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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/20 in all areas

  1. [Trial Translator] @[ÖZ DOSTLAR] ONAT - 24 has been promoted to Translator.
    33 points
  2. [Translator] @HérissonMan transfers to the Game Moderation team as a Game Moderator and leaves the Translator role to focus on his position.
    27 points
  3. saw one of the nicest trucks I've ever seen today, new Scania fully customized with plenty of lights and fully custom airbrushed (think so anyway) paint ? sadly tho I saw it too late to get my camera out in time and only managed to get this photo ? ?
    14 points
  4. [TRANSLATOR] @akuponcture has been removed from the TruckersMP Team due to inactivity.
    10 points
  5. New Song! - https://spoti.fi/35pk08g Hope you enjoy this bouncy track
    9 points
  6. I had a very spontaneous little convoy and funny evening on ProMods! Thank you very much @Shayrin, @NeonLeon, @Roenz, @Mr. Calvin & @zb572 ? Ich hatte einen sehr spontanen kleinen Konvoi sowie einen witzigen Abend auf ProMods! Vielen Dank ?
    6 points
  7. C-D Adventure with Me - @Createrdo [BG] - @Roenz - @purrie ?? photo credit to the best media boi ; @Createrdo [BG]
    6 points
  8. 6 points
  9. [Retired Team Member] @Dominik [SK] rejoins the TruckersMP Team as a Game Moderator. [Event Team] @Nathan7471 transfers to the role of Game Moderator and will remain in the Event Team. [Retired Team Member] @i z m rejoins the TruckersMP Team as a Report Moderator. [Retired Team Member] @Noxii rejoins the TruckersMP Team as a Game Moderation Trainee
    6 points
  10. American Truck Simulator - WESTERN STAR 49X ?
    5 points
  11. First up today another C-D run with @flowahh She ended up being rammed of course. What else... Next up was one of my favorite roads in ProMods in the UK. I truly love the fall colors on this road and definitely wouldn't mind living in the UK or Ireland.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Have a good day everyone Fellas ?
    4 points
  14. Krewlex Convoy + exploring in promods ?
    4 points
  15. After a Tripel Trailer Drive we met @TotalDiesel with @[ConSecGroup] Hamey
    3 points
  16. Absolute PRO GAMER @London Truckers.FM just went live over on Twitch!
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. I'm back, better than ever. New banner, new profile picture, and soon to come, more other things ?
    3 points
  19. Hey all hope everyone is well one thing i am looking forward to next month is driving in the snow again
    3 points
  20. Had i nice drive today at the RLC convoy and a nice drive with replay shortly after
    3 points
  21. Saudações! Temos outro Comboio Oficial planeado, o que significa que é tempo de todos nós nos juntarmos mais uma vez para outro evento! Para esta prestação de meses decidimos levá-lo numa viagem pelas estradas no coração da bela DLC de Idaho no American Truck Simulator, descobrindo as belas estradas com os seus Atrelados de Carga Pesada (Heavy Haul) e aproveitando algumas das paisagens ao longo do caminho! Junte-se a nós no Sábado dia 14 de Novembro de 2020 às 18:00 UTC (Fusos Horários Alternativos)! Este mês estamos a fazer um Comboio de Carga Pesada, onde todos os Atrelados de Carga Pesada são bem-vindos. Vejamos as suas capacidades a conduzir na nossa rota! Começando a nossa viagem nas Cataratas de Idaho, aproveitando algumas estradas com paisagens muito bonitas em direção a oeste, depois em direção a norte, Boise, Grangeville & Coeur d'Alene, antes de chegar ao destino que é Sandpoint. Vamos descobrir algumas das rotas do país no coração do mapa da DLC de Idaho. Como este comboio é apenas na DLC do Idaho, significa que lhe é exigido esta DLC para que possa participar neste evento. A duração do comboio é estimada para 90 minutos. Poderá demorar mais se tiver no final do comboio. Nenhuma pausa está agendada, contudo é livre de parar num local seguro se assim precisar para descansar. Sinta-se bem vindo para comentar ou perguntar questões no nosso tópico no fórum! Rota Partida: Idaho Falls. Destino: Sandpoint. Informações Adicionais do Evento: Regras do Evento | DLC: Idaho | Servidor: TruckersMP Official Heavy Haul Desejamos-lhe uma feliz e segura camionagem, e esperamos ver você lá! -Equipa(e) TruckersMP --> Ver publicação na página inicial
    2 points
  22. something hidden ? ?️ ?️ Hidden dirt roads in Colorado 1. location on the map: https://i.imgur.com/phmuJEB.png 2. location on the map: https://i.imgur.com/1AbZ2aD.png In my opinion, Colorado is the largest and most beautiful DLC in American Truck Simulator so far. I would definitely recommend.
