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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/16 in all areas

  1. A mnie w Multiplayerze drażnią bardziej ludzie, którzy traktują tę grę zbyt poważnie i w końcu staje się ona ważniejsza od życia prywatnego, niż jakieś trolle ^^ :3
    4 points
  2. Retard to potocznie mówiąc "down", osoba z zespołem downa. Jako że troche brzydko się tu zachowałeś oczerniając administrację i mowiąc "nie napisałem nawet żadnych wiadomości na czacie" skłamałeś, to dołożyłem Ci 2 dodatkowe dni bana . Pozdrawiam
    3 points
  3. Suggestion Name: Add chat channels. Suggestion Description: There should be different chat channels. For example if you want to create a convoy, you could do this: (image) Any poor edited example images: Why should it be added?: This would be a easier way to create events in game. There could also be [Global] chat too. You can decide if you want to join or leave the channels by doing a simple command.
    2 points
  4. I think this could be quite good. We could have an "incidents channel where people can warn others of potential dangers
    2 points
  5. You can find all the TruckersMP Team's staff changes in this topic, which is constantly updated by the respective management.
    1 point
  6. With the upcoming release of ATS (woo woo hype train) I've put together this guide: The Essential Survival Guide To: http://www.americantrucksimulator.com/images/ats_logo.png 1. On the Topic of Red Lights With red lights, right turns are legal unless there is a sign that says "no right turn on red" usually there is a separate turning signal. Turning left on red is also legal ONLY if the street you are turning on to is a one-way street going from right to left. Example of "No Turn on Red" sign: http://mothercopper.com/case_yours/images/NoTurnOnRed_02.jpg 2. On the Topic of Weight Roads (especially residential ones) and bridges can be weight restricted, which will be designated on signs. Trucks making local deliveries (meaning somewhere on the road) on weight restricted roads are exempt. Bridges that are weight restricted are another story, you'll be warned about the weight restriction, and then have another sign directly at the bridge. The weight limit is different depending on how big your truck is. Example: 2a. On the Topic of Weigh Stations In America on major Interstates there are weigh stations, which are usually open during weekdays. When a weigh station is open (which is shown on LED signs) ALL trucks besides pickup trucks must pull off at the weigh station. When on the off-ramp for the weigh station you will be given one of two signals. A weigh signal which means you must proceed to the scales, or you may receive a bypass signal, which means you can continue along the slip-road (set up similar to how some large fuel stations in ETS2 are setup) and merge back onto the Interstate without being weighed. Example of weigh station sign: http://cbsboston.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/weigh.jpg DISCLAIMER: How the weigh stations are set up in ATS is not identically reflective of the real world! 3. On the Topic of Road Signs: 3a. General Road Signs http://cdn.prochan.com/80281E/pc_u/u/other/2012/Oct/25/e53_1351184775_sf_1.jpg Clearance signs are similar to the EU ones, except they are yellow and are larger and usually there are more of them. the left number is feet and the right number is inches. (this sign reads that the clearance of the obstacle ahead is 11 feet 8 inches) http://us.123rf.com/450wm/captainvector/captainvector1508/captainvector150804561/43309835-right-curve-with-advisory-speed-sign.jpg Advisory speed sign, shows a description of what to expect ahead, and the number designates the advisory speed for the curve(in miles per hour obv) the advisory speed can also be on a separate sign below the sign. (THIS IS ADVISORY AND NOT A SET SPEED LIMIT) http://www.trafficsign.us/650/warn/w4-2.gif Lane ends sign, varies to reflect which lane ends and what lane it merges into http://us.123rf.com/450wm/jojoo64/jojoo641503/jojoo64150300272/37324861-us-road-warning-sign-merge-ahead.jpg Lane merge sign. warns you that whichever lane is shown on the sign merges into a lane (either right or left) commonly used on freeway entrances. http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/0/0e/Understand-Traffic-Signs-Step-2.jpg/728px-Understand-Traffic-Signs-Step-2.jpg Stop signs, pretty self explanatory, except that the sign underneath designates which traffic of the intersection ALSO has a stop sign (two-way means oncoming traffic also has a stop sign but cross traffic does not, 3-way is usually used on intersections with more than two directions of travel. All-Way means every direction of travel has a stop sign) http://www.painetworks.com/photos/iy/iy7118.JPG Grade sign, means that there is a steep grade ahead (will usually say the percentage on the sign or on a separate sign below it) Ingame there is a sign below that says "trucks use low gear" 3b. Interstate and Highway Signs http://www.trafficsign.us/media/m1-1a.gif interstate sign, similar to motorway signs in europe, it tells you what interstate you are on and usually has a sign above or below that says what direction you are travelling (northbound, southbound, etc.) http://www.pd4pic.com/images/sign-road-route-highway-u-s-route-101.png US Highway Sign. Unlike interstates state highways are usually smaller, but can travel at a faster speed, and can go out of state just like interstates. State Highway signs vary from state to state. These highways usually do not go outside of their state. California: Nevada: (This area will be updated as more states are released.) As for Interstate destination/exit signs I made this diagram: http://i.imgur.com/Iqq3Z4X.jpg 4. Right of Way In America turning traffic does not have right of way. Traffic continuing straight should NOT stop for them. On interstates and highways traffic merging onto the interstate does not have right of way. You must stop for any traffic that is already on the interstate. ALSO: Hazardous materials are not allowed on some county/state highways! There will usually be a sign before any on-ramps onto the highway that will say "no hazardous materials on US (or state route) XX" (this probably isnt simulated in ATS) DOUBLE ALSO: there is a trick with exit numbers, they usually are how many miles away from the next/last state border the interstate crosses This Guide will be updated with any info that I feel is necessary. Happy Trucking! Changelog (does anyone even read these): 03/02/2016: 1.US highway sign was mislabeled. Corrected. 2.Added section on specific state highway signs. 3.Changed some wording in the weigh station section 4.Added ingame info on grade signs 07/02/2016: 1. Added section on right of way
    1 point
  7. Video courtesy of: https://steamcommunity.com/id/AbideRevive/ http://truckersmp.com/en_US/user/15353
    1 point
  8. Filtrowanie plików "log_spawning_(...).log" - poradnik: Zainstaluj Notepad++ Idź do folderu %USERPROFILE%\Documents\ETS2MP\logs i otwórz plik log_spawning_(data).log w N++ Idź do menu "Szukaj" >> "Mark..." Wpisz "spawn" (bez ") i zaznacz opcję "Oznacz zakładką" następnie "Znajdź wszystkie" i "Zamknij" Idź do menu "Szukaj" >> "Zakładki" >> "Odwróć zakładki" Idź do menu "Szukaj" >> "Zakładki" >> "Usuń linie z zakładkami" Wynik filtrowania będzie wyglądał następująco: [01:30:10] Spawning GameTrailer (XXXXXX (34) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:XXXXXX) Additional data: N/D [01:30:11] Spawning GameTruck (XXXXXX (36) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:XXXXXX) Additional data: N/D [01:30:11] Spawning GameTrailer (XXXXXX (36) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:XXXXXX) Additional data: N/D [01:30:15] Spawning GameTruck (XXXXXX (159) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:) Additional data: N/D [01:30:15] Spawning GameTrailer (XXXXXX (159) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:) Additional data: N/D [01:30:18] Spawning GameTruck (XXXXXX (473) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:) Additional data: N/D [01:30:18] Spawning GameTruck (XXXXXX (73) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:) Additional data: N/D [01:30:18] Spawning GameTruck (XXXXXX (76) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:) Additional data: N/D [01:30:18] Spawning GameTruck (XXXXXX (168) - ETS2MPId:XXXXXX - Tag:XXXXXX) Additional data: N/D
    1 point
  9. Note that I do not take credit for any of the solutions posted in this thread. They were collected from all around the forums and merged into a single thread to help users resolve most common problems or answer the most common questions. If your issue is not listed or resolved using this thread, either create a new thread in the 'Help' section (https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/55-help/) or contact the Support team (http://truckersmp.com/support/) for further assistance. Languages: German Abbreviations used: ETS2 - Euro Truck Simulator 2 ATS - American Truck Simulator WoT - World of Trucks Common Problems How do I find the correct and valid game directory? I launched multiplayer, but singleplayer starts I keep getting 'Unsupported Version detected' message No jobs available for me 'Your Client protocol version does not match with server' message When I try to download multiplayer, it says that my profile is private or that I don't own the game I get 'Incorrect login' message when I try to log in 'Incorrect version of mod' message My hired drivers are not working any more after playing Multiplayer 'Game changed detected!' message every time I launch the game 'Invalid email or password' when I try to sign in Trying to install Multiplayer for ETS2, but the installer asks for ATS directory path (or vice versa) Unable to go faster than 90km/h or 110km/h I have tried to reset my password but the email did not arrive My game crashes (FATAL ERROR) My game freezes 'Steam ID is already associated with an account' when I try to create a new TruckersMP account Common Questions How do I change my in-game name? How do I change my in-game picture? Is it possible for me to obtain MP Server Files? I try to join Multiplayer but it says that I'm banned Can I be an admin for Multiplayer? Does Multiplayer support Mac? Does Multiplayer support 32-bit systems? How do I talk via voice chat? Can I use police lights or skin for my car? Which DLCs are supported? Can I use mods in Multiplayer?
    1 point
  10. Este timpul sa va aratam mai multe lucruri la care lucram in prezent. Nu mai suntem o companie care sa lucreze la cate un proiect odata, avem deja cateva proiecte interesante in derulare in laboratoarele noastre ! Echipa care se ocupa cu realizarea hartilor in Euro Truck Simulator 2 lucreza din greu la un nou add-on DLC pentru acest joc. Vom extinde teritoriul Frantei pentru a acoperi intreaga tara. Aceasta va include si o multime de retusari a zonelor existente (reconstructia totala a Parisului de exemplu). Partile ce vor fi schimbate vor fi bineinteles accesibile in continuare in jocul de baza, chiar daca vor fi actualizate grafic. Iata cateva imagini din partile mai rurale ale Frantei. Mai avem insa de lucrat la harta.
