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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/22 in all areas

  1. [REPORT MODERATOR + ADD-ON TEAM] @.Quality leaves the position of Report Moderator due to lack of time. They will however remain in the Add-On team.
    39 points
  2. [TRIAL SUPPORT] @Cute Fast has been promoted to Full Support. [TRIAL SUPPORT] @BlizzardCrow has been promoted to Full Support.
    30 points
  3. [GAME MODERATOR] @NaTY0u345 [FR] has been removed from the team due to violating the Information Security Policy.
    17 points
  4. [PLAYER] @Schak Bruijn rejoins the team as a Game Moderator.
    17 points
  5. [EVENT TEAM] @TFM_Kye leaves the team due to a lack of time.
    10 points
  6. [TRIAL TRANSLATOR] @Bai Hua has been promoted to Translator.
    9 points
  7. Hey Mert, Thanks for your question. Around 12 months ago, we added a "no collision zone" (NCZ) to the city of Duisburg. This was decided after several attempts, such as smaller map edits, to limit the chaos inside the city (eg. the moved service station, bigger fuel station, traffic lights) . I am aware that many see this chaos as a part of the TruckersMP experience and were not happy about the change. However, it massively reduced the workload of our Game Moderation team. In the weeks prior to the change, we had dozens of instances where people would block the two exists of the city and we would need to step in and remove the person. As our Game Moderation Team consists out of volunteers, we can not guarantee 24/7 live moderation of Duisburg. Following the feedback we received, I created a hot topic to hear your opinion and ideas: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/102021-hot-topic-34-duisburg-no-collision-zone/ As my last comment concludes, we will remove the NCZ once we have rebuild the city to handle 150+ player traffic. Our plan was to work on the edits in summer 2021 and release them at latest by October 2021. However, due to changes in management and availability, we had to delay this and give priority to other Add-On projects. I am happy to confirm that we have already agreed on a layout of the city and the editing process has started as a medium priority task. We have a big event coming up in the next 1-2 months which requires input from our Add-On team so we won't be able to work much on this during this time. For me personally, this is a priority; you can be assured that we will do something about Duisburg this year and hopefully even release the edit before summer. I hope this answers your question. If you have any questions or would like me to clarify something, just send me a forum DM. Have a nice week! Luna TruckersMP Project Coordinator
    7 points
  8. Good moments ? btw, do you miss me? hehe
    6 points
  9. Had a Nice Drive with @TheHighFiveMike thank you!
    4 points
  10. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Caernage has been promoted to Community Moderator (Forum).
    4 points
  11. [SUPPORT TRAINEE] @Lucas_xiaoZheng has been promoted to Trial Support.
    4 points
  12. The purpose of this question is to provide checks and balances in terms of what TruckersMP is doing to handle emotionally sensitive matters, such as the bereavement of current or former team members, as people experience grief in different ways when someone they know and love has passed away. Background to this question Back in the start of January 2022, former TruckersMP staff member Sanamaria passed away, which was confirmed in several status updates on their profile as well as in discussions about this matter on the TruckersMP Discord. Our wishes and condolences go out to her family and closest friends at this time. Question Now that there is a precedent with regards to the death of a former team member, I have decided to ask the following questions, to see whether there is an established process within TruckersMP on managing the deaths of former, or currently serving TruckersMP staff. 1. How would the bereavement of a team member, current, or former, be managed within both the TruckersMP staff, as well as within the wider TruckersMP community? 2. How could TruckersMP better support the family members, as well as those who were very close to the deceased team member? 3. How can the TruckersMP accounts of deceased members be managed appropriately to minimise unauthorised access?
    3 points
  13. Always with @[ITA] Alee_TMP & @Rainofire & @Smallzz.
    3 points
  14. I guess I'm one of those who like to make social media posts about making changes in their lives while no one really needs to hear it. I just wanted to make this somehow "official" so this is mainly a post for myself. Anyway, I'm leaving the truck sims behind. They're the games I always return to and spend too much of my time on while neglecting to make a future for myself. See you out there! ? (Or on Discord. You ain't getting rid of me there. Well, not without blocking me.)
