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where is the safest place to get ets2 save games (profiles)
Hello, downloading save game mods is always at your own risk. All of the sites (or at least most) try to pop up another site. I would suggest setting up your browser to not allow pop ups and then use this mod: Hope this helps! More questions? Reply here! Hope this will help.
-ccowie (Here to help)
Depends what you want really, all the road unlocked, all garages etc...
The one I used fairly recently and had no issues was
Download it, drop the file into the profile pages then run the game and select the new one
i finally see more than 600+ people on ATS
are we still able to take heavy haul cargo to CD road?
I see heavy hauls on C-D road every day
Yes, you are allowed. Just keep in mind that others cant pass you so have a heavy truck that can go at least speed limit.
If you do go on C-D please go with a powerful enough truck that can actually go a decent speed and handle the heavy cargo
Last week when on C-D with a few friends there was 2 guys in small 4x2 Mercs with heavy cargo going sooooooo slow, they were only around 20mph