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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/17 in all areas

  1. Suggestion Name: Add friend in color in tab (and if it's possible in chat + in truck) Suggestion Description: Just a simply color, like blue Any example images: @Domi7237 @KillBones The good old time xD Why should it be added?: It is convenient !
    10 points
  2. We have been spending considerable time during the recent year fine-tuning truck & trailer physics and improving power train simulation. We feel more and more confident now that we'll be soon ready to share the results of this development with you. We are preparing new content and gameplay features for both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. As a first, we plan to bring you a pack of new Heavy Cargo sitting on all-new trailers for ETS2. The driving experience with 50+ tons in tow is very different, so much in fact that it may tempt us to pack in new powerful chassis configurations for some of the trucks! View the full article
    6 points
  3. Going to be streaming some ETS2 driving soon, come and have a look or ask questions etc about mods, MH etc. I will be talking about my thoughts on the new ETS2 content soon as well as mods that are being released soon. link for those interested: https://www.twitch.tv/forerunner_tmp
    6 points
  4. Suggestion Name: afk timer Suggestion Description: it is a timer which tells you how long you have left before you are kicked for being afk. maybe in one of the corners Any example images: Why should it be added?: because it will allow us to know how long till we get kicked for afk and you dont have to rush about doing what ever your doing. eg your waiting for a m8 and your watching yt on your phone the next minture you look up at your screen and you have been kicked. but if you have a timer it will allow you to know how long you have till your kicked and when to put a message into chat.
    4 points
  5. Thank you to everyone who watched my first stream just now. it went well apart from me crashing a couple of times. Hope everyone enjoyed it.
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. Just relaying from the Twitter feed: We're aware that an ATS and ETS2 update has been released. Please avoid updating until the mod is updated, if you wish to play online. BEFORE POSTING: Please use the search forum. If it is about the latest update, it's a known issue, and several topics already exist about this issue.
    3 points
  8. So happy about this for less than a year Can't wait 200!
    3 points
  9. Oh, now this is a dream come true... Can't wait to welcome those awesome trailers and chassis configurations in the game...
    3 points
  10. I'll be streaming again tomorrow, so if you want to ask questions here is a google form where you can do so: Google Form please read the rules first though.
    2 points
  11. When you laugh at others because their game got updated and they can't play TMP anymore but then steam decides to go ahead and update your game too
    2 points
  12. I was chilling at Duisburg (like always) when suddenly a truck flew away like the Team Rocket from Pokémon. Poor guy I'm wondering where he landed.
    2 points
  13. We're aware that an ATS and ETS2 update has been released. Please avoid updating until the mod is updated, if you wish to play online. No downgrade option seems to be available, and the mod is not yet compatible. We will update ASAP, and apologize for the inconvenience. original https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/announcement/16-ats-and-ets2-updated-but-incompatible/
    2 points
  14. Dikkat güncelleme multiplayer uyumlu değil. ATS ve ETS2 güncellemesinin çıktığının farkındayız. Çevrimiçi olarak oynamak isterseniz, mod güncellene kadar lütfen güncelleme yapmayın. İndirme seçeneği yok gibi görünüyor ve sürüm henüz uyumlu değil. Burdan daha fazla bilgi alabilirsiniz. Tıkla Çevrilmiştir.
    2 points
  15. well if your afk, why would you need a timer? if you are looking at said timer you are not technically afk.
    2 points
  16. Managed to avoid the ETS2 update, just in time...
    2 points
  17. How can I become an admin?
    2 points
  18. Hope there will be other brands with this new chassis, not only Volvo & Merc! btw another picture from Twitter
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. @Mirko9 That might be true, but keep in mind that all the current trailers we got in game are actually way shorter than the ones listed above. And some people are obviously overstrained already with the current situation, so i don't think i wanna be anywhere near suicide road right after this DLC gets implemented into MP...
