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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/18 in all areas
27 points
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Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.6 points
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5 points
Anyone want to join the big convoy today with me? Want to join, read all the details here: ets2c.com: http://ets2c.com/view/71754/penguin-dover-hotel I will join. See all you there @Penguin @M.J.4 points
Quick little update, I've added zoom buttons in the bottom right corner so if you don't have a scroll wheel you can still zoom in and out. The follow API is back. You can use https://ets2map.com?follow=<tmp_id> to follow a user if they are online. <--- Also, if you click image under the "TruckersMP Profile" button it will also follow the user. We are working on supporting Italy as well as ATS but since this is quite a lot of work it may take some time.3 points
Thx for a great truckfest and convoy and Happy One Year Anniversary SOFTUF @Penguin @M.J.3 points
Hey! 1 HOUR TO GO! HYPE! https://softuf.com/threads/softuf-anniversary-convoy.319/ (We're on an event server, NOT EU3)3 points
Day trip on ATS w/ @Shawk2k50, later also with derpatrick93 points
TruckersMP საზოგადოების კონტრიბუტორის პროგრამა მოგესალმებით, მძღოლებო! დღეს დადგა კიდევ ერთი მშვენიერი დღე TruckersMP-ის ისტორიაში. ზოგი თქვენთაგანი გვეკითხებოდა, შეიძლება თუ არა განვათავსოთ ჩვენი YouTube ან Twitch არსების ლინკები ჩვენს პლატფორმაზე. ჩვენ ასევე ვფიქრობთ, რომ ხალხი, რომელიც რაღაცას აკეთებს იმისათვის რომ გააუმჯობესოს ჩვენი საზოგადოება, მათ ეკუთვნით თავისი საქმის აღიარებას. ამიტომაც, ჩენ შევქმენით ეს პროგრამა იმათთვის, ვინც აუმჯობესებს ჩვენს საზოგადოებას: საზოგადოების კონტრიბუტორებისთვის. ვინ არიან კონტრიბუტორები (Contributor)? ეს არიან მოთამაშეები, რომლებიც აუმჯობესებენ ჩვენს საზოგადოებას. ზოგი ლაივ-სტრიმებით YouTube-ზე და Twitch-ზე, ზოგი კონკურსებით და ზოგი უბრალო დახმარებით ფორუმზე, ისინი უფრო და უფრო აუმჯობესებენ ჩვენს საზოგადოებას და ხდიან მას უფრო საინტერესოს. მოთხოვნილებები. საჭიროა TruckersMP-ის მოდიფიკაციების ინტერესის ქონა, კარგი და ხარისხიანი კონტენტის გაკეთება, რომელიც მოიზიდავს ბევრ ახალ მოთამაშეს. მაგ ადამიანს რომელიმე სოციალური ქსელი მაინც უნდა ჰქონდეს და აქტიური უნდა იყოს. საჭიროა საზოგადოებაში ყოფნა მინიმუმ 1 წელი და კარგი სტატუსის ქონა საზოგადოებაში. კონტრიბუტორს არ შეუძლია იყოს TruckersMP-ს გუნდის წევრი. რა სარგებელი აქვს ამას? კონტრიბუტორებს ექნებათ სპეციალური რანკი ფორუმზე და ჩვენს Discord სერვერზე. მათ ნამუშევრებს გამოვაქვეყნებთ სხვადასხვა პლატფორმაზე. ასევე მათ ექნებათ TruckersMP-ის გუნდის წევრებთან მუშაობის საშუალება ახალი კონტენტის შექმნაზე. როგორ გავხვდე კონტრიბუტორი? ამ მომენტისთვის თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გახდეთ კონტრიბუტორი მხოლოდ იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ TruckersMP-ის გუნდის რომელიმე წევრი მოგვცემს რეკომენდაციას თქვენზე, თუმცა მომავალში ჩვენ შევეცდებით სხვა სისტემა შემოვიღოთ. არიან თუ არა კონტრიბუტორები TruckersMP-ის გუნდი წევრები? არა, ისინი არიან საზოგადოების ისეთი წევრები, რომლებიც აღიარებულები არიან თავისი აქტიურობის და კარგი მუშაობის გამო. ვინ არიან ისინი? სულ მალე გამოქვეყნდება კონტრიბუტორების პირველი სია. საუკეთესო სურვილებით, TruckersMP-ის გუნდი. ავტორი: საზოგადოების მენეჯერი Primeთარგმნა: @BL4CK$K1LL3 points
Returned on the road Have a nice weekend with your family and your friends3 points
O que acham da capa? Eu achei que não está tão bom até porque é a primeira vez que faço pro fórum @David Edson @Kayr0 @aluizio'3 points
3 points
You know what? Screw Samsung laptops. Screw Windows 10. Screw Windows 10 on Samsung laptops! Windows 10 is an ok OS, but terrible to work with if you have to fix it. One of my clients left his laptop installing updates but forgot to plug it in. The battery died mid-installation and it corrupted the system. Samsung littered the hard drive with recovery partitions and none were helpful. Samsung also hid away in the BIOS about ALL of the needed functions to boot up from DVD or USB, making me waste almost a whole day just to figure out how to boot with Hiren's Boot USB. Windows 10 itself has F8 on boot disabled by default, so load the Recovery Options and Safe Mode cannot be done from outside Windows itself, unless you shut down the system three times while it is booting, which in reality only makes matters worse. And then, when recovering the system was no longer a option and format to install all from scratch was the better choice and I finally managed to get into the Live Windows on Hiren's, I learned that Samsung limited what you can do to the