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Status Updates posted by DerAmpelmann

  1. Those privileged admins getting all the greetings ... <_<

  2. I wonder where did my reply go. What I said was correct. TMP does often require password reset if you do not login for about over a month. Has happened to me and many other members and probably to that guy too.

    But I guess the mod who deleted the reply knows better...



    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. gwait


      I do not believe that is true. The Steam account profile URL that you can edit in TruckersMP settings is just for the Steam logo that pops up on your TruckersMP profile & takes you to the linked profile. The Steam account that is attached to the profile (when you first create it) is always the same and you cannot change it.

    3. DerAmpelmann


      I just said that YOU can see the Steam account that REALLY IS LINKED to the account, because you're AN ADMIN. I can only see the one he CAN CHOOSE to to display on his account by adding the URL-address.

      I am AWARE that you CANNOT CHANGE the account you ORIGINALLY linked to your TMP account when creating it. I just couldn't know for sure WHICH Steam account YOU MEANT.

    4. gwait


      I see, I see. I made a mistake of thinking it was accessible to all.

  3. It's that time of the year again... Too bad we aren't compatible, :tmp:.


  4. @JeKnYan m8, you're faster than Kravaty :D



    1. DerAmpelmann


      I know. Plus he is from another time zone than majority of TMP members. I get no other notifications from the time he is online.

    2. MrHarv98


      I would say hes the new kravaty, Since the kravaty doesn't spam useless stuff anymore..

  5. The guides are ready to use if anyone forgot how it's done ;)



    1. DerAmpelmann


      And sorry that I'm one day late. Been busy.

  6. Click here to see something expensive. (not clickbait)



  7. Found some of your jams :ph34r:





  8. Anyone think that the multiple fueling points being kind of an gift from SCS for TMP players? :ph34r:

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I guess they could be :ph34r:  Can't see any other reason why they would add them :P

  9. Here you see bunch of happy customers who bought Nintendo Switch:



    1. Spieker


      pfff that's ridiculous... How can a company like nintendo release stuff like this?!

  10. Yeah, I agree Nvidia. The fps number is very relevant in Discord.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KhaosHammer


      Happened to me too. :D


      Ohai TruckersFM Discord! :P

    3. DerAmpelmann


      If it bothers you, switch Harware Acceleration off in Discord's settings. Appearance tab.

    4. KhaosHammer


      Sometimes I have it, sometimes I don't. but it doesn't bother me, as soon as I open a game, Shadowplay switches to it.


      Now it's on the TMP launcher, I'm glad to know that I have... 1FPS :D



  11. Lean back, close your eyes and enjoy



    1. DerAmpelmann


      ...after hitting the play button of course.

    2. NoTime4name


      Oh woops :troll:

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  12. Beautiful round number 



    1. antrax737


      Viewing Profile: Kravaty

      XDD i feel you

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Yep... that's the fate of the ones who follow Krav, unfortunately.



  13. Here's one more notification...

    Happy B-day! :)

  14. 8 lucky players avoided being banned, because of me being too lazy to report 'em :rolleyes:

  15. Now what happened here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      It has been reported and the devs are working hard to get the servers back and running.

    3. DerAmpelmann
    4. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      Yeah sit and watch that until they're back. :troll: 

  16. Why is this getting ignored? There is same problem with Belgian paint jobs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mirko9
    3. Samiz [FIN]

      Samiz [FIN]

      Yea other paintjobs was supported faster, why not these two? 

    4. DerAmpelmann


      I don't know what they did or forgot to do in the update:



  17. Happy 1st day of January! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DerAmpelmann



      Oh well... You guys are re-, I mean, on a different timezone.

    4. krypto_one









  18. Have you ever felt as ignored as this stop sign?



  19. Having a streak


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Penguin


      I having an Accepted streak, but one of my reports had it's evidence added to an existing ban, so it's showing as Declined :P


    3. Galeavia


      How long does it usually take until you get a response? 

    4. Spieker


      a bit less than a week for me mostly

  20. Is the team aware that forum's garage locations are lacking the Viva la France cities? If they are, I don't want to waste time writing suggestion 'bout that :ph34r:

  21. Why does the ETS2 in-game steering wheel jump to the end when G29 is just turned halfway.


    I've tried to set the turning degree to many different options and neither of them work.

    1. Digital


      Have you tried selecting the ETS2 profile in the Logitech software? Installed latest drivers? Calibrated in device manager? I also suggest setting the degrees to 780.

    2. SgtBreadStick


      Also something @Digi7al missed out was lower sensitivity ingame and switch to wheel mode not gamepad/joystick  that may also work. ;)

    3. DerAmpelmann


      ETS2 mode in the Logitech software was selected
      Degrees to 780 tested

      Wheel mode in ETS2 was selected

      Drivers are latest as the wheel was installed yesterday


      I'll look in to the device manager (I still use Xbox controller, asking this for cousin's wheel)

  22. "Ellie Goulding - Burn requested by Firestarter"

    1. Penguin


      Followed by "Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar" :P 



    2. Smalley


      Typical Firestarter ay xD

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