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Veteran Driver VIII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Dr'Dri

  • Birthday July 29

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Colombia, Medellin
  • Interests
    YouTube,Photoshop,Cinema 4D, Help Gaming, Soccer and Sports.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
  • Known languages
    Español , Ingles y Portugués Br

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Dr'Dri's Achievements

  1. Happy Birthday! 🎂

  2. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  3. Happy birthday

  4. Hola @km028 No dude contactarme si tiene algún otro problema. Siempre disponible para ayudarte. Recuerda que tenemos un sistema de tickets para que hagas preguntas sobre TruckersMP o si tienes algún problema. https://truckersmp.com/support Saludos.
  5. Hola @km028 Si quieres comprar un volante debes saber de tu presupuesto. - Logitech es algo caro, pero muy profesional ya que el volante cuenta con 3 pedales y su respectivo volante que gira 900 grados. Mas info aquí = https://www.logitechg.com/es-roam/product/g29-driving-force - Por otra parte te recomiendo este, un poco mas sencillo pero de un rendimiento muy bueno, el Hori Racing Apex. Mas info aquí = https://volantes10.com/productos/volante-hori-racing-wheel-apex-rwa-ps4/ Espero que te haya servido esta pequeña guía. Tambien si quieres guiarte por mas volantes puedes encontrar mas aquí = https://volantes10.com/ Saludos. Dr'Dri
  6. Hello @xKyranStormx This topic has been inactive, which will be blocked and moved to "inactive topics". Remember that if you have questions, problems, etc. You can contact the support team through a ticket. Regards Dr'Dri //Blocked and moved to inactive topics
  7. Hello @jany2271 This topic has been inactive, which will be blocked and moved to "inactive topics". Remember that if you have questions, problems, etc. You can contact the support team through a ticket. Regards Dr'Dri //Blocked and moved to inactive topics
  8. Hello @TurklerRS This topic has been inactive, which will be blocked and moved to "inactive topics". Remember that if you have questions, problems, etc. You can contact the support team through a ticket. Regards Dr'Dri //Blocked and moved to inactive topics
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