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About Transcendentalist

  • Birthday July 12

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  1. I like your suggestion. With the introduction of the Driving Academy we have the best means yet to sort out mean-spirited players. However, it is not taking into account that a great number of trolls don't wait for their ban to expire before rejoining the servers. They have countless game keys in their drawers waiting to be used to evade any ban. Additionally, we'd still have to deal with any and all first-time offenders. So, I feel that an even better way to create a roadblock for trolls lies in making the successful completion of the Driving Academy a requirement for ALL accounts before joining a server. Just like when a new set of rules gets passed and the system checks whether the user has read (scrolled through...) the rules, the system could implement a check for the Steam achievement "Dedicated Student" or whichever more challenging (and time-consuming) achievement will be introduced for future chapters of the Driving Academy. For, let's be honest: the trolls lack both skill and patience, and making those a requirement could really deter them from wanting to engage in their malicious activities in this game. They will just look for an easier game with no entry requirements. Also, I don't think it would be quite possible to implement different requirements for playing for different groups of users (no Driving Academy required for players in good standing, Driving Academy for banned players). I think for various reasons (practicability, transparency, equality, etc.) the requirement should be identical for ALL users.
  2. Suggestion Name: freeing of inactive usernames Suggestion Description: I would like to suggest the implementation of the feature of freeing a username if there hasn't been a login to the corresponding account for a certain (reasonable) amount of time (a half year, a whole year, you name it) Any example images: self-explanatory without an image Why should it be added?: Players come and go, and some players may have left the game for good. But even after moving on from the game, their usernames remain reserved for all eternity, unusable for others. Why not free those for active users that may have an interest in such a username?
  3. This forum post is not about the SCS event, but about TruckersMP's "Winter Island", and both winter landscapes can be accessed with just the base game.
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