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Status Updates posted by Smoky

  1. I heard a rumor that apparently it might be snowing in America too ?☃️❄️


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kimenter


      Well I gotta buy new tires for both trucks now.

    3. Caernage
    4. Manu_Bela


      Hello everyone! I won a DLC :) :) :) , my profile is "https://truckersmp.com/user/2872760". How can I get it. Thank you guys!

  2. After having a look at the weather forecast, it looks like it'll be snowing soon ? ☃️ ❄️

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Titanic4


      Let's hope that there won't be any imbalance between users, who have Winter Mod + slippery physics and those, who don't have them installed. Also, imagine Kirkenes quarry road with Winter Mod's slippery physics... On some parts it's already quite difficult to keep the truck fully stopped while having handbrake turned on.

    3. Erik0301


      I took a closer look at the forecast and it looks like it's gonna snow on 22 December :LUL:

  3. Over the past years, some of my family members have been faced with cancer. Luckily, they all survived it. I'm supporting research for cancer because, as you know, this is a very cruel disease. The following is an event to support KiKa, a Dutch charity that funds research for childhood cancer: 



    I will support them by being present on the event, and possibly donating to them.


    Feel free to show presence at their event :) I hope to see you there ❤️ 

    1. Shayrin


      Initially, I'm really happy to hear that your family survived. ❤️ 
      I've lost my uncle by cancer and now, It's really sweet and great to read or hear some one beat the god damn cancer. 
      Secondly, I would be happy to support this wonderful event. Hope to see all children and people who have cancer get their health back. 

  4. Always wanted TruckersMP merch? Now is the most interesting time to buy it. Because TruckersMP is attending the truckfest in Peterborough, we have created a discount code available for you guys, during the time of the event. The code is: "TRUCKFEST" without quotes.


    Find more about the merch here: https://truckersmp.com/blog/158

    1. s0b1esk1_86


      Hello Smoky. How are you buddy ? Will you be in Peterborough tomorrow? I will go tomorrow

    2. Smoky


      Hey @[ET-INT] s0b1esk1_86 I'm fine, what about you? No, I won't be there. I have to be at work, and it's a bit too far away :) Enjoy your time there, you'll be able to meet some staff, for example @Wheezy.

  5. Watch me and some friends play Fortnite :troll::troll:


  6. It's that time again :troll::troll:


  7. Watch me getting rekt on Battlefield 5 :troll::troll:


  8. Today marks the day I'm 1 year in the team :check: :troll::tmp::truestory:

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. China-leitinG



    3. Fading


      These people saying "Congratulations" are like they're saying "Congratulations on somehow with standing the rest of the team and not leaving"

      Plus I haven't been around this community recently much, but jesus christ are you guys obsessed with the troll sign and really don't know when to use it.

    4. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      Fading, it's not about standing the rest of the team. The team has flaws. Like every team. Mistakes are made and bright ideas aren't always bright. This is difficult times for TMP at the moment. Also remember it's different management, things are going to be different.

  9. :(

    1. tra812000
    2. GGF MD

      GGF MD

      It's just sad.

      I loved his songs

    3. mcglynn14


      it is a shame that they wont be anymore songs because his songs were very good and out of this world


  10. Merry Christmas :tmp: <3 

    1. Coppekss


      You too Merry christmas ;)

    2. NeonLeon


      Thanks :) You too <3



  11. Bye have a great time


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scar


      Gonna have to start a crowdfunding to save the life of my trailer..

    3. TruckerStefan
    4. [MIB] Agent "F"

      [MIB] Agent "F"

      Too much fun guy's !! :lol:

  12. Italy DLC giveaway stream starts in 20 minutes. The giveaway itself will be in 51 minutes.

    1. Baldemar TR

      Baldemar TR

      Come on m8 :D it sounds good 

  13. Lol, finally 500 content :) Now I can change my tag :troll: The next problem is that I don't know what I should take as tag ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :(

  14. I don't understand how people can tag more than 1 person in a status update or topic post. It never works for me :( 

  15. If you need 6 trailers to be transported, never ask me to do that::troll::troll:


  16. Taking the Pokémon, the cat, Darth Vader, Patrick & Spongebob for a drive :troll::troll:


  17. Someone ordered a christmass tree? :troll::troll:


  18. Bye, cya next time


  19. Don't watch if you are under 18!


  20. /b bench 5 d intentional blocking :troll:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smoky
    3. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      Woah woah woah, I thought you said this piece of outdoor furniture was banned!


      Also how does a park bench have a better ban history than me!?

  21. Welcome back, rip C-D :troll::tmp:

  22. Good luck to everyone who applies for Forum Moderator :) 

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