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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/18 in all areas

  1. You know what? Screw Samsung laptops. Screw Windows 10. Screw Windows 10 on Samsung laptops! Windows 10 is an ok OS, but terrible to work with if you have to fix it. One of my clients left his laptop installing updates but forgot to plug it in. The battery died mid-installation and it corrupted the system. Samsung littered the hard drive with recovery partitions and none were helpful. Samsung also hid away in the BIOS about ALL of the needed functions to boot up from DVD or USB, making me waste almost a whole day just to figure out how to boot with Hiren's Boot USB. Windows 10 itself has F8 on boot disabled by default, so load the Recovery Options and Safe Mode cannot be done from outside Windows itself, unless you shut down the system three times while it is booting, which in reality only makes matters worse. And then, when recovering the system was no longer a option and format to install all from scratch was the better choice and I finally managed to get into the Live Windows on Hiren's, I learned that Samsung limited what you can do to the partitions on the hard drive and made it impossible to delete and format them (the recovery partitions). I had to boot into Linux to bypass the limitations and then I learned that even so, the MBR cannot be written due to some sort of hardware-level limitation Samsung somehow imposed on the device, which makes it impossible to mark the partition as active. The option then would be to use Windows 10's own setup to format, but that just re-creates all of those useless recovery partitions. >:C Not even the MBR rewritting tools I used could fix the MBR. My next choice now is to plug this laptop's hard drive into my computer and format it there using my own hardware. In theory, that should bypass the hardware limitations (it's probably some code in the BIOS ROM) since there would be none so it should be possible to format it normally like any regular computer. Just gotta wait my boss' response on the idea and if given the green light to carry on with the idea, then hopefully it will work. EDIT: Oh and get a load of this... Windows 10's setup did not offer me to select which version to install. It just went straight to Home Single Language and turns out that to get the hard drive out of the laptop I will have to open the whole bottom of the thing. >:[
    7 points
  2. 7 points
  3. 6 points
  4. [SUPPORT] @Dark Haus has left the team due to lack of time.
    6 points
  5. Когда я начинал играть в Euro Truck Simulator 2 ,я тоже гнал на полную. Из грузовиков только Volvo 750 и педалька в пол. Даже когда начала образовываться компания,наш стиль вождения оставался таким. Мы тогда считали - ну мы же не нарушаем... Когда кто-то вылезал с второстепенной, мы вписывались в него,так как не успевали затормозить,а потом бурно обсуждали: "вот гад то какой,нарушает". Когда кто престраивался под нас,двигаясь с маленькой скоростью,мы тоже считали его виноватым - не уступил ведь.То,что он мог нас не видеть в момент начала перестроения,нам было побоку. Мы же не нарушаем. Прошло время. Мы стали попадать в такие же ситуации,но уже на стороне "виноватого". И постепенно пришло понимание: ограничение скорости перед перекрестками стоит не просто так,а чтобы с второстепенной человек успел выехать. А когда по главной кто-то топит 160,у него просто нет шансов. И даже для более-менее безопасного перестроения ты должен топить во всю дурь,чтобы кто-нибудь не догнал. И настройка тормозов на максимум приводит тоже к аварии,только уже сзади. Но ведь так не должно быть... У меня нет предубеждений против "летунов",я сам был таким. Но теперь считаю это временным,наносным и ненастоящим. Потом ты все равно приходишь к более размеренному стилю вождения. Или игра тебе надоедает,и ты покидаешь МП...
