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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/18 in Posts

  1. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @Virus59X promoted to Trial Game Moderator.
    16 points
  2. Suggestion Name: Double Trailer Restricted Sign Suggestion Description: Considering that double trailers are not permitted on several way/route in Europe, then with the Double Trailer Restricted Sign at the beginning of each way/route we can avoid it without being affected by auto kick. Because when server is on limit of player it takes time to relogin. Any example images: No Why should it be added?: To make sure we are not entering the Restricted Road
    3 points
  3. I don't get this. I mean, sure it may be a good idea on roads like Calais - Duisburg to reduce the amount of players driving there, but Luxembourg? Metz? Groningen? Kassel? There are so many cities and roads here that does not need this kind of restriction. Why do you want to add unnecessary restrictions onto your players? Before the double-trailer restrictions was even added players had absolutely no problems driving these double trailers in the now restricted areas. At least remove this restriction from certain servers, preferably from Server #2. Like, are you intentionally trying to make it a bad experience on your multiplayer mod? There are plenty of suggestions regarding this restriction of double-trailers, but none of them have been reviewed. Not a single one before this update. Do we not have any say in the mod that we are the playerbase of? Does the community get no say in anything? Like I stated in my double-trailer suggestion, it's rude and toxic to auto-kick players for no valid reason. Disallowing double-trailers in central Europe, or at least around C-D road, makes absolutely no sense. It's literally just a restriction to ruin the experience for your users. Before you try to counter my argument; But people can get stuck and cause traffic jams? Sure, but so can single trailers. Yesterday I drove my B-Trailer through Berlin, I never saw a double-trailer have any issue around corners or out of compounds/service stations. The only ones who had issues were single trailers trying to cut corners. With cargo they get really heavy!? Sure, but so are the Heavy Cargo DLC trailers? And we've never had any issues with these that single trailers haven't had in the restricted areas. I'll say it again, I can't see any logical reason(s), backed with facts, behind this restriction. Another reason to allow double-trailers is that, just look back on how it was when the Scandinavia DLC came out. Bergen - Oslo were just as filled with players as Calais - Duisburg is today and double trailers were working just fine there. Currently 2,757 players on EU#2 and this is how it looks at the moment. You mean it's impossible for double-trailers to visit Osnabrück with 24 players? I can come back during peak times and write down the numbers again. The only cities that I truly believe should not have double-trailers are Calais and Duisburg, especially Duisburg. It will be impossible for the double trailers to leave the service station. Well, it already is impossible to leave the service station in Duisburg, especially since they made it even more narrow in patch 1.32. But look at these numbers, why would double-trailers be an issue in a city with 30-40 players in them? In Cities most players will be in no-collision zones. Most cities except Duisburg and Calais got no issues with their service station unless there's some dude fallen over refusing to teleport away or a single person blocking, but that happens even without the double-trailers. Duisburg (City) - Congested (63) Calais (City) - Congested (58) Brussel (City) - Heavy (30) Rotterdam (City) - Moderate (27) Luxembourg (City) - Moderate (25) Frankfurt am Main (City) - Moderate (24) Osnabrück (City) - Moderate (24) Liège (City) - Moderate (22) Lille (City) - Moderate (20) Amsterdam (City) - Low (18) Dortmund (City) - Low (17) Hannover (City) - Low (16) Düsseldorf (City) - Low (16) Kassel (City) - Low (10) Mannheim (City) - Low (10) Bremen (City) - Low (10) Köln (City) - Low (7) Groningen (City) - Low (5) Magdeburg (City) - Low (5) Again, it just feels like you guys are intentionally trying to worsen the experience of TruckersMP. EDIT: EU#2 is almost full, currently 3,892 players. Duisburg (City) - Congested (62) Calais (City) - Congested (75) Brussel (City) - Congested (48) Rotterdam (City) - Congested (41) Luxembourg (City) - Moderate (21) Frankfurt am Main (City) - Moderate (21) Osnabrück (City) - Moderate (27) Liège (City) - Moderate (20) Lille (City) - Heavy (32) Amsterdam (City) - Heavy (33) Dortmund (City) - Moderate (21) Hannover (City) - Moderate (27) Düsseldorf (City) - Heavy (31) Kassel (City) - Low (15) Mannheim (City) - Low (10) Bremen (City) - Low (13) Köln (City) - Heavy (33) Groningen (City) - Low (8) Magdeburg (City) - Low (15) I still see no real indication that would suggest not to allow double trailers in any of the cities other than Duisburg and Calais (City, not dock). Maybe Brussel and Rotterdam, or just the road in between those cities.
