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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/21 in all areas

  1. [GAME MODERATOR] @ATEKGaming transfers to the Community Moderation Team as a trainee (Discord).
    33 points
  2. [GAME MODERATOR TRAINER] @szykaro23 joins the Translation Team as Trial Translator while remaining in the Game Moderation Team.
    20 points
  3. Instagram | McNico - Transportes ATR
    12 points
  4. [PLAYER] @RedWolf_TMP joins the TruckersMP Team as Support Trainee.
    9 points
  5. It was a good trip. With @[GökBörü] Snap Dragon@[GökBörü] Umut@[GökBörü] XeoNN@[GökBörü] OwL 24@[GökBörü] Fσrgêtful@[GökBörü] M.Kozan [16]
    8 points
  6. Good night! :)) w/ @[GökBörü] Snap Dragon @[GökBörü] CoffeeBeer @[GökBörü] Fσrgêtful @[GökBörü] Umut @[GökBörü] OwL 24 @[GökBörü] M.Kozan
    5 points
  7. @[GökBörü] Snap Dragon @[GökBörü] CoffeeBeer @[GökBörü] XeoNN @[GökBörü] OwL 24@[GökBörü] Fσrgêtful
    4 points
  8. Thank you for all the submissions this month! Below you can find the winners of November's competition. 1st Place FLUK3 2nd Place Sova. 3rd Place BluMellow Congratulations to all three winners! We want to thank everyone who has sent in their pictures for this competition. And we are already thrilled to see what you will come up with in December! The winner that got first place cannot enter the next competition. Happy trucking! TruckersMP Media Team
    3 points
  9. @BluMellow, @Sova., @FLUK3: Congratulations!!
    3 points
  10. Hello, Unfortunately this is not something that we want to do within TruckersMP. I understand that sometimes out on the roads it can be frustrating, however, all players have the same amount of permissions, regardless of when they joined TruckersMP. Kick/ban permissions are only given out to our staff members with Game Moderator or higher. Thanks for your understanding. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. Kind regards, JamesS014 TruckersMP Community Manager // Rejected
    3 points
  11. ?? Bayrakları bayrak yapan üstündeki kandır. Toprak, şayet uğrunda ölen varsa vatandır. ??
    3 points
  12. Congrats @FLUK3 and @BluMellow - Epic submissions!
    2 points
  13. @FLUK3 @Sova. @BluMellow Congratulations! ?
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. MAN Beautiful German man ?? truck
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. A new start after a long break ??
    2 points
  18. I think my load is too heavy ?
    2 points
  19. Hello all, I think its my time to say huge thank you to everyone who congratulated me for joining Support Team here on TruckersMP You do not know how happy I am to be part of TMP Team, and dont forget I am always here for youu" Souu do you need you any help? Then feel free to contact RedWolf Your Friend RedWolf_TMP
    2 points
  20. Pictures from Romania's National Day Convoy! Auuu ?
    2 points
  21. [REPORT MODERATOR] @SpoonyUK has left the team due to lack of time.
    2 points
  22. EDIT: There is now a video tutorial at the bottom of the thread. (2019-05-02) Do you want to get started with save editing? If your answer is yes, then you came to the right place. Before you remind me, I am fully aware there's already a topic on this: I wanted to create an in-depth tutorial for those who wants to learn save editing. It contains pretty advanced technical information. And It's easy to make mistakes, I do it quite often too. Please note I will only support Windows OS (64 bit) users. Step 0: Obtaining game def (definition) files Before we start, you can create a folder where you'll copy and extract the def files from ETS2 (and ATS, depending which game you play). It's not mandatory, but it's highly recommended in order to see the path and where each def files are located. You can use this tool provided by SCS Software, and place it in the folder you created. Then you'll have to copy the def file (def.scs) in that folder too. The file is located in the game installation directory: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/MY TRUCK GAME/" (Please note that when you're in the file explorer, it uses the back slash '\'). If it's a non-steam version, it would be in the Program Files. When you have both files in the folder, just drag the scs file into the extractor. Then wait until the black window disappears. You should be able to see some files and folders. You can explore the files in that def folder to get familiar with it. For example, if I want the chassis from the cement mixer trailer, it would go like: "def/vehicle/trailer/cement_mixer/chassis.sii" Step 1: Downloading required files -Text editor You can try the vanilla Notepad from Windows, but I personally recommend using Notepad++. Any other text editors should do. Another reason I love Notepad++ is because I can search for all occurance of a certain value