    5 points
  6. Hello everyone, On the 11th of February at 18:00UTC we will be having our third Real Operations event, organized by our team. During this event, our staff team will be creating realistic events on the route shown above (Newcastle - Aberdeen | and the return!). You can see the time in your local time at notime.zone, here. Realistic events as custom roadworks, police/border controls, fake accidents and a lot of police force showing on the route. Make sure you behave, or you might get pulled over! These random events will be created by our staff team and by our staff team only, no player interference. During this event, there will be no convoy leader. You could drive alone, or drive with a bunch of friends on the planned route while experiencing a higher level of realism caused by our staff team. You can take a break easily, or drive non-stop to Aberdeen, and why don't you do the return as well in one go? It is up to you! The approximate end time is 2 to 3 hours later, it depends on how much staff there is left and how many players are still driving. This event will on a dedicated event server and will be streamed on our twitch channel twitch.tv/truckersmp. Enjoy, TruckersMP Team View post on homepage
    4 points
  7. [TRIAL GAME MOD] @DJ Jefferz was promoted to Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @King^ transferred to Trial Game Moderator [SUPPORT] @Coppekss transferred to Trial Game Moderator
    3 points
  8. [Developer] @Tuxy Fluffyclaws has left the team.
    3 points
  9. Hello Truckers! We have our winner for the first picture of the month of 2018, and it is a very good photo! 1st Place: @[ETS2MCG] Kien Giang This is such a great photo, everyone is in uniform with the same type of truck and trailer, in a great part of the game, the lights are also very good and makes the front truck stand out. Congratulations to the winner! The next Picture of the Month is available to enter now: Happy Trucking! TruckersMP Media Team
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. hi @MaXDvL you also need a logo for it and your driving in the game should be good because players prefer you
    2 points
  13. Haven't done one of these in a while.
    2 points
  14. It’s better to walk alone than to be with a crowd going in the wrong direction.
    2 points
  15. 1 DAY and 2HOURS!!!! Not long now. Can't wait https://softuf.com/threads/softuf-anniversary-convoy.319/
    2 points
  16. It's so good to have a weekend off. \o/ Already had a fantastic week in Prague
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Noot Noot! Our SOFTUF Convoy is TOMORROW! HYPE! Join us here: https://softuf.com/threads/softuf-anniversary-convoy.319/
    2 points
  20. И вам от этого было легче? Представьте себе что в некоторых случаях вы бы ехали 90 вместо "а я ложу стрелку". Скольких своих аварий вы бы избежали при этом, за счет более быстрого торможения или возможности среагировать и "увернуться" или вообще в нее не попасть, так как не были бы в "точке" аварии? Тогда зачем вы это делаете в симуляторе вождения грузовика. Для чего вы играеете тогда в эту игру? Ради скорости?
    2 points
  21. Наверное потому, что большая скорость движения является основной причиной большинства ДТП. Не думали об этом?
    2 points
  22. W końcu dodaje zdjęcie po długiej nieobecności
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. Luty rozpoczęliśmy konwojem z firmą RISA i UniPol Wszyscy razem spotkaliśmy się na firmie ITCC w Szczecinie i kilka minut przed 21 wyruszyliśmy w stronę Pragi, pokonawszy całą Polskę malowniczymi krajówkami, dotarliśmy na czeskie i niemieckie autostrady, gdzie przed Norymbergą, wykręciliśmy krótką przerwę na jednej ze stacji Po przerwie i wielu ciekawych opowieściach ruszyliśmy dalej w stronę końca naszej dzisiejszej wyprawy, czyli firmie TREE-ET we Frankfurcie! Bardzo dziękujemy za zaproszenie kolegą z RISY, oraz całej firmie UniPol, @Coppekss'owi i @Kargho </pl> za obecność, jak i bardzo miłe towarzystwo podczas tych niespełna 1000km Jeszcze raz wielkie dzięki i miejmy nadzieję do następnego! Szerokości! Screenshot's by @Fredziol & @WarMaz
    2 points
  25. [Translator] @izm07 transfers to Forum Moderator
    2 points
