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About MrSirViking

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    Computers, Internet, Streaming, Gaming, Moderating, Friends, Family, Helping People, Movies, Music, Volunteering, Books and much more!
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    Washington: Olympia
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    Austria: Innsbruck
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Community Answers

  1. And to add to what Warrior says, even if we extended the time the reports is on the server, they would still run out and disappear. On the website that never happens. By making a report on the website you are sure your report will be looked at. And we also use the website report system to train moderators, by making them web report moderators before they might become in game moderators. And as said by Warrior, the server just dosent have the space for that many reports. Each report takes up space and if they would never be deleted in game or stay there for 7 days, the server would run up in the thousands of reports very quickly and it would just never end. If you are suggesting this because you make in game reports and want them dealt with, i suggest you record your game play instead and make web reports.
  2. See i think you are looking at this wrong. When you say we partnered with the others like Promods and the buses, what we did was be allowed to use their stuff on our service. Promods is not adding new areas and bugfixes to Promods because of us. They are doing it to fix and enhance their map that a lot of people not on TMP also uses. We are just allowed to use their maps on our service. They are not doing it for our sake. Same goes for the buses, they did not create that for us. We are just allowed to use it on our service. And so its not a partnership where we are expecting them to create a lot of buses and stuff for us, if they eventually do ad a new bus we will probably be allowed to use it but we are not expecting them to create anything for us.
  3. Good for them. But TMP 1.50 is not ready yet. Promods might be, but we are not. Could be ready in an hour or in a week, who knows?
  4. SCS MP is not hosted on SCS servers. When you play Convoy mode you are the host. And so you will have to have your computer act as the server for 128 people while also playing the game. I am not sure how your computer would handle that. I cant imagine it will be good. With TMP event servers the event is hosted on a TMP server and so that server does all the "heavy lifting" and you will only have to run the game as you normally do on TMP. And so this could mean a better experience for you and the people joining your event.
  5. Now i havent seen a video of what happened here so i cant comment on the specific case here, but if you sit in Calais and post a VTC message every 5 minutes its not spam. Spamming means posting the same message or nonsense over and over every few seconds. Every 5 minutes is not spam in my opinion.
  6. We do the best we can. We cant always be online doing moderation, we are all volunteers with jobs and families and what not, and so we just cant sit on here all the time. We try to have a lot of different moderators from different time zones, but we just cant cover everything all the time. And when the servers are full there are so many reports coming in that we just cant keep up. Even with a bunch of moderators on, fighting 4000 people is just impossible. And so the in game reporting system gets just filled to the brim with reports all the time. But we do get a lot more reports done than we used to. With 1.2 million in game reports and we issuing 118K bans it shows that we did at least 10% of all those reports and for sure more than that since not all reports leads to a ban. But if you want to make sure people get punished for the things they did wrong. They record your gameplay and report them on the website, that way you can be sure someone looks at the report and takes action if needed.
  7. Drivers license? Who is gonna examinate all these people? You want a driving test as well? Even if we where to do a written exam only, then what ever questions on there would just be shared with everyone so they can take the test easier. And then who are gonna look through all of those answers? We have thousands of people coming through here all the time, having people taking tests is just not a viable option. It would be way too much work for the TMP team.
  8. Likely this means a goodbye to the CD road. I assume SCS is gonna change the roads surrounding the area as well and so this specific road might be gone or changed. And so this might be the end of the CD road.
  9. I dont agree with that. I have billions of dollars because my game profile is old. I dont drive any worse because of it and i am not bored with the game. And so even if we made server side only profiles somehow, it wouldent remove the trolls or the people driving badly. People will drive badly no matter what. And so this suggestion wont fix anything, it will only limit people and people dont tend to like that.
  10. I dont think SCS is against trucks being damaged, its the trucking companies as in Volvo, Mercedes and so forth that is against it. They dont want their trucks to be visibly damaged. The virtual damage is fine, but any real damage to the truck is not something they want. Its just not good for their brand. I dont think there are many games out there that has licensed real brands for their games that then also does total damage. Something like Forza Horizon 5 mostly just does scratches and the odd dent. Nothing big, nothing like the GTA damage or BeamNG damage. And so unless the brands change their mind we likely wont see much of it in this game. Sure that could be a thing, with the point and click. But i just dont think its very high on SCS list to make that sort of thing, as it would require quite a rewrite of some code to allow for this and to make it happen and they have enough on their hands with reworks of the map and new map DLC. I was just saying that its highly unlikely that we would see such a future ever. And if we do its not gonna be any time soon.
  11. Well lets just say that what SCS has got is the most realistic sounds. Then all the other mods would never be as realistic. And so why would we want them instead? You might think they sound better, but they probably arent as realistic.
  12. Well what i meant is that the sound you hear in game is probably as realistic as it gets. Its probably close to what it would be if you where in a real truck. Te mods probably just enhances that so it sounds louder or larger or something. But it wont make it more real. And that is what SCS is going for, the real sound. Fair enough. But adding that would require a whole new game almost. It would almost turn into Car Mechanic Simulator then. And i dont think the game engine is made to handle that sort of things. The small bolts and screws, and different engine parts and all that. I think a lot of the limitations to this game comes from the game engine. Without knowing 100%. And so i think its highly unlikely we will ever see anything like that or any of the other things i mentioned.
  13. 3. is probably never gonna happen. As we are not meant to walk outside the truck and the game engine is not really made for us to have hands and feet and all that. And so i highly doubt this will be a thing. 4. This would probably be too much work and if it ever was a thing it would be pretty generic and would probably just be some truck that would reverse up to us and we would just sort of automatically hook up to the tow truck and be towed, as the game is not meant for people to walk around. And this probably have very little chance of happening. 6. Again this game is not meant for people to walk around and have hands and all that, and so having police walk up to your truck and you finding papers is just not something that will probably ever happen as the engine used for the game is not made for that sort of stuff. 7. We really havent got much to do with SCS. We are just a mod for the game. And so having SCS add a way to join our servers from their single player game is just not likely to happen. Also because they have their own Convoy mode. And so we dont have that level of connection with SCS for them to make us any official multiplayer. 10. You might be able to see AI cars gets damaged, but you are likely never gonna see your truck get damaged. As the trucking companies wouldent want that. And so Volvo and all the others have to give the okay for there to be real damage to the trucks and they will probably never to that, as it will not look good for their brand. 11. Knocking over signs could be a thing as it already is in many areas, but you getting wanted by the police for running a tollbooth or anything like it, is probably not gonna be a thing. As this is not GTA and so we dont really have wanted levels. You would get a fine just like you already do for speeding but you wont have police chase you. 13. Again we are not meant to have hands and feet and to move around on feet, and so its unlikely that we will have manually be able to repair the truck. Also cause that would be a while new big game in it self. And again i dont think the game engine is made to be able to handle that sort of thing. The level of detail it would require for you to move around objects from the engine and all that is just not something this game would be very good at i dont think.
  14. SCS spents quite a lot of time with microphones recording truck sounds from different angles and inside the cap and all that. What you get in the game is probably as realistic as you are gonna get it. If you want unrealistic sounds then use those mods, but the sounds you get in game is probably pretty close to how they sound when you are in the truck.
  15. I wouldent change a thing, I never drive on the CD road so it wouldent matter to me. I always drive all over the map. That of cause does not mean i dont moderate the CD road. I just never drive there.
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