    3 points
  4. Suggestion name: Automatically kick players who spam their horn Suggestion description: After playing on Truckers MP several times, I have come to realise that in populated areas such as Calais, players tend to spam their horns several times, this causes other people to follow in their footsteps and do exactly the same thus resulting in a utopia of truck drivers sounding their horn. Example images: N/A Why should it be added? I feel that this feature is necessary for those who want peace of mind whilst trying to drive, without people blasting their horns. The horn is there for a reason, not for it to be sounded constantly. This feature will help reduce horn abuse at any cost.
    2 points
  5. Mai jos puteți vedea toți membri echipei TruckersMP care vorbesc limba română. @Rico @TnT404 Upper Staff Staff @NexusMEISTER @OnFun @Aura. @Mircea541real @NexusMEISTER @~Ciprian-Ionut~ Retired Staff @Acvilla @Doxxyz @fyzz08 @InvisibleRaptor @saladqueen13 @Stefan22 @vladdis611 @WhiteTiger_TMP Topicul va fi actualizat de un membru staff la momentul potrivit. Asezarea membrilor in fiecare pozitie se va face mereu in ordine alfabetica.
    1 point
  6. Pokud jste nový/á do světa ETS2 Multiplayeru, měli by jste si přečíst tuto příručku, protože Vám může pomoc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro začátek by jste si měli přečíst pravidla, která najdete zde - Pravidla je nutné si přečíst před vstupem do hry, protože by se Vám mohlo stát, že dostanete ban nebo kick za jejich nedodržování. Dále je také dobré znát pravidla silničního provozu a značky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Co mám dělat, když jsem si přečetl pravidla?" - Jako další navštivte tuto stránku, kde si můžete stáhnout multiplayer do hry. Stačí pouze sledovat instrukce na obrazovce. Po nainstalování módu by jste měli mít na obrazovce ikonu multiplayeru. Rozklikněte ikonku a vyberte na jaké verzi chcete hrát. Poté už spusťte hru. - Po načtení hry se přihlašte pomocí emailu a hesla, které jste použili při registraci na hlavní stránce (zde), ne na fóru. Poté už jen vyberte server. Rozdělení serverů: - Nejvíce lidí hraje na serveru Evropa 2 ale musím Vás varovat - není zde limit na 90km/h a hráči můžou používat auta. Někteří hráči často jezdí rychle, nedodržují jak pravidla na serveru tak pravidla silničního provozu. Pokud někoho takového uvidíte, můžete jej nahlásit. Návod najdete zde. -Pokud nechcete vidět auta a mít limit 90km/h tak je pro Vás server Evropa 1. - Jako další tu je server Evropa 3 a 4. Evropa 3 je server bez aut a server Evropa 4 je freeroam, to znamená, že je zde vypnutá kolize s ostatními hráči a jsou povolená auta. - Dávejte si pozor, na všech serverech kromě serveru Evropa 4 je kolizní zóna všude kromě bez kolizních zón které jsou například u servisů, firem, atp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Po vybrání serveru se dostanete do prostředí svého profilu které je stejné jako v singleplayeru. Pak už se stačí připojit do hry. ( Malá rada: Pokud se připojíte na server Evropa 2 často se Vám může stát, že budete čekat v řadě, než se dostanete do hry. V této řadě musíte počkat, než se na Vás uvolní místo. Když čekáte v této řadě, nedoporučuji jezdit po mapě, protože nevidíte ostatní hráče a oni zase nevidí Vás. Může se pak stát, že se připojíte na server a najednou kolem Vás bude spoustu hráčů a může snadno dojít ke srážce. ) - Pokud nemáte vlastní kamion, tak můžete použít možnost rychlé práce ( Quick job) stejně jako v singleplayeru. - Místa jako parkoviště u motelů, firmy, prodejny tahačů, servisy, přístav atp. jsou bez kolizní zóna, takže můžete projíždět skrz ostatní kamiony a auta. Pokud v nějaké bezkolizní zóně budete, uvidíte červeným písmem v pravém horním rohu napsáno No Collision Area. - Některé věci vidí pouze jeden hráč ( například: Pokud uvidíte, že ve Vaší garáži právě hráč projel zdí znamená to, že on nemá garáž stejně