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[GAME MODERATOR TEAM LEADER] @The Imaginative Lad leaves the team. We want to thank him a lot for his work at TruckersMP!8 points
Finally made a screen of my police skin of the LSPD but in TMP style. ETS2 Front and Back Back and Roof: ATS: Front and back Information: Made with original TMP files I tried to keep the format of this livery original Instead of an USA Flag, I used a TMP logo A question for you: Why is „TMP 08“ on the back of the car?7 points
being a Game Moderator is just like being a Police everybody suddenly knows the rules when they see you coming or typing in chat7 points
! Good Night TruckersMP ! ! Somewhere in Scandinavia, near to sea i stop to get pause ! Photos: Samito_BG6 points
San Francisco looks quite pretty at sunrise. :3 Now that I have parked for the night, I wish you all a good one.6 points
@[RT] Aro32 Dojrzały z Ciebie chłop a czasem tak jak czytam Twoje narzekanie to gorzej niż 5 letnie dziecko, któremu mama zabrała samochodzik. Co by SCS nie zrobił, co by nie udostępnił zawsze kręcisz nosem. Skoro Cie coś nie interesuje to tak jak Haqu napisał po kiego czorta czytasz/komentujesz. ? Cierpliwości kolego i pozdrawiam6 points
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Hello guys, I just wanted to say thank you all for the follows! We just reached 200 followers and it's amazing to see that many people who enjoy my spam of Status updates But seriously thank you for all the support over the years and to be honest if it wasn't for this many followers I don't think I would be very active on the forums like I am so I am very appreciative to see this many people who like my content <3 Keep safe guys and happy trucking to you all! http://prntscr.com/jcdv9e5 points
Well looks like the summer madness has already began in MP Usually when I go on C-D late in the evening/night after 11pm (11:30pm especially ----- Irish/UK time) its usually pretty quite, still some traffic but not much and even Calais + Duisburg can be pretty quite - its often a nice peaceful uneventful trip (although you do get somethings happening sometimes but not alot and noting too big) but today wow Once I got near and after the Rotterdam/Brussels junction it got pretty busy and was crash after crash + crazy drivers the whole way into Duisburg If it was that bad this late must be total chaos earlier when its even busier This does mean that even later in the evenings/night now the C-D is quite busy and not as quite as it has been the past few months during winter so if you want to avoid the chaos then just don't go C-D at all and if you want to speed and are not prepared to slow down for slower traffic then please don't got C-D Also very importantly with the increased traffic and players on the server later in the evening/night due to summer its very important to keep overtaking to a minimum even late in the evening as its not as quite and safe to as it is during the winter and if you really must then make sure you check your gps + tab menu and ensure you can safely pass (only do it if in a safe place and there is no one else around only you 2 or someone a safe distance away) If in any doubt at all then just don't do it but a good idea to just not do it at all, its not that hard to just slow down Expect C-D to be busy even very late so expect the chaos that comes with it as summer means people have alot more time to play MP and will be on alot longer and later This is my 3rd summer here I know whats coming as every summer there is an increase in player numbers on the servers (especially later in the evenings and at night) and once we get into September it quietens again Its been very nice to enjoy quite uneventful trips on C-D most late evenings/nights but also its nice to get back to trips in the late evenings/night that are busier with some chaos but not as crazy as during the day and early evening (1 or 2 times a week of that craziness is more then enough) Good Luck to all the Game mod team who got to deal with the increased summer craziness Welcome to summer everyone (wow this is alot longer then I expected Sry )5 points
Suggestion Name: Car &Trailer TMP Skin Suggestion Description: Add two variants of the TMP logo for the car, one that makes admins stand out i.e blue reflective outline of the logo for GM & Yellow or orange for Escort, trailers have the default logo possibly with a simple colour selection! Any example images: No Why should it be added?: It would look better on the car ( excluding the colour selection option on the car for obvious reasons ) & would make a nice addition for trailers in convoys & for photos!4 points
4 points
Happy Birthday @JeKnYan @P?ucek @Simonthe00 @crnogorac321 @TheJokerowyPL @JamieCraftHD @??G?? #I?T?RCOOL?R @justatefood @T.R.A.P @fafafix @[C.S.C.] Kamdar Wolf @Emir_hks @GolfMk3!VR6! @Ryukain @petaflops @TARIK, @?????-????????? @AirSix @xxxpromexxx @[WT] JPGames & @Copson4 points
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tried making my own banner xD eeeeeeh ill leave it to the guy currently making one for me lol3 points
