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ghost mode for people lagging really bad (sorry if this has already been suggested)

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On 4-3-2018 at 3:10 PM, Syntackz said:

Its a nice suggestion but how will the mod find the person is lagging?  some times members have 275-300 ping don't lag and some times members with 150 ping lag. But people with 320+ ping should be added to ghost mode. Make a warning that they are having high ping so they are added to ghost mode and move to safe area. so when the ping becomes normal or stable ghost mode will be off.

You should look at the packetloss instead of the ping. If you have 10.0 packetloss and 30 ping you lag very heavy, but if you have 0.0 packetloss and 300 ping, the server will see you driving a few meters behind the actual location on your screen, but you'll not be laggy. Ping doesn't make a lot of sense if it's below 500 whenever the packeloss is alright. 


About geting back out the of ghost-mode, it can be done by command. Lagging is not a offense since none can do anything about it. If your ping drops low again you can make a command for the player with a text draw to get back from ghost-mode. Whenever the ping is low again a message will appear in your screen. "Your lag seems to be recovered, you can use /godoff to get out of ghost mode, make sure to only use this command when there isn't anyone around". Of course this can be abused by using /godoff in busy areas, but abusing it can be made a banable offense as solution to that. 


Nice suggestion so far, you'll have my support.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A ping limiter would be a good idea. A lot of crashes that have happened to me are when players have had high pings, obviously no fault to them but the high pings are bad, anybody above 150 in ping should be converted to a ghost mode until they fix their issue this then would result in less drama

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  • 3 weeks later...

This suggestion is a good idea however it would have to be carefully implemented due to people who play cross continents.


Why do I say cross continents?  Well most people choose to play on Europe 2 and 3 and therefore can have a ping as high as 300ms.


This could be implemented by using your average ping, instead of kicking you straight from the server, if the server isn't full you could be placed into Ghost Mode.  


Alternatively, the modification could look at your packet loss or "jitter" and decide at a certain point to place you into Ghost Mode.

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i dont think this is a good idea.


it would make the game incosistent for all players. The main problem with lag isnt even the ping. If you have a lot of traffic, the loading of all the assets and calculating the physics of the items alone will cause the lag. i lag sometimes with a ping of about 30ms, which i consider as fast =)


So it doesnt even find all players that  lag. 


On the other hand, it makes it a lot harder to tell if somebody uses a non collision hack or just was in ghost mode, because of lag.

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Feel like instead of it being based off of ping, do it on a manual setting and ping. So say someone is having no high enough ping to trick to Auto-ghost, you can manually activate. 


And if their ping goes down it hopefully won't automatically disable ghost, hopefully it'll check and see if the person is phased in someones truck and have a count down if not phased in someone 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/12/2018 at 5:12 PM, ShawnCZek said:

I am not familiar with this idea, because it sounds like an idea for trolling users.

The user would exploit desync and enter the ghost mode when there are many players around. Players could be confused and could hit another player when going through the lagging user.

Personally I would just suggest adding an icon next to the name what means the user is lagging. The icon would be next to the horn icon.




Why not just do it like the headlights thing, a warning , and then a kick when the game detects a user is stuttering along. How many times has your trip been ruined by a user with 1-5 FPS or 500+ ping that randomly freezes and then teleports back taking out you and shooting your truck into space.

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Not everyone with a high ping lags, although most do it's a bit unfair on those that don't. Also, ping fluctuates while you're playing, bringing people out of ghost mode if this occurs could cause issues bigger than what it is trying to prevent. Finally, some lag is FPS lag and unless people under a certain FPS get it then these laggers will still be causing issues. For now, it is best just to keep your distance from laggers. 

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  • 11 months later...

I think, that lags must be detected by coordinates of the lagging player. There must be a specific safe time interval between updating coordinates.  If the player's position has not been updated in this time, he becomes a ghost and the other players must see it (by visual indication) to increase distance between him. The ghost mode must be finished when he does not have other players too close to him. Of course, the player must be also warned.

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Yea, it could be really annoying, when a lagger is driving in front of you. Most of the time they are driving like a child which just discovered the steering wheel, so you cant even overtake them.

Good idea, but you need to declerate, what is lagging and what is not lagging. The ping is most of the time not the biggest problem, the paket loss is the bigger problem. 

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It's a great suggestion, but with my knowledge I know that this will be almost impossible to set a level to go into ghost mode, with me for example, my ping is around 200~220ms, as I live in South America and this relatively far from the servers of the Europe, the servers already have a ping kick system above 600ms, which could deploy on the servers, would be a tool that would detect as to the variation of ms of the player.


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