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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/17 in all areas

  1. Hello! New version has been released. Changelog: Support for Euro Truck Simulator 2 [4629f526926b] Support for American Truck Simulator [15823ee78723] Support for Heavy Cargo DLC Support for Euro Truck Simulator 2 [c007560426d8] View post on homepage
    36 points
  2. For those wondering what the new trailers look like for people without the dlc: I created them this morning.
    9 points
  3. DLC is now supported, happy trucking.
    7 points
  4. 200+ awesome community members on the forums! Nice to see you all o/
    7 points
  5. I'm doing some practicing for tomorrow's race but I just had to stop to appreciate how beautiful the British roads are!
    5 points
  6. Good Friday Truckers!! SCS has released the Heavy Cargo Pack DLC which came with some code changes. Sadly the version bump they did is not allowing downgraded players to play the game. Our team is working to get the new patch supported so you can enjoy our mod. We're very sorry for the inconvenience, as most of the time when SCS patches the game, it's still possible to play our mod with a downgrade; but that does not work this patch. Again, We are currently working hard to get this patch working, but until then you will not be able to play multiplayer. ************ EDIT Our friends at SCS have changed the 1_27 version on steam so it is again working with our mod!! Please downgrade your steam to `temporary_1_27` to be able to login to the mod while we work on supporting the latest. If you need help doing this please see the guide here : Thanks again SCS!!
    4 points
  7. TMP Race was great Great fun Was a close race but sadly I came 5th Decided to go with the Scania instead of the Volvo Arrived in Style https://clips.twitch.tv/DistinctIntelligentVultureTriHard
    4 points
  8. 9,000 people on overall. What a great number to see thank you all for playing this amazing mod with an amazing community!
    3 points
  9. I changed my TruckersMP username.
    3 points
  10. W związku z updatem MP oraz problemami natury technicznej konwój zostaje przeniesiony na 3 czerwca 2017! Zgłoszenia firm zostały ponownie otwarte i trwają do 31 maja!
    2 points
  11. Redownload client if you got crash.
    2 points
  12. mwl pls i was about to race then you updated xd
    2 points
  13. @El1teZombiezHD LOL XD https://clips.twitch.tv/RealRefinedMangetoutHoneyBadger
    2 points
  14. If you are in Group 3 for the races, you will need to connect to the Events Server NOW. the Race will start in 10-20 MINS!
    2 points
  15. Head over to http://twitch.tv/truckersmp/ where the TruckersMP Races Stream is about to Start!
    2 points
  16. Big welcome to all of the new forum members! I hope you find this place as useful and insightful as most of us do! <3
    2 points
  17. Ready for the race this afternoon: Excuse the low graphics quality See you all there!
    2 points
  18. Once DLC comes to MP, be careful, speeding doesnt go well with the dlc even if you are not doin dlc jobs, Here you can see trailer going on the other lane, but my truck never came even close to the other lane
    2 points
  19. The lucky few! Enjoy the clear roads!
    2 points
  20. No problem you have my support!I hope so the new DLC won't be like Schwarzmuller...
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Nareszcie się udało
    2 points
  23. Look at solution 4 on the thread above. ^
    1 point
  24. 5 new trucks The Update APL Blue APL Blue 750hp Now back to Eurovision
    1 point
  25. Right click on "TruckersMP" shorcut, Properties, Compatibility tab and tick "Run this program as an administrator", press ok and double click TruckersMP as normal. Error should be gone, this what worked for me Take it every one has Win10 with this error...
    1 point
  26. Woah Every server full and has a queue Wow Wow Wow Have never seen so many people playing before
    1 point
  27. Dziś w Dakar Logistic odbył się "Różowy konwój", rozpoczęliśmy na firmie LKW w Stuttgartcie i po przejechaniu blisko 1100 km malowniczymi landówkami i autostradami zakończyliśmy na firmie Stokes w mieście Kiel. Ale tym razem nie chodzi tu o głupie statystyki, wielu z was myśli, że różowy to jakiś kolor p***lski itp, więc wyprowadzimy was z błędu, jest to kolor reprezentujący walkę z rakiem piersi. Jest to ciężka choroba, która dotyka wiele kobiet, no i niestety wielu z nich nie udaje się z nim wygrać... Konwój poświęcony jest mamie jednego z naszych firmowych kolegów, którą owa choroba dotknęła, lecz na całe szczęście jej się udało! Cały Dakarowy skład postanowił oddać hołd wszystkim "ofiarą" wyżej wymienionej choroby i życzyć każdej z pań wyjście z tej choroby cało i zdrowo!