and replace it with another value. Notepad++ Website -Sii file decrypter for ATS & ETS2 You'll need it to decrypt the save files. You can try to find or compile a different one if you want. Download Non Java based decrypter (404 not found) Sii_Decrypt for format 2 Sii_Decrypt for any format There's a new version with a GUI. Thanks to @Ali365Dash for mentioning it. Step 2: Applying necessary changes You'll need to make sure your save games will save in the appropriate format. Open your File Explorer and go to your Documents. For ATS and ETS2, the folders should be respectively American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Once you found the folder, open config.cfg with your text editor. Then search (Ctrl+F keys on keyboard) for g_save_format, and change the number value to '2'. Then save the file (Ctrl+S keys on keyboard). If you want to do it on both games, you need to change it for each one. You'll also need to start the game in single-player, load the save game you want to modify later, save it, and quit the game. This will update your profile in the new save format. You only need to do it once for each profile you want to edit. Step 3: Save editing (now the fun part begins!) Very important! Always create a backup before each modifications! I simply make a copy before editing each time. I do not take responsibility for broken save files, game crashes or unexpected game behaviors. In the truck game folder (Documents->Your Truck Game), go in profiles folder (don't touch the ones that has ".bak"). At this point, I would recommend to sort the folders by modified date if you have a lot of them. Go in the folder that has been modified the most recently. Then go in save->autosave, and you should see a file called game.sii where all the magic is going to happen. Why autosave folder? Because that's the last modified folder when you quit the game. Another personal recommendation: copy the decryptor here for quick use. Make sure you are not running the game while doing this. Drag the game.sii (hold left click) into SII_Decrypt.exe. When you release your mouse button, a black screen should popup with some text in it. When the black screen disappears, open game.sii with your text editor. Bad result: Good result: Those _nameless.xxx.xxxx.xxxx are just addresses to differentiate each block. From here, I'll separate the different sections of save editing you can mess with. I also recommend to copy the address of each block you plan to modify, so you can refer to it quickly. You'll have to do it each time you save the game and decrypt the profile. -Bank -Player -Vehicle (truck) -Player Job -Trailer -License Plate -Paintjob/Skin -Color -Accessories Videos I might add more to this tutorial, or share knowledge from users with expertise in save editing.
    1 point
  23. 建议名称:LED新型黄色警示灯 建议:螺旋警示灯已经过时,应修改新模块。 任意示例图:本示例与主机使用的警示灯型号闪烁相同 为什么要添加它?:管理员使用蓝色LED闪烁警示灯,玩家使用黄色LED闪烁警示灯,
    1 point
  24. Hey Trucker, Today I would like to propose a new function for the profile For example: For example, a player writes an inappropriate comment and you want to quickly remove this comment from your profile, then you should be able to delete this comment. Suggestion Name: Comment function Suggestion Description: The function includes the deletion of inappropriate comments (on the own profile) and the complete hiding of users (on the own profile). Any example images: Removing from advertising Why should it be added?: It is simply easier to delete comments than to create a report. It minimises the work of the forum moderators
    1 point
  25. Suggestion Name: Players Card Suggestion Description: a change with the command /pinfo!... "/Pinfo" would display the players card! • This playercard shows different informations about the player : - the used vehicle and the trailer - Their Name - Their VTC (if they have one) - Rank - A Forum Badge (reserved to forumers) - Achievements - TruckersMP ID - ActivatedLinked games: • Regarding the badges : - The Forum badge would be given when you register on the forums. - The rank of the staff is given when you register as a staff member. Any example images: Explain Video: it does not necessarily have to be that Command, I leave the choice for the developers . Why should it be added?: Get to know each other better, meet each other and quickly make friends with some information, Cool the player also has ats! or you want to report somebody... to be sure that it was him, you can see it through the photo of the vehicle. Regards -Hinter
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. In TMP Berlin photos with @Speedy_TMPand @Hoad o//
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Even İf I couldn't attend yesterday's convoy, at least I took a picture from a nice angle. I am very happy to be with you ? I gained the best friendships.