    2 points
  21. Les poids lourds entrent bientôt dans l'arène Nous avons consacré beaucoup de temps au cours de l'année dernière à perfectionner la physique des camions et des remorques et à améliorer la simulation des groupes motopropulseurs. Nous nous sentons de plus en plus confiants maintenant et nous serons bientôt prêts à partager les résultats de ce développement avec vous. Nous préparons de nouvelles fonctionnalités de contenu et de jeu pour Euro Truck Simulator 2 et American Truck Simulator. Dans un premier temps, nous prévoyons de vous apporter un nouveau pack de remorques type convoi exceptionnel basé sur de nouvelles remorques pour ETS2. L'expérience de conduite avec des remorques de 50 tonnes et plus est très différente, tant qu'elle peut nous inciter à créer un pack de nouvelles configurations puissantes de châssis pour certains des tracteurs ! Source | http://blog.scssoft.com/2017/04/heavyweights-to-enter-ring-soon.html
    2 points
  22. Это проект, который объединяет русскоязычные ВТК и игроков. На своей площадке мы имеем собственный форум, сайт, серверс ТС на котором на бесплатной и безвозмездной основе предоставляем места для ВТК, так же у нас имеется приложение на ios и android устройства.
    2 points
  23. Разрешите поинтересоваться, где вы увидели здесь ВТК?
    2 points
  24. Присоединяюсь к Сообществу
    2 points
  25. Good morning to all remember wake up with a smile and enjoy the day
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Einen Guten Tag an alle Nutzer, Leser, Spieler Admins und sonstiges Inventar des wundervollen TruckersMP. In diesem Thread wollte ich einfach mal die allbekannten Probleme und ihre Lösungen auflisten, was natuerlich immer gern erweitert werden kann. Also solltest DU da vorm Bildschirm zu diesem Thread gekommen sein bevor du ein Thread eröffnet hast,.... Top! Weiter so Aber solltest DU da vorm Bildschirm zu diesem Thread gekommen sein, weil man ihn dir im drölfzichsten aufeinanderfolgenden Thread verlinkt hat,... dann pfui aus! Guck bevor du Topics eröffnest! Nun... Back to Topic Unsere Häufig vorkommenden Probleme: 1. Das Spiel freezt/stuerzt vermeintlich ab, nachdem du eine Fähre benutzt, ingame geschlafen, oder eine Schnellreise benutzt hast? Ganz einfach.....laufen lassen....^^ Das ganze liegt daran das die Zeit im MP weiterläuft auch wenn du nicht online bist oder rum gurkst, ETS das allerdings nicht unbedingt gewöhnt ist, daher Rechnet er jetzt damit du nicht völlig verarmst, die Touren deiner Fahrer "nach" je nachdem wie gut deine Elektro-Kartoffel ist, kann das ganze entweder ziemlich Fix gehen, oder.............sich.........evtl...................auch................ziemlich.........ziehen.(Berichten zufolge von 1 Minute bis 2h alles dabei gewesen.) Kann natuerlich auch davon abhängen wieviele Tage er nu eigtl nachberechnen muss, Ob von Tag 3 auf....Tag.. 962 (oder welcher auch immer gerade im MP ist ) Oder nur von Tag 920 bis Tag 962. 2. Ich kann mein Spiel nicht registrieren obwohl ich mir gerade einen Account gemacht habe...!!!!!! Hier raten wir zu einem gesunden Blick auf dein Steamprofil A.Du benötigst mindestens 2h Spielzeit fuer das Spiel ETS2 um dein ETS2 fuer den MP zu aktivieren. (Selbiges gilt bei ATS ) B. Ist dein Profil Öffentlich damit TruckersMP deine Spielzeit ueberpruefen kann? 3. Ich kann beim einloggen im Spiel kein @ eingeben! Word, WordPad, Teamspeak,Skype,dieses Forum... es gibt sooo viele Texteingabefelder am Rechner...gebe dort deine Email ein bspw [email protected] und kopiere es per Strg+C (bei nicht deutschen Tastaturen Ctrl+C) in die Zwischenablage und gib es via Strg+V / Ctrl+V in der einlogg-Maske ein. 4. Ich wurde Permanent gebannt, bin aber eigentlich ganz liep!!!11 