    1 point
  28. i cant get into any of the servers it just stays on authenticating please help @mwl4
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I can't launch Multiplayer since the new update. When I start the launcher I get an error.... I've already reinstalled TMP and the TMP launcher but still throws up this error, anyone knows how to fix this?
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Thank you so much for this update! I wouldn't have thought that the DLC would be supported this quick!
    1 point
  33. As always, thanks to the devs for the ultra-quick update! <3
    1 point
  34. Thx for the update! But... "Connection refused. You are using an invalid client." What went wrong? @mwl4
    1 point
  35. Ich merk grad bloß auf der aktuellen Tour wieder, wie sehr ich die KI hasse, und wie wenig ich sie im MP vermisst habe........^^
    1 point
  36. Anyone have the same problem ? Someone please HELP!!
    1 point
  37. PSA: Truckers.FM will be giving away copies of 'Heavy Cargo' ALL Weekend! Tune in to #Win
    1 point
  38. Dzisiaj do wszystkich beta testerów przesyłam ankietę dot. tachografu. Proszę o jak najszybsze jej wypełnienie. A jutro - publikacja.
    1 point
  39. With Downgrade it Works Fine
    1 point
  40. "Unable to fetch information about connected content" The service is not compatible with the current version of the game . Please check if a new patch for the game is available. What Happened?
    1 point
  41. Doppelpost FTW Also nachdem ich nun 2-3 Schwerlasttouren gefahren bin, (und gleich die 4te fahr ) Es ist cool........ aber ich muss zugeben ich hatte mehr herausforderung erwartet? im allgemeinen fährt es sich (finde ich) nicht sonderlich anspruchsvoller als nen normaler Zug, wie gehts euch da so? Ich hoff dazu einfach mal auf die DoubleTrailer/ Gigaliner.
    1 point
  42. SCS Software, saf konsept araşdırmasından, istehsal əvvəli, tam təşəkküllü istehsala qədər dəyişən müxtəlif aşamalardaki, böyük və kiçik, müxtəlif daxili layihələr mövcuddur. Bir layihənin tətbiq olduğuna dair kifayət qədər güvən duyana qədər işləri daha çox tamamlamağa çalışırıq. Yeni bir şeyə hazır olduğumuza dair nəhayət elan etməkdən böyük xoşbəxtlik duyuruq! Bu gün sizə Euro Truck Simulator 2 üçün yeni bir DLC gətirməkdən qürur duyuruq. - Ağır Yük Paketi burada! Bu yeni paketin yanında, hər kəs üçün pulsuz bir yeniləmə olaraq təməl oyuna əlavə olunacaq bir çox məzmun var. Ancaq əvvəl DLC'deki yeni məzmuna nəzər salaq: Yeni Kargolar: Asfalt Maşını Sənaye Kabel çarxı Beton Sinyaller Tarama Dozer Lokomotiv Metal Mərkəzləmə Mobil Vinç Transformator Yeni qoşqular Yeni DLC, bir cüt yeni yüksək texnologiya məhsulu qoşqu daxildir: Tek genişlənən və açıla bilər və Yarı aşağı Yükleyici. Bu qoşqu, möhkəm qıvrımları ətrafında daha etibarlı bir seyr üçün yönəldilə oxlar ilə birlikdə gəlir. http://store.steampowered.com/app/531131/Euro_Truck_Simulator_2__Heavy_Cargo_Pack/?snr=1_5_1100__1100 Bugünkü müjdə yalnız bu qədər deyil. Ayrıca, təməl olaraq oyuna çox çox pulsuz məzmun və yeni bir xüsusiyyət əlavə edirik! Yeni Yük maşını Şassi Növləri və Nizamlama Yeni ağır yüklər üzərində çalışarkən, yük maşını traktörlerinin xüsusi nəqliyyat törəmələrində baxaraq əsin qaynağı aldıq. Fan birliyi uzun zamandır 8x4 şassi variantlarını istəməkdədir və bu onları nəhayət oyuna tanıtmaq üçün gözəl bir oldu. Bu anda oyundakı bütün yük maşınları 8x4 şassi variantına sahib deyil, ancaq Mercedes-Benz Yeni Actros, Volvo FH 2012 və həm Scania R həm də Streamline yük maşınlarının üçün bunu tapmaqdan xoşbəxtlik duyacağınızı ümid edirik. Yeni şassi növləri, günümüz oyun güncellemesinin pulsuz bir hissəsidir, bu səbəblə Heavy Cargo Pack DLC'yi satın almadan da dərhal cəhd edə bilərsiniz. Hər yeni vasitə növü üçün, daha çətin çətinliklər üçün özünə xas və narahat hiss etmənizi təmin edəcək bir sıra yeni boya işi də hazırladıq. Əlavə olaraq, Yük maşını Analiz Ekranı Yeni ağır yüklərlə, bütün yük maşınlarının eyni anda çəkilməsində uyğun olmadığını fərq edə bilərsiniz. Ağır yükləri gerçək yükte nəql üçün texniki məhdudiyyətlər və təsirləri vardır və Euro Truck Simulator 2 yalnız bir oyunken, oyunçuların bunlardan xəbərdar olması lazım olduğunu düşünürdük. Bütün istehsalçılar, yük maşınları üçün çox müxtəlif variantlar təqdim edir və onları satın alan şirkətlər, satın alış zamanı həm də onları işlədərkən daha da əhəmiyyətlisi olaraq, satın alışları iqtisadi hala gətirərkən konfigürasyonlarını ehtiyaclarına ən uyğun şəkildə optimizə etmək üçün əllərindən gələni etməyə çalışırlar. Yeni Yük maşını Analizi ekranı, müxtəlif əməliyyat ssenarilər və şərtlər üçün müəyyən bir yük maşını yapılandırmasının uyğunluğunu göstərməyə işimizi. Bu yeni xüsusiyyət, vasitənizi hədəflərinizə və büdcənizə ən uyğun şəkildə yapılandırmanıza köməkçi ola biləcək yükseltme mağazasında da çalışır. Yük maşını Analizi ekranı vasitənizi seçdikdə hər hansı bir məhdudiyyət gətirməz, yalnız bələdçi olaraq var. Ancaq tövsiyələrə diqqət yetirməniz yaxşı bir fikir ola bilər. Tək bir klik ilə ekran kəsilməyə uğratabilir, ancaq yarım saat sonra özünüzü dünyada çətin bir nöqtədən keçməyə çalışan gerçək bir dərddə taparsınız və maşını daha ağıllıca seçərək özünüzü üzməkdən çekinebilir. Tərcümə: @VUS4L [AZ]
