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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/17 in all areas
looks like Kaarfor got hit by a 4th Category hurricane XDDDD4 points
PSA: If you ever receive the message from your friend on Steam, which looks like this: don't click on the link as it leads to malware.4 points
Arkadaşlar sizlere kısa bir duyurum var. Kısa zaman önce ingiltere vizesine başvurmuştum, vize onaylandı bu da demektir ki. Bundan sonra ingiltere de kalacağım. Okulumu ve 20 yılımı bırakarak ingiltereye ailemin yanına gidiyorum. İngiltereye gidince yeni bir hayat beni bekliyor, bu yüzden bir süre aranızda olamayacagım, belki bundan sonra hiç olmayacağım. Kendinize iyi bakın. Sizleri tanıdıgım için çok şanslıyım. Herkes gibi bende bir gün gideceğimi biliyordum. işte o gün bu günmüş. Allaha ısmarladık arkadaşlar. Umarım bir daha yolumuz kesişir. Kalın sağlıcakla. Yolunuz açık olsun. @Judge of the Nights kendine iyi bak yüksel abi Allaha emanet, ayaklara mukayet ol4 points
Wy to jak te baby przed blokiem xd Od bardzo dawna przecież jest wiadomo że to będzie na MP a Wy tu że nie da się etc. Już za parę dni się sami przekonacie jak z tym się będzie jeździć.4 points
Pro tip : Do not take an external contract at the same time as a friend. Or this will happen if you are in a non-NCZ area.4 points
If you think that we are done with new releases for our fans this year, rejoice, because the hype train is not slowing down! The Special Transport DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is now in the final testing phase. In our humble opinion, it looks pretty promising so far! We feel that it's the right time to tease you a little bit with its promo trailer: We hope that the weekend ahead - that we plan to spend on re-testing and double-checking everything - won't shatter our confidence and that we'll be able to announce the Special Transport DLC's release date next week. Stay tuned! View the full article3 points
Hello truckers! On the 9th of December we're introducing Real Operations again, organized by our team. During this event, our staff team will be creating realistic events on the route shown above (Salzburg- Strasbourg | and the return!). Realistic events as custom roadworks, police/border controls, fake accidents and a lot of police force showing on the route. Make sure you behave, or you might get pulled over! ;-) These random events will be created by our staff team and by our staff team only, no player interference. During this event, there will be no convoy leader. You could drive alone, or drive with a bunch of friends on the planned route while experiencing a higher level of realism caused by our staff team. You can take a break easily, or drive non-stop to Strasbourg, and why don't you do the return aswell in one go? It is up to you! This time we've listened to your feedback from the previous Real Ops event, we've taken a shorter route, are making sure you can drive the other way aswell and we've planned the custom events beforehand. We are aiming at making it a succes, and we hope you do too. The approximate end time is 2 to 3 hours later, it depends on how much staff there is left and how many players are still driving. Here is a larger version of the route: This event will on a dedicated event server and will be streamed on https://www.twitch.tv/truckersmp Regards, TruckersMP Team View post on homepage3 points
3 points
A model of mine, rendered and ready to go. Your thoughts?3 points
So, we're coming close to yet another new years (yes, it's still too early for fireworks), so let's have a look at some fun statistics from TruckersMP and the game servers. How many registered users do we have? Well, as of speaking (writing this) that number would be 1 790 245. But that is a huge number, and it's hard to get a feeling for how much it actually is, so for comparison, let's look at cities. According to Wikipedia's List of European Cities we now have more players than Budapest (Hungary) has citizens! Overtaking Vienna (Austria) next then? However, this raises another question. Just how many players are active? Well, we can find that as well! Over a 30 day period in October and November (21.10.17 - 21.11.17) we had 319 255 unique players logging in. That is equal to about half the population of Oslo, or just about 10 000 less than the entire population of Iceland! All