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Veteran Driver V
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xosho last won the day on October 16 2024

xosho had the most liked content!


About xosho

  • Birthday 11/23/1995

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Lille
  • Known languages
    Portuguese, English

TruckersMP Information

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  • World Of Trucks

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  1. Such an amazing initiative to keep and the massive long convoy is the cherry on top. Will surely be part of both! Merry Christmas everyone
  2. Wow, sounds fun! I will surely try to attend, it will be my first time but with no idea whatsoever of what I'm doing
  3. I'm not a big fan of plushies, but I appreciate any merchandise that can help TruckersMP thrive. Just as a side note, I think it would be better to include a photo of the actual plushie rather than just a concept drawing.
  4. I love these events! The new cargo and custom farms... Oh, super excited!
  5. You're completly right. It worked! Thanks alot
  6. Hi everyone, I’ve recently encountered a problem where some textures seem to be missing or not loading correctly. Certain parts of the map appear blurred or with no textures at all. I don't know why and I’m not sure how to fix it. It never happened to me before and I didn't mess with the video settings. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! (Not the best screenshot to show an example but I think you understand what I mean)
  7. xosho

    congrats! 😊

  8. So, this is just my personal opinion and feedback on the recent update. Pros: The updated player panel has a more modern and visually appealing design. You can easily mute or report someone using the new buttons, which is more convenient than right-clicking the name. Cons: The previous panel displayed the day and time, which was very useful. Now, without it, I find myself resorting to distractions like using Alt+Tab or checking my phone while driving. The new panel takes up more space on the screen, even though it's possible to adjust the size. It should be more compact like the old version. The update only changed the player panel, leaving every other element like the settings panel and the delivery dispatcher unchanged. It feels like an incomplete and careless effort. Shown below: Even still, I do appreciate the team's efforts to bring new features and improvements to the game. Thank you for continuing to add new content and enhance the player experience!
  9. I will give you a hug
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