partitions on the hard drive and made it impossible to delete and format them (the recovery partitions). I had to boot into Linux to bypass the limitations and then I learned that even so, the MBR cannot be written due to some sort of hardware-level limitation Samsung somehow imposed on the device, which makes it impossible to mark the partition as active. The option then would be to use Windows 10's own setup to format, but that just re-creates all of those useless recovery partitions. >:C Not even the MBR rewritting tools I used could fix the MBR. My next choice now is to plug this laptop's hard drive into my computer and format it there using my own hardware. In theory, that should bypass the hardware limitations (it's probably some code in the BIOS ROM) since there would be none so it should be possible to format it normally like any regular computer. Just gotta wait my boss' response on the idea and if given the green light to carry on with the idea, then hopefully it will work. EDIT: Oh and get a load of this... Windows 10's setup did not offer me to select which version to install. It just went straight to Home Single Language and turns out that to get the hard drive out of the laptop I will have to open the whole bottom of the thing. >:[3 points
> OUTDATED < You can find the latest version of this guide here: https://truckersmp.com/kb/27 Hello truckers! "How to become game moderator?", this is a question you might have been thinking about. This topic will contain an answer to that question and some general information that might interest you. First of all, being a game moderator isn't just about driving a police car. A few of you might be reading this topic solely to find out how to drive a police car. This version of the car is only reserved for staff members with game moderator permissions such as our game moderators, managers and developers. Driving a police car is not the main purpose of a game moderator (will be using "GM" as an abbreviation in this topic). It's only an additional perk of the rank. The duties of a GM are not just flying over the map and randomly kicking or banning users. The rank of a GM comes with a great responsibility. A GM deals with various duties on our website and in-game, including website reports, in-game reports and ban appeals, judging what is right and wrong. Every GM is chosen with great care to ensure maximum quality. As of January 2018, there is open GM recruitment, however there is no plan to open it very often. As you may have noticed, GM's are mostly selected from within our current team. To be specific, you need to join our team as another rank in order to get selected for a promotion to GM. Not everyone gets the promotion, there are various of reasons why they are not selected. If you join the team with the aim of being a GM, you are most likely to fail that. We want people to join our team with a big interest in their section of which they applied for. If you are doing well, a Game Manager might notice you and offer you a promotion if they are needing more GM's. It's your choice to accept or decline that if you prefer to remain in your current sub-team. Here is a summarary for the two different paths you could walk to become a GM, see below: Step 1 - Join the team as another rank (Support, Moderator, Media). Step 2 - Work hard, do your duties as you are supposed to and be nice. Step 3 - Offer by GMM to join GM on a trial period. The second option is the following: Step 1 - Make sure you have no bans, good forum activity and good behaviour Step 2 - Once GM recruitment opens, apply to join and make sure you fill your application out with good detail. Step 3 - Invite to an interview, chat with GMMs Step 4 - Training period with both GMMs and GMTLs. Step 5 - Trial Period of 2 months. Some tips and advice we can give you: - Never ask to become a GM, this decreases your chances to become one. - Don't contact anyone about your candidacy for a position as GM. - Don't join the team with the sole aim of being a GM, you will most likely fail to achieve this then. - Don't ask when other recruitments will open. + Do your best if you are selected for another role in the team, do your duties and get noticed in a good way. + Practise your skills of the English language, this will be your main language as GM. + Obey all rules on the forums and in-game, having a ban or warning point decreases your chances. + Be active on our forums, get known in our community and give others a positive impression about yourself. Some related questions Q: Do I need to have both ETS2 and ATS if I would be a GM? A: No, we recommend you do but this is not a requirement. Q: Is being friends with other staff members giving me an advantage? A: No, we select new GM's based on their activity, behaviour and skills. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected. Q: I'm not really interested in the forums, can I skip being a moderator first? A: No, we require you to participate in discussions and the community. It is important to know how our community works if you want to be on the TruckersMP team. Q: I'm never chosen in a recruitment, what can I do? A: Not much, free spots on our team are limited and many are interested in it. Try to improve and try again during another recruitment session. Q: I speak {language}, there are no other GM's who speak this language. Can I become GM right away? A: No, you still need to follow all steps involved. We are not giving someone the GM rank for the language only. Q: I have a question that is not mentioned here, who should I contact? A: Send your question to the feedback, we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.2 points
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Konwój pożegnalny kierowcy vs-ki Wataha: Anime z firmami: WATAHA, ETG, MAR-TRANS, POL-TRANS2 points
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Selamlar, @ReguluSs durumu şöyle açıklığa kavuşturalım. TruckersMP platformunda uygulanan kuralları takiben, siyasi liderler, askeri liderler, terör örgütlerine ait görseller ya da liderler ve bunun gibi siyasi, askeri, ırkçı ve terör sempatizanı paylaşımlarda bulunmak, profil fotoğrafına görseller eklemek ya da bunların reklamını yapmak/konuşmak yasaktır. Bu sebeple oyundan yasaklanmış bulunmaktasınız, Steam profilinizde bulunan Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK'ün fotoğrafını kaldırmalı ve Steam profilinizin ekran görüntüsünü alarak ban itirazı oluşturup karşı tarafla paylaşmalısınız. Takiben ban cezanız kaldırılacaktır. Yukarıda bahsettiğim duruma ait kuralı aşağıda görebilirsiniz: §1.5 Uygunsuz Dil Kullanımı, İletişim Kanallarının Amacı Dışında Kullanılması ve Taklit - Inappropriate use of language, communication and impersonation of any kind. TruckersMP platformu üzerinde diğer kullanıcıları aşağılamak ve kullanıcılara karşı buna benzer davranışlarda bulunmak yasaktır. Kural, belirtilen durumlarla sınırlı olmamakla birlikte: ırkçılık, ayrımcılık, ötekileştirme, siyasi ve yasak içerikler paylaşımı veya bu ve buna benzer durumlar hakkında tartışmak/fikir belirtmek yasaktır. Diğer kullanıcıların güvenliğini tehlikeye atabilecek websitesi ve içeriklerin paylaşımı yasaktır. Diğer kullanıcılara karşı yapılan hafif sayılabilecek derecedeki "Idiot" veya "noob" gibi tanımlar, durum suistimale gitmedikçe cezalandırılmaz. Bu inisiyatifin istismar edilmesi durumunda cezalandırma işlemi uygulanır. Diğer kullanıcıları, politik figürleri(Örneğin: Devlet başkanları, terör örgütü üyeleri/başkanları ve/veya Askeri liderler.) ile oyun yetkililerini taklit etmek yasaktır. Bu kural, belirtilen durumlarla sınırlı olmamakla birlikte: kişinin fotoğrafını avatar olarak kullanmak, onun sözlerini sarf etmek ya da onun gibi konuşmak, adını kullanmak, araç içi plakaya adını yazmak gibi davranışlara yönelik ceza işlemi uygulanır. Tüm platform kurallarına aşağıdaki bağlantıdan ulaşabilirsiniz: izm07 Forum Moderator2 points
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Wczorajszego wieczoru, czyli 03.02.2018r. otrzymaliśmy zaproszenie, oraz mieliśmy przyjemność uczestniczyć w konwoju z okazji II urodzin firmy SpediStar! Zaproszone firmy stawiły się na specjalnie, na tą okazję zorganizowanym serwerze, na którym kilka minut po 19 z francuskiego portu znajdującego się w Calais wyruszyliśmy na Rotterdam -> Hannover -> Norymberge, aby dotrzeć do celu naszej podróży, czyli autostrady pod Mannheim Konwój minął bardzo szybko, w miłej, wesołej i przyjaznej atmosferze, za co serdecznie dziękujemy, oraz jeszcze raz w imieniu całej wirtualnej spedycji H&C Logistics pragnę złożyć kolegom ze SpediStar życzonka urodzinowe Chłopaki wszystkiego najlepszego, 100lat, jeszcze większej ilości pokonanych wspólnie kilometrów, no i czego oczywiście sobie tylko życzycie! Miejmy nadzieję do zobaczenia w przyszłym roku na podobnym konwoju! Szerokości Byłbym zapomniał... Wielkie dzięki również dla naszego pilota @[SpediStar] TowarowyGTW, za bezpieczne dowiezienie nas do celu Targać tylu ludzi samemu, to też niezły wyczyn2 points
