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  1. Past hour
  2. Happy birthday 

  3. Welcome to the team bro! o/

  4. Welcome to the team mate! 😄


  5. Take care bro! You'll be missed ❤️


  6. Welcome to the team! 👋

  7. Happy birthday! 🎉

  8. Moin, wünschen euch allen einen schönen Tag!
  9. Congratulations :HaulieLove:

  10. Congratulations :HaulieLove:

  11. Today
  12. My friend, l am very happy to meet you, Today is your birthday, Wishing you a happy birthday and a good mood every day

  13. My friend, l am very happy to meet you, Today is your birthday, Wishing you a happy birthday and a good mood every day

  14. Considering that it is a simulation server, the speed is ideal (110km/h). It shouldn't be more, in reality the trucks go at 90km/h.
  15. I also wish for a faster update speed, which would allow me to engage in transportation activities with many unfamiliar yet friendly individuals. Currently, I’m contemplating whether to revert back to version 1.49 and utilize TMP, due to concerns regarding the game’s stability and reliability.
  16. Take Care! 

  17. congrats :))

    1. 'MaRtY


      Thank Youu:HaulieLove:

  18. Helllooo everyonee, How are you today? 💖💖

    1. whitE.png


      I'm fine, and you?🤍

    2. NicqsiZAccent


      I haven't woke up yet xd

  19. hey welcome on the forum !🎉


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