Werde ich wieder entbannt? Nein.... du hast es zum Perma-Bann gebracht, vlt hast du Pech und 1-2 Banns waren sogar eigtl recht belanglos, oder der Perma-Bann war ansich "nur" eine "kleinigkeit"......Pech du hast es bis zum Perma-Bann geschafft, Da gehört schon gut was dazu. 5. Ich habe mir einen ganz tollen Lichtermod fuer meinen LKW runtergeladen, kann ich den im MP spielen? Nein, Vanilla-Only. Soweit erstmal hierzu, wenn ihr verbesserungsvorschläge habt, immer her damit, wenns gefällt mag vlt ein Admin das ganze ja auch anpinnen? Allen Lesern, geholfen oder noch unbeholfen Ein gute Weiterfahrt Und falls dashier alle doof finden.... dann werfts halt weg^^ @[GER]Loading... Ich hoffe ich nehm uns nich zusehr den Spaß an den Topics zu Problem 1
    2 points
  28. @F i F i 59 T'a un concurent mon pote xD Sinon présentation propre, c'est bien.
    2 points
  29. ^Он теперь и эту тему не сможет найти и создаст новую
    2 points
  30. [MOD] @Forerunner joins the Moderation team once again.
    2 points
  31. Wow! mod team is so fast! Some troll comment was on one of my status updates and when I reported it, it was removed in less than 5 minutes! Props to your hard work mods Hope I can become one soon!
    1 point
  32. Hi there! Firstly, welcome to TruckersMP! Great to have you with us So when you download the mod, it will come in a zipped folder. This can be extracted using Windows itself, no special programs are needed. This program is totally safe, all it does is sits on top of your existing ETS2 and ATS games to provide Multiplayer Capabilities. If you have any further questions or doubts about this mod, please just reply Kind Regards and Happy Trucking - Penguin
    1 point
  33. Okay guys, just to let you know I won't be able to attend #NewMusicFriday tomorrow on https://truckers.fm you will probably have Mark covering me. And I won't be active till Sunday night due to going to Scotland for the weekend to spread my Granddads ashes on his favorite camp site. Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend and I will try to be on when I get a chance! Give me luck for a long drive ahead of me! See you guys soon
    1 point
  34. ** PLEASE READ ** Currently If you've Downloaded the 44MB Update for ETS2 Your MP Will not work at the moment until a new Update for MP is out, Downgrading the game will not work at the moment, please just wait for a Update to Truckers MP,
    1 point
  35. Hej ! A new update of Euro Truck Simulator 2 came this afternoon. As yet, it's not compatible with TruckersMP. Please wait for the new update of TruckersMP Laucher Euro Truck Simulator 2'nin yeni bir güncellemesi bu öğleden sonra geldi. Henüz, TruckersMP ile uyumlu değil. Lütfen TruckersMP Laucher'ın yeni güncellemesini bekleyin
    1 point
  36. Вот и настало время о публикации информации о конвое на Открытое мероприятие-конвой от проекта TruckersMP.ru! Напоминание: Информация: Ждём вас на нашем открытом конвое!
    1 point
  37. There was a new update for ETS2 and ATS - As yet these are NOT compatible with MP. You will get a launcher update when we have done.
    1 point
  38. 07.kbr "А ваше радио можно как нибудь добавить в игру? Чтоб в игре играло, не через браузер" Да конечно можно,https://vk.com/topic-133597988_35333823
    1 point
  39. Turkiye DLCsinin çıkması için zaman var, ancak yine de imkansız değil bu yüzden desteklenmesi gerekir.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. @kerem_khan çok çok küfür ederler.Vakti zamanında rapor gönderdiğim için birisi bana "Sen Türk düşmanı teröristsin." demişti. Hey gidi günler hey..
    1 point
  43. I thought some people might need some tunes to grovve to!
    1 point
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