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. TruckersMP Steam Helper Chrome / Firefox extension to provide useful information about TruckersMP player in Steam Installation links Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera, maybe other Chromium browsers - click here Mozilla Firefox - click here Microsoft Edge - click here, click "Allow extensions from other stores", then install Older Opera versions - install this extension first, then click here Screenshots Features TruckersMP Info panel in a community profile Compact TruckersMP Info in Friends tab (including Pending Invites) Settings This extension is inspired by TruckersMP Helper and internal TruckersMP Team tools. Source code Click here
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Hello, Why do we have a requirement for the TruckersMP account to be at least 12 months old, before being able to apply for staff positions? When it comes to your TruckersMP account having to be at least 12 months old, before you can consider applying, the reason behind it is very simple. During recruitments, the first reason why the 12 months requirement is set, is because we look for people that have enough experience and knowledge in our community, to have a basic understanding of someone our guidelines, rules, and systems. That way when new staff members are hired, they are already aware of some of the procedures, which simply allows for a better quality of work for both them and the community receiving better service. Another reason why there is a 12 months old account requirement, is for Management to be able to verify your activity. Users with just one or two month's old accounts are hard to judge when it comes to their activity either in-game or on our communication media (eg. Discord, Forum). With someone, who's been in the community for at least a year, there's more data to review and make a decision whether that applicant is indeed actively a part of the community, or just becoming active during recruitments, which is something we do not want to see. To sum up everything, the 12 months old account requirement allows our Management to know that the applicant has at least some knowledge in regards to our rules and guidelines, as well as provides enough data to somewhat accurately determine if they are actually active or just temporarily. I hope my answer helped you understand some of our recruitment procedures. Have a nice day!
    2 points
  19. DAF truck Michelin skin, trailer is TMP paint And my favorite dumplings
    2 points
  20. Bonjour à vous tous, Je me permets de mettre une communication. Il fût un long moment que ce sujet n'a pas été mis à jour suite à un manque d'effectifs. Je tiens à m'excuser aux noms de TruckersMP. Si vous êtes un ancien membre de l'équipe ou que votre rôle n'a pas été mis à jour, veuillez me contacter. En attendant le sujet sera mis à jour dès aujourd'hui ( dans les heures qui suivent cette communication ). 08 Août 2021 [REPORT MODERATOR] @.Quality a été promu en tant que Game Moderator. 19 Août 2021 [REPORT MODERATOR] @NaTY0u345 [FR] a été promu en tant que Game Moderator. 20 Août 2021 [REPORT MODERATOR] @Adyox a été promu en tant que Game Moderator. 28 Août 2021 [GAME MODERATOR] @HérissonMan a quitté l'équipe suite à un manque de temps. Nous le remercions pour sa contribution pour le projet. [GAME MODERATOR] @KhaosHammer a quitté l'équipe pour des raisons personnelles. Nous nous souviendrons de toi avec des pensées et des souvenirs chaleureux. Merci pour le soutien et la bonne volonté dont tu as fait preuve au fil des ans. Adieu! 08 Septembre 2021 [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @Yoyo_ManSg a rejoint l'équipe en tant que Game Moderator. 10 Septembre 2021 [GAME MODERATOR] @.Quality a rejoint l'équipe Add-On en tant que rôle supplémentaire. 11 Octobre 2021 [GAME MODERATOR + ADD-ON TEAM] @.Quality a quitté l'équipe de Game Moderation par manque de temps. Il restera cependant dans l'équipe Add-On. 15 Octobre 2021 [GAME MODERATOR + COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @Cornedrue a quitté l'équipe de Community Moderator par manque de temps mais reste dans l'équipe de Game Moderator. 28 Octobre 2021 [GAME MODERATOR] @Cornedrue a quitté l'équipe de Game Moderator suite à un manque de temps. 19 Novembre 2021 [GAME MODERATOR] @.Quality a rejoint l'équipe Game Moderation en tant que Report Moderator tout en gardant son rôle dans l'équipe d'Add-On. 20 Décembre 2021 [JOUEUR] @Bosuball a rejoint l'équipe Add-On. 27 Décembre 2021 [JOUEUR] @Ulog a rejoint l'équipe de TruckersMP en tant que membre de l'Event Team. 08 Janvier 2022 [JOUEUR] @ItsElih a rejoint l'équipe Game Moderation en tant que Game Moderator Trainee. 14 Janvier 2022 [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @Caernage a rejoint l'équipe en tant que Community Moderator Trainee. 17 Janvier 2022 [COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Caernage a été promu en tant que Community Moderator (Forum).
