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[WTLVTC-CEO] Senka Wolf

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Status Updates posted by [WTLVTC-CEO] Senka Wolf

  1. I have some very sad news to share  :'( https://www.facebook.com/pg/WTLVTC/posts   

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wersah <3

      Wersah <3

      Thanks mate, hope everybody enjoyed it ;) See you in a half year at Epilepsy?

    3. [WTLVTC-CEO] Senka Wolf

      [WTLVTC-CEO] Senka Wolf

      Epilepsy is the 23rd of March :)

    4. sshadmin


      See you at the next one <3 :wub::thisisfine:

  2. Thank you everyone for the birthday messages! It’s appreciated :) I hope you all enjoy your weekend! 

  3. Thanks for the follow!

  4. Thank you for the follow! :D 

  5. Thank you for the follow! :D

  6. OVH has gone down which in turn has brought TMP servers offline :/ http://status.ovh.co.uk/

    1. Tazik_Evtanazik


      Can't see any incidents, except BGP problems in Singapore. But, it's Singapore :)

      UPD: oh..my bad. I see tons of problems above tasks

    2. [WTLVTC-CEO] Senka Wolf

      [WTLVTC-CEO] Senka Wolf

      We are at the mercy of OVH

    3. Tazik_Evtanazik


      Or their engineers, who caused optical flap :)

  7. Well everyone The Simulator Radio Children In Need 2017 has come to an end and as it stands we have raised £830.00 + £103.80 Gift Aid!! This is an amazing achievement and is a increase over last years. We appreciate the support and donations everyone gave during the event.


    I would like to thank MJS - VTC , Euro Heavy Haulage, Pilot Gaming Community and Feras Grofr members who assisted in CC during the event! Without you guys we wouldn't have been able to have full CC coverage!!


    I would have to also give a massive thank you to our Events Director @[TSRVTC-Manager]kNex FaNz who planned the event from start to finish  and our Media Leader @TSRVTC Manager - Cheese who has a massive collection of media from the event with the help from @Smokey Snowball Media.


    Last but not least a big thank you to Truckers MP staff particularly @scarface0359 and @mwl4 for sorting out our server even though there were a few hiccups along the way! We can't forget the dedicated admins @Aestrial and @Penguin who assisted during the event!


    Thank you everyone! 

    Senka Wolf
    TSRVTC Owner

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      That is brilliant, great to hear that much has been raised :D The parts I did do where great, well done to all involved :) Hopefully I will be able to attend more of CIN next year then I did get to this year :)

    2. [WTLVTC-CEO] Senka Wolf

      [WTLVTC-CEO] Senka Wolf

      @Killua // Ireland ^_^ Thanks for attending :D I'll make sure your the first to know of next years dates! 

  8. CiN 2017 Server is now online and only an hour to go until the truckfest begins! :D

    1. immortal766


      Do you have the link to the details of the event?

    2. Aestrial
    3. immortal766


      Thanks, This should have been posted on the forums too because once the event starts people who don't have the link on ets2c.com would not

      be able to view the route as it would no longer be displayed on their website.

  9. Children In Need 2017 is closing in, only 1 days to go!

    1. SgtBreadStick


      "1 days" lol Anyway i can't wait :3

    2. Cookienightstorm


      going to be good :D


  10. Just finished making this video, I hope you all enjoy. This is my first time making this sort of video.


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