    2 points
  23. It's Friday 13th of the year 2020. So have this happy catto to give you some good luck on this cursed day of this cursed year:
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Colorado is definetely worth a visit. ?
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. [TRAINEE] @ZaroMW has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Mystere has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator.
    2 points
  30. [GAME MODERATOR + COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Snap Dragon promoted to Community Moderator (Forum) while remaining in the Game Moderation team.
    2 points
  31. [Retired Team Member] @CreatorInDeep returns to the Game Moderation Team as a Report Moderator.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Suggestion Name: Realistic Server 1 Suggestion Description: I would like to propose a **Realistic Server 1** where you can only join if your realistic settings are all set to what you would find in real-life (minus the slight alterations to comply with the game-physics). Reality settings in ETS2 should be all set to the left: - Braking intensity - Truck stability - Trailer stability . Suspension stiffness - Cabin suspension stiffness This new server would equally require truckers to adhere to the road regulations of the specific country and to adhere to the speed limits of the in-game signalling. Truckers would have to comply with the traffic lights and arrows on the road would have to followed. No Overtaking zones would be exactly that. And fines issued by the in-game police would result in kicks and bans depending on a to be worked out penalty system. Any example images: No Why should it be added?: I enjoy driving around with Euro Truck Simulator 2 for various reasons. - It is relaxing - It is technically interesting when run with realistic settings - It gives me a small idea of the monotone but free life a trucker might enjoy - It compensates me for not being able to apply for a CE license in Switzerland because of a minor squint which impairs my stereoscopic sight. In the single-player game I generally obey speed limits where possible (there are some tricky spots where the speed limit changes without prior signalling) and the truck speed limiter takes care of the rest. I will stop at red lights even if there is no traffic and I will look before I start moving into a junction/intersection. In single-player mode I have a mod that increases the amount of traffic, so I can “enjoy” traffic jams and the occasional roadblocks. I mean this is what is part of a trucker’s life? I have realistic settings from what I can tell, and my 1.2 Billion in-game EUR have been amassed over a gaming period of 871 real-time hours which translates to 10'936 days and 8 hours of in-game time. I play with a steering wheel and every now and then I’ll turn on the SCANIA H-Shift pattern for my Scania R, 750 hp, 8x4, 12+2 gearbox. All-in-all up to now a rather enjoyable experience. I recently decided to join the online community of TruckersMP to experience the pleasure of trucking together with people that have a similar relationship with ETS2. I was looking forward to fellow truckers who respect each other and participate in a equally exhillerating online experience. I’ve already been playing for a couple of days and last night I hopped on to the SERVER 1 and had an assignment for Duisburg (GER). At first, I thought I might have joined the ARCADE server for some reason. Nobody cared about road regulations and speed limits. Overtaking took on a special art form where everything went. And red lights are just for decoration. Junctions blocked and everybody was pushing and ramming and overtaking. It looks like a lot of people seem to be online just for fun and not for the realistic part. I am proposing this, because I think there are a lot of truckers out there who think likewise and would enjoy the experience of fellow truckers giving way, stopping at red-lights and only overtaking where possible. Thanks for your time and I am looking forward to seeing you all online and to hearing your comments on my proposal.
    1 point
  34. Here too, happy birthday ???? have a nice day ?
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Some Lovely Pics from the last Cruise #ScaniaLove #Local_Mods ? ??? ??? ?????? - ?? ?? ????? ?
    1 point
  38. Wenn du möchtest, dass TruckersMP einen offiziellen Konvoi dazu plant, kannst du die Idee und deine Begründungspunkte auch gerne dem Event Management in unserem Feedback System senden Die werden sich das ganze dann anschauen.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. In remembrance to those who lost their lives, past and present. Lest We Forget.
    1 point
  41. Today I decided to leave Prime Logistics, and start a new journey elsewhere, Prime was a wonderful first VTC and I couldn't of been happier when I first joined, but it's time for a new chapter within the TMP community.
    1 point
  42. Night Sky ? (truck is not mine btw, took this while looking over CD) Nice trip with @Mabel Matiz ヅ + @mdshahid6540 in Scandinavia ?
    1 point
  43. Tonight's exploring on ProMods with @Grubby.?
    1 point
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