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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/23 in all areas

  1. [REPORT MODERATOR] @LogRol has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    33 points
  2. [SUPPORT TRAINEE] [EVENT TEAM] @RagtagBoss has been promoted to Trial Support, whilst remaining in the Events team.
    29 points
  3. [GAME MODERATOR + COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @[Интегра] ResTed has left the team due to lack of time.
    23 points
  4. [GAME MODERATOR] @AlfieGMTV has been removed from the team due to violating our Non-Disclosure Agreement.
    14 points
  5. Suggestion Name: reworking of the taillights on all trailers Suggestion Description: Rear lights must be permanently visible. Currently they are hardly or not visible at all on all trailers. Any example images: n/a Why should it be added?: the vehicle in front must be visible to the traffic behind at all times. Currently, the vehicle in front can only be seen when braking. therefore, please fix it immediately and make it much brighter. Do you agree? Than support these suggestion.
    10 points
  6. Hello TruckersMP players and Staff, I'd like to make some suggestions on changing the actual virtual way in a Real Simulation or better, trying to make the Community always Better. Since the current rules are not respected, or rather, they are respected but only in part...why not make some changes to ensure that EVERYONE respects them? Respect for the rules and mutual respect between players is important, this is the only way to get a Better Community! I have been playing TMP for the past 7/8 years (a it may seems strange) and in these 7/8 years I have seen it all, but in recent years the situation has changed a lot but for the worse... as I have already said and answered in other forum topics ,in this way it can't go on...we need to make changes to the rules,since it isn't respected sometimes not even by the admins themselves. And to stay on topic and to respect the game, I would initially propose to radically change the current; Simulation 1 into a Real Simulation; - Speed limit blocked at 90Km/h. (This is a simulator game not a racing game). - No cars/vehicles other than trucks allowed (we are on a TRUCK simulator, not F1 or GTA...cars or other vehicle don't make sense.) except for Staff/Admins use to block roads during events convoys excc. - Collisions on public roads and in public car parks such as: companies, gas stations, large car parks, etc. (as in reality). And everything else remains unchanged. Already with the idea of blocking the limits at 90kmh, the situation changes a lot in my opinion, because given the majority who believe they are on F1 or NFS, they lose the will and desire to play. And so maybe something could change... Simulation 2; it could also remain as it is except for the speed limit, I would change it from 150kmh (which seems unrealistic and quite risky and dangerous since not everyone are able to drive at high speed and crash to other players..) to 110kmh. (And then someone will explain me the famous and great result of the limit at 150kmh on simulation 2 if all the racers are always on sim 1 if the majority as it seems voted for SIM2 150kmh...) Arcade; even the name itself says it. Server dedicated to all players who feel like being on F1 or NFS, and have the desire to race with theur truck/car with no rules except for hacking excc. ProMods, -Return back to 110kmh limit would be better,since this is a simulator game and not a racing game. ------------------------ §1.2 - Ban Evading/creating alt accounts to avoid permanent ban. Creating or using another account to get around a Permanent ban will result in a permanent ban on all accounts you create. §1.4 - Reporting users The current rules are fine in my opinion, only that I would add to make it a little easier for those who perhaps play with a mouse or keyboard the possibility of reporting them also via chat with a simple command; /report (player id) Reason. By doing this you would make life easier for many of us, also because it is not always possible to report a player due to disconnections from the server, too far to be taken/or out of map range. Well, for the rest of the rules that I haven't mentioned, everything could also remain as it currently is. Reporting players via TruckersMP website and punishments. Regarding reports and how to report a player on the TMP website... I would remove the current and unfair thing that if a ban is accepted on calais duisburg/kirkenes road you don't get score, while if it is rejected on C-D or kirkenes you lose 2 score reports. And if it's on a normal road you will earn scores... That make no sense. If a ban is rejected fine,another one will be done...but don't take away my ability to make further bans just because a ban is rejected. Obviusly