  26. Dzis odbyl sie konwoj z okazji 2 urodzin naszej firmy. Dlatego tez chcialbym podziekowac: TMP - udostepnienie specjalnego serwera tylko na ta uroczystosc, Bakerpk - zalatwienie i postawienie serwera, Bandero oraz Bossik - pilnowanie porzadku jak i kickowanie niechcianych osob potocznie zwanych TROLL Firmom: @BlueTransSpedition, @Magic-Trans, @Orzeł-Trans Wirtualna Spedycja, @ITLtrans, @Dakar Logistic, @K-Speed, @H&C, @Antrans - Wirtualna Spedycja, @VS RISA, oraz chcialbym tez podziekowac wszystkim osobom z naszej firmy ktore braly udzial I oczywiscie nie moglbym napisac o najwazniejszej osobie bez ktorej tego konwoju pewnie by nie bylo a jest nim JakubP, ktory to zoorganizowal ten konwoj od A do Z z pomoca Bandyty ktory to zaja sie grafika oraz pilotom grup (choc jeden na poczatku sie zamotal i sie "zgubil" z grupa 2 - tak musialem byc wredny Piterku ale wybaczone dosc szybko to naprawil). Ponizej zdjecia ;]
    1 point
  27. Lutowe firmowe zebranie
    1 point
  28. @WiciuNL gaat terug naar [Translator] @DJ Jefferz is gepromoveerd naar [Game Moderator] @Coppekss is gepromoveerd naar [Trial Game Moderator] @Etoath_YT is aangenomen als [Trial Support]
    1 point
  29. Rozdzielczość jest sztucznie rozszerzona, gdyż mam monitor 1280x1024, po zdjęcia w lepszej jakości (oryginalnej rozdzielczości) zapraszam na PM
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. happy b-day mate have a great day
    1 point
  32. Pour ma part, j'ai abandonné après 15/20min, n'en pouvant plus des mecs qui soit gueulaient à tout bout de champ soit parlaient pour ne rien dire, tellement qu'on ne savait plus en placer une, pour donner une info utile, comme un dépassement. Alors oui, le trajet semblait bien étudié, jusque là aucun soucis d'organisation. Mais je terminerais par dire qu'une organisation, ca ne se limite pas qu'au trajet.
    1 point
  33. Problem solved //locked and moved to solved Don't hesitate to contact us again.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Bonjour à tous, Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui, I am very well and I am hungry
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I think this will be perfect for realistic drivers like me on EU#1. Implementing this feature will cause drivers to plan their routes properly, since not all gas stations will always have a space. This is quite realistic like in real life, as you don't always see gas stations have space especially during night time. Moreover, people will also remember strategically which gas stations are large or small, which can have an impact on which gas station they would want to rest in the future. In terms of accidents, ah well, its good to make sure you check how many driving hours you have left. I believe adding a kick system could be quite useful as drivers aren't supposed to drive over their driving hours. Rushing for a space? Next time remember which gas stations are large or small on your route and don't just rush in like you are some form of tank or a buffalo. That only just leads to more chaos.
    1 point
  39. Hey guys, little surprise for ya! Cortex Command is now free on Steam. Enjoy! http://store.steampowered.com/app/209670/Cortex_Command/
    1 point
  40. Basically, you have to go to Steam - Library - Right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Properties - Local data - verify integrity. Wait until the game files are verifyed and try whether the error still occurs.Mevcut eki ekle
    1 point
  41. Raport miesiąca - styczeń 2018r. Obecnie zatrudnionych jest 24/30 kierowców. REKRUTACJA JEST OTWARTA! Strona główna: http://bluetransspedition.eu Forum: http://bluetransspedition.eu/forum Facebook: http://facebook.com/bluetransspedition
    1 point
  42. +1 Not only it would make it more "simulation-style", but it would also allow those lots of people who find their jobs list empty to force a re-fill by sleeping instead of going through the "economy-reset" or teleporting.
    1 point
  43. Just relaxing in Minecraft for a while, building nice stuffs with some good builders ;3 @Chris - TFM & @Lore*
    1 point
  44. Implementing this can also be a viable choice, but it all depends on the developers decision.
    1 point
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