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Another plus 1 to bringing back the old way, or at least a collision arcade server. If people (like me) want the speed and collisions, let us have the playground y'know. As everyone does the speed limit now, theres NO chance to catch up to others / be over taken. Other than driving 50mph in the slow lane. Boo!


We all hate trolls and idiots, but they do make the game special. As a streamer, i've been seeing less entertaining things on the road :(

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15 hours ago, megadethsteve666 said:

The whole system  is annoying, especially trying to convoy in a large group, on Arcade it’s no fun because there’s no chance of making a mistake and potentially causing an accident, yet on the sim servers, if something does cause the group to get spread out, there’s no way to catch back up with the limiter unless the lead pack slows way down


Guess what convoys in the early das of ETS2MP did? They simply drove 50 or 60 kph and not 85/90


@dacia1310 I see you are one of those few true veterans that are still around :)


2 hours ago, Dallas said:

I completely agree with you, I think if the truckersmp team leaves everything as it is and will not pay attention to many disgruntled users, when truckersmp has a competitor in the example "Infinite Truckers", many players will go exactly there.. As a result, truckersmp with its "Rules" will not be interesting to anyone.

I don'T think that "IFMP" does want to have them either.

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"Just because others break rules, does not grant you the permission to break the rules as well"

Please drive respectful on the servers. Thank you!



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Actually I do not like this modification too much. I would have preferred the community to vote for this change.

I liked the previous system very much, it worked well and there were not many problems.

I would like to go back to the previous TMP.



This system is good, I admire the work of TMP but it should not have been implemented, they should have consulted the community.



TMP would have to listen more to the community, before making radical changes

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Hello again,


ok we have here some great ideas but overall we will not change anything if the TMP team decide to take this rules, this is a mod which was made from guys in they free time and we have to accept them. 


1. Some people claim always that they wanted his speed limit from 150 km/h back.
I can fully understand them, they drive the last 2 years under such conditions.
And also I represent the opinion, but i have also to say this is not a racing game and if the TMP team decide to downgrade to 110 km/h I can understand it and I agree.
Why i have to drive in a Truck Simulator faster then 110 km/h? There is no country inside of the EU and near to the outside of the EU were a truck can drive faster expect some countries e.g. USA.
150 km/h speed limit had 2 effects the one is that the decent driver can reach they destination faster (5 minutes it's like in real life) and this is a open gate for all of the trolls to make some kidding bullshit.


2. Some people asked to setup one of the arcade like the old EU2 server. So what will happen, the trolls will leave the simulation server because the only thing which they expect is to drive so fast as they can and to ramm, block or to annoy other players. So the most of the players will join again the this server.
Additional the player which wanted to drive so fast they can(decent driver) will join also the server and at the end are the most player again on the new server were the speed limit is off and the collision is off.
What will happen with the remaining people? You really expect they stay on a simulation server which is only to 40-50% busy? I don't think so, they will join also the new server. And what is the outcoming of it? the decent and the trolls are again all on the same server and we have the same situation as they is.


3. So what is the reason why we get new rules?
So some people believe it is according to that we get a high amount of reports every day. It could be and I can also imagine. But i doesn't read a real a official statement on this.
But why we have it? Why we have so a high amount of reports?
The reason is pretty clear in this case.
The community has grown in the last years and the side effect is that we get a lot of trolls which is result of the growing up community. This is normal in each gaming community. ETS2 and ATS is here no exception.
I can fully agree if the admins are annoyed that they spent the most time to handle this, in their free time (please remember the spent their FREE TIME) and they try to find a way to handle this. The result are such rules.
But if this is the reason to tame this people. i don't think that this will happen because they find always a way to annoy us.


So at the end this is a result of the big community and the only thing which will manage that is to spend more time to clean the server from such guys.

Regards Gottlieb

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1 hour ago, RayRay5 said:


Guess what convoys in the early das of ETS2MP did? They simply drove 50 or 60 kph and not 85/90


@dacia1310 I see you are one of those few true veterans that are still around :)


I don'T think that "IFMP" does want to have them either.

The thing is, times change, the old days were a headache with EP and all the crap we had to deal with back then. Just because at the start you did convoys at 30MPH doesn’t mean convoys nowadays should follow suit.

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Wohoo! Thanks!

But I don't understand why people crying about this. We're playing in Euro Truck SIMULATOR 2. I played a lot of on EU2 and I love it. But I still love it playing on this server. I really don't care this speed limit because this is a simulation server. In real life you can't get above 90km/h your speed. There is a limiter in the truck.

If you want to race with your friends, just go on an arcade server.

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2 hours ago, Twilight_Sparkle said:

I cant see why they just cant make a arcade server collision, and before anyone can say that's not not what tmp is about now, it would still be an arcade server as you wouldn't drive seriously on it like it was a simulation server.


