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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About buksee

  • Birthday October 4

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Washington: Bellingham
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    Hungarian, English, little bit of German

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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10226 profile views

buksee's Achievements

  1. Happy Birthday 🎉

  2. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  3. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

  4. Happy Birthday buksee ?

  5. Happy birthday! ?

  6. Gratulálok! ?

    1. Patrik322


      Köszönöm szépen! ?

  7. Magyar GM még nincs, de a jövőben bármi előfordulhat ?
  8. Got the "new" ride broken in, but it's time to get the old girl into the 7 digit club :)


    1. antrax737


      Dayum! Now this is dedication, i have streamline at 400.000km and 5 or 6 trucks just under 200.000km, but you wooo, kinda tryharding there eh? :D Still years behind some other guys who had over a million on one truck 2 or 3 years ago. GG!

    2. buksee


      Well, this is my "MP" (+WoT) account with just over 1mil km's, had like 2 others with over 700k km's each within 2 years when ETS2 was released, but lost the original CD in a move and later my hard drive crashed, so I had to buy the game again, this time through Steam, then decided to jump in MP at the same time. And with this acc I had like 2 big pauses when I was playing other games, one of those was almost a year long. But it was about time to get back into it :) 

    3. antrax737


      Oh i know exactly how things go with pauses and stuff, been there done that.

      Unlike you, i have too many trucks and not enough time, about 20 trucks i think, i've been on and off the game for about 2 years now, but somehow im coming back to right right now...

      Drive save mate.

  9. Congrats, and good luck! :)

  10. Congratulations!

    Willkommen im truckersmp Team.?

  11. Congratulations ❤️

    1. buksee


      Thank you very much! ?

  12. "Save it. Darling save it. Save it! Bwaaaahhh!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57SGdBIsB1M


  13. Just like the normal Freight market (where you pick up a company's trailer), You might have to sleep somewhere, teleport between garages, or use a ferry/train to reset the economy. If you still can't find any jobs for your trailer, make sure that your trailer is compatible with the Country you are in: Scandinavia DLC, Finland, Germany and Netherlands are the only countries that support double, and Finland is the only country that's compatible with HCT trailers by default (this can be changed in the base files). If there's still no or just a very few jobs that you can take with your owned trailer, that may be caused by the type of trailer you currently have: there are trailer specific cargoes you can take, and some trailer types have less available jobs in the market than others.
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