of these, spread out across our (currently) 9 game servers and event servers. So, what has this community produced? Well, let's start right here on the forum, where 593 094 posts have been made by 30 818 forum users, and 136 134 users have registered on the forum in total since it was opened in October 2014. If your annual income (in USD) was equal to the total number of posts, that would mean you would be pretty wealthy. In fact, you'd be in the top 1% (and then some) in the United States of America, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Additionally, the member with most reputation on the forum (based on votes on their posts and statuses) as well as most content (posts + status updates), is Kravatie, with a reputation of 5538 and a content count of 8875. Let's not forget all of the things produced outside of our forums. Let's not forget the radio stations, hundreds of Virtual Trucking Companies, or the countless developers in the community who are all working to help make TruckersMP great, and all help in bringing new players to join our community, as well as our public Discord guild which has reached 5 400 members. Now, let's have a look at where our users are. In the 30 day period in October and November (21.10.17 - 21.11.17) the following % of active unique users logged in from: 79.78% (or 283 116) from Europe. 7% (or 24 826) from Asia. 6.65% (or 23 588) from South America. 5.86% (or 20 786) from North America. 0.52% (or 1 848) from Oceania. 0.2% (or 695) from Africa. But running a large community has it's issues. Throughout the lifetime of TruckersMP, users have submitted 315 717 web reports against other players. 185 225 reports have been accepted, and 125 879 have been rejected, the rest are awaiting a response. This has lead to 102 428 ban appeals (not counting appeals via forum, before website appeals were available) regarding 87 914 bans. 18 607 appeals have been accepted, 74 735 declined, and 8 193 have lead to bans being modified. Let's look at the in game chat. More specifically, how many times have certain words and phrases been mentioned in the October-November period (21.10.17 - 21.11.17)? "Car": 12 236 times. "Truck": 23 894 times (Looks like trucks are superior to cars). "Trailer": 12 986 times. "Discord": 28 954 times. "Skype": 4 967 times (Confirmed, Discord > Skype. At least in chat). "Calais": 15 296 times. "Duisburg": 9 684 times. "Noot": 413 times (we blame our staff member Penguin). Thanks to all the 1,7 million users who have made TruckersMP into what it is today. Thanks to everyone who has decided to contribute to the community. And thanks to all of our staff members, all 115 of you. The 18 moderators, and their leader. The 26 support staff, and their leader. The 11 media team members and their leader. The 43 in game admins, 5 trial admins, and their 6 leaders. And last but not least, the 6 community managers, 2 project managers, and 6 developers. All of them spend their free time working hard, so that TruckersMP can continue to exist. If you're interested in seeing more statistics, let us know. You can also come with ideas for other stats to show. Front page image by HerrSwizz. View post on homepage2 points
2 points
I tu się mylisz bo to nie jest modyfikacja tylko edycja zapisu gry zapakowana w taki sposób byś nie musiał się zastanawiać co ty robisz. Modyfikacja to jest coś co dodaje nową zawartość do gry i radzę się tego trzymać bo potem powiesz takiemu dzieciakowi że mody działają i będzie się dziwił że mu np ProMods nie hula.2 points
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Nie ma opcji aby wpuścili to na mp nawet jeśli by się jakimś cudem udało to by musieli zrobić do tego osobny serwer, ale wracając. Dodatek posiada jakieś misje gdzie będą zdejmowane znaki ustawienia pilotów itd wątpie że coś takiego uda się na mp. Kolejna sprawa to sam rozmiar ładunków a już nie mówię o zakrętach. Z tego co słyszałem nie będzie opcji zmiany mapy np w misji. Takie jest moje zdanie i jestem pewien że bankowo nie wpuszczą tego na mp. Za dużo roboty i synchronizacji.2 points
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Nice Roadtrip with @BlocKing We both with the NG Scania from Hamburg > Milano > Livorno. And with the same Paintjob. Nice to drive with you m8 ^^2 points
