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Changes to the recruitment system


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1 minute ago, Pillow_ said:


We do give them a chance when they have 3 bans, please re-read the topic and my comment. As I also said, we cannot please everyone in situations like this. You might disagree, while others agree with the change.

And what about roles where people don't even have community or game involvement? EG Add-on team? This role has hardly any community involvement in the way of forum use. 

As we mostly see the Add-on team requires a specific skill of people. This means not very many people can join the Add-on team. So the dilema you get is people who have 3 bans from 2 years ago who apply but are denied. You are missing out on a skilled person because they were a little bit silly one time. Just seems a really silly idea to persecute people for it. 

That's all

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76561198156098217.png || status.png

Currently: 169325408_role_RetiredTeamMember(1).png.3799d5821e5418f1e7f90e9025c25f07.png || 1531540532_role_5Patron(4).png.063edcf850be00b4f1801f75c0617ad2.png || 1696369119_role_VeteranVII.png.cff6837c43f3dccb9895485a1a2b2be8.png
Former: 320068038_role_EventTeam.png.baf3dab994248e1702aca34608fe9fef.png || role_Support.png.ad716e35768b3c7e90fca2d1c00c4aa0.png || 1919628800_role_ForumModerator.png.731ed19b45f1a4578f523eb15a14e464.png || 39156329_role_GameModerator(1).png.437a0bdc461dcc23eb1025208aa6b8c4.png

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3 minutes ago, Euro Trucker 2017 said:

Well kill me then.

I have 6 bans on my history wich of 5 expired and the last one expires at 19th October. Even if all expired I have litterally zero chance of becoming a game mod :RIP: gues ill just die then :unsure:

Nothing lost. You would not last long because of silly imposing stupid rules :) Not worth it...

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so heres a question how come I can't apply ? Even though I've only had one ban and have had it appealed shouldn't I be able to apply still ? cause it says and I quote " bans that have been deleted by management are not counted " my ban was lifted cause I made the changes nessasary to my truck and I can still play multiplayer !! But How come I can't apply to be a game moderator ? 

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1 minute ago, GameOnJon said:

so heres a question how come I can't apply ? Even though I've only had one ban and have had it appealed shouldn't I be able to apply still ? cause it says and I quote " bans that have been deleted by management are not counted " my ban was lifted cause I made the changes nessasary to my truck and I can still play multiplayer !! But How come I can't apply to be a game moderator ? 

That ban would still count. You still broke the rules at the time. When it says bans which have been lifted mean those bans that should have not been applied in the first place. 

76561198156098217.png || status.png

Currently: 169325408_role_RetiredTeamMember(1).png.3799d5821e5418f1e7f90e9025c25f07.png || 1531540532_role_5Patron(4).png.063edcf850be00b4f1801f75c0617ad2.png || 1696369119_role_VeteranVII.png.cff6837c43f3dccb9895485a1a2b2be8.png
Former: 320068038_role_EventTeam.png.baf3dab994248e1702aca34608fe9fef.png || role_Support.png.ad716e35768b3c7e90fca2d1c00c4aa0.png || 1919628800_role_ForumModerator.png.731ed19b45f1a4578f523eb15a14e464.png || 39156329_role_GameModerator(1).png.437a0bdc461dcc23eb1025208aa6b8c4.png

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6 minutes ago, GameOnJon said:

but it shouldn't since an admin deleted it right ? Cause it says so ... 

No an admin lifted the punishment because you were no longer breaking the rules. The ban is not deleted. You at the time broke save editing rules. So it's a valid punishment. You just finished your punishment. So you still have history which means you can't apply for staff

76561198156098217.png || status.png

Currently: 169325408_role_RetiredTeamMember(1).png.3799d5821e5418f1e7f90e9025c25f07.png || 1531540532_role_5Patron(4).png.063edcf850be00b4f1801f75c0617ad2.png || 1696369119_role_VeteranVII.png.cff6837c43f3dccb9895485a1a2b2be8.png
Former: 320068038_role_EventTeam.png.baf3dab994248e1702aca34608fe9fef.png || role_Support.png.ad716e35768b3c7e90fca2d1c00c4aa0.png || 1919628800_role_ForumModerator.png.731ed19b45f1a4578f523eb15a14e464.png || 39156329_role_GameModerator(1).png.437a0bdc461dcc23eb1025208aa6b8c4.png

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I respect this decision, but I also agree with the replies written by @BL4CK$K1LL@DJ Jefferz and @Euro Trucker 2017.


We are all human beings, not robots. :troll:


Everyone progress and mature by fault or mistakes, but each individual has their own turning point.

All players cannot be changed within 3 bans.

And of course, someone who has more than 3 bans is also a valid user,

so the same right/chances have to be given to him or her unless he or she already has a perma.   

The past is just past and it should be considered just a little bit when we judge someone.


6 hours ago, Prime said:

a plan to improve the TruckersMP staff team and lift it to a higher level


Yes. This could be helpful to achieve the goal, but at the same time, it would also take away so many people's chances.

