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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/18 in Posts

  1. [GAME MODERATOR] @RequieB left the team due to personal reasons. [GAME MODERATOR] @izm07 left the team due to personal reasons and lack of time. [PLAYER] @Haulvoc joined the team as a Trial Game Moderator Observer.
    44 points
  2. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Sgt Salt has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    17 points
  3. [GAME MODERATOR] @BlocKing has been promoted to Game Moderator Leader.
    6 points
  4. Since the suggestion forum rework, my suggestion simply vanish so I decide to recreate my last suggestion. Suggestion Name: Dynamic AFK timer Suggestion Description: AFK kicking is dependent on how full the server. When the server population is low or medium, afk is unlimited and players will never get kicked for being afk. When the server starts to become full and reach a threshold, the current AFK timer is enabled and kicks all players that have been afk longer than the allowed duration The current AFK timer rules will remain enabled until the server drops in population and disables kicking afk players. To prevent afk blocking the road, this is only enabled when in parking lots. Any example images: None Why it should be added: This is for the convenience of players that need to afk and get back to the game quickly. It also gives the parking lot a function and for immersion purposes of using a parking lots to rest in-game and in real life. A bigger benefit is that since unlimited afk is only enabled in low population servers, it encourages players to populate those servers to gain the benefit instead of being funneled to one big server which means less queue times. Lastly, coding is simple as it only requires coding checks about server status and location of the players for the afk kick to be disabled. Overall, it adds a lot of benefit for the player base without any drawbacks.
    3 points
  5. Suggestion Name: Improving the Scout Car Suggestion Description: The Car's handling was allready good improved. BUT! I think the noise that other player hear is really annoying. It's clicking, much too loud and has an weird/unrealistic noise. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: I think many people hate car's for their drivers, but that noise is making it worse. I also think that it would be less inconvenient to have car's in our the reach. Yours Sincerely Rapido You found this a good/constructive suggestion? Please vote it then!
    2 points
  6. Hello @[Trans CRI] Cosmin_1997 Goto C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP Delete both core_ets2mp.dll files now start Truckersmp launcher as administrator and click on install the files.
    2 points
  7. Hello Please look at this and be patient DEV and TMP are working on it
    2 points
  8. Please wait for the TMP Launcher update.
    2 points
  9. Raport miesiąca - wrzesień 2018r. Obecnie zatrudnionych jest 25/30 kierowców. REKRUTACJA JEST OTWARTA! Strona główna: http://bluetransspedition.eu Forum: http://bluetransspedition.eu/forum Facebook: http://facebook.com/bluetransspedition
    2 points
  10. [SUPPORT] @NeonLeon transferred to Trial Game Moderator Observer. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @Olioak has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator.
    2 points
  11. [GAME MODERATOR] @GGF MD has been promoted to Game Moderator Leader.
    2 points
  12. Hello fans of truck simulation! You speak, we hear you. During the survey and other points of contact such as the forum, feedback and social media we have received many remarks on team members having 1 or more bans. Those that have been here for a long time might remember that in the very beginning you couldn't have any bans if you wanted to join the team. That requirement was dropped because it's not fair to players who have made some stupid mistakes and because it also made recruiting new members increasingly more difficult. With that in mind the requirement was changed to not having a certain amount of bans within the last year. So now people who wanted to could join the team, even with a few minor bans to their name. However, this created other issues and new remarks and suggestions came to our attention from players and team members. What now? As part of a plan to improve the TruckersMP staff team and lift it to a higher level (by increasing our standards amongst other things), the management team have decided to set the maximum amount of bans you can have as a candidate to join to 3 bans all time. This includes all active and expired bans that have an end date older than 1 year (bans that have been deleted by management are not counted). To make it easier for team managers during the recruitment process the system will automatically block all applications in which a candidate has more than 3 bans. As a result a candidate will not be able to save his/her application if he/she has more than 3 bans registered. Total bans Result 0 ✔ 1-2 ✔ 3 ✔ More than 3 I have been able to pass the ban check and saved my application, will my application automatically be accepted? No, all applications are evaluated for the different requirements, as well as the nature of the bans. What with existing TruckersMP team members that have more than 3 bans registered? It is our philosophy that existing team members are not removed after being accepted when the minimum requirements are changed. Because of that they will remain as team members. View post on homepage
    1 point
  13. Suggestion Name: "Server Change Command" Suggestion Description: request "/ch sev (channel)" ch : channel sev : Server (channel) : (If #EU)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (IF South America and etc, ) SA, ..etc SA : South America Any example images: None Why it should be added? If I entered server, many people in server, for example, ETS2MP, #EU2 or, During EU3, If the troller appeared server, We will server change. But, If we want to change server, first, quit game, and re-entered game. so that, It cumbersome playing game.