Finally here is another compilation Enjoy Clips are from March and April (I haven't recorded much in months due to so many clips waiting to be put in compilations but I'm getting there slowly, still got loads more clips waiting) Are 2 clips where I did honk a bit too much (I don't honk that much like that anymore )2 points
Z dniem 1 stycznia 2018 roku, nie będę prowadzić dalej tego tematu, o ile kogokolwiek to interesuje. Do tego czasu temat będę aktualizować na bieżąco. Nie mam pojęcia, czy ktoś w ogóle korzysta jeszcze z tego tematu. Jest parę rzeczy, które mi po prostu nie odpowiadają/nie pasują oraz utrudniają nieco prowadzenie tego "kalendarza", a nie lubię robić czegoś byle jak i wprowadzać innych w błąd, co parę razy się zdarzyło, dlatego postanowiłem tak a nie inaczej. Do zobaczenia na trasie.2 points
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It's been about four months. I suppose it's about time for another one.2 points
Things like this always have to happen while you're looking at something else for a moment...2 points
Thank you for writing your guide on this topic, however, a guide for this already exists: // Declined.2 points
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Miejsca zbiórki / Kolejność w konwoju ITCC - (White Angels / Mecha Trans / MTD Logistic) Transinet - (Maximus Maximus Virtual Spedition , Deworse , Polish Hard Truckers) Hotel - (Quality Logistics) EuroGoodies - (World Express) Serwis - (Andrespol) Dealer Mercedes Benz - (M&K Logistics) Kolejność w konwoju : =============================== PILOT 1 / Shadi 1. White Angels 2. Mecha Trans 3. MTD Logistic 4. Deworse - Virtual Spedition 5. Maximus Maximus Virtual Spedition 6. Polish Hard Truckers PILOT 2 / TheMatiG17 7. M&K Logistics 8. World Express 9. ANDRESPOL 10. Quality Logistics PILOT 3 / Misiek2 points
Para fazer parte da equipe TruckersMP, você deve atender aos seguintes requisitos. Esses requisitos se aplicam a todos os contratos de todas as gamas. Se você não cumprir todos os requisitos, seja honesto e mencione isso em sua aplicação. Fornecer informações falsas só irá afetar você. Além disso, existem "pontos desejáveis" que gostaríamos, estes não são requisitos. Nós provavelmente escolheremos as pessoas que cumprem os pontos desejáveis sobre aqueles que não. Requisitos gerais: Tenha pelo menos 17 anos de idade Você deve estar ativo em nossa comunidade. Você deve ter conhecimento suficiente da língua inglesa. Você deve entender e respeitar as regras do fórum e as regras do jogo. Você deve ser capaz de permanecer calmo e cortês em um conflito. Você pode fazer perguntas e descobrir se você não conhece alguma coisa. Você pode trabalhar em equipe e participar de discussões em equipe. Você deve ter algumas habilidades sociais básicas, pois você estará em contato com muitos membros da comunidade. Você deve se dedicar a ajudar outros membros da comunidade. Você deve estar registrado no fórum TruckersMP por pelo menos 1 mês. Pontos desejáveis: Seja registrado no fórum TruckersMP por pelo menos 4 meses. Com um tempo de jogo mínimo de 100 horas em ETS2 ou ATS, isso pode ser combinado. Disponha de um mínimo de 75 publicações úteis no fórum. Requisitos específicos para alcance adicional: Habilidades de Photoshop ou edição de vídeo. Seja criativo e capaz de lançar novas ideias e conceitos. Tem experiência em planejamento de eventos. Ser capaz de cooperar e trabalhar com os membros da equipe de forma eficiente. Mantenha-se ativo na seção de ajuda. Recomenda-se experiência / suporte técnico prévio. Você deve ter uma conta no TruckersMP Forum; Bom comportamento no fórum, no jogo e no servidor Discord; Não mais do que 3 proibições, avisos de fórum ou discórdi; Nenhuma punição recente de Fórum, Discórdi ou Jogo; Ser capaz de trabalhar em equipe, mesmo se você não concordar com outros membros da equipe. Ter experiência em planejamento de eventos; Comboio habilidades de controle e saber como liderar os eventos são Necessários. Nenhuma penalidade ou proibição de fórum no último ano; Mostrar devoção a interagir com a comunidade; Ter experiência prévia de moderação com exemplos; Ter muito tempo para atender aos requisitos de atividade. Ter experiência em desenvolvimento ou ser um modulador / mapeador; Familiarize-se com o GitHub; Venha com idéias próprias e planos para melhorar o mod. Não há requisitos adicionais No caso de fazer parte da equipe TruckersMP, seria totalmente voluntário, isso significa que você não será pago pelo seu trabalho. Mas você pode desfrutar de certos benefícios, como ser um membro da equipe, sendo convidado para os comboios privados da equipe e obtendo pequenos avanços nas próximas funções.1 point
