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[T.G.E][01] Lorena*

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

  1. Today was a real chaos in Calais - Duisburg!! :o I've seen more trucks flying :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LordBenji


      I can fly like a bird :D 

    3. [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

      [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

      @Loui27  for that reason I try to have more attention on that route... To avoid being hit! hahaha :lol:
      @LordBenji Did they also make you fly? :o
      @Gun Powder Nothing that can not be solved ^_^

    4. LordBenji


      @Lorena No, I fly with my own wings ;) I will make video after my reports.

  2. Hi Digital! 

    1. Digital


      Hi! I hope you are well. :)

  3. Me enamoré de la carretera a la nueva Francia.:wub:

  4. 1448040187-sweet-good-morning-hd-wallpap

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Emirhan kurt 29
    3. [D.G.T]Asierrayo[ES]


      [ES] Buenos días Lorena, te deseo un feliz día ^^


      [EN] Good morning Lorena, have a sweet day ;D

    4. PMGonzaga


      Good Morning 

  5. rTyCl0D.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      You are not alone, a plane is in the background.

      Create a TMP Support VTC and you are no more alone

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great Photo :D I took one tonight with a plane too :P


  6. ¡happy Birthday!^_^

    1. Cenaa


      Thank you ^^

  7. [EN] good morning & evening to everyone. ^_^

    [ES] Buenos dias & tardes a todos! :lol:

    1. KhaosHammer


      [EN] Ohai! :lol:

      [FR] Salut!:D

      [JPN] こんにちは!:P


    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Good Morning/Evening :)

    3. Yoyo_ManSg
  8. [EN] Good night & Good day!

    [ES] Buenas noches & Buen dia!
    [PR] Bom dia & Boa noite!

  9. [EN] Good night & good morning! I'm going to rest. ^_^
    [ES] ¡Buenas noches & buenos días! yo me fui a descansar! :lol:
    [PR] Boa noite & bom dia! eu vou descansar. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coppekss


      Good morning

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    4. Captain Caribbean

      Captain Caribbean

      In spanish is "Buenas noches & buenos dias! me voy a descansar". 

  10. [EN] Good night! :)
    [ES] Buenas noches! ^_^
    [PR] Boas noites! :lol:

  11. [EN] Good night all!! -_-
    [ES] ¡Buenas noches a todos! -_-
    [PR] ¡Boa noite a todos! -_-

    ¡I am going to sleep! ^_^

  12. [PR] Bom dia!! :lol:
    [ES] Buenos dias! ^_^
    [EN] Good day! :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      Good day @Lorenah7 B) Nice to see you again, how was your day/morning? :D its 1:35 am  at night  here in Australia for me 

    3. [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

      [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

      @SimulatorExperiencer My morning is being great was doing routes in ETS!! hahaha^_^

    4. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      :lol: sounds  like fun.  i am just so sleepy right now

  13. [EN] Good evening or good night-_-
    [ES] ¡Buenas tardes o noches todos! -_-
    [PR] ¡Boa tarde ou noite todos! -_-

  14. Good luck to all who postulate for moderator or support. :wub:

    1. mati216PL


       Thanks! B) 

    2. Coppekss



      thank you very much ;)

    3. DarthPlays[MEX]


      vas a mandar tu solicitud?

  15. Good morning/afternoon HumaneWolf^_^

    1. [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

      [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

      Depends on the country where you are @berkkoc7 ^_^

  16. Happy birthday verbeekrj!! ^_^

  17. Hello desertEagle26 happy Birthday :)


    1. DesertEagle26


      Hi, thank you ;)

  18. I'm going to sleep:wub:
    ¡¡Good Night!!

    1. Mirko9
    2. [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

      [T.G.E][01] Lorena*

      Good morning & good afternoon & good night :lol:^_^

  19. After the storm comes a calm.. -_-
    Resultado de imagen de tren amor

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DJFrontier


      And finally, a pink truck. :truestory:

    3. BubbleMuscles


      And finally a <3 for you:P

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