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Hello everyone, today I will tell you how to drive on the C-D road. Often I see people who don't know the driving rules. P.S. If you see any mistakes, contact me, please. 1) How to leave the gas station. This sign means that the driver (you) must give way. You must wait for all and only then go. This sign stands on any Gas station. Also on the exit of Duisburg and not only. 1.1)How to enter the gas station C-D sign designation signs designation An example of how not to do: Pink skoda blocked the truck on the right. 2) Route to D-C (3 moments) 3) Route from Brussel or Rotterdam (3 moments) Correctly - Don't block the road to other players. Wrong - Blocking the road to other players. 4) Roundabout of Calais and other roundabouts.2 points
Milí hráči, vzhledem k tomu, že v poslední době bylo mnoho hráčů zabanováno kvůli nepřiměřené úpravě svých vozidel, většina z nich ani sama neví, zdali pravidla dodržuje, nebo naopak porušuje, nebo v nich mají zmatek, proto jsem se rozhodl vytvořit tento topic. Mnoho z Vás jsem potkal ve hře, někteří se mě ptají, zdali je jejich truck v pořádku, a nijak neporušuje naše pravidla. Tam Vám vždy poradím, zdali si můžete danou věc na trucku nechat, nebo jí máte odstranit. V tomto topicu bych chtěl, aby každý z Vás, kdo si není jistý, udělal screenshot Vašeho trucku, nebo přívěsu a nahrál ho zde. A nemějte žádné obavy, Vámi zaslané screenshoty nebudou nijak použity proti Vám. Pokud si tedy nejste nijak jistí Vaším truckem, nebo přívěsem, pošlete nám screenshot a my Vám pomůžeme. Screenshoty nahrávejte prosím zde: https://imgur.com/, nebo https://prnt.sc/, nebo je můžete poslat společně s Vaší zprávou. Tohle je pro Vás velice důležité, proto se prosím neváhejte zeptat, pokud si něčím nejste jistí, ať už se jedná o cokoliv. Je lepší se zeptat nyní, než být později za to zabanován. Pokud chcete zjistit, zdali je Váš mód, či není povolen v našem multiplayeru, můžete se nejdříve podívat na topic níže, může Vám to pomoci! S pozdravem, MrCipr TruckersMP - Překladatel. ------------------------------------------ Originál sepsala Nataliia - Herní moderátorka. Najdete ho zde.2 points
Bonjour, Je fait ce topic pour dire a tout les utilisateurs du jeu ETS2 que le code de la route s'applique sur le jeu est n'est pas la pour faire jolie. En Ville / Village : Limitation : 50 km/h Sur les Nationales : Limitation : 70 km/h Limitation: 80 km/h Sur les Autoroutes : Limitation : 90 km/h Sur Zone Étroite: Limitation : 40 km/h Fait Attention , Respecter les limitations de vitesse , chaque années plus de 3.000 Personnes décède sur les routes (en France).2 points
Breaker 1-9, breaker 1-9, this here's the MinatomiraiX... Postanowiłem zrobić własną fotorelację... Na sam początek przedstawiam galerię z jazdy z moim towarzyszem @[JT]Rosyjski Elektryk. GENOVA Swoją podróż zaczęliśmy w Genovie z ładunkami firmy Acl SRL. Naszym celem było GNT w Bergen. Długa droga była przed nami, ale zbaczanie z trasy niczym Dawid Andres z programu ,,Ciężarówką przez Stany'' wydłużyło ją o około 1500km. Pomyślałem aby przejechać się całą landówką z okolic Torino do samego Clermont - Ferrand i podziwiać doliny. Następny przystanek... Bourges. LASY BOURGES Po przejechaniu krótkiego odcinka autostrady znów zjechaliśmy na landówkę. W okolicach Bourges są przepiękne lasy. Zrobiliśmy sobie tam małą sesję zdjęciową. Landówką udało się nam dojechać do samego Liege. Z tamtąd został nam szmat drogi do pokonania autostradami. TANKSZTELE BREMEN Zatrzymaliśmy się na rajce i zrobiliśmy pauzę. Jazda była dosyć męcząca, więc był czas na posiłek i odpoczynek. Stali już tam kierowcy z Rosji. Złapani przez monitoring Po wszystkim obraliśmy kurs na Danię. Trasa prowadziła do Aalborg, ale mieliśmy czas aby pokonać szosą Szwecję. Odbitka na Malmo. OSLO Oslo powitaliśmy i pożegnaliśmy w promieniach zachodzącego słońca. To ostatni odcinek autostrady w Norwegii i w całej naszej podróży. Pozostało nam pokonać kilkaset kilometrów górskich dróg. BERGEN Osiągnęliśmy nasz cel w środku nocy, a mimo to zastał nas dość spory ruch. Chyba mieli spory napływ towarów do portu. Tam rozstałem się ze swym towarzyszem. Dziękuję @[JT]Rosyjski Elektryk za miłe spędenie czasu, rozmowie i pokonanie tych 3566 km... Szerokości2 points
CONVOY PREPARING IN (France). I am the first leader of the convoy THATSWHY I AM THE LEADER.......It is not our official (LTBD) convoy...only roadshow......2 points
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Happy Birthday TruckersMP! I found my first recorded video playing the mod, 4 years ago: It was uploaded on Facebook, that's why the compression is so bad. I actually remember logging on the second the mod went live, and almost immediatelly after I managed to do so they had to fix something sync related. It felt really great to have experienced something I waited for years, ETS2 multiplayer was here despite a lot of haters claiming it was fake.2 points
@[EKARD] Shadii [PL/ENG], @[EKARD] Donovan511 [PL] Tak sam zestaw, ale o naczepe pisalem. Nowe Krone a poprzedni Schwarzmuller.2 points
