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Rasmus [SWE]

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Rasmus [SWE]

  • Birthday February 20

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Gaming, Translating games and programs.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Göteborg
  • Known languages
    Swedish, English

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Community Answers

  1. happy birthday!!!?

  2. Hallå där. Roligt att se lite liv här. Kommer nog mest se mig på Promods. Samt att ni oftast kommer se mig med större utmanande laster.
  3. Hello @ROLF_[IN] I have the same issue but as to my knowledge this is an issue with the new sound engine fmod. I believe the developers are aware of this and are working on a solution as fast as possible. The following topic's are about the same issue.
  4. worthlessness
  5. Hello @55six [BR-SP] As to what I can see by viewing that log file. You have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 And 4GB of ram in total. ETS2 requires atleast a minimum of: GeForce GTS 450-class (Intel HD 4000) And 4GB of ram for the game itself. As to the log file the game is receiving 1.7GB of ram, that is 2.3GB below minimum. Also the game requires DX11 and what I can find you're grafics card doesn't work that well with DX11. Your grafics card is dated back to 2009. And this is most likely the reason to the crashes. The only solutions for this that I am aware of is to get more ram and a new Grafics card. When upgrading mind that windows and other programs take ram from the total number and so I would recommend atleast 8 GB of ram or more. You can downgrade to an older version of ETS2 but then you won't be able to play on TMP. If you have any questions regarding this don't hesitate to ask. Part of file that is of interest with the above mentioned.
  6. I agree that this would be usefull in the regards of situations when people might be blocking. I don't believe this will make any big difference in performance depending on how it is implemented. But as some are against it I would recommend a way to turn it off/on on the client's end.
  7. Hello @Prielbhai0672 There is sadly no way to find this as to my knowledge but what you can do is to search thru all email's that it could be for any emails from WOT or contact them by email at: [email protected]
  8. Hello Jedu I haven't tried them all myself to see what gives the most in earnings but I would recommend the refrigerated trailer or bulk trailer as these have a higher possibility for more variants of loads. I would not recommend flatbed.
  9. Hallå där. Vad säger ni alla om att försöka få lite liv här igen? Har varit lite väl tyst det senaste eller vad säger ni?
  10. @G00FY65 Hej. Har du fortfarande detta problemet eller har det löst sig?
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