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About GonzagaSX

  • Birthday 07/31/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Distrito Federal
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
  • Known languages
    Portuguese Brazilian (Native) | Spanish | English

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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GonzagaSX's Achievements


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Community Answers

  1. the photo should never be missing after a trip :LUL: (@Gravat4)



  2. Hello @Mastodonte78! As your issue has been solved, I will now go ahead and move this topic to "Solved". If you have any issues/queries in the future, do not hesitate to contact us via the Support System or ModMail, or by creating another topic. Kind regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support //Locked and Moved to Solved
  3. // Moved for Russian help Помощь
  4. Hello there, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
  5. Hello @Sunstrider! As your issue has been solved, I will now go ahead and move this topic to "Solved". If you have any issues/queries in the future, do not hesitate to contact us via the Support System or ModMail, or by creating another topic. Kind regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support //Locked and Moved to Solved
  6. Hello @Baneingyourlife, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. Remember that the new Volvos FH5 and FH6 are still without the cb radio system! King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
  7. Hello @Sunstrider, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
  8. Hello @KingZ_11, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
  9. Hello @Sk1tz, First of all, thank you for creating a help topic in our Forum! Unfortunately this is a known issue only a few users encounter when trying to update TruckersMP. While we are still working on that one, we found out that using a VPN fixes this issue most of the time. One of those VPNs we have found trustworthy is the following: https://one.one.one.one/ This VPN has fixed this issue for most users who got in touch with us, so please download and use this VPN and try to update TruckersMP again. Please let me know if this has fixed your issue, I am looking forward to your response! Please let me know if anything helps you solve your problem! Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
  10. Hello @alastor540, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
  11. Hello @Josip189, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
  12. Hello @Pedro4Gigas! As your issue has been solved, I will now go ahead and move this topic to "Solved". If you have any issues/queries in the future, do not hesitate to contact us via the Support System or ModMail, or by creating another topic. Kind regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support //Locked and Moved to Solved
  13. Hello @ciumkajloczki19, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
  14. Hello there, Has your question been answered with the above given answer(s)? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum organized! I look forward to your response. King regards, GonzagaSX TruckersMP Support
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