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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Replies posted by .StεvƐ.

  1. Are you a potential reckless driver?

    Reckless driving can be defined as the willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.

    Driving at excessive speeds can be interpreted as reckless driving, as the driver decides (willful) to disregard to drive at a safe speed, which eventually puts others in danger.

    Now there seems to be some confusion about safe speed.
    A safe speed is the speed that a driver can take proper and safe actions in case of an unexpected event.
    It is not the speed that a driver feels comfortable to drive or thinks is safe to drive at.The latter is more likely a severe case of overestimating his/ her abilities.

    A safe speed that considers favorable road conditions is recommended on road traffic signs.
    However, they do not necessarily consider weather- or visibility conditions, and they certainly do not consider a drivers personal driving skills or a vehicles physics and cargo.
    A responsible driver takes all the above mentioned factors additionally into account and chooses his/ her speed accordingly.

    Drive safely!

    1. .StεvƐ.


      Technically a safe speed is regarded as what the vehicle can safely manoeuvre at depending upon loaded weight, road conditions and weather conditions as well as what the driver feels the vehicle is capable of. 

      Especially if the driver has driven the same vehicle for a long enough time to understand its limitations and what it can or cannot do. 


      Also reckless driving can be determined as failing to keep control of your vehicle, driving distracted, making erratic or unsafe lane changes against the road conditions at the time. 


      Just FYI xD

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. One delivery was just enough for me tonight, since someone just threatened me with 'rec', and all I did was is to stop at a red light... Kinda hoping for a report from that player, so it might bite him/her back, since I think it's not my problem that someone isn't paying attention... (There was no contact between the two truck)

    1. .StεvƐ.


      @Positivetrucking168 it’s because a lot of people feel what they do is right and anyone who does things differently, whether within or outside the rules, they are the worst thing since cars were invented. Hence why I ignore those kinds of people becauseso long as I know I’m in the right and within the lines of the law, they can’t do anything. 


      Seriously though, I think the rule on red lights should be changed so that it’s punishable to run a red unless there’s a good reason, such as it being a late change and not enough real estate to stop safely. Most people are too impatient and anyonewho holds them up, even for a minute is breaking rules in their eyes, if mp added a rule that if anyone makes a false report without reason or proof, they should get the equivalent punishment of the crime they’re trying to pin on someone else, maybe then not only will reports be less, but these types of people who feel it’s right to report someone because they’re not driving the way they are, will stop, eventually. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. you can get banned for saying Hitler in chat ? This is news to me i thought it was saying something offensive not saying a dictators name in chat. So can i say Winston Churchill's name in chat or would i get banned ?

    1. .StεvƐ.


      @Leff12345 so just because someone says a name of a guy who did some bad things, then they can get banned? No matter the context of the discussion? That's dumb and you know it, so if I were to say to a friend in chat, oh did you know hitler wasn't the actual reason for ww2, I could be banned? Now I've really heard it all!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. why do people feel the need to overtake when others are coming the other way 


    then you ban them and they say its unfair 

    1. .StεvƐ.


      People are stupid, that's why. I've lost count how many times I've been passed by people who almost wreck oncoming traffic. 


      The only time time I ever pass on a single carriageway road is if the person in front of me is lagging so bad that it's more unsafe to be behind them than anything else or if someone is going stupidly slow (below 40MPH on a flat clear road) then I only pass if it's completely clear on the map and I have enough power to make it passed, otherwise I'll stick behind and yes, I do go faster than the limit, (by 5Mph on average) but I don't recklessly overtake etc. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. Attention Everyone.

    If you are having issues with the launcher, I suggest that you check to make sure that the game is compatible on your system. I can confirm that the launcher is working on my end, as well as many users I've spoken with. If you are having issues It may be an issue on your system. You should post any issues in the help section, rather then a response to the post in the news section.

    By posting in the Help section you will be able to receive adequate support.

    Thanks All! :) 

    1. .StεvƐ.