    1 point
  14. Hi guys! Here's a quick and handy guide from the latest release of the 1.32 TMP update which can be detailed here: You can also see the Official news of the map from TruckersMP here: In the notes it's released that you ARE able to drive with Double Trailers in Central Europe. However NOT in the Middle of Europe. (Calais - Hannover - Liege - Hamburg) So to clarify the area you can not use double trailers in, below is a map showing the outline Officially from TruckersMP. So as you can see the restriction starts on the Edge of Calais, Heads down through Lille to the Edge of Reims and then Strasbourg. From there it goes up to Mannheim, to the right of Frankfurt up through Erfert and Magdeburg to the top ending just underneath Hamburg. Hopefully this clears up any confusion over where you can and can not drive with doubles and as long as you don't use doubles in this area you shouldn't get into trouble. Happy Trucking and thanks for reading!
    1 point
  15. 1 or more bans... Why you changed the maximum value of bans to 3 bans? If new Team members will have 3 bans, it will continue to upset users. The new "rule" is useless. You can also decline applications with 3 or more bans WITHOUT this rule! Simple Example: Recruitment for Support Team Member "Player A" has 3000 forum posts, 2500 reputation, is activ every day. Bans (older then 1 year): 4 "Player B" has 120 forum posts, 30 reputation, is active about 4 days/week. Bans (older then 1 year): 2 Result without the rule: "Player A" will most likely accepted because of high post & rep count. "Player B" will maybe not accepted because low content & rep count (unlike "Player A") Result with the rule: "Player A" will declined. High post count & Reputation are useless for the user if goal is to be a good team member. "Player B" will maybe accepted because "Player A" has more (too much bans) bans than "Player B", although "Player A" has a lot less forum post & rep count.
    1 point
  16. Gratulacje dla wszystkich którym się udało , tym którym niestety się nie udało , dostaliscie napewno odpowiedz czemu tym razem podanie zostało odrzucone , postarajcie się zrobić tak aby ten powód odrzucenia , naprawić/poprawić i zapraszam do składania podań w nastepnej rekrutacji jak zostanie ogłoszona ! Pozdrawiam serdecznie
    1 point
  17. Hey! Please try the following solutions and see if it fixes your problem: Start TruckersMP as an Administrator Verify the integrity of the games files via Steam Reinstall both ETS2 and TruckersMP I hope the solutions will fix your problem, ~ MrJonton01
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Hello Player! Right-click on the Launcher, and then click Run as Administrator. If you want a Solution of Time, click with the Right Mouse Button and go to Properties -> Compatibility -> Run as Administrator! Dai of the Next Times is Just Click on the Icon and click on yes!
    1 point
  20. Предполагаю, что ночи ввели как и в ATS, на мой взгляд ночи , которые стали темнее, более реалестичны, а на счёт разделительных не заметил, не обращал внимания