exceptions can made on spamming or reporting players with any evidence excc. There's is correct a ban from the reporting system. While now we move on to the players who enjoy trolling or annoying the community.... I would simply propose instead of continuing to ban them without any sense, since they don't understand how to play even after 4/5 bans active..., just do as on all other games is when you get banned. On the 1st ban give them a warning (maybe from 1 to 7 days of ban), on the 2nd ban, 1 week or more (just depend on the gravity of the rule broken),and on the 3rd ban give a month or a few months,on the 4th ban 3 months or more (always depending on the rules broken and on the graviy of that), on the 5th ban 1 year / permanent. And above all to deny them the possibility of creating future accounts to avoid permanent bans. Since most of those who get banned and get more than 4 bans in less than 1 year are just trolls or simply players who buy and download TMP just to annoy other players or because CD has become famous over the years, but not they have no desire to play properly as civilized and responsible people... I also noticed some players that I reported and were banned after a short time they still get banned again, this shows that they have not understood anything about this game and that they are simply trolls who do it on purpose. Maybe they find it funny, but for someone like me who maybe wants to play peacefully and responsibly it's just a frustration that makes you want to act and maybe commit crimes... Being banned can happen to everyone and I don't doubt it, we can all make mistakes... once, two, three... I think that after 3 times you understand that you are wrong and you would ask yourself a few questions why after 3 more times are you doing that yet... but if you get more than 4 bans in less than 1 year it means either that you're stupid, or that you're simply a troll and you only need a several punishment. Continuing to pardon players as it's now it's useless and a waste of time. If these rules no longer work, we should try to change them... and make sure they are respected from A to Z. It's only with respect and friendliness that you get a Better Community! Bypassing or breaking the rules does not bring anything positive, on the contrary, it destroys the community and causes players to lose, desire and passion to play a game. All of this is fruit and experience that I have passed and am currently passing on TruckersMP,this is my point of view of the current regulation, I am sure and confident that if a change is achieved the Community will become better and maybe even welcoming. I'm confident, I'm waiting for a feedback from you and tell me what do you think about the one mentioned above. I sincerely hope for a better change and a more welcoming Community. Best Regards, Rosso.
    5 points
  7. [SUPPORT] @tfmpillow transfers to the Game Moderation Team as a Game Moderator Trainee.
    5 points
  8. [EVENT TEAM] @RagtagBoss joins the Support Team as Support Trainee whilst remaining in the Event Team.
    5 points
  9. 4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. 4 points
  12. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @[S.PLH]Warrior rejoins the team as Report Moderator.
    4 points
  13. @Chev Admin @Chev @Whitelodge @Mystere @Tommy Hawk @Chev @Mystere @Whitelodge
    3 points
  14. @Lee14026 Your ban history of 5 active bans and the fact that you are banned until November 12, 2023 is proof that the punishment system works perfect and doesn't need any adjustments.
    3 points
  15. [GAME MODERATOR] @[GökBörü] Snap Dragon'TR additionally joins Community Moderation Team as a Trainee (LDM), while remaining as Game Moderator.
    3 points
  16. [GAME MODERATOR TRAINER + TRANSLATOR] @JustBrankoGaming has been promoted to Game Moderation Manager and remains in the translation team.
    3 points
  17. [GAME MODERATOR] @HandOfClash has been promoted to Game Moderator Trainer. [GAME MODERATOR] @Fox7y has been promoted to Game Moderator Trainer.
    3 points
  18. The Lille Gas Station (Marked Below) is a constant meetup point for many drivers that don't like going into Calais and instead go to this Gas station as it is easy to get from the CD road and easy to go back to the CD via it. However, it is very easily crowded and many people have been banned for parking in inappropriate positions here at the gas station because of the sheer amount of people in the gas station leaving no parking space. A suggestion from me would be to make it larger, maybe by using one of the gas stations from Austria rework area or France DLC which are a lot larger and have loads of parking spaces, I think a lot of other people would agree with me on this idea. The upgrade wouldn't obstruct any other area as there is plenty of space for an upgraded gas station.