Because this argumention: Everyone is going to arcarde server -> sim server is empty -> "Don't want to drive allone" -> bite the bullet "I am going to the Idiots server" for not driving allone -> there are really idiots -> I wanna rule them all with my mass on reports


But: If every one who is accepting the changes on sim1 (and it seems that there are many) stay on sim1 for not driving allone and everyone else is going to the idiots-arcarde1 server with collisions: Problem solved.

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On 7/2/2019 at 11:13 PM, RayRay5 said:

In most of the EU, yes

Some exceptions are UK (97 kph / 60mph) iirc


UK trucks are limited to 56mph/90kmh by law. Highway code though states that trucks are allowed to do 60 on motorways/dual carriageways (so then they don't have to stare at the speedo down hill with a 40t load not looking at the traffic..) and 50 in non dense single lane roads.. It's 60mph/95kmh for trucks brought from the EU from what I know.


Probably already been told this since I am dumb and this was commented days ago XD




This update I think could work if the trolls decide to do arcade. If they want to troll in simulation at least then they won't be going as fast compared to what they were originally. Like 110MPH in a truck... Nah that's not realistic. I stick to my 56 for me please...


Edit. Make one server like it was on EU2. Arcade rules with collisions on and have a warning pop up saying that collisions are on but driving rules do not apply. That means we still get the funny stuff we see on youtube and then you can speed off with your friends without a care in the world.



Prime Logistics - Driver (Apprentice)




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3 hours ago, Hecki_Stafman said:


Because this argumention: Everyone is going to arcarde server -> sim server is empty -> "Don't want to drive allone" -> bite the bullet "I am going to the Idiots server" for not driving allone -> there are really idiots -> I wanna rule them all with my mass on reports


But: If every one who is accepting the changes on sim1 (and it seems that there are many) stay on sim1 for not driving allone and everyone else is going to the idiots-arcarde1 server with collisions: Problem solved.

@Hecki_Stafman This dont even make sence what your saying???

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1 hour ago, Twilight_Sparkle said:

@Hecki_Stafman This dont even make sence what your saying???


Ok. I will try my best with my Loddar-Englisch:


When they will bring an arcarde server with collisions and one without collisions all the drivers who want collisions and no/higher speed limit are moving to this server with collisions and no/higher speed limit.

That means that the Simulation Server 1 will be emptier more and more.


If the Arcarde Server with no collision and no/higher speed limit is allways full everything starts again: the demand for higher server capacities (2300 -> 4200); admins, rules, etc. and we are back at the point we were a few days ago. #EU2

Now Simulation Server 1 has now only 1.000 active drivers left at prime time and the Arcarde Server is full with 4.200 drivers + 190 in queue the "This is a simulation and not a racing game!"-people start joining the full Arcarde Server because there is more activity.

And the people want activity, and for this activity they are going to sacrifice their "simulation" they are trying to defend here.

Before this changes here there was already an "Simulation"-Server, and this server was completely empty. Everyone was on #EU2.
All the "simulation"-guys here had the chance to go to #EU1 - the Simulation Server - and what did they do? They were joining #EU2.


In the next step the devs here forced all drivers to a simulation mode (made #EU2 to #EU1_light called "Simulation 1") the "simulation"-guys wanted, because they were not able to play on these server made for them.

And now we were forced either to a boring simulation mode (low speed limit and collisions)  or to a boring arcarde mode (high speed without collision).


And with the current changes it doesnt even make no sense bringing one arcarde server with collisions.

That would be a "change without a change".

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14 minutes ago, Twilight_Sparkle said:

That is true, but no doubt ur comment will be removed.

ETS was my most played game, now these horrible changes have come, I honestly find gaming boring now.

Last 2 years they are only listening to these simulation guys and that is killing this mode

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On 7/3/2019 at 11:22 PM, Rinjel said:

None of the administration has given an answer why they do not want to give the current server an arcade of collisions on the road.

Leave the simulation server as it is and let the main audience play there, this is your decision and your right. But what's the problem just to take and add to one server collisions and call it # 4 Arcade.

There is no single reason, financial or physical, or programmatic to prescribe this rule. Why do you shy away from answering?

Now i cant say this for sure, but i think one of the main reasons why Eu2 was changed to simulation and the arcade servers was made like they where made, is not only to make this trucking simulator multiplayer more simulator oriented, but also to lessen the work of the moderators. Eu2 ALWAYS gave a lot of work. And with making it more simulator oriented we are trying to bring down the amount of reports i think. Which is also why the arcade servers are no collision. We could have one of them Collision and then just have us not moderate it, but when we made Eu4 collision and no rules for the TMP birthday it was utter chaos. And if we made it collision with no moderation people would still report people from it on the web reports which would give us a lot of useless reports and even more work. If people wanna drive fast then fine they can do so on the arcade servers. And even if it is no collision, If everyone drove like they should no one would hit each other so no one would know it was No Collision. And even if they do hit you its No Collision so you get no damage and isent that good? :)