    1 point
  32. Live CCTV ---> https://www.twitch.tv/killua_davidoc93
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Type of event: Convoy Server name: Colombian Logistics December URL to thread: https://truckersmp.com/event-request/1857 Organiser: @Memo. Date and hour of the event: 16 Dec 18:00 UTC - 16 Dec 23:00 UTC Participants: https://truckersmp.com/events/5498-colombian-public-december-convoy#13 Event Rules for Participants: The use of the player tag that contains "Col Logistics" or "CL" is prohibited when you're not a member of Colombian Logistics or don't have authorization from our event team. Participants must ignore traffic lights unless it is unsafe to do so. Participants must remain in a single line. Overtaking is prohibited. Cars are prohibited except for event staff showing a clear tag. Participants must follow event staff instructions. Participants should park in their designated slots. Convoy participants must only leave the starting location when instructed to do so in an orderly (one by one) manner. Beacons are prohibited. Except for Event Staff. Advertising of any kind is prohibited (with the exception of the our official stream and discord server). Participants with consistent lag must remain at the back of the convoy. Convoy participants must have a trailer. Double or triple trailers are prohibited. Convoy participants may not use loaded heavy cargo trailers. Free-roaming on the server is prohibited. All other TruckersMP Rules apply. Event Rules for Event Staff: Event Staff can block junctions and roads approaching junctions to direct the convoy. The event staff is allowed to use any vehicle or trailer (e.g.: caravans, double, triple and heavy trailers) to act in the organization of the event and the traffic of the event. Event Staff overtaking the convoy cannot be performed by more than 2 members at a time. Event Staff can drive the incorrect way where roads have a central reservation barrier only. In accordance with the rule above. Event Staff can park out of bounds. Providing this is on the ground and not on top of buildings or other inappropriate places deemed unsuitable by TruckersMP Staff. All other TruckersMP Rules apply.
    1 point
  37. New Volvo those headlights are cool
    1 point
  38. en primer lugar como te dijeron todas las actualizaciones que realice SCS influye tambien a TMP asique el punto menos seria tanto TMP como SCS segun tu. En segundo lugar yo con mi dinero hago lo que quiero si quiero ahorrar no es asunto tuyo como bien dije el dinero mio lo gasto en lo que me apetezca y tampoco te he pedido tu opinion de que si me compro el DLC o no . En tercer lugar si tanto hate que tienes TMP ¿Por que hablas en su foro?¿Te gusta TMP no te gusta eres bipolar? Mi consejo es que si odias a TMP deberias dejar los foros porque el tiempo que nos dedicas a responder respuesta absurdas es perder tiempo de tu vida te aconsejo que lo aproveches en otras cosas Un saludo
    1 point
  39. [PLAYER] @Camelliya joins the TruckersMP Team as Support Trainee.
    1 point
  40. Форум TruckersMP - Репутация, ранги и значки До сих пор на форуме TruckersMP использовалась система рангов, основанная на различных грузоперевозках, с увеличением размера и веса груза по мере повышения ранга. Недавно эта система рангов была удалена и заменена на более чистую и обновленную версию. Новая система рассчитывает ранг по-другому и более справедливо, основываясь не только на количестве сообщений, но и на других взаимодействиях на форуме. В этой теме мы расскажем о каждом из новых рангов на форуме, которые вы можете получить. Важно понимать разницу между званиями, репутацией, значками и ролями. Reputation Levels 0 очков Truck? 25 очков Unlicensed 100 очков Sunday Driver 250 очков Trainee 500 очков Reserve Driver 750 очков Local Driver 1000 очков National Driver 1500 очков International Driver 3000 очков Veteran Driver 5000 очков Driving Instructor 10000 очков King of the Road! Репутация (Reputation Levels) - это простая оценка, которая растет по мере того, как ваш контент получает все большее количество подписчиков, откликов и одобрения сообщества. Ranks 50 очков Newbie 200 очков Rookie 500 очков Apprentice 1000 очков Contributor 2500 очков Explorer 5000 очков Enthusiast 7500 очков Collaborator 10000 очков Regular 15000 очков Proficient 20000 очков Experienced 25000 очков Mentor 50000 очков Veteran 100000 очков Grand Master Ранги (Ranks) присваиваются автоматически и зависят от количества набранных вами очков. Очки начисляются в зависимости от вашего взаимодействия на форуме, от комментирования тем до получения реакций и подписчиков. Мы не говорим публично, сколько очков стоит каждое действие на форуме, однако они тщательно сбалансированы, чтобы обеспечить наиболее справедливый и равный результат. Badges 1 ответ First Post 10 ответов Collaborator 100 ответов Discussionist 250 ответов Posting Machine 500 ответов Posting Legend 10 подписчиков Well Followed 250 подписчиков Community Member 1000 подписчиков Community Icon 20 постов Conversation Starter 50 постов Avid Talker 10 реакций Getting Noticed 100 реакций Popular 500 реакций Very Popular 20 лучших ответов Problem Solver 7 дней зарегистрирован Dedicated 1 месяц зарегистрирован One Month Later 1 год зарегистрирован One Year In 5 лет зарегистрирован Old Timer Значки (Badges) - это специальные достижения, которые вы можете получить, достигнув определенных этапов на форуме, и которые отображаются в верхней части вашего профиля.
    1 point
  41. Hi ! One week ago I got a 1 week ban. I wanted to do an appeal but I was not home. Now the ban is in my profile, but I have the video that is showing that is not really my fault. Can I do something to remove this ban or it's too late ? AzuriaFrance
    1 point
  42. Thats good. Thanks !
    1 point
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