    2 points
  19. Definitely agree it is extremely difficult to see the lights of the trailer in front
    2 points
  20. Community Manager, Leon, told me in my suggestion. Which, i don't see these resources being used except, to give Report Staff something to do while they watch the chaos. I would only keep 1 Simulation Server. Makes no sense having 2 Simulation Servers. When, all it's doing is changing speed limits. Keep the NCZ for companies. There have been times i'm reversing into the spot and others just drive right through me and block my vision. Additionally, you have those who use the Parking Selection and will just teleport into the spot. NCZ disabled and it's going to be an accident. Like i've been saying, this is what NEEDS to happen if they want to fix the problems. Stop catering to Arcade Players. Leon has stated, their primary goal is to provide a fun trucking experience for all. Use the script they have for city speed limits and apply that to the entire map. That's how you enforce a speed limit. With the exception of those in staff, make car access a Tier-2 Patron. The original purpose of the car was to let admins stand out with the police skin and to be a convoy escort. Instead, it's turned into a hated staple of troll vehicles that can also lane split through traffic in the middle of the road.
    2 points
  21. My Overall thoughts about Truckers MP Simulation 1 Like many people this is the server you want to be on! Speed isn’t an issue as 110 is fine (but 90 would be even better). I enjoy sitting in traffic to a point, traffic ads that little bit of realism, but that just become a point where there is too much traffic. One thing i hate about Sim 1 is cars! They are the biggest problems which cause collisions, more reports, more traffic being held up. GET RID OF CARS ON SIMULATION 1!! Simulation 2 Only used this a couple of times to do a quick couple of jobs on the C-D road, it was quiet, a few people passing but too quiet. However, I did not appreciate being overtaken by a truck doing 150! If they had gone into me, they would’ve caused some serious damage and I just don’t believe there is any need to go that fast on a simulation game. It is knowing how fast you can drive, which kind of puts me off playing simulation 2 more. In-Game Report System Such a useful way to report players, just a couple of clicks, and you have reported a player. However, unfortunately 90% of the time no action will be taken because your report “times out”. This then means you have to upload your video evidence to a third-party website like YouTube, create the actual report, then wait anyway, up to 1-2 to weeks for it to be reviewed. In my opinion, a driver who deserves to be banned, should not be allowed to continue playing for that long, whereas, if the in game reports system works better, they would be banned at the earliest opportunity, which would then actually would reduce the amount of duplicate reports for that player. Ban Lengths & Punishments What I have found is that people (especially those in cars) only go on the game to cause chaos and literally do not care if they get banned 3/4/5 times! I feel like the ban system is way too lenient! One of my latest reports was against a player who only created the account at the end of June, already has two active bans so been banned for 4 of those weeks! My idea is 1st Offense: 7 Day Ban 2nd Offense: 14 Days (but if this is issued within two months of your last ban, this should automatically become 28 days) 3rd Offense: 28 days, (but if this is issued 3 months from last ban, this becomes 60 Days) 4th Offense: 60 Days (but if this is issues with ban in last 6 months, it becomes 90 days) (Moral of the story your ban length becomes longer if you are being banned too close together)
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Oh, let me guess, you managed to get your ass banned for 3 months with the present day pathetic rules and punishments, so you suggest to make those even more of a pathetic joke. Well played sir, well played.
    2 points
  24. v1.3.8 - Added automatic game path detection during first time setup - Disabled play button while Steam is downloading an update for the game - Updated translations
    2 points
  25. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Expectancy has been promoted to Report Moderator.
    2 points
  26. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @MatzeOnTour has been promoted to Report Moderator.