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i decided to play eu1 with my friend and drive c-d road.

and you know what.

its just not fun anymore

whoever thought this was a good idea.    its not

this became so boring, unfunny and depressing,

that im not going to play multiplayer any longer, if truckersmp decides to change the game like it used to be

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31 minutes ago, MrSirViking said:

Now i cant say this for sure, but i think one of the main reasons why Eu2 was changed to simulation and the arcade servers was made like they where made, is not only to make this trucking simulator multiplayer more simulator oriented, but also to lessen the work of the moderators. Eu2 ALWAYS gave a lot of work. And with making it more simulator oriented we are trying to bring down the amount of reports i think. Which is also why the arcade servers are no collision. We could have one of them Collision and then just have us not moderate it, but when we made Eu4 collision and no rules for the TMP birthday it was utter chaos. And if we made it collision with no moderation people would still report people from it on the web reports which would give us a lot of useless reports and even more work. If people wanna drive fast then fine they can do so on the arcade servers. And even if it is no collision, If everyone drove like they should no one would hit each other so no one would know it was No Collision. And even if they do hit you its No Collision so you get no damage and isent that good? :)

Maybe the devs can fix that issue by eliminating the report system on the arcade servers with collision/no rules, also maybe you can ban the players from the report system that are using it to report players from the collision/no rules server.

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6 hours ago, Edwikehh said:

Wohoo! Thanks!

But I don't understand why people crying about this. We're playing in Euro Truck SIMULATOR 2. I played a lot of on EU2 and I love it. But I still love it playing on this server. I really don't care this speed limit because this is a simulation server. In real life you can't get above 90km/h your speed. There is a limiter in the truck.

If you want to race with your friends, just go on an arcade server.

people are crying because the people who enjoy the real life simulation have fun but no one else gets to have fun anymore

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the TMP5 server was actually a big success, people knew road rules didn't apply there and alot of players really enjoyed it, I myself spent some time in there and people loved it, an arcade server with collisions could be similar with most knowing the road rules do not apply, might also help rid the Simulation servers of the reckless drivers aswell as meaning players who like the middle ground between NCZ no speed limit arcade servers and the 110k/h Simulation servers would now have a server to goto.


Right now Simulation 1 is EU2 at slower speeds, the changes have not improved peoples driving, you still have the players overtaking traffic jams, overtaking when not safe and forcing their way past other players, ramming them etc and Duisburg is still the same chaotic mess it was before so even though its a Simulation server its not any better for many players who want true Simulation while also being not fun for all the good players who liked not being limited in speed.


the problem with NCZ servers is its just not very fun and so unrealistic to have everyone driving through everyone, I know it sounds a little bit silly to be saying people don't like the unrealistic NCZ servers while they like to speed in trucks but its a partly Sim more relaxed style of playing that many people enjoyed, 


for some players fun is obeying all the speed limits and playing as realistic as possible for others its still doing jobs obeying speed limits sometimes but other time speeding while on long journeys and for others speeding and using their skills of driving at speed, driving to the road conditions and enjoying the traffic jams and traffic when its busier, right now for many players with no middle ground server MP is just not fun anymore



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7 minutes ago, Killua // Ireland ^_^ said:

the TMP5 server was actually a big success, people knew road rules didn't apply there and alot of players really enjoyed it, I myself spent some time in there and people loved it, an arcade server with collisions could be similar with most knowing the road rules do not apply, might also help rid the Simulation servers of the reckless drivers aswell as meaning players who like the middle ground between NCZ no speed limit arcade servers and the 110k/h Simulation servers would now have a server to goto.


Right now Simulation 1 is EU2 at slower speeds, the changes have not improved peoples driving, you still have the players overtaking traffic jams, overtaking when not safe and forcing their way past other players, ramming them etc and Duisburg is still the same chaotic mess it was before so even though its a Simulation server its not any better for many players who want true Simulation while also being not fun for all the good players who liked not being limited in speed.


the problem with NCZ servers is its just not very fun and so unrealistic to have everyone driving through everyone, I know it sounds a little bit silly to be saying people don't like the unrealistic NCZ servers while they like to speed in trucks but its a partly Sim more relaxed style of playing that many people enjoyed, 


for some players fun is obeying all the speed limits and playing as realistic as possible for others its still doing jobs obeying speed limits sometimes but other time speeding while on long journeys and for others speeding and using their skills of driving at speed, driving to the road conditions and enjoying the traffic jams and traffic when its busier, right now for many players with no middle ground server MP is just not fun anymore



Couldn't have said it better myself....if anything its worse, i bet the report system took a beating going by how dues has been gridlocked! I watch speedy on twitch & there are so many reports coming in the system deletes like 10+ each time, people force past at 68mph now or just ram you off the road if you hold your ground, basically given you GM's more work than when it was EU2! 

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