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Veteran Driver VII
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About ClickForLife

  • Birthday 10/22/1995

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  • Location
    Scotland (UK)
  • Interests
    -PC Repair
    -Graphic Design
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  • American Garage Location
    California: Fresno
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Glasgow
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  1. Hi Phon, Completed work on the following sections so far: - Starting Section/Introduction - Account Registration - Downloading TruckersMP Client - Installing TruckersMP Client I hope these areas are sufficient, and up to your expectations. I will proceed to update the rest accordingly in the next week due to work commitments. Thanks, Click
  2. Hi Phon, Thank you for making the post editable. For the time being, I've removed the header image at the top of the guide which violated the brand guidelines. Unfortunately, during the editing process, I've lost all the images. so can you please keep the post editable to allow me time to update. Thanks, Click
  3. Thanks for commenting, I apologise that the links were still not working. When updating the post I did add them in, but it looks like they didn't save. The links are now all updated and working now!
  4. Thank you for giving me this information. Today, I tested all the mods present on the main guide and updated them accordingly. I've also attached images below, that I will add into the main guide of these mods working. I know I might be a bit late, but I hope this helps others!
  5. Good to hear it's still useful, after all this time!
  6. Happy birthday ;)

    1. ClickForLife


      Thanks man for the wishes! :D 

  7. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day and life ahead buddy :) 

    1. ClickForLife


      Cheers for the message Harv, I will do! :D 

  8. ^Hello @kevinTOC What mods are you referring to and I'll check that they work or indeed, give you a tutorial on how to operate the mods in question. Cheers, Click
  9. ^ Unfortunately I don't think the client is supported on Mac at the moment, perhaps in the future. At the time of writing this it's currently not supported. Thanks for Reading! Cheers Click!
  10. Guide updated following the recent TruckersMP changes and also because of the recent Photobucket image fiasco. If you do spot something that needs updated, changed or reworked send me a private message and I'll be happy to fix or update! :)



    1. El1teZombiezHD


      Suldok changed his name to @gwait ;) 


    2. ClickForLife


      Damn did he, thanks for bringing this to my attention. He'll always be known as Suldok to me haha! ;D

    3. El1teZombiezHD


      ^^ Agreed lmao

  11. I will be updating this guide soon. I'm currently very busy with college projects that I've not had much time to play ETS2 or browse the forums. Thanks for the feedback though, I appreciate it and it will be updated soon. If you've got any feedback or recommendations please comment below as I'm open for feedback to use when updating the guide. Thanks for Reading! Cheers Click
  12. Thanks for all the helpful and kind comments guys, I really do hope this thread has helped people get started in Multiplayer hassle free. The reason for commenting is that the post recently gained over 100,000 views and I'm firstly shocked and secondly very thankful to every user who has read the post and commented.throughout the years. Thanks for Reading! Cheers Click!
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