      Because personally, I figure out the issues myself or just wait for a parch, why bother admins with things that, with enough patience, you can fix the problem anyway. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Attention Everyone.

    If you are having issues with the launcher, I suggest that you check to make sure that the game is compatible on your system. I can confirm that the launcher is working on my end, as well as many users I've spoken with. If you are having issues It may be an issue on your system. You should post any issues in the help section, rather then a response to the post in the news section.

    By posting in the Help section you will be able to receive adequate support.

    Thanks All! :) 

    1. .StεvƐ.


      The thing is, it took me 12 attempts to get the launcher to actually work properly, even thought it was my system screwing up, but it wasn't, for some reason, I had to download the launcher 3 times for it to register that it had all the right files, then ATS doesn't even work, it just crashes to desktop... things were so much easier with the old system... 


      also, people don't bother with the help section because 9/10 times, you either get dumb answers or people never get what is the issue and give false answers, hence why I never, ever use the help section.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hello Anyone knows posible date of Winter Mod update?? many thx 

    1. .StεvƐ.


      There is currently no defined dates, especially with the recent release of viva le france 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Is anyone else getting really random Frame rate drops since the new ETS2 1.26 update and the new version of Multiplayer? because I am..

    1. .StεvƐ.


      Sadly I don't have a gtx card, amd at the moment, my new machine will have a 1070 8gb hopefully, but at the moment a 280 amd. Furthermore, I've not touched a single setting between 1.25 and 1.26 yet frame rates are jumping from 60 to 40, 60, 40, 60,40... yet in the previous version it was 60 everywhere except heavy traffic... 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9.  Mean While On Calais Duisburg Road... Over 200 People In TruckersMP Biggest Traffic Jam Ever!

    1. .StεvƐ.


      @ScaniaFan89 actually, a SMALL proportion of people just drive up and down the road for the sake of it (mostly car drivers) and in my entire time driving that road since the jams started I've only seen a small number of convoys and even then they are less than 10 drivers! Also, closing the road won't make a difference as it'll just shift from that road to another to another until something is properly done instead of just ignoring it/put a short term fix on it, that's the real issue.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Cannot believe that TMP are actually doing a NCZ Server :( (seen a poll about it on their facebook page) I know there was one before but it was gotten rid :) so why do it again? Whats the point in playing MP if you can just drive through everyone = no fun, no traffic or the challenges of other peoples driving, no more chaos in Rotterdam or the Calais - Duisburg road,  basically everything thats fun about MP will no longer be :( Won't get rid of trolls either as the ones that like to ram and block will go on other servers collision servers :P

    Please leave EU2 as it is now if this actually happens :unsure: Non speed limited and Collisions :) Hoping the NCZ Server never actually happens 

    1. .StεvƐ.


      The only problem is that you'll have more rammer sim normal servers than you have no because people will get used to just being able to drive on through each other that they'll do it on other servers, only to find they are collide servers, it's just a bad idea to start off with really, plus it'll be super boring when you haven't got that fear that around the next turn you could come face to face with someone overtaking at speed or a wreck that's happened..

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. Cannot believe that TMP are actually doing a NCZ Server :( (seen a poll about it on their facebook page) I know there was one before but it was gotten rid :) so why do it again? Whats the point in playing MP if you can just drive through everyone = no fun, no traffic or the challenges of other peoples driving, no more chaos in Rotterdam or the Calais - Duisburg road,  basically everything thats fun about MP will no longer be :( Won't get rid of trolls either as the ones that like to ram and block will go on other servers collision servers :P

    Please leave EU2 as it is now if this actually happens :unsure: Non speed limited and Collisions :) Hoping the NCZ Server never actually happens 

    1. .StεvƐ.


      All that a ncz server will ever do is screw up the other servers because you'll get people jumping from server to server and expecting no collide only to find they're on a collide server and annoy a great deal of people, if I'd know there was a poll, I would have voted hard against the Idea, just a waste of time, money and effort really.


    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  12. Can anyone clarify to me, is the Schwartz-Trailer pack still not working in MP? just wondering because even though I have the DLC disabled, in my console, it shows errors from people around me that the trailer parts aren't being shown and are replaced etc etc...

