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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/20 in all areas
24 points
18 points
Midweek Convoy with Friends | Comboio de meio de semana com os Amigos @sQCF - Beater @DJFrontier @VCouto @LUIG13 points
So since that time of the year isn't too far away, here is what I consider one of my best edits. @Chris [PL] You call.11 points
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Really nice chatting to some of the community members in Simulation 1 last night in addition to our little drive we had Was really nice to drive in my J-Spec streamline (in Polish colours for @Chris [PL] ?) Thanks to those to drove and I hope to see you all around soon. Have a great evening all!5 points
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Oh would you look at that we now have a Vanity URL! Join now at https://discord.gg/plasma3 points
3 points
Just like that, the Christmas Grand Giving event has ended, where did the time go? With drivers from across the world participating in both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator, we have seen communities unite to deliver gifts and earn stars for cities across the trucking universe. With brightly-decorated Christmas gift trailers and festive painted trucks, you set out on December 17th to deliver Christmas cargo and hit milestones with the help of our city star tracker in-game and on WorldofTrucks.com. In less than 48 hours, you reached the first milestone of 200 stars (200,000 deliveries) and the first community reward! It was clear from that time onwards that our #BestCommunityEver was set on working hard over the festive season, earning stars across the map. By December 28th, you had earned 1000 stars (1,000,000 deliveries), reaching a special community reward milestone! We couldn't have been more impressed with the amount of deliveries completed and how drivers came together to help cities with fewer stars reach their maximum potential. You also flooded our social media channels with many pictures & videos, with hundreds upon hundreds of posts on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #XmasGrandGiving. It was great to see truckers from all around the world participate in this event. Thank you to everyone who shared their delivery progress with us! To those who went the extra mile to earn stars for cities, your work has not gone unnoticed. Thanks to your dedication, anyone who delivered 13+ deliveries will be given one of the final rewards, The Diamond Star; those who went all-out and doubled their delivery count (24+) will be gifted the Diamond and the final Grand Star! To every driver who took to the roads and delivered gifts in this event, thank you! It brings a lot of joy to our team to know how much you enjoy these events, and we hope to bring more of them to you in the future. Until next Christmas!View the full article3 points
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3 points
Mam DOKŁADNIE odwrotne wrażenia. Jak było jeszcze 130km/h to w wielu miejscach mapy był po prostu syf, właśnie dlatego, że gracze próbowali jeździć tam szybciej niż się powinno, przez co wywalali się, wpadali na pas do ruchu z przeciwka, czy ramowali innych bo nie byli w stanie w porę wyhamować. Nie było przejazdu z Oslo do Bergen bym kogoś nie zgłaszał do administracji. O C-D nie wspominam, bo tam w ogóle się nie dawało wtedy jeździć. Weszły mocniejsze limity i jak za dotknięciem czarodziejskiej różdżki liczba osób jakie zgłaszam do bana spadła drastycznie, szacuję że o 2/3. Owszem, są speedhacki, ale to margines, z którym administracja całkiem sobie radzi. Natomiast moja jakość gry znacząco od tego wzrosła. W końcu mogę normalnie, realistycznie, pojechać 90km/h bez stresu, że jakiś idiota lecący 130km/h podczas wyprzedzania przestrzeli, wleci na mój pas, walnie we mnie i skończę w rowie. W końcu stając na końcu kolejki zamkniętego do przejazdu kolejowego nie muszę się bać że zaraz mi ktoś wleci w naczepę. I landówkami zaczęło się jeździć bezpiecznie - na Bergen już dawno nie pamiętam by ktoś mi na czołowe poleciał.. Prawda jest taka, że jeździć szybko umiał może 1% próbujących. Reszta powodowała tylko chaos i zniszczenie. DOBRZE, ŻE JUŻ TEGO NIE MA, bo oczywiście każdy z tych 99% co nie umiało był święcie przekonany, że akurat on należy do tego 1% co potrafi. I cisnął bez pomyślunku. Chcesz latać bez ograniczeń i cisnąć 130km/h? Trochę nie tą grę sobie wybrałeś moim zdaniem, ale ok. Masz serwer Arcade, szalej tam do woli, w dodatku bez ryzyka bana. Ale nie pisz, że 130km/h załadowanym truckiem to jest realizm, bo to bzdura. W realu NIKT tak nie jeździ od kiedy są kagańce, tacho i ITD. Ostatnio ciężarówkę jadącą 130km/h w Polsce widziałem jakoś w 1997 roku, a i wtedy taka patologia to nie był wcale widok częsty. Większość trucków w Polsce jedzie 80-90km/h - dokładnie tak jak mogłeś pojechać w ETS za czasów najostrzejszych limitów na Sim2. Teraz możesz jechać 20km/h więcej niż wtedy, moim zdaniem jest ok i NIC BYM TU NIE ZMIENIAŁ.3 points
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I don't think this is the good idea as those rights can be easily abused. Only TruckersMP Staff enforce the Rules.3 points
A lovely drive in Scandinavia this evening. Good to get the tires turning again Love and Peace to you all RB1988.3 points
3 points
Thank you all for the amazing drive together today @QF_Giulia | @courtz49 | @-Zirox- @-Elvis- | @Martin.3 points
[Trainee] @Vennas has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [Trainee] @EHHVTC Founder l Gamer5 has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.3 points
Accepted. The development will look into this, and create this feature as soon as possible.2 points
Hello Shadowfree { ITA }, Additional to what CJMAXiK has mentioned above, I would like to inform you about many charity related events that are hosted in our community. Many people from VTCs and smaller communities often organize charity events, for example 'Blue Eyes', 'Clara's Dream', 'Drive For Life', and many more. Those events are specifically held to support the charities in question, and therefore I see no reason to open up a fundraising platform just so we can receive donations to then donate it to a charity of choice ourselves. Thank you nevertheless for your time to create a suggestion. Rejected.2 points
This is a good idea! It will be added to the VTC system soon:tm:2 points
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Good morning everyone, wish you a nice and peaceful day2 points
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Today I ran about 1300km, It was drived with KOREA EXPRESS, a famous Korean team. It was a little hard, but I was able to have fun with others2 points
Suggestion Name:Add View Player DLC to VTC Recruitment System Suggestion Description:Add DLC information to the user information page of VTC recruitment system Any example images:No Why should it be added?: Many VTCs require players to have a specified DLC to meet the requirements. If you can add a viewing DLC to the user information page of the recruitment system, I think that would be great.1 point
Hi, I made video how to share your paintjob colors with others. This will be the most useful to the company owners who needs that all his drivers has same colors as you. The original post on this topic (no longer works) -1 point
Happy Birthday Davidoooooooo ^^ I'm sorry for being lateee ?1 point
Hello [TPH] iNadeox, Thank you first of all for your time to create a suggestion, and I apologise for the delayed answer. We actually already have plans to implement something like this, and this is 100% possible to be implemented. Accepted.1 point
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Enjoyed the RLC convoy tonight! Here are some photos i took at the end of the convoy with @creepergamingboy @-Elvis- @LegoMaster211 point
Çilekli sütünüzü içmeyi unutmayın yarın okul olabilir..1 point
Good Night Have a nice weekend ? Road to the Black Sea DLC Giveaway HERE1 point
1 point
?Zdjęć mam z Tobą Epik tyle, że wstawię tylko kilka Wszystkiego Najlepszego stary !! ?1 point