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Veteran Driver VII
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Galeavia last won the day on January 22 2017

Galeavia had the most liked content!


About Galeavia

  • Birthday 01/09/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Skopje, Macedonia
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Luxembourg: Luxembourg
  • Known languages
    English, Turkish

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Alexandra Inc

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  1. Hopefully no more of my status updates will be removed :)

  2. Haklı gibi niye kornaya bastığını anlamadım
  3. So, I caught The Flash in ETS2 MP :D:D 



  4. Had a silly accident the other day :D 





      cos its a scania


      it has no stability 

    2. Mirrland
    3. Galeavia


      Hehe, plus I was using 4x2 chassis just for the aesthetics :D 

  5. When you find that old video record and got a player banned for something he did more than 1 month ago...



  6. So here is my single monitor setup My only regret is getting a full tower case... It's pain in butt to carry when you need to move or clean it. Here are the specs if you are wondering; • Cooler Master HAF X Case • Asus Maximus VI Hero • i7-4770k @ 4.5 Ghz • Corsair H70 Liquid Cooler • GTX780 Ti Windforce • 16GB 2400mhz Kingston HyperX Beast Ram • Kingston Hyperx 3k SSD • Zalman ZM-MFC3 Fan Controller • XL2430T 24" BenQ 144hz 1ms • Asus GX860 Buzzard Mouse • Asus strix tactic pro Keyboard • Logitech G27 Wheel • Creative Sound Blaster Z • Philips A5 PRO Headphones • Behringer B-2 PRO Condenser Microphone • Creative Megaworks THX 550 5.1 Speakers
  7. Buna benzer bir raporum olmuştu, adam hareketsiz durduğu için başka sebepler olabileceğinden dolayı ban atmıyorlar, ancak kicklenebilecek bir durum olduğunu yazıyorlar. O yüzden artık bu gibi durumları boşuna raporlamıyorum. Hem senin hem bakan Adminlerin zamanına yazık. Adamın orada durmuş olması hatalı olabilir ama yol bomboş, sanki sırf report açmak için kaçabilmek yerine gidip üzerine vurmuşsun gibi geldi. Ayrıca sürekli Admin kararlarını eleştiren konular açtığını fark ettim, bunun kimseye faydası olmaz. Bu sebepten ötürü uyarı yiyebilirsin, dikkatli ol derim. Benimde decline edilen birçok reportum oluyor, kimisi bazen çok rahatsız ediyor yolda, sırf o yüzden reportluyorum ama daha sonra videoya bakıyorum, aslında banlanacak bir durum yok...
  8. Either that, or there should be 10-15 seconds no collision period from the moment you connect into the server.
  9. When the guy 2 meters behind you keeps hitting your trailer at every brake on DC road, and still doesn't keep a safe distance...



    1. _Pingu_


      just pull over let him overtake then at the next corner 


    2. Mirko9


      And when he make fast save game on road to just ram me :( 

  10. When an Admin finally comes to unlock that 30 minutes traffic jam...



  11. When you manage to finish Duisburg-Calais road with %0 damage at peak hours in eu2...



    1. Dobrota93


      never happened to me lol

    2. Galeavia


      This was my reaction the other day, however 3 of my friends that was with me got destroyed half way before reaching the highway connection from Brussel. :D I was the lucky one...

  12. I was going to suggest exactly the same thing, found that you already suggested over a year ago no less! I agree with your idea, as long as one person can report the guilty party only once, I don't think there are downsides to this.
  13. Oyundaki lag, desync ve fps drop gibi olayları çok inceledim. Bu adamın FPS'si berbat gibi görünüyor. Sağından geçmeye çalışmak pek mantıklı değil, ama önüne kırması ban sebebi..
  14. So, I ran into this guy yesterday night :D 



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