    1. .StεvƐ.


      both of you, I know that the server will lock you out if you have the DLC enabled, im not a greenhorn and I know the reasons for it, (although yours is a little inaccurate but  eh) all im asking is why does anything to do with the DLC show up as a replaced Error in the Console instead of a unknown or Red error in the console, usually replaced errors indicate support for the dlc in question that is not yet installed etc. I don't need any renditions on what the servers allow/don't allow or a inaccurate reason for the support being delayed indefinitely. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Can I reverse on the Highway of a road shoulder?

    1. .StεvƐ.


      Never reverse on a highway, it can be seen as reckless and dangerous driving, both in the real world and the virtual one, imagine if youre reversin and your trailer strays into traffic and someone rounds the bend, theyre either going to hit you or roll trying to avoid you. If you make a wrong turn at any point, go to the next exit that allows you to pass either over or under the highway and turn around there or let your GPS recalculate a safe route for you to continue along.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. I wish more people would do the same thing as me when sat in the jams and instead of tailgating the guy infront, they actually manage a speed and distance from the guy in front so that as the queue in front stops and starts, you and those behind you are still able to move.


    Youre welcome truckers btw :) 

    1. .StεvƐ.


      IRL the worst thing you can do is stick to the bumper of the guy in front, ruins the clutch and if you don't pay 110% attention, you end up with a nice bill for repairs. Personally keeping things rolling at a slow pace is so much better than sitting on the bumper of the guy in front, mostly because you keep traffic moving along, but also, its stops you getting rolled into on the hills when the guy in front doesn't apply the brakes when they stop.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Juuuuuust a question: Schwarzy DLC will be supported SOON™ or it's supported yet?

    1. .StεvƐ.


      ^yeah, just by a margin or so, but its enough to cause issues for people who don't own the DLC, (Although personally, it would force people to stop tailgating you at least which is a plus in my book).

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Juuuuuust a question: Schwarzy DLC will be supported SOON™ or it's supported yet?

    1. .StεvƐ.


      As far as I know, its a long long, long way off from being supported because the new trailers are larger than the stock trailers so for people without the DLC installed, they would run into invisible bounding boxes where for the other player, there is the side of their trailer. Until Theres a work around, or if SCS can change some files that TMP can manipulate, I doubt we will see the DLC being supported, at least, not this side of Christmas at least.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Well, ain't that nice? As I drive over the bridge above Death Road (screw that road, I'll go around) with dozens of trucks underneath, suddenly my game bugs out and my truck magically stops on a dime and just won't move, at all! I had saved the game a few meters behind on the shoulder so I loaded the game to not block the road, anymore. Even so the truck still wouldn't move. Parking brake? No. Engine? No. Retarder? No. Service brakes? Not really. Though it's as if the service brakes did lock freeze. The brake light on the dash was on. The truck only moved after I pressed the brakes key a few times. Only then the light on the dash turned off and the truck moved again. It's almost as if the brakes had locked and I needed to pump them. So weird!

    1. .StεvƐ.


      it sounds to me like an air simulation issue, especially if you have any sort of damage, when the truck is stopped, it will lose air pressure and the light on the dash will come on along with the warning sound. I drive with all realistic systems on and find if I have damage or pumped the brakes a lot (particularly in stop start traffic) then the pressure goes away pretty damn fast and before long you get the warnings telling you youre low on air.


      Ive had it happen to me sat in the jams on hells corridor (Duisburg- Calais road) when ive shut my engine off and free rolled down the hills to save fuel, if I don't watch the air gauge, suddenly the brakes lock because ive over used the brakes and because the engine is off, the air isn't being refilled.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Has anyone else seen or is having the desync issue on EU2 where trucks are disappearing and reappearing and your ping sky rockets? ive noticed it a lot today and a fair few in chat in the queue commented on the same issue.

    1. .StεvƐ.


      talk about a white knuckle ride really, 1 minute things are fine on your screen, next everyone disappears and reappears right in front of you..