Is it really much more valuable than giving up their chances?

We need to think about it again.


Last but not least, I'm just afraid of the truth that someone would never get one single chance.

I think we need to revise it a little bit, or need some alternative/secondary ones which could supplement the new decision.

(e.g. Something like the "cool time" of our ban sys, or at least, I think we need to avoid the "retroactive application" of this new one.)


Of course, I know that all suggestions or opinions cannot be considered, I however would be appreciate it if you guys check mine. ;)



Thanks for your dedication.

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5 hours ago, BL4CK$K1LL said:

Parece interessante, mas eu ainda acho que a princípio você precisa ver quem é essa pessoa, qual é o comportamento dele no ano passado e só então tomar uma decisão, talvez alguém tenha 5 proibições há 2 anos mas agora ele entende que ele era um pouco estúpido e não levou este jogo tão sério.

Por exemplo, quando eu comecei a jogar TMP eu nem conhecia as regras do jogo, eu não jogava isso tão sério, mas quando eu entrei no fórum e obtive mais informações sobre a comunidade TruckersMP eu entendi que estava fazendo tudo errado e que comportamento foi ruim. Estou tentando o meu melhor para melhorar desde 2018 e acho que estou fazendo isso bem (espero que sim)


I agree with you. The idea is interesting, but a person's behavior may change over the years.

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Interesting Move, but like other say and I think the same. I feel like in order to accept anyone with bans on their account it should be checked how did it happen and the frequency in which the bans issued. Other than that I feel like its a good opportunity for people who wants to get more involved in a game other than playing it.

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It's good, but I think its also a responsibility for the recruiters to check why that person is banned. If it is an accidentally save edit that was apparently not allowed the recruitment should give the applying user a chance.
It did not happen to myself but I can imagine some accidental save editing can happen and it getting count as 1 ban... But it is a good start!

Dutch Hazmat Special Division Manager at Viva Trucking NL

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I approve of the change.


People will hate it people will love it. Personally, if you have aspirations of being an admin, you should know the rules and be following them all the time. They allow up to 3 mistakes. By the time you receive your second ban, even your first, you are made aware of the rules you violated, and should do your best to read the rules and follow them, especially if you are going to plan on applying for a staff position.


Again, while people hate it, it makes sense to a degree, especially with the volume of apps they already receive. If this reduces the load, and helps narrow down the best of the best, then I'm for it.

TruckersMP Retired Game Moderator

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12 hours ago, DJ Jefferz said:

I appreciate that the quality of the team is trying to be improved but I don't think this is the best thing. Quality should be decided not by mistakes people have made in the past. It should be decided by the way they communicate with the community, The content they post and any skills they show in team work, leadership and such.

There are too many situations where this scheme doesn't fit well. For example. You can have an applicant that's had one ban in their history but is absolutely not fit for the community. Then you have someone who has been banned 3 times in their history over 2 years ago but have now changed their ways and is a now perfect candidate. 

Mistakes are mistakes and happened in the past. They were punished at the time for it but it seems TMP wants to continue punishing people even though the person was already punished. It's in the past don't dwell on it.


I agree with you. My 2 bans were like 2 years ago and it seems it's a huge factor for declining my application. I admit my dumb mistakes. I know insulting and a racism-related ban is bad but I believe it's all in the past. The thing here is that I learned from my mistakes and didn't commit the same mistakes again. I will try again to apply for the second time soon and it would be my last as I don't want to have a history of declined stuff haha. If I really don't deserve it, what can I do? I'll just continue to be part of the community.

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As other guys already said, I think this decision isn't the best way because eg. player has 4 bans (inap. tag, insulting, blocking, reckless driving) which have been expired for 2 or 3 years, the guy could have learned from his/her mistakes. In my opinion there are already members from TMP with no bans which are unpopular with many because of the way they are handle things, and there are Team members (like Anri) which have 2,3,4 bans in the history but are more human in many ways and more friendly & correncty with questions than other members without any bans.

Kind regards,


Retired Manager



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in my opinion, like many people here, applicants should be chosen by their application itself. For sure, many people apply for Game Mod and have 3+ bans in 2017 (expired), this isn't good. But I think the applicants should also be chosen by the time the last bans expired. Like my last expired nearly 2 years ago and the others nearly 2,5 year ago (2015 & 2016). Anyway, it's a mass clean up for the SM, CMM and GMM.

But anyway, this is the decision by TMP and it should be respected in any way, even if many people have different opinions.

Kind regards

Steam:  76561198091457586.png                                  TruckersMP: status.png

TruckyApp 1st German-Translator, Media Team and now retired Teammember

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Surely this rule punishes veteran drivers, and more experienced players (aka the people better qualified for positions in the team) more than new players?  I have had more than three bans, with most being two years ago, yet I can't give my experience and knowledge to the support team anymore - even though the role isn't connected at all to in game behaviour. For a game mod position, maybe it makes more sense, but I don't see how number of bans is connected to people on the support team, events team, add on team etc.

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