    2 points
  21. Hey, As a CM, we are pretty involved in the delivery of projects, I can say that we have quite a few big projects in just the first half of 2022, I cannot really put a specific number on that unfortunately. However, I can guarantee that the community will really enjoy these projects and I would arguably say that 2022, as of right now, is looking like it could possibly be one of our strongest years so far in terms of projects and exciting features that are coming to the platform! ? I hope this answers your question! Owen.
    2 points
  22. [GAME MODERATOR] @ZaroMW has been promoted to Game Moderator Leader.
    2 points
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. together with the companions of route @Ulog & @Diesel Wiesel in the monthly convoy of Proyect Tango
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. [TRIAL SUPPORT] @BlizzardCrow Support rütbesine terfi edildi.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. [TRIAL SUPPORT] @Cute Fast Support rütbesine terfi edildi.
    1 point
  31. Doing CC with the TruckersMP Event Team was amazing and i cant wait to do the next one with them :))
    1 point
  32. a great picture from last night with my best friend @Ulog (migliore amicoo) ?
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Thanks for your contribution. I have approved your guide!
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. [SUPPORT] @BlizzardCrow gerekli aktifliği sağlayamadığından mütevellit Trial Support rütbesine düşürüldü.
    1 point
  39. Type of event: Convoy Server name: China MS Club Friendship URL to thread: https://truckersmp.com/event-request/1879 Organiser: @MS*mastermind*AN YI_TMP Date and hour of the event: 21 Jan 2022 10:00 UTC - 21 Jan 2022 18:00 UTC Participants: https://truckersmp.com/events/6538 Event Rules: Participants must follow Event Staff instructions. Trailers are required (except Event Staff). Triple and Heavy Cargo trailers are prohibited. Freeroaming is prohibited. Event Staff can park out of bounds. Providing this is on the ground and not on top of buildings or other inappropriate places deemed unsuitable by TruckersMP Staff. Event Staff can block junctions and roads approaching junctions in order to direct the convoy. Overtaking is prohibited. Event Staff overtaking the convoy cannot be performed by more than 2 members at a time. Event Staff can drive the incorrect way where roads have a central reservation barrier ONLY. In accordance with the rule above. All other TruckersMP rules apply.
    1 point
  40. [SUPPORT TRAINEE] @Cute Fast, başarılı bir eğitim sürecinin ardından Trial Support rütbesine terfi edildi.
    1 point
  41. Type of event: Convoy Server name: ITVTC 11th Public Convoy URL to thread: https://truckersmp.com/event-request/1875 Organiser: @Bhargav Date and hour of the event: 19 Dec 11:00 UTC - 19 Dec 16:00 UTC Participants: https://truckersmp.com/events/6206-indian-truckers11th-public-convoy Event Rules: Free roaming on the server is prohibited. Trailers are required (except for Event Staff) Only single trailers are allowed to be used (except for Event Staff) Heavy cargo trailers are prohibited. Participants must follow event staff instructions. Event Staff overtaking the convoy cannot be performed by more than 2 members at a time. Event Staff can drive the incorrect way where roads have a central reservation barrier ONLY. In accordance with the rule above. Event Staff can block junctions and roads approaching junctions in order to direct the convoy. Event Staff can park out of bounds. Providing this is on the ground and not on top of buildings or other inappropriate places deemed unsuitable by TruckersMP Staff. Cars are prohibited except for event staff showing a clear tag. All other TruckersMP rules apply.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
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