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Has anyone else seen or is having the desync issue on EU2 where trucks are disappearing and reappearing and your ping sky rockets? ive noticed it a lot today and a fair few in chat in the queue commented on the same issue.

    1. .StεvƐ.


      Its weird, Yesterday I had a solid ping of around 50-90, today its been anywhere between 100- 700, yet nothings changed for me since yesterday, no downloads at all. A lot of people in chat have been complaining of the same thing and judging by the fact that around 100+ people sat in the queue on the Calais-Duisburg road had pings above 125 is sort of odd and makes me wonder if theres a issue with the server (again).

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Warning: There's a whole lot of trucks on the country road between Calais and Duisburg! You're warned! Your FPS will drop absolutely!

    1. .StεvƐ.


      Personally, the congestion feels a lot more realistic, its ice to see some traffic that is bumper to bumper for a change.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. Why does it say "Session Invaild" when I try to connect to EU 2 or 3 on ETS2?

  22. So glad to find out that the "cost of a minior improvement" outweighs the benefits of stopping a user bullying another... :(

    1. .StεvƐ.


      @Penguinexpert1 The thing is, that's how society is nowadays, people judge you off of the least little thing, that's a fact of life.


      Also look at it from this POV, if you were a company owner and were recruiting players, would you rather see their ban history and determine whether to risk your reputation on emplying them or employ the guy/girl who has either very few minor bans or a clean record that is legitly clean and not just "whipped" after a year of "good" behaviour? That's the biggest argument really, having peoples history on show allows company owners to see what sort of person they are online, if they have a rap sheet of ramming, blocking, swearing and causing issues, you don't want to emply them because they will carry your name and potentially make your company a laughing stock!

      yeah its "unfair" but that's how things work, people can change, but if they get done for a serious offence, well that's on their record, same as UK law, if you are done for, lets say shoplifting or GBH, that's on your record, if an employer sees that, well then they have to ask the question, is it worth the risk to emply you because of your past, that's just life, get over it.


      As the great saying goes, if you cant do the time, don't do the crime. Simple.


      The system works fine now, so why change it?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  23. So glad to find out that the "cost of a minior improvement" outweighs the benefits of stopping a user bullying another... :(

    1. .StεvƐ.


      ^the thing is, removing ban histories doesn't prove anything about the person, for all people know, that person could be behaving until their history is "reset" and then they can go ahead and troll again and again and then wait again, with the history still on show, it shows people to be aware of what youre like. Its like the real world, if youre arrested for even a small crime, it goes on your record, employers can see that record and decide what sort of person you are, whether youre trusted or not, same thing applies here, if your history is removed, whats to say you wont offend again?


      Furthermore, think about it, if someone behaves for a year till their bans are cleared, how are admins to know that you have a history of being banned for the same offence? that's the point of the whole system.


      The only thing I would like to see is that VTCs and other things such as staff applications take into account what bans you have on your history, how severe the punishment was for each and how long ago it happened, then decide whether youre worth taking on and if so, whether to keep an eye on you for a while to see if you behave or not. That's all that is Required in my book.


      So as far as I am concerned, the admin on your post is right with their judgement, hands down.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  24. So glad to find out that the "cost of a minior improvement" outweighs the benefits of stopping a user bullying another... :(

    1. .StεvƐ.


      The thing is, Bullying isn't really a thing on the website anyway, if its seen by a mod, the person either gets banned from the forums or gets a tonne of warning points and severely warned about their behaviour, what could possibly be added to that? yet will be time effective for the moderators to keep an eye on and answer questions, check ban appeals, reports etc and answer any suggestions made too?



    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  25. So glad to find out that the "cost of a minior improvement" outweighs the benefits of stopping a user bullying another... :(

    1. .StεvƐ.


      Unless an idea benefits more than it costs both in long term and in short, then whats the point of adding it, All it would be is a waste of time, energy and potentially money for the developers to add an idea that doesn't really have a solid payoff.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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