    1 point
  11. Hello, new update is here. Changelog: Support for American Truck Simulator : version [d3f6ead39fcf] Fixed problems with exception handler (unneccessary crashes) Happy trucking! mwl4
    1 point
  12. Witam, jak widać koła toczą się u nas nadal i nic nas nie zatrzymuje, Rosja stoi my robimy zachód i północ.
    1 point
  13. ^ You can also reset your economy by editing your save file. But you have to log out the game for your first edit, also editing is quite complicated, and the problem might still come back after a while.
    1 point
  14. Known problem: Yes, quick traveling and sleeping are the fastest ways to get rid of such problem. I don't think there are any simpler solution. Moved to Help.
    1 point
  15. Drogi Panie Łukaszu, mam nadzieje że wiesz co to oznacza słowo retard. I nie jest to "retarder" w ciężarówce. Ale na wszelki wypadek daję na screenshocie definicję tego słówka, i jeżeli Tobie by nie przeszkadzało że ktoś tak do Ciebie mówi to spoko, ale niektórym to może uwłaczać. Nie używamy słów których nie rozumiemy
    1 point
  16. To join we could use /jconvoy and to leave /lconvoy
    1 point
  17. Le concept me plaie, j'ai postulé
    1 point
  18. ^ That would be amazing if they actually add that ... However for the people that have no microphone they could use the chat/text channel instead.
    1 point
  19. Little unrelated but take a look at this.
    1 point
  20. Z tego co wiem to w ETS2MP ani w ATSMP nie ma punktów karnych...
    1 point
  21. This guide is AMAZING. Helps a lot for my friends and for me ;p
    1 point
  22. After playing for around an hour with mouse steering on and with the sensitivity way down i am starting to enjoy it. I will mark as solved because i think i will be using my mouse as steering for now until i get a steering wheel.
    1 point
  23. ^I'll try this out and see if this mouse steering works for me
    1 point
  24. If you want to report them, report them here: http://truckersmp.com/en_US/reports/create
    1 point
  25. Voici une image de l'OVNI... ...suivie d'une autre image d'un chasseur...
    1 point
  26. Don't worry man I'm here to help and hopefully get you ingame as soon as possible with the money mod enabled. 1: Start off by creating a profile like you normally would. For this example I'll use your name and details for example. 2: Next when you've arrived at the input setup screen, hit "back" at you'll arrive back at the main menu of the game. 3: Next click on the mod manager like you would when setting up a mod and then enable the money mod as shown. 4: Finally with the mod enabled go in game and you should now have a nice 60 Million chilling in your bank account as shown below. Hopefully this guide helped you man to get ingame and setup as soon as possibly with the money mod. Thanks for your feedback once again and hopefully I'll see you on the road sometime! Cheers Click
    1 point
  27. You can sleep up to three times, and as fatigue simulation doesn't work properly in MP, then you can't rest to refresh the jobs list. There's a solution, modifying your autosave to reset that counter, so instead of going SP, resetting economy and teleporting, you can use a faster method and works for three times. See here: https://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/23473-jobs-keep-resetting/?hl=sleeping_count#entry200534
    1 point
  28. I just suggest to fix the Job Market refresh list, beause after finish the job the list is empty i need to teleport in service to apper the jobs again, is annoy and lost money...thx
    1 point
  29. [sUPPORT] Frankie left support team
    1 point
  30. Polecam firmę. Miłe konwoje i wgl atmosfera super !!!!
    1 point
  31. Edit: Petite (grosse finalement) série de photos, parce que ça fait longtemps et que j'en ai envie. Ne jouant plus au multi, je me suis fait plaisir sur les mods. Il y en aura pour tout le monde, les fans de Renault (Coucou Domi), les amoureux de Scania et les amateurs de trucks venu des USA.
    1 point
  32. [TRIAL SUPPORT] Djinsomnia promoted to full support
    1 point
  33. [MOD] shadho left the team due to personal reasons.
    1 point
  34. [support]legress left support team for personal reasons
    1 point
  35. [MOD]Julien78 promoted to full support dualznz joins as trial support danurb25 joins as trial support
    1 point
  36. You don't need to reset economy, although that's the safest way. You can also find a resting stop and go to sleep, that should get the jobs list to update. Or you can teleport to a garage (this costs money), it also resets the jobs list. Those 2 options work for me, but the sleeping thing can be tricky, as in MP you don't get tired, so after 3 naps, you'll get a message "This is a resting place but you are not tired right now". You can alternatively go into SP and do a job there, it will give you, at least, more "sleeping slots" that you can use in MP. Alternatively, you can follow this http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/18780-save-extractor/?hl=money+cheat but instead of changing the money, you can reset the sleep counter, search for sleeping_count, if the value is 3, change it to 0 and you'll have 3 more sleeping chances in MP without having to go and get tired in SP.
    1 point
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