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Agricultor [PT]

Veteran Driver VI
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About Agricultor [PT]

  • Birthday 08/03/2005

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rio Maior, Santarém
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Oregon: Bend
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
  • Known languages
    Portugues; Espanhol; Ingles.

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy birthday  🎂

  4. Owo! I hope to test it soon
  5. Congrats and a Quack for you! 😄 

  6. Good morning @jamarcus, How are you? It's true, I'm sad to see this low rating, however, note one thing, TMP has also never had much interest (at least that I know of) in promoting more reviews on this same platform, so we can't take it 100%. We can also see that the TMP community is constantly growing and also, of course, shrinking, in the sense that more people are angry about bans etc., so they end up leaving the community. That said, I don't take that rate 100%, because in any community/business there are frustrated people, in this case, there will always be both sides of the coin. Let's keep up the good work TMP! Thank you TMP team! Regards and Good KMs
  7. Congrats, Julia! 🥳

    1. JuliaWlbk


      thank you!

  8. Congrats, Nic! ❤️ 

    1. NicqsiZAccent


      Thank you 💖

  9. Good afternoon @Lash_777, How are you? Congratulations, excellent tutorial! More topics like this. Regards and Good KMs
  10. Good afternoon @Beau...., How are you? The SCS has a lot of work ahead of it, whether in the ATS or the ETS. Even so, I believe they're doing their best to give us players the best possible experience and gameplay. SCS, let's go! Regards and Good KMs
  11. Congrats, Ryan! ❤️ 

    1. Ryαn


      Thank you very much, I appreciate it 

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