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Dzis odbyl sie konwoj z okazji 2 urodzin naszej firmy. Dlatego tez chcialbym podziekowac: TMP - udostepnienie specjalnego serwera tylko na ta uroczystosc, Bakerpk - zalatwienie i postawienie serwera, Bandero oraz Bossik - pilnowanie porzadku jak i kickowanie niechcianych osob potocznie zwanych TROLL Firmom: @BlueTransSpedition, @Magic-Trans, @Orzeł-Trans Wirtualna Spedycja, @ITLtrans, @Dakar Logistic, @K-Speed, @H&C, @Antrans - Wirtualna Spedycja, @VS RISA, oraz chcialbym tez podziekowac wszystkim osobom z naszej firmy ktore braly udzial I oczywiscie nie moglbym napisac o najwazniejszej osobie bez ktorej tego konwoju pewnie by nie bylo a jest nim JakubP, ktory to zoorganizowal ten konwoj od A do Z z pomoca Bandyty ktory to zaja sie grafika oraz pilotom grup (choc jeden na poczatku sie zamotal i sie "zgubil" z grupa 2 - tak musialem byc wredny Piterku ale wybaczone dosc szybko to naprawil). Ponizej zdjecia ;]2 points
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Support @King^ a été promu Trial Game Moderator2 points
Anyone play theHunter: Call of the Wild? http://store.steampowered.com/app/518790/theHunter_Call_of_the_Wild/1 point
Ciężko będzie zrobić w ten sposób. Ewentualnie poprzez telemetrię, ale to wymagałoby ode mnie większego poświęcenia czasu, którego nie mam. :/ Na daną chwilę jak zauważyliście nie ma jeszcze aktualizacji. Problem pojawił się bowiem w kodzie związanym z listowaniem rekrutantów, postaram się go rozwiązać. Na daną chwilę aktualizacja jest gotowa w 25%. Utworzyłem już pewne elementy wspólne, będę musiał nad niektórymi jeszcze troszkę spędzić. Możliwe, że aktualizacja wyjdzie z tygodniowym opóźnieniem względem terminu podanego. Korzystając z chwili - opowiem po krótce, jak będzie wyglądać ta rekrutacja. Każdy użytkownik, który będzie chciał dołączyć do firmy, wypełnia formularz. Są tam pytania głównie związane z ETS2 (na daną chwilę - dojdzie jeszcze pytanie odn. ATSa). Tuż po tym formularz zostaje przesłany do systemu. W systemie od strony administratora jest możliwość podejrzenia na podanie. Tam weryfikujemy dane z TMP (ilość banów) z odpowiedzią rekrutanta. Na daną chwilę mam tylko czy je posiada, czy nie (aby móc zweryfikować, ile posiada, trzeba będzie wejść w link z profilem). Po tym oczywiście typowa rozmowa rekrutacyjna (na TSie). No i na końcu - jeśli rekrutant przeszedł rekrutację pozytywnie, to po zaakceptowaniu podania ustalamy jego nick i po wciśnięciu Dodaj użytkownika do tachografu użytkownik zostaje dodany, a także utworzone zostaje hasło tymczasowe, które ukazywane jest administratorowi (w celu jego przekazania nowemu kierowcy). Jeśli jednak nie przeszedł, usuwany jest rekord z bazy danych. Tak na razie w teorii ma wyglądać system rekrutacyjny. Rzecz jasna - praktyka wykaże, czy system będzie na tyle sprawny, że VSki korzystające z niego będą zadowoleni. No cóż - zmykam do roboty. Przypominam, że aktualna wersja stabilna to 1.3.2! Dostępna jest pod tym linkiem.1 point
once upon a time i reported my status @VagAssLau remember1 point
Merhaba, Yanlış raporu kaldıramazsınız, raporu düzenleyerek yanlış olduğunu belirtin.1 point
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A1: TruckersMP doesn't change the job market. It's the same as it would be playing single-player. Unless of course you use World of Trucks contracts to get the same jobs as your friends. A2: TruckersMP uses your single-player profile when online therefore any progress you make on SP will impact MP vice versa. A3: If you accidentally hit someone then apologise immediately, if it's clear that it was not purposeful or because of lag etc there will be leniency. A4: You can record your gameplay at all times but it's not really necessary. If you want to keep your file size low on recordings just use Shadowplay to record certain small clips. A5: Same as A2. A6: World of Trucks (https://www.worldoftrucks.com/en/) is an online platform integrated with ETS2/ATS which allows you to track your progress, deliveries, achievements and more. It's more commonly used to get the same job contracts as your friends. However, your speed will be limited in-game hence why most people use the standard 'Freight Market'.1 point
"Some people are like slinkies. Not really good for much, but brings a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs."1 point
Gosh I just love the Italy DLC, such beautiful scenery around and the sunrises and tiny roads in some places etc.1 point
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C'était du super convoi, je suis désolé d'autre parti 40Mins après le début du convoi mais l'appel des crêpes était trop fort Hâte que le prochain convoi arrive Bonne route à tous!1 point
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