velkou jako vy, má na ní jiný upgrade ( vylepšení ). Pokud u Vás prší, nemusí pršet u ostatních hráčů atp. ) - Pokud uvidíte nějaké hráče projíždět skrz uzavřené cesty do části mapy, kam se Vy nemůžete dostat bude to tím, že hráč má zakoupeno DLC ( oficiální rozšíření mapy, doplňky na vozidla atp. ) Všechny dodatky můžete koupit ve službě Steam zde. Základní klávesové zkratky: Y - otevře chat F9 - skryje nebo odkryje chat F11 - přepne jména hráčů TAB - ukazuje hráče kolem Vás, můžete zde také otevřít nastavení multiplayeru nebo nahlásit hráče, stačí kliknou vedle pravým tlačítkem na myši ( hráče nahlásíte: kliknete na tlačítko Report a v nabídce vyberte, co hráč udělal ( pouze v angličtině ). Nahlášení hráče se tak odešle admin týmu a ten ho vyřeší ) Dále tu jsou také příkazy v chatu, ty uvidíte když zmáčknete tlačítko Y a napíšte /help Odkaz na originální topic v angličtině zde.
    1 point
  7. Suggestion Name: Remove Auto Kick for Doubles Description: The auto kick for double trailers ( not allowed zome ) is pointless, having spoken with GM's who have said its not a rule & no you can't be banned or kicked for taking them there makes the whole auto kick zone pointless! Images: Yes remove this Why it should be added: If GM's see no issue & say its not a rule you can take them where you like, why have a auto kick system? It doesn't make any sense. Please remove this kick system
    1 point
  8. English I find that they would have to make the DLC to seem available everybody to see. It exists people with paintings of dlc you vary exactly but only they obtain to see they and who will have dlc. Everybody would have to be able to see the truck with dlc, now who does not have dlc is strange and ugly in such a way to appear all gray to say “buy dlc krone”. It´s just a suggestion- Good job truck drivers Português Eu acho que eles deveriam fazer o DLC parecer disponível para todo mundo ver. Existe pessoas com pinturas de dlc varias mesmo mas só eles conseguem ver eles e quem tiver a dlc. Todo mundo deveria poder ver o camião com a dlc, agora quem não tem a dlc fica estranho e feio aparecer desta forma tudo cinzento a dizer "buy dlc krone" . É só uma sugestão. Bom trabalho camionistas
    1 point
  9. ouf, i just saw the problem.. his game details arent even public. sry for the troubles. he was able to register now! thanks. this was awkward.
    1 point
  10. Welcome @karl Martin You can read this topic , it describes exactly how to become a game moderator you can also read the previous recruitment :
    1 point
  11. I will be moving this topic to the help section so that our support team can help you out with your question. //moved to Help
    1 point
  12. Suggestion Name: Small virtual mirror Suggestion Description: Get in mod option,Its for the people whos have 1024x768 or small screen,Get a small virtual mirror to get no too much space like the Original virtual mirror Any example images: No Why should it be added?:For the people who have small screen or Small resolution or for the guys want a smaller mirror because the original virtual mirror its too big
    1 point
  13. Bravo colegu, Fain tutorial pentru cei care nu stiu sa isi activeze camera 0.
    1 point
  14. The problem is solved; thank you all; this topic can be over.
    1 point
  15. Thank you all for your help it is working now
    1 point
  16. lol all these people saying just buy a truck and you wont have the issue. thats not the point. the point is, its a bug and hes reporting it. basically saying "dont play the game the way you want to play it, play it the way we want you to and it will be fine"
    1 point
  17. Greetings @HeyItsAlex As the map shows doubles are allowed everywhere that is not painted red, this includes Calais and UK as allowed parts of the map. Just incase i will link the topic regarding doubles. I hope this answers your question and concern and i look forward to hearing from you.
