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Michael Jacks

Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Michael Jacks

  1. Day 2 of self-isolation ... think I am going nuts with Covid ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 'HeavenN.


      Good Luck I Hope You Are Well !  :HaulieLove:

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Good luck, hope you are well :HaulieLove:

    4. Michael Jacks

      Michael Jacks

      Awh thank you all! Means a lot ?

  2. Happy birthday, hope you have a fantastic day ??

  3. Anyone get those moods when you say to yourself... I'm bored and no games to play...

    *Looks at the 200 games in your steam library* ?

    1. Fezz


      Proceeds to then spend 20 minutes deciding what to play, ends up buying new game ?


  4. Feels good to be back on here ??

  5. The beauty of simulation!





  6. Happy birthday, King! 



    1. NightSword^


      Oh so cute :love:

      Thank you buddy :wub:

  7. Afternoon, Truckers! Hope everyone is having a great day! Currently, snow everywhere. :rolleyes:

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Good Evening Michael ^_^ Well, there is no snow in Tbilisi and I guess I won't see snow again this year :c 

    2. Michael Jacks

      Michael Jacks

      @[TAL Founder] BlackSkill, Currently snowing at this minute :love:

  8. Happy Birthday @[VIVA] LaxZ and @grundii, have a great day! :wub:

  9. @BlackEagleTMP & @Rev. congratulations and good luck :wub: @Positivetrucking168 Wish you the best of luck in the new team :P

  10. Happy birthday :wub: Have a great day!

    1. Ali.


      Thank you :)))

  11. Good evening, TruckersMP. Hope everyone is having a great day!:wub:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Good Evening/Night :) Hope you are having a great day too :)

  12. Happy Birthday, hope you had a great day! :wub:

    1. White Wolf.

      White Wolf.

      Thank you, yes it was a great day! :wub:

  13. :wub: Bonding with the Community :wub:




    1. Encrypted_


      It's always reassuring that admins do actually have a nice side to all the bans they give :troll:

    2. Michael Jacks
    3. Encrypted_


      @Ali. Is always nice, then again, he doesn't like banning people :)

  14. Gotta love a drive with the VTC



    1. Guest


      Good image friend, I hope you have a good day!:D

    2. AloneWolf.
  15. Happy birthday, I hope you have a great day, mate :wub:

    1. InvisibleRaptor


      Thank you m8 <3 ! Happy Birthday to you too :D

  16. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, it means a lot :wub: Also thank you to the people who followed! :P

  17. Happy birthday, hope you had a good day! :wub:

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