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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/17 in all areas
PSA(because over 100 people failed to understand this): if you apply for FORUM moderator, you should at least have a FORUM account17 points
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Very Nice Day @KhaosHammer @Nizam Logistics FairyTale4 points
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Operation Admin Patrol is a go. (I should really Photoshop something onto that picture.)3 points
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There's those bad teammates who block your shots, there's those who bump into you when you are about to score, there are those who can't defend even if their life depended on it, there are those who counter-score and then there's this one precious little bun, here...3 points
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I have no idea what happened there, but that guy is literally sinking in the road. #RestInPavement3 points
Something great is coming to ETS2 very soon. I just wonder how well it will work on MP. Will probably be a rather incomplete experience given the fact that AI traffic unfortunately has to stay off.3 points
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@Tuxy Fluffyclaws saw this number plate last week couldn't get a picture of it though3 points
Suggestion Name: Multiple Reports Suggestion Description: Basically you should be able to report someone even if the person has been reported already. On Admin's TAB Menu thingy where they have all the reports it should say example (x2) (x5) (x10) depending on how many have reported the person, in the very beginning of the players name that has been reported. Any example images: What Admin TAB thingy currently looks like: What it looks like with (xYY) added: Why should it be added?: The most annoying thing about the reports now, is when you report a person and it says "this person has already been reported". Well obviously Admin's haven't seen or have skipped that report meaning this person can still drive around and mess up everyone and everything. With a system that shows how many people have reported one person Admin's can prior the reports and ban/kick the people who have been reported the most first.2 points
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ok, normal comment on my timeline and post is deleted without reason2 points
Hello everyone. I have made a new video and for those who didn't see my old status update (I deleted it just now). I am new in editing videos, so ofc feedback and suggestions will be very welcomed! Take a look please:2 points
Hello Mike. Your A Really Cool Admin And I Enjoy Talking To You In game. Keep Up The Good Work2 points
Your bans won't be deleted from your profile if they are correct. Only bans "younger" than 12 months count for history. (green dots). When '"older" than 12 months (yellow dots) they won't count anymore. So your next ban won't be permanent, unless you have 2 accounts where the other is already banned permanently.2 points
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Zrobiłem skrót Q&A Wujka Bohuna z SCS na WGW. -Nowy Meksyk i Włochy wyjdą do końca 2017 roku. -Włochy będą się całkowicie odróżniać od aktualnej mapy gry (architektura itp.), mają być też "niespodzianki". -Mapa Włoch nie będzie ostatnim rozszerzeniem do ETS2, trwa wstępny research (mapmakerzy przedstawiają kilka możliwych wariantów na jakie tereny może nas zabrać kolejne DLC) -SCS chce "odświeżać" aktualne tereny, lecz nie mają osób, które mogłyby się tym zająć. -Scania nowej generacji jest w fazie testowania. -Modele MAN'a E6 oraz Range T są gotowe, pozostała tylko sprawa z licencją. -Jedna z licencji ma ponad 40 stron. -Nie będzie ETS3. -SCS ciągle pracuje nad DirectX 11. -Własne naczepy to projekt, które studio z Czech ożywiło w tym roku, nie jest to otwarty projekt lecz myślą nad tym cały czas. -Euro Coach Simulator nie został anulowany ale ten projekt ma dużo niższy priorytet niż inne rzeczy, które SCS wykonuje. (ECS trafił do lodówki) -Zestawy tuningowe będą także na inne ciężarówki (oprócz DAF'a i Scanii). -Do ATS są gotowe (o ile Piotr się nie myli) 3 ciężarówki ale tak samo jak z E6 i RT, są problemy z licencją. -Prace nad porami roku nie ma, możliwe, że kiedyś się pojawią. -Developerzy ciągle optymalizują grę. -Brudzenie się pojazdów oraz widoczne uszkodzenia nie zostaną wprowadzone (sprawy licencyjne) -AI cały czas jest poprawiane. -Piloci w DLC niespodziance nie są "przyklejeni", są dokłanie oskryptowani, kilometr po kilometrze, metr po metrze. -Mogą się pojawić nowe, różne animacje w interiorze, przykładowo wyświetlanie się piosenki, która leci w radiu na panelu w wnętrzu.2 points
Wanna see something really funny? I'm dying, here! XD2 points
A few days ago, we were visited by a crew from Czech TV Show "DVA3" - they looked genuinely interested in taking a look at what we are working on. We decided to show them a glimpse of an internal project that has been underway for well over a year. Fortunately, it looks like we will soon get this work into shape for release (no release date announcement yet though, you know that we only release stuff "when it's done"). Anyway, the project looks very promising now, and we are happy to start showing it to our fans, as some of the curious visitors of Warsaw Games Week last week could confirm. The DVA3 show also has a YouTube channel to complement the TV show, so we can share the video from their visit to the new SCS Software office with you. It's in Czech language, but they were quite forthcoming to add English subtitles. So here it is, a work-in-progress peek at our upcoming "Special Transport" DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Stay tuned, because more info about it will come soon. And a message for the DVA3 team - thank you for your visit and the time you've spent with us, good luck with your show, and we hope to see you again soon! View the full article1 point
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WineBottler (and Wine) aren’t supported anymore as they only support 32 bit emulation. The only way of running MP on a Mac is to use Boot Camp Assistant https://support.apple.com/en-gb/boot-camp and dual booting with Windows- you should install a 64 bit version of Windows that’s Windows 7 SP1 or higher- a link can be found here to download an ISO- https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/home (A valid product key should be bought legally!)1 point
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Re: Game updates [ATS] Public beta Most notable changes: •Map improvements (over 1000km of new roads) - look for CA-101, I-15, US-93 (AZ) and few more. •Complete overhaul of navigation algorithms (direction aware, multiple modes) •Environmental lighting improvement •Time zones support1 point
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ATS 1.29 Public Beta Is Out. Just wait for the spam to appear on TruckersMP with people asking TMP to update to it xD Happens every beta. Always the same answer, there should be a shortcut to say the same thing.1 point
Bende bir eklenti yapayim o zaman arkadaslar sagolsun herseyi aciklamis , forum harika cidden cok aktif , herkesin emegine saglik . Arkadaslara ilaveten , pilot skini kullanabilirsin hocam resmi bir seyler istiyorsan . Benimde basima geldi , hicbirsey yapmiyorum , atiyor oyundan , baktimki alttaki sis fari polise ait olanmis . Bellide olmuyordu , ona bi bak istersen .1 point
It doesn't show for you guys due to anonymous followers, but I reached 150! Thanks everyone! <31 point
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With the new DLC coming, Flagship Events have organized a giveaway! Use the following link to enter, and share it around if you could! https://gleam.io/PGluq/flagships-bella-italia-giveaway1 point
It is by far the largest community radio station dedicated to the Trucking Simulator communities only. I find it simply excellent as to how much this radio team has grown throughout the past two years. Best of luck for the future, chaps!1 point
[TRIAL ADMIN] @LadyAndromeda has been promoted to Trial Admin. [TRIAL ADMIN] @Daniellus_PL has been promoted to Trial Admin. [TRIAL ADMIN] @Ashley has been promoted to Trial Admin.1 point
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Pytania są bardzo trudne. Powtórzcie sobie historię Włoch. Od imperium rzymskiego do teraźniejszości. XD Oczywiście żartuje1 point
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