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Veteran Driver VII
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About Cookienightstorm

  • Birthday May 17

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    United Kingdom
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
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    United Kingdom: London
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  • Virtual Trucking Company


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  1. We’re rooted in great music and branching out all over the planet! Heartbeatz radio  is your safe haven from the stresses of the world, a place where you can hide away for a time and just enjoy the music and company. Heartbeatz radio  is a brand new radio station for all to enjoy.


    We’re like no other radio station we aim big not just focusing on simulator games. Our aim is for you to able to listen to us where or whatever you are doing on the day you tune into us. By doing this our aim is to have us on mobile, in-game and of course live on the web.


    We also like to support charity events that you might have going on or have planned. Need anymore information about this head over to our discord or find our booking form on the advertising menu.

    Discord: https://discord.heartbeatzradio.com/
    Website: https://heartbeatzradio.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heartbeatzradio2022
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RadioHeartbeatz
    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/heartbeatzradio
    Shop: https://heartbeatz-radio.myspreadshop.co.uk/

  2. We’re rooted in great music and branching out all over the planet! 1drive radio  is your safe haven from the stresses of the world, a place where you can hide away for a time and just enjoy the music and company. 1drive radio  is a brand new radio station for all to enjoy.


    We’re like no other radio station we aim big not just focusing on simulator games. Our aim is for you to able to listen to us where or whatever you are doing on the day you tune into us. By doing this our aim is to have us on mobile, in-game and of course live on the web.


    We also like to support charity events that you might have going on or have planned. Need anymore information about this head over to our discord or find our booking form on the advertising menu.

    Discord link: http://discord.1driveradio.com/
    Facebook Page:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/1driveradio


    1. Darie_sofer


      I really needed a radio to listen to when playing ets2, I'll try this one. Ty

    2. Cookienightstorm


      Thank you i hope we give you the right tunes for your drive

  3. dnea17m.jpg

    1. Cookienightstorm


      Thank you sorry i've just back on here

  4. Would like to thank everyone who turned up to HEARTBEATUTH EVENT without you we couldn't have done it and also a BIG THANK YOU to Truckermp Staff who also helped out the admins know who they are. We be back again next year for another amazing charity more information will be posted in the coming weeks/Months.

    My Post (47).jpg

  5. Due to a high number of VTC'S we have now added more slots to the event if you like to join in please  

    E-mail details to..... [email protected]

    VTC Name........

    VTC contact name.......

    Discord link........


    Slot Number ......                "Please note 5 is now booked"

    This Event is happening on the 14th of July at 12.00pm BST followed by a 12 hour convoy 


  6. Hi all wondering if someone could help me on the following. For event server do i need 100 or 50 people signed up on ets2c? All the help will be grateful 

    1. tfmpillow


      Atleast 100. I don't think the developers will open up a server for only 50 people. 

      However, some things have been changed and there's a procedure you need to follow to request a server for your event:




    2. Cookienightstorm


      i wasn't sure on numbers that's all everything else it's done / doing 


    3. Positivetrucking168


      You could use EU1 to stage the event if your request for the event to take place on an event server is rejected, not too many players go there so it won't have a major impact on system performance. 

  7. Don't you just love the weekend. How is everyone on this fine Friday afternoon.


    We are the UK's number one heart charity and through 50 years of funding cutting edge research we have already made a big difference to people's lives. But the landscape of heart disease is changing. More people survive a heart attack than ever before, and that combined with an ageing population means more people are now living with heart disease and need our help. As a result of this Alex and Yamyam sat down together and thought how they could give back to charity that's helped them and their families in many ways that wasn't possible. So as a thank you to the British heart foundation we are doing a 12 hour convoy on ETS2 to show support to other's out there their not alone. But we can't do it alone. We Need You. Join our fight for every heartbeat. This event is happening on the 14th of july 2018 Starting Location -- Calais, Sea Port Starting time -- truckfest 12.00pm BST followed by a 12 hour convoy Convoy starting time -- 13.00pm BST https://ets2c.com/view/73889/gamer5-teamehh-cd19-calais-sea-port Find us on facebook for more information. https://www.facebook.com/HeartbeatUnderTheHearts2018/

    1. Cookienightstorm


      Slots are going fast for the truckfest book in now before there gone 


    2. Michael Jacks

      Michael Jacks

      TSR booked :wub:

  9. good morning everyone. How are we today 


  10. A new charity event has been setup for the Heart Foundation here is the discord https://discord.gg/nQUXftF

  11. Hello everyone i'm looking for some help with the following 

     Event managers x3 Event organiser Moderator x2 Event staff Event CC for an event for ETS2 that hopefully be happening in june for the hearts foundation. As in recent weeks this has hit home for me and many out there and would like the help to raise awareness and help those in need. All the help will be great full. https://discord.gg/nQUXftF

  12. i wouldn't follow senka he smells :D


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NoTime4name


      That explains a lot :troll:

    3. Cookienightstorm


      i don't think i did you smell that bad we pushed you away from are convoys :D


    4. [MCG] Kien Giang
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