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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Ridhz

  • Birthday May 8

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  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Malmö
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  1. i'm just opened my game and launchets2mp at the launcer.. it didnt show the account login and server ... i just enter the game with offline mode .. how do i going back to multiplayer mode?and play with fuN?
  2. Ridhz

    ETS 2 MP

    can someone tell me how to fix unsupported version detected???? i already put it on NONE- Opt out of all beta programs but it still didn't fix it can someone help me??? plzz i want to play ets2 MP again
  3. "Unable to fetch information about connected content" The service is not compatible with the current version of the game . Please check if a new patch for the game is available. What Happened?
  4. guys how do i update my euro truck simulator 2 to v1.23.1.1s
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