    1 point
  21. Na forum scs pod tym linkiem: zmiany ets2 jest oficjalna informacja co zostało zmienione.
    1 point
  22. Please look at the this; https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/announcement/72-truckersmp-incompatible-with-latest-game-version/
    1 point
  23. a scania and only a scania the best truck! dont be daft buying a daft daf truck. lol
    1 point
  24. Witajcie Wszystkie nadesłane zdjęcia były naprawdę ładne, walka o miejsca w Top 3 była wyrównana.W konkursie wzięły udział 25 osoby. Zostały wybrane 3 najlepsze zdjęcia, oto one: 1 Miejsce Wykonane przez: @Grzesiek86 [PL] 2 Miejsce Wykonane przez: @Spat91 3 Miejsce Wykonane przez: @[BTS] Duch Zwycięzcom gratulujemy! Zdjęcia zwycięzców zostaną tłem na officjalnej grupie TruckersMP Polska na Facebooku - LINK Chcielibyśmy podziękować wszystkim uczestnikom za udział w konkursie na zdjęcie miesiąca. Do zobaczenia w przyszłym miesiącu z waszymi fotkami! Konkurs Październikowy - Pozdrawiamy TruckersMP Team
    1 point
  25. Moved to Polish Discussion (Pomoc) https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/56-pomoc/
    1 point
  26. same here, last version dont work too in incompatible mode (1.32) also in public beta 1.32
    1 point
  27. Umarım güzel bir konvoy geçer, iyi eğlenirsiniz.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Dear @ismail [TR] Thanks!!!
    1 point
  31. IMO, trailers or trucks modified by save-editing should not be allowed in TMP's ETS2. There's enough variety of both, I don't get why people need to mess with the files, only to make combinations that many times are just horrible. Forbidding these actions and setting an auto-kick whenever changes are detected (if that can be done) would prevent lots of bans, complains and problems. ATS feels different because there are fewer options in regards to trucks, but even there, the combinations someone can do are limited and the results are usually not so easy in the eye. Trailers in ATS are quite a collection so again, I don't see the need to mess with them.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. [SUPPORT] @SLAUGHTEER wechselt zum Game Moderator Team. Willkommen zurück!
    1 point
  34. Hello @AnxiDarius122  This topic has been inactive for over 3 days and because of the inactivity, this topic will be moved to the Inactive topics section. If you still need help, feel free to DM me or someone else from the support team. If you want, you can also submit a support ticket here: https://truckersmp.com/support/ Thank you for your help and participation. Have a great day!   //locked and moved to inactive topic
    1 point
  35. Hello @LE GAMER 64 Please let us know when your Question has resolved ! Have a nice Day !
    1 point
  36. Nie ma podanej daty , trzeba czekać cierpliwie pracujemy nad tym aby to wprowadzić
    1 point
  37. Wow, what an amazing photos! Congratulations!
    1 point
  38. [PLAYER] @Elsassisch_Trucker [FR] joined the team as a Trial Support.
    1 point
  39. Para hacer eso hay que hacer un mod local, solo lo vas a ver tú, no hay que duplicar nada y puedes ponerlas del color que más quieras. Azul: Celeste tipo xenón: Amarillo: Para hacerlo hay que aprender save editing y como hacer mods locales, con estas dos guias se aprende facil :p Save editing: Mods Locales:
    1 point
  40. Thanks for all Help //locked and moved to solved
    1 point
  41. ^^ So don't carry on. And in your example, there are 2 different vehicles that are driven independently, they can open or close the gap between them if needed, something that you can't do with double trailers, so those 2 "sets of vehicles" can't be compared. When/If SCS releases buses, TMP team will decide if they are suitable to be included in the mod or not, the same way they did with the Special Transports DLC. "Let people drive what they like where they like"? Really? So let's allow save-edited trucks with 3, 4, 10 trailers attached, 10000 HP engines, etc. Then, IF they get reported & eventually perma banned, they can delete their account, create a new one from scratch and they can come back to "drive what they like where they like". Simple Let's not forget that it's TMP servers, TMP rules. They decided that doubles are not to be allowed in certain areas, deal with it. It's not the end of the world if you can't drive your doubles on the C-D road.
    1 point
  42. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] [Add-On Team] @LSPD Gamer has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @aluizio' has been promoted to Game Moderator. [PLAYER] @KGT xTH3xMoDsZx Owner returned to the team as a Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Killua // Ireland ^_^ has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    1 point
  43. Hi there, Whilst we would love to have everyone enjoy TruckersMP and ETS2 with the release of 1.32, we would never just mass unban people because of an update. Sorry about this, but there will be no mass unbanning. //Rejected
    1 point
  44. When you are looking to buy a truck you have many options in ETS2. My personal preference is something with a lot of horse power because I do a lot of long distance drives. I also prefer Volvos because I like the dash on them. If you wanted to I recommend going into single player and saving your game before you buy the first truck. This allows you to test the trucks without losing money if you dont like them
    1 point
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