    1 point
  43. How are the reports checked? Reports are usually checked on the first-come, first-served basis. This means that when you submit a report, it joins an existing queue with other reports in front of it. You can think of it as a queue in a supermarket. Submitting an identical report or adding a new comment to the report will not make this process any faster either. There might few exceptions where some reports might be checked/dealt with earlier than others, such as those that do not include the evidence at all. This is to catch and weed out bad reports as early as possible so they do not clog the queue. My report has not been checked for a long time Piggybacking off the last answer, if your report has not been checked for a long time, that means the administrators have not come around to reviewing your report yet. This can happen if there is a large queue of reports waiting to be reviewed. You will need to continue being patient until the report gets checked. This process cannot be fast-forwarded, therefore please do not consider contacting a certain staff member unless there is another important issue. Some of my earlier reports were checked, but my older reports are still pending Your report could be used as an intermediate report to adding more evidence to the existing case for a certain user. There might be multiple reports submitted against one user (regardless when they were submitted), therefore the staff member will want to review all of the evidence and deal with all the reports on that single user all at once and apply appropriate punishment. If that is the case, some of your reports might have been used as extra evidence to add on top of the earlier submitted report by another user but with the same perpetrator. Why has my report been declined? There are various reasons on why your report could have been declined. The staff member declining the report will always provide a reason before doing so. Here are options on why it could have been declined: Wrong perpetrator ID This means that the user you are reporting is NOT the same user your evidence shows. This can often happen due to misconception that a user's TruckersMP ID is the same as their in-game ID. Insufficient evidence This means that you have not provided enough evidence to prove that the user has committed the offence(-s) you have claimed they've committed. This includes cases such as submitting screenshots that do not provide a sense of time (such as Blocking or Chat spamming), providing a local path directory rather than uploading your screenshots onto an image sharing website, the evidence not showing the perpetrator breaking any rule, or providing no evidence at all. User is already banned If there are many reports against a single user, a staff member can only accept one of these reports and have to decline the rest due to system limitations. This means that your evidence was used as extra evidence towards the perpetrator's case and the report was technically still accepted. Evidence is too old or user has already been banned for same evidence This one is pretty self explanatory. If the evidence you have provided in your report is older than 1 month, it cannot be considered valid any more and therefore will be declined. Re-using the same evidence that the user has already been banned for will also result in a declined report. Please note that the term in which evidence can be considered "old" can change at any time. No offence committed This means that the perpetrator in your evidence did not commit anything that is considered against the rules. Some of examples include someone running a red light when it is clear, clean overtaking in a non-busy area, someone spawning in the middle of the road or the offence committed would only be considered "kick-able" (minor offence that is not considered ban worthy). Unsafe image/video source This means that the image or video evidence you have provided was not uploaded onto a well known website which would not put the staff member at risk of computer infection or something similar. If this is the case, please re-upload the evidence onto a well known website and submit a new report. Please see the general tip #3 below. Duplicate report This means that you have submitted multiple identical reports (such as