    1 point
  18. Hello @HeyItsAlex, Yes, but keep in mind that you will not be able to get any cargo from the UK due to SCS restricting cargo for doubles to only Scandinavia. Hope this helps Kind Regards, NickThe0ne
    1 point
  19. It’s is a lot better and cheaper than repairs so I also recommend that route.
    1 point
  20. Hi, In this case you should go ahead and contact the Game Moderation Management.
    1 point
  21. It is important to note these areas are very busy, so double trailers would cause chaos unfortunately.
    1 point
  22. Calais is a very populated area and Double are seem to be allowed ?
    1 point
  23. Po dość wielu aktualizacjach mulitplayera i wielu dyskusjach na temat podwójnych naczep, Zarząd doszedł do wniosku, że poszerzony zostanie ograniczony obszar który SCS Software wytyczył, tak aby obejmował całą mapę, w tym wszystkie obszary które można pobrać (DLC). Aby jednak uniknąć przeciążenia ruchu i podobnych problemów na obszarach o dużej gęstości graczy, programiści wprowadzili strefę ograniczeń, w której nie jest dozwolona jakakolwiek podwójna przyczepa. Wchodząc do takiego obszaru, otrzymasz ostrzeżenie w grze, że dostaniesz kicka jeśli nadal podążysz w tym kierunku ze swoją podwójną przyczepą. W tym sensie proszę spojrzeć na następujące oznaczenia na mapie: Proszę, unikaj tego obszaru lub automatycznie zostaniesz wyrzucony z serwera. Krótko przed tym, otrzymasz ostrzeżenie, że wchodzisz w taki obszar. Jeśli to zignorujesz, serwer cię wyrzuci i pojawi się ten komunikat: Podwójne przyczepy w ograniczonym obszarze. Poza tym, możesz swobodnie poruszać się z podwójnymi przyczepami na kontynencie europejskim. Baw się dobrze! Zarząd Gry (Game Management) Źródło, pisane przez @Anriandor Tłumaczenie: @[LKW Tr.] Kap
    1 point
  24. Salut @Anthony [FR], Je pense que tu parles de "Cheat Engine" ! Et bien écoute c'est normal, tout le monde a ce bug normalement ! Il est juste possible d'augmenter ses XP, mais pas son argent dans ATS ! En espérant t'avoir aider, Cordialement, Elsassisch_Trucker [FR] Trial Support
    1 point
  25. [TGM OBSERVER] @StickyEagle promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [PLAYER] @CreatorInDeep returns to the team as a Game Moderator.
    1 point
  26. [GAME MANAGER] @Smoky_TMP promoted to Vice Project Manager [GAME MODERATOR TEAM LEADER] @Aestrial promoted to Game Manager
    1 point
  27. CB station is very useful to me, I meet with colleagues, let's talk. It could be improved, it's good for the convoy, but the kids scream and it's disturbing. Do a good job, keep it like that! Thank you!
    1 point
  28. [PLAYER] @MikeOG returned to the team as a Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Frosty. has been promoted to Game Moderator. [GAME MODERATOR] @Babou71 has been set back to Trial Game Moderator due to not being able to fulfill Game Moderator duties. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Strik has been promoted to Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @SuperMouse has been promoted to Game Moderator. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @Craigals left the team due to personal reasons. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR] @MrSirViking has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    1 point
  29. Нужна ваша помощь Друзья-коллеги! Думаю вы слышали о такой проблеме, когда для пользователя во время игры остальные игроки замирают и стоят на месте. В этом случае игрок, для которого все застыли, продолжает ехать, но для остальных игроков он едет сквозь всех и остальные видят только одно - читер! К сожалению, такая проблема действительно существует и проблема в 99% - антивирус, как правило касперский. Если у вас имеется именно этот антивирус - внимательно и чаще смотрите в таб, если вы увидели что расстояние до игроков огромное, но вокруг никого - срочно остановитесь, сделайте несколько скриншотов с открытым табом места, где вы остановились, пропишите /time в чате и сделайте скриншот ответа сервера - это минимальные доказательства, которые могут вам пригодиться, если вас вдруг забанят. В лучшем варианте - ваше видео, опять же с открытым табом. Вот о видео я и хочу поговорить: если у вас имеется такое видео, когда вы двигаетесь и игроки вдруг останавливаются - пришлите мне личным сообщением. Возможно это будет одним из оснований, чтобы разработчики сделали что-то, чтобы исключить такую ошибку в мультиплеере и, например, пользователь у которого появилась эта проблема был кикнут, прежде чем смог навредить другим игрокам из-за этого бага. Заранее благодарю.