Это, видимо, соревнования среди тех, кто переиграл Дальнобойщики 3. Именно там из грузоперевозок сделали гонки на грузовиках.2 points
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Congratulations with your new role @Forerunner @JessyNyan and good luck @The Imaginative Lad2 points
Great Guide Its a shame that alot of people who drive C-D act as if they own the road and everyone else does not matter, If only everyone looked at the road conditions and how busy or quite it is before attempting overtaking, looking to see if its actually safe rather then just coming up to someone and trying to force their way past without even checking gps or tab menu and also paying attention to the junctions and who has right of way That video [LKW Tr.] bobi124 posted above is a perfect example - It's soooooo obvious from the start of the video that its not safe to overtake but he tries and obvious to anyone paying attention to the road, gps and players around them the overtake fails and he causes a crash If your on C-D when the server is pretty full and C-D is very busy and a high traffic area you shouldn't be overtaking in the first place We've all seen it - sitting in a traffic jam and you will see some people flying past at speed down the wrong way overtaking everyone until oncoming traffic comes and they try to force their way back in causing even more traffic - I will never understand why players like that go C-D if they won't wait in the traffic jams If your not prepared to slow down when needed for other traffic, corners and to stay behind slower traffic when unsafe to overtake then you should be driving on C-D road (loads of other empty roads and motorways where you can go full speed all the time) It all should be common sense and about having respect for other players but sadly alot of players lack those quality's2 points
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Dodaliśmy ustawienia firm na spedycjach startowych. -- Pozdrawiamy Coffee-Spedition2 points
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[COMMUNITY MANAGER / TRANSLATION MANAGER] @Burner has decided to leave the team due to personal reasons. On behalf of the entire TruckersMP team, I would like to say a massive thank you to him for everything he has done during his very long stay in the team. Burner has chosen not to receive the Retired Team rank, but the regular member rank instead. Take care Burner, we will miss you!2 points
Herkese merhaba; Hepinizin bildiği gibi, bu çok oyunculu Platform temelde sıfırdan başlayıp iki milyondan fazla insanla bir topluluk oluşturdu! Çok oyunculu Platform'un arkasındaki hikaye oldukça ilgi çekicidir ve büyük bir başarı ile ele alınabilir. Geliştiriciler mwl4 ve kat_pw için sunucularını korumak ve oyunu zamanında güncellemek çok zor olsa da, aslında çevrimiçi eklentiyi (TruckersMP) daha eğlenceli hale getiren uygun eklentileri veya diğer küçük araçları (Günümüz Türkçe'si ile küçük işler, ıvır-zıvır) tanıtmanın zamanı değildi. Yine de, Scout (Skoda) arabası üzerinde çalışmak için yeterli bir zaman var. Scout (Skoda) aracı tanıtıldı ve şimdiye kadar hiç değişmedi! Takımda, boş zamanlarının neredeyse her dakikasını bu projeye adayan insanlar var. Bundan dolayı, Pilot arabası sonunda yeniden tasarlanıyor. Bu vesileyle, TruckersMP personeline en son Rütbe'si olan - “Eklenti Takımı” nı duyurmanın tam sırası. Bu paha biçilmez "Mod" tecrübesi ve bilgisi ile küçük bir takım. Onlar, çok oyunculu Platform'dan sorumlu ilk insanlar olacaklar. Ana uğraşları, çok oyunculu oyununuzu geliştirmek için harika "Mod'lar" yaratmak olacak! Karavan Römork'u bu takımdan neler beklediğinize -Veya neler bekliyor olacağınıza bir örnektir. Ancak, bu takımı tanıttığınız her "Mod" önerisinin uygulanacağı -Kabul edileceği anlamına gelmez! Çok amaçlı ve çok az sayıda seçilmiş "Modlar" dikkate alınacak ve muhtemelen uygulanacaktır. Bunun farkında olmanızı diliyoruz. Görüşlerinizi paylaşmak veya bu konuya bir şeyler eklemek istiyorsanız, forumda bunu yapmakta özgürsünüz. Proje Yönetimi. Orijinal konu: -Saygılarımla.1 point
Flew the big lady today from New York JFK to London Heathrow, a beautiful aircraft but handles like a fridge in the sky compared to the smaller 737 and I still struggle to get a good landing with her... :/1 point
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Happy Birthday TMP, and I was honored to be an old member of the staff from the beginning; But due to time and Increased real life responsibilities I Left; Thanks all for the Staff and our Growing Community for being the best Community I contributed to and made the Mod on what it is Now; Hope you keep Going forward and always in progress Arab Truckers Company The Arab Community1 point
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а в чём, собственно, страдания? Вот объясните мне вот этот момент. Страдание в том что кто-то едет 150 и теперь вы не можете обогнать на 170? Ваши аргументы о страданиях ну как минимум выглядят смешными. Вы можете предъявить весомые аргументы для увеличения лимита скорости? Если нет, то что тут обсуждать?1 point