the same evidence for the same perpetrator) which could easily been just a single report. Sometimes users might accidentally click the Submit button twice and add multiple identical reports instead of one. What if I submitted a report against a user but they are currently banned? This may end up being forwarded to the administrator whose current ban is active. The administrator will review the evidence and decide whether to potentially extend the ban or not. I believe that my report was incorrectly handled If none of the cases listed above apply to why the report was declined or you believe that the staff member reviewing the report made a mistake, please contact the upper management staff via the feedback system [MORE INFO] and let them know about your situation. When contacting them about a report, please include the link to the report too. General tips when submitting reports 1) When submitting a report about offence such as car with trailer or Insulting, screenshots are generally fine to use as evidence. 2) When submitting a report about offence that requires to have sense of time such as Chat spamming or Blocking, a single screenshot will most likely not be enough evidence. You need to either have multiple screenshots that span over a longer time period or a video to prove that this offence has been committed. For Chat spamming, it would help if you use the /time command to prove that the perpetrator has posted more than three messages within one minute period. 3) Always try to use well known websites for both image and video sharing when uploading evidence. This includes websites such as Imgur, YouTube, PlaysTV, hizliresim, Steam and Google Drive. As a rule of thumb, make sure that the date when the resource was submitted is accessible and that resource does not have to be downloaded. 4) Do not submit reports for minor offences that you would only kick for if it were to happen in-game. 5) Locally stored images are not accessible to staff members. Always please upload the evidence onto an image or video sharing website and then share the link in the report! 6) TruckersMP ID and in-game ID are different! Please try to find out the actual TruckersMP ID of the perpetrator before reporting them. This can either be done via your interaction logs saved in your MP folder or the search function via the main TruckersMP website. 7) When submitting a report about offence that requires to have sense of movement (such as Ramming or Reckless driving), please consider using multiple screenshots or a video that actually shows the actual incident whilst it is happening. Showing the aftermath of the incident that does not show the user committing the offence will most likely end up with a declined report. 8) When submitting a report about offence that requires sense of direction (such as Wrong way driving), please consider including clues that clearly show that the user is travelling the wrong way. For example, include any overhead signs, normal road signs and your GPS with the direction arrow or city name. 9) Try to use /pinfo command in-game on the person you are reporting. This helps to determine the correct user for both you and the staff member dealing with your report. 10) When submitting a long video as evidence, please consider to either include the time stamp as part of the URL which would take you to the exact moment in the video where the offence was committed, or include the time stamp (minutes and seconds) in the details box when submitting the report. This is so the administrator can quickly review the evidence of that certain user without having to watch other irrelevant parts of the video. If you are unable to submit a time stamp, please try to trim down the long video into a series of shorter videos for each user. 11) Try to routinely check the status of your report(-s). Sometimes an administrator may reply to your report asking for further clarification, more evidence or even to fix a broken evidence link, and it is important that you reply to this if you want the report processed. 12) Please keep in mind that the evidence you upload should be available to be accessed permanently (unless the person's ban where your evidence was used has expired more than 1 month ago). Please try to check whether you have provided the correct link to the evidence and whether the link works. Also try to keep track of any violations of any sort that could result in the evidence becoming inaccessible. If there is a need to remove ban evidence you have provided for any reason, please try to get in touch with the administrator who currently has an active ban on the person you have provided evidence against (and the ban with the evidence is still active). Changelog: 10.05.17: Published. Written by @gwait.