    1 point
  30. [PLAYER] @Elsassisch_Trucker [FR] a rejoint en tant que Trial Support.
    1 point
  31. Bonsoir @Salino, Votre bug est il résolu depuis la dernière fois ? Fais le nous savoir Merci,
    1 point
  32. Bonsoir, je sais que c'est complètement fou cette idée, mais avez vous essayé de congédier un chauffeur et d'en recruter un nouveau pour voir si le problème est résolu ? C'est peut être un beug lié à la mise à jour je ne sais pas, cela reste une idée. Dans l'attente de vos réponses
    1 point
  33. Das liegt daran, dass die Physik nun realitätsnäher in Version 1.32 gestaltet wurde. Es ist daher nicht mehr ohne weiteres möglich 110 kmh ohne großes Schwanken des Aufliegers zu fahren. Das gilt sowohl für die Auflieger als auch für die Frachten. Viele Frachten, z.B. Flüssigkeiten, haben nun eine andere Physik. Das hat natürlich auch Einfluss auf das Fahrverhalten des gesamten LKW. Dazu kommt noch, dass man mit dem Frachten System nur noch Frachten zulädt anstatt ganzer Auflieger. Dabei kann das Gewicht der Fracht variieren. Das wiederum ergibt andere Beladungen (Schwerpunkte) der Auflieger und somit auch eine wiederum andere Fahrphysik. @Anuschka @JxGamer @fabbbioa
    1 point
  34. Use of our brand assets We are very proud of our logo and other assets, and we require that you follow these guidelines to ensure they always looks their best. Our logo White version Colored version Our small logo (badge) Our mascot (Haulie) Space and size When you’re using the logo or other assets with other graphic elements, make sure you give them some room to breathe. The empty space around asset used should be at least 150% of the width of the asset. Example of our badge The asset must be placed at least 15px away from each border. Example of our badge Colors: The TruckersMP logo is always either colored or white. It must be legible and maintain the integrity of its form. When placing the logo on an image, always use the white logo version. For images with a light background, we suggest applying a 10-20% black tint to the entire image to maintain legibility of the white logo. Red: #B92025 Black: #040608 White: #FEFEFE Misuse of our brand assets You are allowed to use our provided assets but you can not: Cut or crop Apply outlines Add special effects Add gradients Fill with multiple colors, paterns or images Skew, rotate or stretch Change orientation Add elements Multiply Contain in a shape Use our old logo No brand pairing without permission Disclaimer By using the TruckersMP trademarks in these Brand Guidelines, you agree to follow these TruckersMP Trademark Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) as well as our Terms of Service and all other TruckersMP rules and policies. TruckersMP reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change this policy at any time at its sole discretion without notice. These Guidelines apply to your use of the TruckersMP trademarks. You may use the TruckersMP trademarks solely for the purposes expressly authorized by TruckersMP. Strict compliance with these Guidelines is required at all times, and any use of the TruckersMP trademarks in violation of these Guidelines will automatically terminate any license related to your use of the TruckersMP trademarks. TruckersMP reserves the rights, exercisable at its sole discretion, to modify these Guidelines, and/or the TruckersMP trademarks at any time and to take appropriate action against any unauthorized or non conforming use of the TruckersMP trademarks. If you have any questions about these Guidelines, please contact feedback at https://truckersmp.com/feedback.
    1 point
  35. Suggestion Name: Add renault range t for MP Suggestion Description: I'm suggesting to add renault range t for the mp . much love it . Any example images: https://www.google.com/search?q=renault+range+t&client=opera&hs=Sw5&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiaguWhiPbdAhVRFHIKHQVfBkMQ_AUIDigB&biw=1326&bih=637
    0 points
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