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London Truckers.FM

SCS Software
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by London Truckers.FM

  1. admin when 1.47

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fezz


      I'm afraid I cannot confirm nor deny. :troll:

    3. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Sooner than the UK rework 💀

    4. 3749771
  2. Does this thing still work? *taps mic* 

  3. Drove from Las Vegas to ProMods Canada and back today in my Amazon Prime inspired truck, loved it! Great to see some familiar drivers on the road too :)


  4. This is a really exciting collaboration and we couldn't be happier to work with TruckersMP
  5. a man has fallen into the river in lego city

    1. ImOllie


      london has fallen into the tfm towers in lego city

    2. [VIVA] Quad
  6. Great to see such a great response from the community for the Pink Ribbon Event! You are all amazing :)

  7. Evening all :D how's the week treatin' you?

    1. Bitpredator


      everything's fine, thank you

    2. Samito_BG


      It's fine, thanks for asking how about you ? 

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  8. Loved seeing you all at the TFM Convoy! Check out our official after-movie :D  vvv


    1. Dylаn


      Love it! :love:  Thanks for the amazing convoy! :D


    2. Guest


      Thanks for hosting again! Had fun. :)

  9. Thanks for the update. I am personally looking forward to @Krewlex admin view streams now (big fan, f to 8x4s)
  10. Cheeky photo album of what I saw https://imgur.com/a/zIRa1mo Really enjoyed this one! Props to all the TMP team for their time and teamwork
  11. Really Enjoyed Real Ops V7! A HUGE Well done to everyone involved. 

    See you for number 8? ;) 

  12. Just for reference for people here (might be interesting for you all) Here is a list of every country in the EU and what their speed limits are for Trucks, HGV's, special cargos etc https://www.promods.net/viewtopic.php?t=18254 Note that none of them go over 100 km/h (as far as i can see) .. so in my personal opinion, 110 km/h in a simulation server is very generous.
  13. Really enjoyed driving with you all in the TFM convoy - Thanks for attending! 

    1. Savage.


      Was a great event! 

    2. DJ Jefferz

      DJ Jefferz


  14. Awesome can't wait to have a drive. Thanks for the update @mwl4
  15. On a serious note here folks, unfortunately this will be the last post - please do not reply under this.
  16. Proud of my Truckers.FM team - 29 hours of live presenting this weekend all in support of the Drive4life charity event - raising money for YongMinds :D 

  17. Something is coming? I wouldn't know :ph34r: 

  18. Had a really fantastic time at Real Ops V6! From remembering the old days of driving in Europort, to being in awe of a steam train convoy... seriously well done TMP! 


    1. Ali.


      Glad to see you get unstuck ;)

    2. Guest


      It really was a memorable event.

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