    1 point
  44. This is why I have a quick save botton on my wheel.
    1 point
  45. Cara, o MP já é um caos se eles colocarem um mod tipo esse ai que usa no caso 2 cargas, vai virar uma bagunça, fora o lag, os bug, etcs.Creio que a equipe do Truckers MP não será inútil de aceitar uma coisas dessa. Eu sei que é legal, mais não pode estragar o MP para a alegria de um grupo de pessoas.
    1 point
  46. Данная тема создана с целью помочь пользователям в решении наиболее распространённых проблем, касающихся различных игровых и технических аспектов. Здесь есть многие решения, собранные со всего форума. Для вашего удобства чуть ниже приведены ссылки для быстрого доступа к конкретной записи с развёрнутым ответом. Обратите внимание! Если Вы не нашли тут подходящего материала, воспользуйтесь поиском по форуму, создайте свою тему с описанием вопроса / проблемы или попробуйте поискать решение в англоязычном разделе: Перейти » 1. Блокировка аккаунта 1.1. Как подать жалобу на игрока? 1.2. Как обжаловать бан? 1.3. Как узнать, кто меня забанил? 1.4. Как избежать бана в Европорту? 2. Начало 2.1. Регистрация 2.2. Как правильно установить мультиплеер? 2.3. Как привязать игровой профиль к сервису World of Trucks? 3. Проблемы с запуском или вылеты клиента 3.1. Ошибка «Runtime Error» 3.2. Ошибка «DirectX Error» 3.3. Ошибка «Cannot validate game version» 3.4. Ошибка «Unsupported game version detected» 3.5. Ошибка «Invalid version of mod has been detected» 4. Проблемы со входом на сервер 4.1. Ошибка авторизации по причине «неверного логина или пароля», что делать? 4.2. Почему мои логин и пароль не сохраняются? 4.3. Не входит на сервер, хотя он «Online», почему? 4.4. Не удаётся подключиться к серверу, в чате вылетает ошибка «DNS Error». Как исправить? 5. Другое 5.1. Как отключить зимний мод? 5.2. Как отключить аватарки игроков над их грузовиками? 5.3. Не работает чат в игре! Что делать? 5.4. Игра периодически вылетает (крэшится). Как это устранить? 5.5. Куда пропали все грузы? 5.6. При выходе игра не сохраняется, как исправить? 5.7. Как изменить автомобильный номер в мультиплеере? 5.8. Как обновить игру до последней версии? 5.9. Как переназначить папку сохранения игрового профиля? 5.10. Как побороть лаги? 5.11. Как играть с модами? 6. Рекомендации 6.1. Как выжить в Европорту? 6.2. Как пользоваться командной строкой? 6.3. Где ознакомиться с внутриигровыми правилами? 6.4. Где ознакомиться с правилами форума? 6.5. Как стать игровым администратором? 6.6. Как мне узнать, есть ли русские в команде ETS2MP? 6.7. Как играть в мультиплеер с компьютера под управлением ОС Linux? 6.8. Как играть на нескольких мониторах? 6.9. Как правильно использовать таблицы на форуме? 6.10. Кто создал эту тему? Я хочу сказать ему спасибо!
    1 point
  47. Yaaaaaay! Two years and 500 000 km in the ETG!
    1 point
  48. Rozumiem, że Support wypowiada się tylko w swoim kanale, a na Forum zajmuje się tylko pierdołami w stylu przesuń post, zamknij, wyrzuć? Jest problem i rozwiążmy go raz wspólnie aby móc dawać rady innym osobom, które zgłaszają się z tym błędem, który trapi pewną grupkę osób od jakiegoś czasu.
    1 point
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