    2 points
  27. Media Team Recruitment From the 14th of August until the 3rd of September, we will be looking for talented individuals to join our Media Team. You will be creating images or videos to be used on the TruckersMP website, forum or social media platforms. You will also, sometimes, modify given templates to fit specific needs. You're required to know Photoshop for modifying templates, and editing pictures (alternatives are welcome for this), Premiere and After Effects for videos. Core Requirements: Familiarity with TruckersMP and its rules; Must have a website account that is at least 12 months old; Must have a forum and Discord account for internal communication; Must be at least 16 years old; No bans or forum/Discord punishments within the last 12 months; Must have no more than 3 bans in the last 24 months; Good behaviour across our communication channels; Must be sufficiently proficient in English (written); Good communication skills; Resilient, active and flexible; Ability to work within a team and on your own at times; Eager to learn and progress your knowledge; Organised and adaptive; Be able to accept constructive criticism. Specific Qualifications Be creative and able to launch new ideas and concepts; Prior experience required. This position does not require any specific language skills, however understandable English is still a requirement as per the Core Requirements. Before you submit an application, we strongly recommend that you read the following knowledge base article with many tips and information regarding our recruiting process: https://truckersmp.com/kb/1019. If you think that you'd be a valuable asset for the Media Team, you can apply here.
    2 points
  28. Exploring Northern Germany & Iberia with @ShawnCZek
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Suggestion Name: Punishment System Restructure Suggestion Description: A new punishment system that is more respectful and less strict to genuine players. To reduce hostility in and about truckersmp staff team. Any example images: all info provided below Why it should be added: Currently a large amount of players that just want to play the game get banned for things like small collisions/ accidents / retaliation/ overall small occurrences. But humans make mistakes and that should be taken into account during the punishment and the goal of the punishment should not be to ban them for as long as possible but to show small collisions wont be punished as it is understood that this is something that doesn't deserve a large punishment. A more accommodating and fair punishment system should be put in place to reduce complaints and the overall hostility of the community. (Kicks would stay the same) This system would result in only the worst of players receiving the serious bans and not casual players that make little mistakes. Structure Offence 1 - No action taken. Offence 2 - No action taken. Offence 3 - 3 Day ban issued. Offence 4 - No action. Offence 5 - 7 Day ban issued. Offence 6 - No action. Offence 7 - 30 day ban issued. Offence 8 - No action. Offence 9 - 60 Day ban issued. Offence 10 - 90 Day ban issued. Extensions continue. Bans become inactive 3 months after the ban length has ended. Excluding bans with a length of over 30 days which become inactive after 1 year. Serious Reasons All serious offences like discriminatory language, abusing bugs / features / hacking remain the same punishment. Rules updates - Small level collisions like accidentally rear ending someone in wet conditions does not automatically result in a offence - The user who opens the report has the choice in small level collisions if they want the user to receive maximum punishment (Offence logged).
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. The only way to avoid trolls or people that have no desire to play respectfully this game is banning them permanently. Without giving any access/way to avoid bans with alt accounts as it's on other games. After 4/5 active bans man maybe also in less than 12 months... you maybe don't understand yet how to play this game and how to stay in a Community. Your reasoning makes no sense at all. For the 5th active ban in less than 12 months, a permanent is needed. 10 or more bans are useless as the majority who get such bans are trolls and only do it to disturb others and have no desire to play as respectfully and civilly as they should be played. What's the point of continuing to ban them if they don't understand ANYTHING?? In other common games the ban system doesn't work like it does on the TMP...here they pardon people too much and that's a minus point. It works that already at the 3rd ban if you still insist you are permanently banned and you have no way to get around the ban except by buying another computer.,since all computer data is kept. And believe me that buying a new computer is not easy at it seems,especially if you're under 18 and you go to school yet and you don't have money to do it.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. [PLAYER] @[MCG] K joins the TruckersMP Team as a Translator Trainee. [PLAYER] @Opa_Antonio joins the TruckersMP Team as a Translator Trainee.
    1 point
  39. While the introduction of Articulated Buses to TruckersMP might not be feasible in the near future, I wholeheartedly support the suggestion to implement the "/fix" command.
    1 point
  40. Found some time to start playing again. Hope to see some old, and some new, faces on the road. And more community events in the future.
    1 point
  41. [GAME MODERATOR] @[OBL] - ZachTheCanadian leaves the team due to lack of time.
    1 point
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