Suggestion Name: Add a record function to the mod for reports Suggestion Description: In the player list settings(tab), you could add a checkbox to enable or disable a record function with an editable capture time. For example, if we enable this fuction with a 20sec capture time, the last 20sec of game will be recorded and saved in RAM. When a frame is older than 20sec, it will be replace by a new frame. Finaly, when the player report someone, theses last 20sec of video are saved in a file for a manual website report (or automatic if you want to). Any example media: Edit: I've add new subtitles in english which corrects my mistakes. Why should it be added: I think it's a good idea because anyone could report bad drivers on website with a video proof.1 point
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Suggestion Name: Autosave Suggestion Description: can Developers Disable auto save in game "ETS2" ??! , P.S. if they can't add it as option in the menu , disable it without that option Any example images: nope Why should it be added?: ( it make screen freeze for a second) after update 1.301 point
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Want to join an awesome gaming community, including ETS2 & ATS? https://softuf.com/1 point
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What you want to do is possible. It's neither part of a DLC nor prohibited. The cargo on the trailers shown on your picture are addon accessories of the trailer. These kind of accessories can be changed or removed. If you remove it, the empty trailer will remain. In order to remove the cargo from your trailer, you have to get a job with one of these trailers, then you save your game. After that, you have to 1. find 2. decrypt and 3. open the save game. Find the entry of your trailer (something like 'trailer : _nameless.3d2.439d.23a4'). This entry contains an array with all accessories. Find the correct accessory, delete it from the array and decrease the lenght count of the array by 1. You also need to find the entry of the accessory itself. This one needs to be completely deleted. Once you have done this, save the file and load the save game. I know this is just a very short explaination. Maybe your first steps are to get familiar to save editing in general. I've linked a little tutorial here: If you have any questions regarding empty trailers, you can also contact me and I will try to explain it more detailedly.1 point
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Hello @lxdiamond Has your problem been resolved? Please let us know. Thanks for participation.1 point
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Tak jak kolega wspomniał, przy ciężkich tonażach. Wynika zo z tego, że w realu nacisk na oś nie moze przekraczać 10t (skorygujcie jeśli się mylę), a na oś napędową 11,5t. Łatwo stąd obliczyć, że ładunki ponadgabarytowe dają dużo większe obciążenie i potrzebna jest dodatkowa ośka. Sam w grze jeżdżę z tym układem, który napisałeś, i ośkę opuszczam jeśli masa ładunku przekroczy 25t1 point
Dodatkowa oś potrzebna jest, jeśli zamierzasz wozić towary, cięższe od tych dopuszczalnych bez dodatkowego zezwolenia. Jeśli wozisz ładunki, gdzie cały zestaw nie przekracza 40 ton, (czyli waga ładunku około 24ton - zależy ile waży koń i naczepa) to tak naprawdę 4x2 spokojnie da radę, a wszystkie 6x2*4 to zbędny bajer. Wszystkie inne konfiguracje potrzebne są, gdy ładunek jest cięższy i trzeba rozłożyć masę na więcej osi - taki ciągnik może "dźwignąć" cięższe ładunki, nie tylko gabaryty - zazwyczaj koparki, kontenery etc.1 point
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The sound of your silence screams louder than all the horns in Duisburg and peoples screaming in CB1 point
we were planning to have a convoy this weekend, but a large rememberance sunday convoy was also happening at the same time has our convoy. Out of respect, we have removed our convoy. We will be back to normal after the TSR Children in Need convoy.1 point
hello my fellow truckers just to let you all know i am not in a vtc no more am just going solo driving or with friends if like to have drive with me add me up on steam1 point