментов: -Зазор между кольцом кожуха и стержнем рычага очень небольшой, даже тонкие провода проходят с трудом, придется доработать внутреннюю сторону кольца напильником (я вначале этого не сделал и при сборке повредилась изоляция на проводах, и они стали коротить между собой). - Контактные площадки и дорожки на плате довольно тонкие, если долго греть паяльником - отлетят. В будущем хочу поменять рычаг на более цивильный, пока не нашел. Также сменить тумблер демультипликатора на такой же, только черный. В любом случае колхоз останется колхозом, нашел в сети только 1 решение, которое выглядит и функционирует как положено, но цена - космос: ...в качестве основы используется рычаг от Скании. Прописал реальный ход рычага для коробок ZF12 и Eaton Fuller`13 (спасибо за видео Vitas_616). Для одиночной игры (ЕТС2) установил мод на коробку ZF16, прописал нормальные названия передач на дисплее борткомпьютера: Как заставить игру определять смену позиции переключателя как простое нажатие кнопки - показывал несколькими постами выше. Затраты составили 45 руб. на переключатели, розетка у меня была (стОит такая ~130 руб), и 4 часа работы. На момент написания этого сообщения прошло 3 недели и 70000 км. пробега - полет нормальный. Жалею что не сделал это сразу после приобретения руля, разница со стоковым рычагом просто огромная, реализма добавилось даже больше чем ожидал. Теперь переключение передач - особый фан и удовольствие.1 point
Lista modurilor permise in Multiplayer : Camioane si remorci modificate (camioane si remorci hibrid , de exemplu un camion Renault cu motor de Scania, sau un camion MAN cu motor de Volvo) http://theleedsladmods.wix.com/mpmods http://mods.ets2mptr.com Moduri permise in Multiplayer pentru American Truck Simulator : http://atsmpmods.ru/mods/ Aceste modificari sunt in mare parte compuse din camioane hibrid - de exemplu, un camion cu motor de la altul (Man cu motor de Scania, Volvo cu motor de Renault, sau orice combinatie de camion/motor). Pentru remorci, modificarile permise sunt acelea care fac toate remorcile de un singur fel , de exemplu, sa aveti toate remorcile cisterne, sau toate remorcile sa apara ca betoniere. Motivul pentru care alte modificari nu sunt permise, este faptul ca, pentru modificarile sa mearge pe server, TOATA lumea ar trebui sa aiba aceleasi modificari. Din moment ce nu toata lumea are aceleasi mod-uri , in momentul in care un jucator foloseste un mod pe server-ul de Multiplayer, iar un altul nu are instalat acel mod, jocul se va bloca si se va inchide. Din acest motiv, singurele modificari permise, sunt acele modificari care folosesc componente deja existente in joc, adica componente pe care toti jucatorii le au. Aceleasi camioane, aceleasi remorci. Nu exista conflicte, pentru ca toti au acces la ele. 561 point
xSgt_Saltx se refera la faptul ca pe canalul 20 nu prea e nimeni, si ca noi romanii am putea sa il folosim sa ne gasim in joc. Pentru ca acum, toate limbile sunt pe canalul 19, si nu se intelege nimeni cu nimeni. Turci si rusi peste tot. Dar daca am schimba canalul si am trece pe canalul 20, ne-am auzi...mai clar. Nu e canal privat, sigur ca ar putea intra oricine, dar nu ar fi turnul Babel macar. E o idee, dar daca stau pe canalul 20 si nu e nimeni, ce sa fac ? Ca nici asa nu-mi place, sa stau singur intr-un canal gol.1 point
Data organizarii convoy-ului : 18 Martie (Vineri)Ora organizarii convoy-ului : 20:00 (ora Romaniei)Plecam din: Hannover (Stein Bruch - cariera-)Destinatie : Salzburg (Stein Bruch - cariera -)Traseu : http://www.ro-cargo.ro/Diverse/Imagini/ ... Traseu.jpgCamion : Scania R730/Volvo FH 2013 750/Mercedes MP4Skin : http://www.ro-cargo.ro/Diverse/Imagini/Convoy/skin1.png / http://www.ro-cargo.ro/Diverse/Imagini/Convoy/skin2.png /http://www.ro-cargo.ro/Diverse/Imagini/Convoy/skin3.png / Eu nu voi putea participa, lucrez in vinerea aia pana la 22.00. Sa faceti multe poze !1 point
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Rozliczenie miesiąca Luty 2016 Kierowca Miesiaca zostal: Dawidox! Gratulujemy!1 point
Stimate Conducere RoCargo, Voi participa cu placere la convoi. Anuntati va rog din timp data si ora exacta. Mai este o luna pana la data estimativa a convoiului , hai sa vorbim pe indelete.1 point
x004cc_174rus, а где связь между "15 каналом" и этим каналом в Zello? П.С. "Черезмерный мат" лично мое примечание по этому правилу адресованное различным администраторам - очень правильное по моему правило, т.к. действительно бывают ситуации, когда свои эмоции требуется подкрепить крепким словцом, но при этом, если человек вообще на мате разговаривает, то к нему уже конечно следует применять меры.1 point
Suggestion Name: Driving Points as a reward or Punishment System Suggestion Description: I just found the fscloud Multiplayer. This gives players points when they fly well. So can this points system (flown nm) of take in Mileage (KM) in Multiplayer. Thus, the player of 10 points has has a green [Good Driver] and a player with 0 points, a [Bad/Reckless Driver] Player Tag. Any example images: http://prntscr.com/7wt6cn fscloud Why should it be added?: Thus a player, IGA or the company may be seen as driving is rank of ets2mp. This can be used as a reward but also a Punishment system.1 point